MTL - Black Tech Internet Cafe System-v4 Chapter 481 .

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"Orphans, is the base golden?!" Zongwu next to it sneaked a sneak peek, and he was still studying how to shoot a gun. I didn't expect people to do this. How is this so high-end atmosphere?

I saw the huge center of the cloud screen, which is like a pyramid. It stands on the desert. It has a thick metal protective layer on the outside, and the exposed parts show the internal complex structure. From time to time, there is a light blue energy flash, the most sophisticated energy spar shines with the blue aura, and the whole building gives a very exotic style.

Human beings stand in front of them, extremely small, whether from the bottom up or from the top down, the vast architectural system can make people feel shocked.

On the collapsed rock wall that has been dug in the distance, a semi-mineral skin covered with dirt and dust is exposed, and some are illuminated by the sunlight, reflecting a faint glow, crystal clear, obviously not a thing.

Looking further into the distance, you can see clearly, it is a vast and innocent, Gobi wilderness, dark blue and some reddish sky, the wind on the ground is rolling with dust and waves, and there are few places on the surface where plants can be seen. Obviously the climate and the environment are not very good.

Of course, these are the bird's-eye view from the base screen. The Protoss is different from the Terran. The image in front of you is a mirror-like mirror. It is almost like a monk or a magician's spell, not a humanoid mechanical screen.

From the structure of the Protoss base to the dust on the ground, the scene in front of us is almost exactly the same as the true scenery of the unmanned planet.

This old man will not be able to do it. Fortunately, there is a spouse with a splendid explanation, such as what the base can do and what the detector can do.

Lonely stopped the cloud and heard Zongwu ask, and he smiled. "This is the Protoss! It is... the one you saw before, you can control the existence of the French ship!"

"Can you command the Protoss now?!"

With Zongwu’s exclamation, many people next to me also watched it, even if they didn’t sit next to them, they quickly came together and watched behind.

A lot of people were surrounded by the back.

"I can actually choose the Protoss directly?!" Tang Yu looked at his screen is still carrying a machine gun patrol, this can actually command the Protoss? !

"Predecessors, how did you get it out?!" Moon stared at the screen, his eyes burning.

"I also want to command the Protoss!" The two white antlers smashed their foreheads. If they walked on four legs, no one would stand shorter than Jiang Xiaoyue. "I have to watch!"

Not to mention it, even Jiang Xiaoyue has been squatting for a long time.

The solitary cloud surrounded by the crowd smiled slightly: "This is the battle mode, as if the initial can choose the Protoss!"

"This can also be chosen?" Aquarius surprised. "This powerful group, isn't it going to kill the Quartet?"

Lonely stop the cloud: "Of course! In the battle, the old man chose seven Zerg enemies, and there should be no problem in thinking about it."

Zongwuhaha smiled and said: "The predecessors are countless, let the seniors command them, naturally they are invincible!"

The boss is watching many people at this time, but he is looking at the rules of multiplayer.

Because it is a real-time strategy, the battle is different from the battle.

The campaign mode is based on a campaign that highly restores the story, because it can intercept a certain battle directly, while other cumbersome parts can be omitted, so no matter which aspect, it is almost impeccable.

However, the battle mode needs to be built from the base, to explore the minerals and then grow and develop. The too long search and development process will only make the players sleepy, so the battle mode will make some adjustments to the gameplay, such as building construction. The time of the object and the number of engineers required, the time of mineral refining, etc.

After all... If you have built a prosperous base for too long, you won't have to fight basically. You just have to get off the plane.

At the tip of the adjutant, Lonely Cloud looked at the buildings that could be built one by one.

Built a barracks.

Then trained a few forks.

In the multiplayer battle mode, in order to balance, the command mode is similar in the big frame.

There are still some other differences besides being able to speak in language.

For example, the Protoss, the spiritual link of the Protoss allows the commander to manipulate a small number of fighters through the spirit in the battle, and the combated combat power of the warrior is played according to the individual's play.

The Terran can realize the remote operation of the commander and even use the instructions to directly drive certain machines to do some emergency response without having to react through the driver's own.

The Zerg, their command response to the brainworm, is the most swift race, and it can make subtle and rapid adjustments to individuals in each ethnic group.

Looking at the sharp wrist blades of the two forks, and the quick action ability, there is also a spiritual mask around the body, which is extremely extraordinary at first glance.

Zongwu thought about it and offered advice: "So a soldier who is so elite, I feel that the soldiers are very fast, and I should give the enemy a Thunder strike now!"

"Speaking well!" Lonely Cloud immediately sent out the only three forks, while continuing to fill the peasants and forks, while sending forks to explore the map.

Although it is a desert, the terrain is very good, a wide valley, only one exit in the southeast, three forks swayed out, and then stopped to discuss the development strategy with the commander.

"I think I can block this entrance!" Tang Yu said. "When is it, isn't it a husband and a husband?"

"Well! Not bad." Lonely cloud nodded, "stable and steady, although we have an advantage, but still can not be light..."

"My mad warrior?!" Staring at the command screen in the base, for a long time, "The old man just sent three out, how come?"

Next to Mu Qing, while drinking milk tea, he said, "Isn't it going to be an enemy?"

"How can this be the case?" Everyone has just watched the solitary cloud to build a photon turret. As a result, all three soldiers are on the enemy?

"Helium!" Lonely stopped the cloud and shook his This training camp is really too unreliable. ”

He squatted and trained four Berserkers at the moment: "This time, the old man came to train himself!"

Then he sent the four forks out again.

Then he personally manipulated a fork, and he danced in the wind and took the lead out of the valley: "Come with the old man! Recover these traitors!"

The road that followed the previous three forks went over.

"What do you think is that?!" He walked a long distance along the desert, only to see the ground behind the Gobi Canyon. It was covered by a mushroom-like worm that had been squirming like a living thing. The swift beasts of the group rushed out.

There was only one scream at the side, and one fork was too late to prevent it. It was directly pierced by a large and incomparable ground.

At the same time, a number of fast beasts have come to the forefront!

operating? Sorry, I have stopped the fork that I personally control, and I have to twist it twice by the mask.

It was dark again in front of me.

Everyone looks at each other: "..."

"Fast! Adjutant! Make more photo towers for the old man!"

After more than ten minutes, everyone saw that the outside of the canyon of the Protoss base was densely wormed like a black ocean.

The Hydrangea's lancet is shot like a black raindrop, but in an instant, the foremost photon tower has burst!

"What are you looking at?!" I saw the left and right wings of the canyon, hordes of ugly dragons with double bat wings, if the blast is flying over the base.

Even the swarms are seen as if they are mammoth giants, and there are several floors high, like the savage long-toothed beasts, the huge body lifts their feet, and the dragon rides on the spot!

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, looking at this scene with a dull face: "..."