MTL - Bleach: Secret Intentions-Chapter 19 : humming

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After seeing Xia Yan’s success in abandoning the chanting, Tsuno Haru said that he stood on the spot and thought it was accidental, but then Xia Yan’s finger came out with a shock wave. Bayi Chinese Network W? W (a) W?. 81ZW. COM

Although this shock wave is only one-third of the power, it does not use humming.

It’s a genius.

Tsuruhisa Tsuneo quickly went to Xia Yan and asked excitedly: "Xia Yan, have you just abandoned your singing?"

Xia Yan was shocked by the sudden emergence of Tsuno Satoshi, and he said, "Yes, teacher, what happened?"

Tsuruhiko Tsuno was excited and patiently asked: "Xia Yan, how did you do this?"

"How did you do it?"

Xia Yan recalled the process of giving up her singing.

I couldn’t find a clue. I didn’t know how to abandon the humming, but then he thought of a question. If you want to abandon the sing, what is the role of singing?

The role of humming has three purposes: first, the sense of ritual, setting the ritual through language, forming a primer with a ritual, and stimulating strength with a primer.

The second is the rhythm of singing. The singing is not simply a narrative, but a rhythmic singing. The sound is generated by the vibration of the object, and the rhythm is different. The amplitude of the vibration is different, so the rhythm is the utilization and increase of energy.

The third is that language influences thinking, just like another time and space has a hypothesis called the Samuel-Wolf hypothesis. He believes that all high-level thinking depends on language. In turn, it affects how people perceive the world.

To figure this out, Xia Yan tried to simplify these three points in other ways.

First, the ritual sense, the ruins of breaking the road and binding the road can not be canceled. Only the ritual can provoke spiritual power. Since the ritual cannot be cancelled, can it be replaced? In the broken road and the binding road, gestures are also extremely important. Gestures are also a kind of ritual. They only use gestures to perform rituals and sing the sings. Can this be?

The second point is the rhythm of singing. The rhythm can increase the power, and losing the rhythm will reduce the power. This is not crucial, so it can be directly exempted without any need for simplification.

The third point, thinking and perception.

This is crucial. The first two points have alternative methods. Even if they are not used, they are only weakening the power.

However, if the perception is not correct, then the broken road can not be used, so Xia Yan strongly recalls the feeling of thinking when singing, and then imitates it, gives the feeling to the spirit of the spirit, and successfully displays one of the broken roads.

In this way, one of the broken roads was smashed, and the power was reduced by two-thirds, but it did evade singing.

However, Xia Yan feels that if the gestures can be increased, the rituals and rhythms can be increased, has it reached the point of improvement of power?

Can you put the ritual completely on other objects and use objects to increase your power?

In the mind of Xia Yan, a few thoughts flashed, and I had to interrupt it before I had to think about it.

Xia Yan did not think about Zizhen’s thoughts and said his own thinking process. When it comes to the three functions of singing, Xia Yan said a little, and Heye Xiujun couldn’t help but nod. When Xia Yan complained about his simplification process, Tsuno Hiroshi nodded and said: "Your thoughts are correct. Most of the deaths have passed the training of thousands of times, and they have the ability to give up singing. But in fact, some of the rituals and rhythms are abandoned. By training, remembering the perception of breaking the road and binding the road, and simulating the perception, this is done."

With the approval of Tsuno Hideo, Xia Yan put forward two ways he guessed, adding gestures and using objects.

Tsuno Hiroshi said: "It is not necessary to increase the gestures. The gestures represent a weak sense of ritual, and the numerous gestures mean that the time increases, so it is not worth the loss. As for the object instead of the ceremony, it is a good idea, not only This is also possible with special material amplification capabilities.

"If the ability can be amplified, then the increase in combat power will increase greatly."

Xia Yan couldn’t help but hear the words of Tsuno Haruki.

Many death gods do not use ghosts and shackles in battles, because the power of the singer's ghosts can be reduced too much, and it is not too long to sing and sing too long.

Just as A-Sui Lian's first attempt to enter the Night Palace, he used the abandonment of the singer's smashing thirty-one red artillery to attack the walls of the Night Palace.

Therefore, the use of ghost roads in the fierce battle may be too small, unless the battle is crushed, just like the blue dye is used to sing black sings and sing the village. In fact, the blue dye does not need to sing, the second black rope that the village summons Heaven slammed the king but only a knife, the second to drop the village, still a knife.

If you can really use the object to restore the power of the ghost road, and then let the death **** learn the use of the perception of training, so that the moment does not weaken the power of the ghost, then the effect is enormous.

"It is true."

Tsuno Hiroshi nodded and echoed.

Xia Yan was excited and said: "That teacher will study it as soon as possible."

Tsuno Haru shook his head and said: "There is no value in research."

Xia Yan asked inexplicably: "Why?"

Tsuno Hiroshi looked at Xia Yan and said: "The constant ghost rituals are different. Using an object as a ritual and enhancing power can only enhance a ghost road. Even a ghost road with the same attributes cannot be used unless it is broken. Road thirty-three fire and fall seventy-three double lotus fire, such a broken line, otherwise you can only use a ghost power."

Xia Yan heard this and frowned, but immediately said: "It can be a ghost, and it can help the battle."

Tsuno Haru said with a smile: "This kind of fighting style has already been created, and even opened more thoroughly. It has also become a unique race mode of fighting, but the reality proves that even if the fighting methods are diverse, It is not as useful as the sickle of death."

Xia Yan had a guess, but still a little uncertain, asked: "What kind of race?"

Tsuno Hiroshi said: "Destroy the division."

Xia Yan heard this and thought of the way of fighting the teacher in the original book. After throwing away the holy words and the sacred body of the slain of the millennium blood war, the stone field dragon did not get the fighting method before the holy text. Compared.

The basic method of combat is to use the spirit bow, using a cross necklace as a carrier, stimulating the spirit bow, and using the spirit to condense the long arrow.

There are many kinds of spiritual bows. After that, the silver ridge arcade, the short spirit bow of the death agent, and the spiritual bow of the Millennium Blood War are all physical entities.

At the same time, there are also scattered gloves to overdraw the spiritual power, there is a soul to the soul to produce high-frequency shock Lingzi blade.

There is also a silver tube, a silver arrow of the holy instrument, and so on.

They all use objects, carry spiritual power, and turn into spiritual weapons to attack enemies.

Of course, this kind of spiritual weapon and Xia Yan's object bears a ghost road, which is very different. The latter's attributes are more mottled, but the former's fighting style is more diverse.

In terms of combat power, it is more useful to destroy the spirit weapon of the division.

But even then, the destroyer of the Millennium Blood Wars gradually abandoned this way, but used the power of the Holy Word and the Eucharist to fight.

So think carefully, this kind of combat mode is not of great value. The low-order mid-level ghost road has limited instantaneous power, and the high-order ghost road is difficult even if there is object carrying.

It is not as good as the ability to open a sickle. After all, the sickle is the weapon that the **** of death has infused with the soul. It has the ability to go with the same way as the **** of death. It is more powerful and more useful.

Xia Yan wants to understand this, some depressed, and her first thought is shattered.

But then Tsuno Hiroshi said: "You can think of so much, it is already very good, you have a great talent for the ghost road, I ask you, are you willing to join the ghosts after graduation?"