MTL - Blade and Sword God Sovereign-~ Chapter 132, fateful matchup

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It was only a short while, and the defensive-type bronze mountain was like this, and it was broken without any accident. Oh,

With this momentum, countless dark creatures, like the flood of the dyke, rushed in.

Continue to rush to the second harder silver mountain.

With the snoring, the dark army blasted again and again!

The sound of the roar is endless, like a thunder, and the sky is turbulent.

A thick black smoke rises into the sky, as if the dragons are swimming in the sky, and all they see are all dazzling light, black lacquered dark figure, brilliant power collision...

In the battle circle, the thunder and the sky are bright, the electricity is like a mad dragon, the void is wandering, and it is earth-shattering.

Thunder and lightning are like rain curtains, hanging from the sky and covering the surrounding space.

Many dark creatures are not yet close to the silver hills, and they are as heavy as they are hit by the thunder and lightning. After a scream, they burst into pieces of meat, and they fell down...

Despite the lightning and thunder, the energy of the flood was incomparably horrible, but the dark army was not in a mess, still like the moths that rushed to the flames, and there was no fear at all.

As before, once a dark creature successfully invades, whether it is a warship with a strong attacking power or a mountain with a strong defense, such as a fortress, it is not accidentally broken.

On the other side of the silver mountain, there was a fierce roar, and the figures of countless dark creatures gradually appeared, and the fierce gods were shocked and violently bombarded.

When the first silver mountain blast exploded, the Guardian guards here screamed, without any hesitation, rushing to the dark army...

"The big guy rushed!" A slam dunk, the fire emerged, and all the soldiers here guarded by the gods were desperately attacking.

A brilliance, like an arrow rain, burning a hot flame, breaking away, flying forward, incomparably beautiful.

Immediately, this endless light rain descended from the sky, just like the sky.

The darkest army in the far side of the distance, the sound of the brushing, the scent of the world, broke out between the heavens and the earth, turned into a black wall, blocking the fall of light rain.

"kill, kill, kill, kill, kill..."


The figures on both sides are like waves, and they violently shoot each other.

In the circle of war, the light of the stars shines, and the impact of various energies, like beautiful fireworks, occurs in succession in the void...


Another cruel kill!


The many silver-capped mountains of the patron saint, and the golden mountains, under the iron hoof of the dark army, seem to be very weak, and only half an hour's time was completely broken.

Seeing the dark army stepping through the defenses of the periphery of the gods, the temple will actually react when it is about to invade the gods.

A figure of the figure, turned into a streamer, across the sky, spurred from the depths of the gods.

It is the pig fairy who came here to support.

Behind him there are many guards of the gods, and other warriors who came to help.

They had a rush of their eyes and stared at the front with a burning gaze.

At the same time, the pace of the dark army also stopped a little.

In the dense darkness of the soul, a dark figure emerged from it, and they fought in front of the pigs.

This dark figure is the dark leader.

Both sides, after spending some ordinary power, really right!

"I didn't expect that I will be back here today!" At this moment, a sound rang, and then a trace of black mist floated from the back. After a slight condensation, it turned into a slender figure. It was a young, eyebrow A man with a slender crack.

There is no power fluctuation in this person, but standing there is like a majestic universe, which gives people the feeling of being able to look up. The momentum is extremely forced.

All the dark creatures bowed their heads deeply, and they bowed slightly, their eyes filled with respectfulness, and their low voices seemed to be welcoming their king.

"Ding Wei!" On the side of the court, I saw this person, everyone's eyes are a condensation.

Although they have speculated that Ding Wei may appear, but see Ding Yu appear, still can not help but tremble.

"Ding Hao, we met again!" Ding Wei looked at somewhere in the void, and suddenly sneered.

When his voice fell, Ding Hao’s figure also appeared.

"This time, you seem to be the real body!" Ding Hao stared at him, the voice is very cold.

"Yes, this time I am really a real body. Since I will appear in my body, you should think that now I have completely refining the heart of heaven and earth. The strength has reached the peak of this plane, between you and me. Hatred, it’s time to end it!” Ding’s voice is full of domineering feelings.

Ding Hao looked at him, his eyes flashed a glimmer of light, but did not speak.

"I have been waiting for this day, I have been for a long time..." Ding slammed his fist, his eyes full of grievances and hatred, and gnashed his teeth: "The defeat you gave me, the shame you gave me that day, I am going to be today, Complete return to you!"

As he said, he took a step forward, but this step only made the world tremble fiercely. The void broke through a crack, as if there were invisible but turbulent fluctuations that broke out from his body and destroyed the world. Everything in it.

"Awesome power!" Everyone is discolored, the oppressive feeling of horror, making them feel as if they are being placed in the rough sea, and they must be destroyed at any time. They dare not hesitate and rush to run the exercises. In the whole body, a layer of black air shield is covered, and the horror energy that Ding Hao exerts at will is blocked.

Ding Hao still had no words, cold eyes on him, but his body was full of breath, and the laws of terror spread out.

Invisible, as if there were two forces colliding, sparkling a beautiful spark...

The next moment, the sense of oppression of terror retreats like a tide, so that everyone is relieved, and the power of Ding Hao is terrible. If there is no Ding Hao, I am afraid that even if they are all on, the result will be one-sided!

"Which part of this guy has grown up, how can it be so terrible!" Even if he is now a pig fairy who has reached the eternal realm, he is also amazed at the power of Ding Wei.

But even so, the pigs did not retreat, but they went up a few steps, and their eyes were full of perseverance, and they always had to be desperate at all times.

"I am not in the eyes of other people except you, although it is an ants, but to disturb our battle, after all, annoying, you have solved these ants..." Ding Hao’s eyes flashed a sneer, big hand one Wave.

"Yes!" The dark leaders who stood behind him all screamed and stood up and confronted them with pigs.

"Awful guy, dare to anger your pig grandfather, see how your pig grandfather abused you these ants!" The pig fairy first greeted one person, and the other side skyrocketed, cut through the void, seems to be fighting in somewhere ......

Others are also welcoming their opponents at the same time.

For a time, I fell into a melee.

However, they did not fight in the same place, but scattered separately, after the distance was opened, and the opponent rushed into the void, leaving enough space for Ding Hao.

At the same time, the dark army began to attack.

After Ding Yu’s order, the dark creatures, which are as numerous as a cow, are roaring, and they are rushing to the gods with great momentum.

"Brothers, rushing, killing these people who are not ghosts and ghosts, one does not stay, kills and kills!" The guardians of the gods, including the warriors of other forces, pulled out their respective soldiers. Breathing in the air, screaming at the footsteps of the dark army...

Gradually, the scene became more chaotic.

There was a lot of fire everywhere, roaring and screaming, but only Ding Hao was very calm on this side, and no one went to them.

Ding Hao did not look elsewhere, only Ding Hao in the eyes, sneer, stepping out, heading to Ding Hao, slowly said: "It is our turn!"

Ding Hao’s body is rolling, the sword is coming out, and the eternal law is spreading wildly. In the face of Ding Wei, who completely refines the heart of the heavens and the earth, he does not dare to have the slightest intention, so when he shoots, he will inspire [sword double The blood of the Eucharist!

As soon as he raised his hand and his fingers were released, the sword floated in the air and hit each other. The crisp metal collision sound, like the spring thunder, stirred up between the heavens and the earth, and a fierce and extreme momentum suddenly broke out.

Under such a terrible momentum, Ding Hao's clothes fluttered, and a sword flowed around him. The next moment, behind him, there were two huge virtual shadows, and the length was as large as several kilometers.

That is the shadow of a sword!

Ding Hao looked up slightly and looked at Ding Hao and stretched his arms.

Within a few thousand miles, all kinds of weapons swayed and floated in the air.

The weapons of the sky, such as the most loyal ministers, worshipped the king at the center.

The breath rises rapidly, as if it will never stop.

A strand of silver and gold streamer, covering the entire sky, where the dance, Ding Hao at this moment, as if to rule the world, he is like the center of the world, is the king of this world, a word, It’s all so awesome.

"Sword of the Emperor!" Ding Hao pointed to Ding Wei, the blade of swordsmanship, gold and silver two-color streamer, pointing to Ding Wei.

"Sword of the Emperor? This trick, I am not stranger than you, now you still want to deal with me, it is simply an idiot to say a dream!" Ding Wei looked at Ding Hao, his eyes showed a hint of laughter, did not see Ding Hao this move in In the eyes.

"It's time for you to see what it is like to be completely refining the heart of heaven and earth." Ding Hao sneered and said, suddenly, the void seemed to growl, but he stood there, moving Not moving, as if the world itself is roaring.

As soon as he raised his hand, his fingertips blew a black stream of light, filling the entire world.

The endless black streamer can’t stop whistling, squirming like a whirlpool, strangling with the gold and silver streams...

Ding Hao brows slightly wrinkled, he can be aware that Ding Hao's hand is not weaker than the sword.

The violent hurricane kept rolling, the thunder continued to blast, and the three energies were intertwined and exploded, making the scene look gorgeous.


The big guy is going to support the new book, Emperor Tiantian.