MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 115 planetary school

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  Chapter 115 Planetary School

  Thousands of years ago.

  As soon as you hear this time, you know who caused the trouble.

  Lu Yu understood that it might be the warning left by the black card civilization, which made the alliance of conscious life forms wary of joining advanced civilization.

   Just study for a hundred years?

  Hmm. I haven't lived that long now!

  Lu Yu actually didn’t want to spend so much time on this observation mission. What really concerned him was how to convince the creator of Base No. 7 to let him pay a price to allow No. 7 to continue to exist after obtaining the star map.

Therefore, in his expectation, this observation task is more like a formality. It is best that the founders no longer challenge the blockade of the restarters. ending.

   Lu Yu looked at No. 7, hoping that the electronic warfare would be effective again.

   "This space city seems to have only a stellar level of technology, but in fact its core part has been hidden using space technology, and I can only figure out the outer data."

   "The outer layer data of the space station are all useless information, which does not involve the secrets of the alliance at all."

   This is not surprising. This star field is designated as a place for the creatures of planetary civilizations to learn. How can there be data related to advanced civilizations?

  However, the star map given by the Qingzu does not actually contain the coordinates of the core area of ​​the Alliance of Conscious Life Forms. If you want to find it in the vast universe by yourself, it may be as difficult as finding the Milky Way.

   At this time, the octopus man saw that the bionic man fell silent, and quickly added: "Of course, we must be flexible in dealing with a high-level civilization invited by senior members like you!"

   "If you don't mind using other races as your login name, you only need to wait another five years before we can let you join the alliance!"

  It seems that even when it comes to the alliance of consciousness uploading, flexible handling is indispensable. This kind of weird social governance dilemma.

  Of course, this is also thanks to the performance of the Silver Star as a product of advanced civilization technology, otherwise the person receiving Lu Yu now would never be the person in charge of the space city!

  Octopus also seems to be a hard-working and honest cosmic worker. He doesn't seem to know what consequences his flexibility will bring to the alliance.

   "Five years?"

  Lu Yu looked at the huge dome of the space city, on which was the live projection of Planetary Academy.

   Various intelligent races of different shapes control all kinds of machinery, and seem to be robbing spherical objects, like a high-tech version of alien football.

   This is probably a relatively grand event among the students, and the stadium surrounded by kilometers is full of spectators.

  Looking at the lively game, Lu Yu thought of a way to keep this bionic man and try to get away with it, and he could use other methods to observe the league in his five years.

  The tiny matter in the universe can only be observed by accident in extreme celestial bodies. From this direction as a way of thinking, as long as I keep checking those extreme celestial bodies in the star map given by the Qingzu, maybe I can find something unexpected?

  After all, my own luck can no longer be described as magic along the way.

   After discussing with No. 7, this is the only way that is more feasible at present.

   Then the bionics can only suffer!

   Soon, this poor bionic man was thrown in the space city by the unscrupulous Lu Yu, and Lu Yu jumped away from here with the No. 7 space.

  Even if the spaceship left, the octopus people did not dare to neglect the remaining bionics. Lu Yu, who was thousands of light-years away through the interspace communication system, received information continuously.

  One day of study and five days of rest, this is the so-called hard learning environment of Planetary Academy... It is said that other planetary colleges study one day and release for ten days!

   Is this really a school?

  Lu Yu couldn't help complaining while following the bionic perspective into the planetary school through virtual reality.

  Now, under the arrangement of the octopus, this bionic human has replaced a certain intelligent race and has become an honorable student!

   "Is that the representative of the horn clan?"

   "Welcome to the First Land Campus! I am your guide, Miya."

  After getting off the spaceship, the bionic man met the guide arranged by the octopus at the airport of the orbital elevator.

  A group of blue suspended spheres, which looks like an intelligent robot like a slime.

   "Hey! I broke through! I broke through!"

   "I have finally broken through the spiritual and physical link! There is only one last hurdle left before uploading consciousness!"

  Just as the bionic man was about to respond, an intelligent creature with green light all over his body danced and ran past him, then got carried away and bumped into the glass next to him.


   After a heavy blow, he seemed to faint, and soon a drone flew over and took him away.

  Hmm... It seems that there are not only more flexible ways to handle affairs in the alliance, but also Bianzi.

Seeing the bionic man staring at the drone away, Mia quickly explained: "This is a student who has been able to graduate for tens of thousands of years. Physically, the alliance guarantees that he has no problems, but it seems that he has appeared psychologically. A certain cognitive impairment, which cannot be saved by current technology..."

   It turns out that there will always be cases of not graduating. It seems that the Alliance of Conscious Life Forms does not reject all comers.

  Leaving the airport, the bionic man boarded the space elevator and headed towards the surface of the planet under the guidance of Miya.

   During the short journey, by means of information transmission, the bionic man got a lot of daily cognition about the school from Miya.

  As long as you become a conscious life form, you can raise the whole family!

   Complete a task at will to get massive resources, and even get help from the alliance to get a living planet!

  As long as you become a conscious life body, you can completely change the fate of an individual, and even become the **** of creatures on a certain planet by switching from alliances to technology!

  Different races and individuals come to Planetary Academy to study for various reasons, and work hard for a common goal.

   In the planning of the continental plate as the campus, let them integrate in it.

  Compared with the planetary civilization that Lu Yu had seen, the mixed vitality of all races made this place look as beautiful as a paradise in the cold and dark universe.

  The bionic man finds a free levitation car from the base of the space elevator. Everything in this planetary school seems to be free to use, and he can consult the service he wants in front of any smart device.

   After boarding the suspension vehicle, the bionic man headed to the largest nearby library without even thinking about it.

   "Sure enough!"

   "For human beings, the real massive wealth still exists in the library!"

   "So many intelligent races mean that behind them are different social structures. Humans may be able to directly find solutions to a series of problems encountered in the current promotion of virtual reality from these samples!"

   "We can even find real examples of how indigenous civilizations respond when unknown civilizations visit, and how the two sides communicate."

   "Human cosmic sociology and cosmic civilization history are finally about to take another big step forward!"

  (end of this chapter)

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