MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 105 Poincaré regressive universe

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  Chapter 105 The Poincare Regression Universe

  【The Great Space Wall Project】

  【Tinder Project】

   After passing the preliminary vote of No. 0 base, the two plans were naturally sent to Lu Yu, but at this time he had no extra energy to pay attention to them.

   "Me, a universe-level civilization?"

   "According to the current civilization level plan, the universe-level civilization is already a super civilization, right?"

   "It is difficult for me to return to my home planet immediately, is there a universe-level civilization as miserable as mine?"

  The feedback from No. 7 really surprised Lu Yu. In his opinion, the cosmic civilization should be the Creator No. 7 who built bases everywhere in the universe and abandoned them inexplicably, or the existence of the wormhole high-speed builder.

   No matter how bad it is, it is still the founder of the alliance of conscious life forms.

  And besides the black technology system and the Silver Star, I seem to be just an ordinary blue star human being, right?

  You said that I am a human being, how did I become a universe-level civilization?

   And listening to the information No. 7 fed back from the black card, the secrets that had been missed from the wormhole seemed to come to the door by themselves.

  If the primary purpose of civilization is continuous continuation, then with the technological development of civilization, it has successively solved the energy crisis, the problem of individual lifespan, and even the limitations of physical rules and cosmological constants on its own existence.

  After such a civilization develops to the extreme, there is probably no power in the universe that can wipe out this level of civilization.

  Then if this civilization still fulfills its first law as a civilization, in order to continue, it will face an ultimate problem—the end of the universe.

  From the principle of entropy increase, when the universe is determined to be an isolated system, it can be deduced that at the end of time, all matter will expand to a dead universe where the atomic structure no longer exists. Such an end of the universe is called heat death.

In addition to heat death, the second doomsday of the universe, that is, the expansion of the universe begins to collapse after reaching a certain stage, and finally returns to the singularity. All civilization systems built in the era of expansion will not be able to adapt to the cosmological constants and physics of the era of collapse. rules and collapsed.

  Whether it is these two kinds, or more and more strange end of the universe, it will be the ultimate problem that civilization has to face.

  In the information disclosed by the black card civilization, the essence of the universe-level civilization no longer considers the use of energy, but the coping methods that can be displayed when dealing with the end of the universe.

  But just because the Silver Star can operate in the black domain, it misjudged the possibility of surviving in a similar cosmic catastrophe, and then judged itself to be a cosmic civilization?

   Isn't it?

It's that simple? So hasty?

   "What about reboot?"

  Lu Yu quickly asked: "According to the few words revealed by Hei Ka, the universe may restart at any time, and should I go to hide somewhere?"

  No. 7 pouted: "The card is just a little bit, and each time it can only display a little bit of the text of the lizard civilization. I got this information in such a short time."

   Lu Yu rubbed her silver-white hair, put on the helmet by himself, and entered the virtual reality of Base 52 again. The bionic lizardman and Heika had already arrived in another hall.

  There is no longer the body of the president, nor the brains of more than 30,000 lizardmen, only Lu Yu and the black card that keeps popping up messages.

  【You... don't seem to understand the definition of a universe-level civilization? Don't know the truth of the universe? 】

  【But you have obviously become a dependent! ? 】

As soon as Lu Yu came back, he saw such information displayed on the black card. Although there would be subtle errors in switching from the text expression of the lizard civilization to Chinese, the moment Lu Yu saw this information, he still remembered the unknown information given to his system. exist.

【what! I understand, you should have become a family member during the cosmic cycle of this era, right? 】

  【I never thought I could become a senior, so I have to teach you some basic knowledge! 】

  【Do you know Poincaré returns? 】

  【This universe has been restarted many times. Every dozens or even hundreds of restarts, civilizations that break through the end of the universe can always be born. When they unite, there is a restart alliance. 】

  【We are all the dependents chosen by the restarters. In today's universe, we can only become a universe-level civilization if we are recognized by them. 】

  The information on the black card was translated by No. 7 into Chinese that Lu Yu could understand.

  The Poincaré regression mentioned here means that in a closed system, after a long time, any particle must be able to return to a place infinitely close to its initial position, but only infinitely close.

  Such a recurring process is called [Poincaré regression]. (Note 1)

  After successfully surviving the end of the universe, the universe-level civilization will return to the beginning of the universe with the particle effect of Poincaré's return!

   This is not a restart from the dimension, but a return to the essence of matter.

  So they are not zero-returners, but restarters who have repeated the cycle of the universe for an unknown number of times.

And the particle conjectured by Poincare’s regression will only return to a place infinitely close to its initial position, which also means that after each return, when it evolves to the singularity big bang again, the restarted universe will have subtle changes, extending After tens of billions of years, it will cause changes in the basic constants of the entire macroscopic universe!

  And every restart will cause the constant change of the big universe, which means that every restarted universe is completely different.

  Perhaps the last big universe would not have the particle structure of today’s universe at all, or perhaps the constants shown in the last big universe would give birth to completely different life forms, which in turn would form completely different civilizations.

  The unknown existence that can give itself the existence of the system and create so many incredible black technologies, is this a civilization that has gone through countless cosmic reincarnations?

  Thinking of this, Lu Yu finally couldn't help asking: "Then how many restarts has our universe experienced?"

  【...I have only experienced a dozen restarts, only real restarters know how many restarts the universe has undergone, right? 】


  Suddenly received such information that directly pointed to the truth of the universe, Lu Yu exited the virtual reality again in a trance, to confirm that he was not in a dream.

  After calming down for a while, two projection screens were suspended in front of his eyes.

One is the information transmitted from No. 0 base, which is the planetary project prepared by human beings to resist the unknown fleet that is about to arrive, and the other is the information that constantly reveals the mystery of the universe to him, and it is still revealing the secret for itself The mystery of the universe.

  The grand and small things were intertwined in front of his eyes, and the important and shocking things were rushing in his thoughts, Lu Yu couldn't help being dazed in place.

  Note 1: Poincaré regression, the possibility of Poincaré regression has been confirmed in finite quantum systems in 2018.

  (end of this chapter)