MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 13 Research Treasure

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  Chapter 13 Research Treasures

   Extraterrestrial life!


  These elements that often appear in science fiction works have always been things that extraterrestrial exploration has been tirelessly pursuing.

  It’s just from what humans can observe at present—this universe is so huge, yet so desolate. Since Galileo began to observe space, human beings began to look for traces of other civilizations in the starry sky, but found nothing.

  There is no life in the front, and no civilization in the back, as if the entire universe is only a lonely civilization of human beings.

  Human scientists have put forward two popular views on this observed phenomenon. One is the big filter theory, and the other is the first civilization theory.

  Both views once had their own mainstream supporters. By the beginning of the 21st century, it seems that the big filter theory has been more widely accepted.

  But in front of Lu Yu, these theories that the predecessors had pondered over seemed no longer important.

Because at this moment, he witnessed alien life with his own eyes. It looked like an insect-like creature on the blue star, living ignorantly on his home planet, unaware of the silver oval that suddenly appeared more than ten meters away. A pair of fiery eyes in the body are observing them greedily.

And on the blue planet countless light-years away from here, there is a group of scientists who have been dazed by ecstasy, wishing that they could travel through the limitation of space and come here to observe in person, instead of only watching through mobile phone video now. .

  Human civilization spends countless funds to launch probes to its neighbor Mars. One of the goals is to detect whether life has ever been born on it. Legends about Martians are widely spread in human society.

  It seems that human beings have a natural urge to discover extraterrestrial life!

  If the previous observation records of supernovae are only of academic value beyond imagination, then the discovery of living planets this time will be a carnival for the entire human civilization!

  Even if the distance between each other is tens of millions of light years, as long as it can be proved that human beings are not the only life in the universe, this alone is of great significance to the entire civilization.

  Humans are not alone, humans have competitors in the universe!

   Perhaps after realizing this, there will be more cooperation and less disputes within the entire civilization.

  After all, we already know that there may be competitors outside the circle of civilization. At this time, we are hindering each other, and the development of science and technology is a step slower. In the future, the starry sky will be the bane of the extinction of the entire civilization.

   This kind of philosophical thinking about the future of human beings can't stop the excitement of major discoveries. Lu Yu heard the noise from the other end of the phone after a long absence. The last time he was confirming that the blue star was a type II supernova.

   "Extraterrestrial life! Extraterrestrial life!"

   "Blue Star is not alone in the universe, we are not alone!"

   "Thousands of random space jumps can reach a living planet? Life in the universe may be more common than imagined!"

Professor Mao appeared in front of the camera with a red face. The observation records of supernova explosions have made Huaguo's scientific community earn enough reputation and face around the world. Some foreign astronomy professors and scholars who have declined cooperation many times now even actively want to stay and teach. More astronomical data can be obtained.

   Now that a living planet has been discovered, Professor Mao couldn't help getting excited just by imagining the future when this information is published.

   Of course, the most important thing right now is to figure out the situation on this planet!

  Since there is liquid water, plants and organisms, has civilization already appeared on this living planet? What is the stage of development of civilization?

  The Silver Star happened to be on the grass in the middle of the hill, with a wide field of vision.

Observed from the cockpit, there are lush alien trees, a volcano emitting black smoke not far away, and three or four huge flying creatures flying across the sky from time to time. This is a virgin forest that has not undergone any development. traces of civilization.

  Of course, this does not mean that there is no civilization on this planet. After all, if you jump to the depths of Blue Star’s Amazon jungle, you can’t see that Blue Star has developed a civilization.

  Looking around, no large creatures were found nearby, but this by no means meant that Lu Yu could leave the cockpit to explore the surroundings.

   Lu Yu, without the protection of a space suit, dared to be exposed to the ecosystem of another planet, not to mention gravity, air composition and atmospheric pressure, and he didn’t have to wait for any predators to attack him, bacteria and viruses could kill him.

   "Single star system, unknown number of satellites..."

   "Plants appear green and are suspected to have a chloroplast-like structure."

   There is very little information that can be collected with the naked eye. In the absence of professional equipment, Lu Yu can only use primitive methods...

   Wrap a mineral water bottle with wire, add a little water inside, and pass it through the space membrane a little bit. Finally, its bottle mouth is still in the cockpit, and the bottle body has been completely exposed to the outside world.


  The difference in air pressure inside and outside caused the bottle to deflate slightly.

  This shows that the air pressure of this life is higher than that of the blue star. As for how much higher, the blue star has already had a synchronous simulation test.

   "Observing the degree of shrinkage of the bottle, the atmospheric pressure is about 1.2 times that of Blue Star."

   "Observing the vaporization speed of the liquid in the bottle, it is estimated that the outside temperature is between 35 and 40 degrees."

  I don’t know how many researchers watch the pictures from another planet with holding their breath through mobile phone video, every piece of data is so precious!

  After using the bottle pressure test, the mineral water bottle did not dare to take it back into the cockpit. Considering that in a short period of time, the bottle may have been contaminated by bacteria and viruses on this planet.

  For the sake of his own life, Lu Yu could only abandon this bottle that had followed him for countless light years, and he wanted to use it to the extreme!

  The four wheels that seriously damaged the beauty of the Silver Star finally worked again. After Lu Yu moved his position by them, he came to a small cliff with a difference in height.

   Carefully untied the wire, let the bottle form a parabola, and hit the rock below. After bouncing a few times between the stones, the blue star's industrial product quickly disappeared under the cliff.

   "Based on the falling speed of the bottle, the gravity is between 1.1 and 1.2G."

   "According to the data analysis currently observed, this is a planet suitable for human habitation!"

   "The plants, organisms and even inorganic substances here have extraordinary research value for human beings. This is a scientific research treasure with infinite possibilities!"

  (end of this chapter)