MTL - Blade and Sword God Sovereign-~ Chapter 36, the genius

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In the sky, a handsome man in Tsing Yi, with a fluffy fat cat on his shoulder, slowly landed and came to the front of everyone.

This person is naturally Ding Hao.

"Are you all right?" Ding Hao looked at them with a hint of concern in his tone.

"Nothing... that, we have never been masked with you, why did you save us?" ‘Yang Shu’ was wrong and asked immediately.

Although Ding Hao seems to have saved them, the ‘Yang Shu’ is still very careful, with a hint of vigilance in his heart.

Obviously, he is very surprised why Ding Hao suddenly helped!

The other people did not think too much. They looked at Ding Hao’s look, but they all expressed gratitude to him.

"Wait later, wait for me to drive these guys away!" Ding Hao smiled and turned around, his eyes fixed in front, falling on the three snow horn bears.

‘Yang Shu’ also reacted. Now is not the time to say this. There are still three horrible snow horn bears in front of you.

Ding Hao's temperament is extraordinary. Although he can't see what his realm is, he knows that it is not a simple character at first glance.

Can live, ‘Yang Shu’ will naturally not choose to die.

Others are holding the same mood, closing their mouths, and pressing the strange and curious minds.

Looking at Ding Hao, although there was a hint of panic in the eyes of the three-headed snow horn bear, he was quickly stunned by a sense of murder.

The eyes became red, and the foremost snow horned bear suddenly screamed out, the lower limbs stepped, the hurricane blew, driving its entire cumbersome body, and so directly spurred the past.

Suddenly a sense of arrogance, as if to crush the world.

The strength of this snow horn bear is indeed very powerful. The warrior of the Mirror is probably not its opponent. Even if it is an ordinary martial arts martial artist, it is not so easy to solve it.

"A terrible power!"

[Man of the Khan], I feel this breath, my face is instantly white, and some of them are sweating and nervous.

Ding Hao's expression is calm.

But just in the next moment -

The sharp eyes suddenly stared at each other, and the terrible scorpion seemed to penetrate everything and erode the will of the snow horn bear.

The death of terror, the power of killing, roaring in the mind of this bear, making the snow horn bear instantly become fearful.

Between the thoughts, the snowy bear killed the death and approached it, as if it had to go one step further, it would die.

Fear, panic, all negative emotions, instantly rushed into the head of this snow horned bear, and it dared to act again, hurriedly stopped, and the scorpion trembled and looked at Ding Hao, full of fear.

Even the other two snow horn bears felt the breath of the horrible anomaly that seemed to be absent, and suddenly showed a panic look and did not dare to move.

Behind Ding Hao, the people who just wanted to meet the enemy, including the "Yang Shu", saw this scene, they all stunned. Obviously, they don’t understand why this snow horn bear suddenly This way.

Ding Haoyi stroked through, a ray of light, like a flash of fire, squatting on the neck of the three-headed snow horn bear.

Three great heads, accompanied by thick blood, were smashed out.

"Dead, dead? The beast of the three-headed mirror power, is this dead?"

"Good, this person is really strong!"

"What the **** is he!"

Seeing this scene, the [Khan Khan] those people are all stunned, feeling that some of the brain can not handle the previous things.

They don't understand that the savage snow horn bear, which was so fierce and defensive, fell into the hands of the man in the green shirt. How it feels like a paper-like existence, it can be easily solved.

Only one person shot, it solved the three-headed snow horn bear, and it is still so vigorous and popular.

This person is definitely a master!

Thinking, ‘Yang Shu’ immediately shook hands, very respectfully said: “The grace of life is not very grateful. I don’t know the names of the seniors, can you tell me, we will repay in the future.”

In the view of ‘Yang Shu’, Ding Hao’s extraordinary appearance and strong strength are certainly not simple characters, and may even be the minority patriarch of the big tribe.

Even if it is not, just by means of Ding Hao’s means, it is enough to let him have a good relationship with Ding Hao.

As for the previous vigilance against him, it has long since disappeared. After all, such a strong warrior will have any attempt against these weak people.

"Don't call my predecessor, I just passed by." Ding Hao shook his head, but said: "And, in fact, I don't know what my name is."

"Well? Before... what does the little brother mean?" "Yang Shu" has other people, and hearing this is a glimpse.

Ding Hao suddenly smiled and slowly ‘explained’: “This is actually, in the past few days, when I seemed to practice, there were some problems that caused me to feel vague about my previous memories.”

As early as before, Ding Hao had already thought about how to explain his origins.

After all, he is a foreigner, and even the common sense of the [original world] does not know. If you just say an identity, it is easy to be perceived by the other party.

Therefore, it is a good way to play amnesia. In this way, some things or things that should be known, he does not know, can get a very reasonable explanation.

"There was a problem with the practice, which led to amnesia!"

"It turns out that it is no wonder that the little brother would say this..." For Ding Hao's words, 'Yang Shu' and others, there is no doubt.

Practice mistakes have led to such strange things, they are not the first time they have heard that the amnesia is somewhat novel, but it is not surprising.

Ding Hao nodded and asked them: "Yes, who are you, why are you here?"

'Yang Shu' has nothing to hide, and slowly said: "We are all [man-like Khan] people, this time is a hunting monster, but in the middle of the road, encounter these three snow horn bears, after that The little brother must have been clear."

"[Ban Khan], hunting monsters, that is to say, their power is a tribe. Since it is a tribe, the news should be quite well-informed. Some things about the "original world" will also know a lot..." Ding Hao His eyes flashed and he seemed to be thinking about something.

"Since the little brother doesn't know his identity, there must be no place to go. Otherwise, go back to the tribe with us, wait for a while, wait until the memory is restored, or if there is any plan to leave, I don't know the little brother. How do you feel?" "Yang Shu" thought about it and suddenly proposed.

"Yeah, our tribe is not a big tribe, but it is still a good place and will never let you down."

"You don't know who you are anyway, or consider joining us and joining our tribe!"

"This proposal is good, you are so powerful, if you join us [Ban Khan], you can certainly enhance our strength, and it will be easier to hunt the monsters!"

Others have also agreed to let Ding Hao go to their tribe, and even one or two people persuaded Ding Hao to join them directly.

From Ding Hao’s shot, ‘Yang Shu’ they knew that Ding Hao was strong.

But how strong they are, they don't know.

However, Ding Hao is very easy-going. If he can join him, it is definitely a good thing for them.

"Hey, I still want to let you talk about it. I didn't expect them to take the initiative to draw you over, but all of this is definitely in your grasp..." The evil moon standing on Ding Hao's shoulder suddenly passed over: "People pets, this scene is doing a good job. If you want to come out, you will lose your memory. But in this way, even if you look into some news in the original world, you will not be suspicious."

Ding Hao smiled and passed back: "Well, we don't know about the original world. If you ask some common sense here, I am afraid it will cause some unnecessary trouble."

"And..." Ding Hao thought about it and said: "They are not smart in their beasts here. After going there, it is best for you to try not to open your mouth. It is normal to behave." ""

The evil moon yawned and said: "Well, I know what to do, what should not be done, but in the past few days, you have to wait for it, if you are not careful, disrupt Your plan is not good, you say yes, people pet?"

"You guy, this time, I still want to take advantage of me." Ding Hao was speechless.

"Hey, you are the most amazing, the most powerful, the most noble cat in the world. You make an ordinary cat, you can pay no price, remember, wait for you..."

Seeing Ding Hao not talking, ‘Yang Shu’ and others thought he was considering whether to join or not to bother him.

"Well, that, since everyone said this, then I will join it for the time being!" At this time, Ding Hao seems to have made up his mind.

"For the time being? Well, that's fine..." ‘Yang Shu’ and others are all looking happy, obviously very happy.

Ding Hao's strength is very strong, although he does not know what state he is, but if he joins, it can definitely become a very good battle.

"Since the little brother agreed, we will go back when we are ready." After reading this sentence, "Yang Shu" suddenly remembered something and asked Ding Hao: "For the little brother, how do we call you in the future? Call you a little brother, or a little brother!"

"This is why..." Ding Hao thought for a moment and said, "You all call me Ding Hao! I used to name this name in my mind. Maybe this is my name!"

"Ding Hao? It's a very good name!" "Yang Shu" did not suspect him. After he finished speaking, he began to command the man to cut the bodies of the three snow horn bears separately, except for some injured people. I have to go back.

Their hands and feet are very good, and they can leave without a moment of work.

"Going west from this road is the position of our [Ban Khan]." "Yang Shu" walked and said to Ding Hao.

He said, his eyes swept toward the evil moon on Ding Hao's shoulder. Some curious questions: "Yes, Ding Hao, the cat on your shoulder is..."
