MTL - Black Tech Internet Cafe System-v6 Chapter 940 The ability of Tongtian! ?

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Longchi Xianjun and Wanjue Xianjun, Wuming Xianjun three, see the ten great arrays and ten broken five, after everyone has killed and will go in, they are discussing the things about the creation of the holy things, the mysterious Zun and other elders have just returned the magic weapon of the break, and stood by.

Suddenly I only heard a mess below.


"What happened next?"

It is reasonable to say that such a powerful array of stores has been broken by half, and the remaining few are just time issues, and the mortal juniors, such powerful methods have been broken, and it is difficult to rise. What wave is coming?


At this time, Ji Tianbi Zhen Zhenjun, originally thought that such a terrible ten-strong squad could not stop the numerous magic weapons of the Eight Great Immortals, but the ignorant juniors who are barely on the critical line of Xian and Fan should It’s frightening to add up, waiting in the store.

Change to be anyone, so the card is broken, not scared to the sky? !

But the facts she sees now are exactly the opposite!

The six hundred people who walked behind, the eyes of the gods outside, the fierce and arrogant, and this does not know where the three women emerged, it is definitely a fairy level!


"Several people have previously compiled a list of the hermits of the famous mountains in Wanxianhai. Can you find these three people? What is the origin of these three people?!" At this time, sitting on the golden dragonfly, Longchidao Jun called the Xuanfa Zun and other elders asked, "There is a golden light that is fast, but I have seen it clearly. It is a golden shear. It seems that there is some power. It should not be a nameless generation."

I saw a few elders shaking their heads again and again: "I have never heard of it, and there is a foreign immortal Taojun who uses a gold scissors as a magic weapon."

"But..." Xuanfa said with a sneer, "No matter what the origin of the three people, I think, if the three people are powerful with magic power..."

I saw him holding a gold seal: "It’s just hitting the iron plate!"

"There is some truth." Longchi Xianjun nodded.

"It seems that these mortals, I don't know the true power of the spiritual treasures." The robbed prince of the red robe next to him laughed.

With one hand, he waved the blood jade treasure from the waist and said: "This treasure is a 30,000-year-old flower. The result of 30,000 years has existed since the ages. The treasures that have been condensed by the blood of the devil at the time of the fall are infinitely useful, but you know that the squad will be used in the future, and you will take them and call these mortals to see and see!"

When Longchi Xianjun was on the throne, he laughed and said: "Guangfa, don't you thank you for your robbing?"

On the top of the mysterious law, the same as the old-fashioned grandfather of the parents, quickly and excitedly took the blood jade treasure, and surprised: "Thank you for robbing the fairy!"

At this moment, I saw that it looked like a seventeen-eight-year-old, and the uncle of the white robes took out the yellow scroll and said: "So I will take my Xuan Tianbao."

"Ha ha ha ha!" Long Chi Dao laughed, "This treasure will let Yuan Fa take it, not too happy to thank Wu Ming Xian Jun?"

On the other side of the sacred sect, there is another sage in the Yuan Dynasty. I also thanked the four elders. Although the magic method was not available at this time, there are only three others, but the three are excited at the moment: "Since these The mortals still don't know how high the earth is, and the poor roads will teach them well, what is called heaven and earth!"

After that, press the cloud head and bring a few pieces of magic to the store.

At this time, the pioneers of the eight great immortals who rushed to the store, almost immediately fell a large piece, the Xuanfa esteemed to see this situation, the anger of the heart, simply come out from the top of the head!

For countless years, no one has dared to be so mad! No one has ever dared to be so blatant, and in the face of all of them, slaughter these celestial soldiers!

"Be bold! I dare to slaughter my ancestors!"

On the Xuan Fa, I hold the golden seal in one hand. Under the golden light, it is like the ancient **** who controls the world and the earth. He is the ancient **** of the name: "Where is the person, can you report it?!"

I saw that the sky was long and screamed: "There is a way to open the sky, and the Sanxian Island is now in its true shape; six gas and three dead bodies are thrown away, and the green dragonfly is carved in Yujing."

"I am Sanxian Island Yunxiao (Bixi / Qiongqi) is also!"

"A big tone!" The Xuanfa esteemed the words and was even more angry. "After the younger generation, I dare to speak out rumors, saying that ‘劈 开 开 开 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ’ ’ ’ ? ? ’ ? ? ? ? ? ??

I saw him holding a gold seal and respectfully bowed down: "The disciple Xuan Fa, please ask the predecessors of the Holy Spirit to shoot!"

At this time, the celestial phobia of Wan Xianhai, the fear of the heart has been added, shouted, and retreated to the mysterious law, and secretly stunned: "This woman's road number is the same as my, but why For such a horror...!?"

"But... the Golden Seal of the Holy Palace is out, and she has the power to be a god, and it is difficult to escape!" In this way, her heart immediately settled.

At this time, I saw only the golden seal of the Holy Spirit, the golden light, the entire gold seal, like a huge peak of incomparable, an invisible force, but also the entire world around the suppression!

"Gold-printed array of ancient times ~ ~ This is my ancient palace in the ancient palace of the royal palace to treasure!" Xuanfa said on the high court, "Well and so on is the ability to pass the sky, but also want to escape!"

His voice has just fallen, and he saw a golden fight under the force of suppressing Qiankun, and he lifted up without any influence!

The so-called mixed yuan is the time when the earth is open to the earth. This fight has been opened up from the sky. There are three talents in the world. It seems to be a small gold bucket, but it contains the mystery of the whole world.

It is the treasure that the Tongtian teacher personally passed down in the Biyou Palace. The power is probably only under the congenital spirits of several teachers, such as Yuanshi and Tongtian!

I saw that the golden dragon fight was once sacrificed, and I saw that it was unremarkable, and the seventy-two turned out to be useless. You can use all kinds of magical powers, and all kinds of magic weapons, in front of the treasure that came into being at the beginning of this heaven and earth, I saw The golden cloud vortex, like a black hole with no bottom, sucked into the golden seal of the Holy Spirit in the air.

That gold seal seems to know badly, and quickly turned into a golden light to go, saying that when it was late, only to hear the sound of Jinding, the gold seal actually fell into the golden bucket!

"What-!?" The three top esteems saw this scene, and almost all the eyes fell out.

That is the golden seal of the Holy Palace!

Actually... I was actually taken away by the little golden bucket that I didn’t know where I came from? !

"So the best, you can't even have the ability to go all out..."

"Ignorance, my master is the master of the heavens." When he had not finished speaking, he was opened by the youngest of the three baboons. "You have been calling the name of my master, but I don't know if we have it." The ability of the sky?"

"!?" The treasure was taken, Longchi Xianjun blamed it, but he said that it was him, that all the elders couldn’t afford it together, and one spurted against it, and the Xuanfa stern pointed at the front. Three people, almost mad at the scene fainted!