MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 137 holster man

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  Chapter 137 Leather Man

  Nemo had a special longing for the outside world since he was a child.

  Of course, it does not refer to the mountains outside the tribe, nor does it refer to the sea that hides the holy mountain, but the place above the sky, higher than the sky.

  What can be called a dream, once became the pillar of his heart after going to the holy mountain with his mother.

  So he began to exercise hard, and it was recorded in the classics left by his mother that his own species was once able to control the power of nuclear fission and fusion by itself.

  As long as you have this power, you can break through the gravity that binds your body, you can go to the sky to overlook the world, you can find the holy mountain hidden in the sea, and you can... see your mother again.

  However, as he grew older, Nemo understood the difference between himself and his father.

  Father has a core, so he can build fusion organs in his body and become a great warrior.

  The elders also said that if he is willing to replace the core provided by the Holy Mountain, his father will definitely be able to build an anti-matter organ and become a warrior of the Holy Mountain.

   But he refused, and my mother left the tribe.

   "If I also have a core, I can definitely become as strong as you!"

   "This way I can cross the sea and meet my mother!"

  This is 80 years old, and Nemo, who is still a child, said happily with his father.

  Although Nemo is not born with a core, their race can supplement this by fusing other cores.

  After hearing this, the father didn't feel any relief, but instead became furious and sent him away from the tribe.

  As a child, Nemo was sent to another tribe to learn so-called knowledge in the name of learning.

  As for how to build the internal structure of the body, his father never taught him.

  Studying in a foreign land is lonely and long for Nemo.

   What's more, the tribe he came to study was completely different from their race, and the elders who had lived for a long time called them aliens from space.

   And these aliens have just come to their world, and they don't get along in harmony like they are now.


   They fought a series of wars before these aliens who kept hunting and killing the race and seizing the core stopped killing.

  If the structure of the Nemo race can still be called flesh and blood, then this race is completely made of metal.

His father didn't know what price he paid for Nemo to study with this group of foreigners. Nemo, who would have been made things difficult for himself, found that in the strange tribe of foreigners, the teachers were extremely indifferent, It can be considered conscientious.

   "The functional structure doesn't have to be built in the body at all, and can use the larger external space to realize a more powerful functional structure?"

   "Can fusion organs be made externally?"

  This is completely different from the knowledge he learned from his mother when he was young. What is called scientific knowledge allows him to understand the true meaning of some reactions in his body and broaden his horizons.

  The knowledge called science is completely different from the evolutionary path summed up in the tribe, but many aspects of it are closely related.

  For example, to describe energy utilization in science, corresponding equipment will be established, and then various devices with different functions will be used to achieve specific functions.

  The evolutionary path of the tribe pays attention to the construction of energy organs inside the body first, and then through the control of the core, the individual derives various functional equipment.

   Essentially, Nemo discovers that his race is more like a scientifically described robot.

  Once he had this understanding, Nemo found the so-called holy mountain in the clan quite suspicious.

  From it came completely unscientific knowledge, and the great warrior who had completed the fusion organ transformation went to the holy mountain, and his personality changed drastically. He no longer fought bravely and aggressively, and gradually severed contact with the original tribe, and became a loyal holy mountain warrior with all his heart.

   Otherwise, relying on the anti-matter organs of the holy mountain warriors and the various functional organs derived from them, it is impossible for these outsiders to have a chance to gain a foothold on the earth.

  As he mastered more and more scientific knowledge, Nemo found himself less and less able to understand why his race still lives in this small world.

   Above the sky is a vast universe!

  And any great warrior with a fusion organ has the ability to escape the shackles of gravity, and their race should have already set foot in the starry sky!

   But in fact, oral history shows that many people of their race may have been to the sky. And once they became holy mountain warriors, they never talked about anything above the sky.

  Nemo could only bury these doubts in his heart.

  Science taught him to use dialectics to see problems. Maybe science is just pseudo-knowledge fabricated by outsiders?

   These questions may not be solved one by one until he has learned from the outsider tribe, and then returns to his own tribe and cultivates for many years.

   But his mother, who has been missing for many years, a letter from the Holy Mountain completely changed the direction of Nemo's life.

   "The once-in-a-thousand-year youth competition on the Holy Mountain."

   "All tribes under the age of 500, who have mastered nuclear power, can participate."

   Can go to the holy mountain!

   Can meet mother again!

  If he is willing to calm down and explore slowly, and spend another thousand years, perhaps Nemo will become the only person in their race who can master nuclear power without relying on the core.

   But he couldn't wait that long.

  Nemo, who has become a teenager, wants to see his mother, get his father's approval, and show all tribes what the power of science is!

  So he chose to start the experiment ahead of time!

  Although under the prohibition of his father, the Outlander Tribe would not give him any cores and would not give him any fissile materials for practice, but Nemo still completed his so-called modified organs relying on his own knowledge!

  Although it is only the most basic nuclear fission organ, it is far from being able to provide powerful energy like a fusion organ, but it is already an unimaginable achievement for Nemo!

  In the past, the organs of their race were more like regenerating an organ in the body under the control of the core. But the organs conceived in Nemo are entirely manufactured externally and then transplanted into the body.

  However, this thing that is completely produced by external means still needs to be verified by fissile materials.

   But as far as the earth is known, all are under the father's prohibition and will not furnish him with raw materials.

  At this time, those foreigner teachers who were only indifferent finally provided a rare and enthusiastic help.

   It is with their help that Nemo, who has not yet mastered the power of fission, has the opportunity to come to the sky, relying on the information of the teachers to find the fissile material-uranium ore in the planetary ring.

  That's why Lu Yu saw this weird suicide [Ultraman].

   Whether it was because of impatience, or because he was worried that his father would confiscate all the uranium ore when he returned to the planet, Nemo directly swallowed the uranium ore in space.

   And this immature organ is only a test product after all. Nemo's nuclear fission reaction failed in the organ, and the terrible radiation caused his body structure to begin to collapse.

   At the last moment of his life, he saw the Silver Star!

  Its appearance is too similar to the [Core] already in memory, Nemo understands that if a core can be implanted at this time, he may still be saved.

   So there was a last-ditch effort. He came to the Silver Star, but failed to pick it up and send it to the core position.

  Nemo is not the protagonist after all, so he seems to die in the original adventure.


   Lu Yu looked at the image sent back by the external observation instrument, and the [Ultraman] who died in front of him was rapidly turning white.

   "He finally wanted to send us into the ring on his chest... Isn't that where the [Ultraman] energy lamp is?"

   "How do I see it becoming more and more like [Ultraman]?"

  Lu Yu didn't panic at all, even if he couldn't jump away immediately, he calmly watched [Ultraman] approaching!

  The armor of the Silver Star cannot be broken by a creature that can't even resist a nuclear reaction.

   "Quick! This is the corpse of a super creature!"

   "Maybe we can find the key to another way!?"

  Biology experts don't care if this thing looks like Ultraman. In their eyes, the scientific value of this thing takes precedence over any appearance conditions.

  We engage in scientific research and believe in science!

   It's not light!

   Without the reminder of the experts, a large number of circular robots flew out of the Silver Star under the control of No. 7 to paste the [Ultraman] that seemed to have gone cold.

   Soon, No. 7 got the preliminary data fed back from the robot that entered the ring: "This humanoid creature is more like a bionic creature constructed by nanomachines than a flesh and blood body... in essence!"

   "He can achieve all kinds of strange functions by changing the body structure and body organs. For example, a set of nuclear reactors is already embedded in its digestive system."

   "And the ring that was opened before dying is more like a control center. I transmit data through the robot, and it seems that I can control his body with this... just like this."

   Almost responding to the sound, the grayed [Ultraman] actually stood up.

   "But he has an undoubted biological nature... If we say that he is made into some kind of device, this biological nature does not need to exist!"

   "In particular, he still has a fairly high level of intelligence, but retains a control center that can completely control the body in an instant... This humanoid creature seems to be specially designed by a higher civilization."

   Maybe not natural?

  But why did the advanced civilization create this thing? Use it as a child's toy?

Listening to No. 7's preliminary analysis of the data, Lu Yu looked at the two-hundred-meter-high gray-white giant in front of him, and then looked at the projection of the super-Earth, and said to the experts who were also quickly browsing the data: "I will leave this thing to you first." .”

   Then immediately asked No. 7: "Is there no life reaction on this planet?"


No. 7 nodded solemnly and replied: "We have scanned tens of thousands of rounds with these simple instruments, and the feedback results are all a planet without any signs of life, and no base for manufacturing rockets has been found. This is completely different from what we have seen. The results are completely inconsistent!"

  The physical evidence experts on Blue Star firmly believe that everything that passes by must leave traces.

  If you want to make a rocket with such a powerful propulsion, unless you reach the technological level of the creation of the void, even a ninth-level civilization will leave traces.

   But according to the observations of observation instruments side by side, there is no trace of technology on this planet at all.

  Speaking of which, this rocket was only discovered by the observation instruments after it broke through the atmosphere.

  There is a problem on this planet! Big problem.

   After confirming this, Lu Yu just wanted to cover his face.

   Isn't the restarters all sealed up? How come my luck is still so good?

  I really just want to play space management games on this planetary belt!

   "Master, the rocket has begun to change its orbit. According to the direction and angle prediction, it is approaching our area."

   "Estimated to arrive in 5 hours!"

   Didn't give Lu Yu more time to collect data. The rocket that sent [Ultraman] into space actually changed its orbit after he lost his vital signs, as if it wanted to take his body away.

   And it seemed to completely ignore the Silver Star, so it flew straight towards this area.

   "What to do with this rocket?"

  No. 7's inquiry made Lu Yu quickly implement an idea in his heart.

  If civilization really exists on this planet, then it is definitely inappropriate for me to complete the space management game here.

   But the space jump is still accumulating energy, so I can't jump away immediately.

  Under such circumstances, why don't you sneak into this strange civilization and take a look? Judging from my past luck, there may be some unexpected windfalls!

   And judging from the results of No. 7's feedback, as long as he occupies the control center, he can completely control the humanoid giant. Even if he doesn't do anything, he is already dead.

  With this thought, Lu Yu no longer hesitated.

   It is also a rare opportunity to experience a leather case!

  Under the control of No. 7 [Ultraman] picked up the Silver Star and sent it into the ring.

  The cobweb-like lines in the control center are flickering non-stop. These lines are the key to connect the nerves of [Ultraman], relying on them to convert signals can control the body of [Ultraman].

  Number 7's computing power took over the body very smoothly, and the gray body turned shiny again!

  【Nerve connection successful. 】

  【Scanning residual brain data...】

  Relying on the virtual reality signal access, Lu Yu had the illusion that he was controlling this huge body, just like controlling his own body!

   "Is this the body of Superman?"

  Lu Yu tried to control the movement of this body in the space environment, and reproduced a wave of [Ultraman] moving close to the Silver Star.

  In this pure way of moving in space, the feeling of this body feedback is only light, without any discomfort.

  He punched heavily at the asteroid that was temporarily settled, and directly shattered a small half of its structure. If such a body structure came from natural evolution, then it is well-deserved to be called a super creature.

  But obviously judging from his retained control center, it is obviously a creation of a higher civilization.

   Just why make this thing?

  This has such a high limitation of biological creation that it is not as convenient as building a starship.

   And this planet is not a small problem, this civilization seems to be hiding something!

  Lu Yu, who just planned to pass the time with these questions, no longer hesitated, and controlled [Ultraman] to approach the rocket.

   After grabbing the handle specially reserved on the rocket, the rocket directly started the return procedure without No. 7's intervention.

  (end of this chapter)