MTL - Black Tech Internet Cafe System-v4 Chapter 595 Everything is empty, everything is acceptable, the assassin's elegy!

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When it comes to rats, you have to mention the mice that are hidden in the dark, their humble and insidious mouth.

The people here call this continent Nola, which means the light shines on the earth.

In a distant plane, they are called "Sade", which means the relic of the immortal, so it is also called the fairy land.

When the light shines on the earth, nature can't tolerate the existence of darkness.

But the world still has a presence hidden in the depths of the darkness - the assassin.

The assassin's group of the underground parliament cultivated the most infamous assassin on the continent. It was the product of the fall of the Rising Sun Empire. It was said to have been a sun-filled country, but today it has only dark and damp ruins.

On the broken and pitted streets, you can only see the rats walking through, and the most dark activities, the assassins hidden in the ground, just like these street mice, as long as they have money, they dare to engage in any dark business. The assassination of ministers of various countries, the assassination of the Knights of the Order, and even the abduction of all kinds of despicable work are involved, and they are not for the most people.

It is said that the upper level is the royal family of the empire.

Of course, it is not that other countries do not have similar fighters in the assassin industry. They are generally scouting for scouting in the squad. Others are the killers secretly cultivated by major forces, but in short, these people are still not as good as these assassin groups. The word of mouth is low.

So using a sad mouse to describe a few people is not just a literal meaning, but a metaphor like the assassin's inferiority.

Therefore, when the words were exported, there was another sneer.

It is an irritating thing to compare people to the most indistinct mice.

Even the woman who watched the golden gryphon of the trial, could not help but frown, the word, could not help but remind her of some recent events.

Watching these little guys get red and blushing, she couldn't help but shook her head. Her strength was weaker than her opponent, and she was disturbed by the opponent's words. This battle was hardly seen.

"Why, how many of you have been ruined, are you still one by one?" The tall, thin-skinned boy named Tolford, with a little contempt, smirked.

"I..." A few people look at me, I look at you, my eyes are full of frustration.

These few people, from the rich aristocracy, almost do not have to think about it, simply not able to deal with it.

"Thorford these guys... I really picked a few of the weakest..." The tutor also frowned slightly, and at the same time with a little disappointment, loudly, "Get started, what? What? Teach you? Even if you face a strong opponent, you can't lose the heart of fighting!"

"Even if you face a strong opponent, you can't lose your heart and lose your battle...?"

"Avoid the edge, then look for its weaknesses, and finally look for any means you can use to defeat it. This is the wisdom of the game..."

The two words seem to gradually overlap, and the minds that are in the midst of life and death are gradually emerging in the mind, tyrants, hunters, and those omnipresent zombies.

Ron clenched his fist slightly: "Let me come."

Tolford's face was slightly sunk, and I didn't expect these few sacs to be daring.

"Looking for death!" Tolford's face sank and he carried the wooden sword in his hand!

His combat skills are obviously not low, the speed is very fast, and the explosive power has almost arrived in front of Ron.

The woman nodded slightly, such speed and explosiveness, in this class, this age is indeed a leader.

This blond boy, obviously, has a lot of talent, although he is a bit courageous, but it is almost here.

Just when she thought so...

Between the electric and the Flint, I saw that the golden boy suddenly had one side and the two were wrong.


Three consecutive actions, actually evaded the other three swords, and then put on the other's wrist - anti-joint skills!

Their wrong faces saw a picture that was completely different from what they expected.

It can be seen that this blond boy's fighting style is completely different from that of Tolford. He did not use any combat skills, his moves, and even no destructive power at all!

If you follow their fighting style, after avoiding it, you should be reflexive and swaying, and fly the other side directly.

But this blond boy is very different, a simple pull, a twist, almost no use of a few points, I saw that Tolford was twisted and twisted his arms, even dare not fight back.

What is this combat skill? !

"How is it possible?!" Tolfford was completely blank in his mind. He did not understand how the other person subdued him, but he understood one thing.

"Absolutely can't make a fool in this place!" He quickly squinted at the silver-haired teenager.

"Warcraft: Wind attack kills!" At this time, the silver-haired boy completely ignored the previous agreement directly attacked the sword.

The blade seems to be raging with the wind, even on the wooden sword, the white airflow that appears - that is the product of the swell of the wind.

This is a combat skill, and the power of each combat skill is enormous, even at a low level, it can cause great destructive power.

"Get away!"

"Hide?" The silver-haired boy showed a sneer in his eyes.

The advantage of combat technology is that it can only be broken with combat skills. This is the perfect killing trick for attack, speed and defense.

How could you hide?

The instructor looked dull, and the sword went down. Even if it was a wooden sword, at least the blonde ribs could be cut off several times. If you are not lucky, you may have to lie in bed for the rest of your life.

He was hesitating to shoot, and when he was preparing to go forward, he suddenly saw the woman next to him stopped him.

Then he saw that the boy, who was in the middle of the room, could not move between the two sides!

It is as if the speed of the tyrant's speed is strong enough to make a horrible punch.

The whistling wind rushed past.

The airflow that led the boy was awkward.

"Hide... have you hid?!"

"One... together!"

3 to 3, the next moment, I saw only three people like Tolford, almost fell to the ground at the same time!

A few people on the scene, a mouth almost instantly became an "O" shape.

"These people...!!??"


At the same time, the boss was sitting in the store and just quit from the game.

Suddenly I saw that the system actually released a new task.

New task: everything is empty, everything is acceptable

Task content: The new store "Resident Evil 2" sales reached 800, and there are assassin players

Mission Reward: "Assassin's Creed" series opens 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit the reading hall