MTL - Bleach: Secret Intentions-Chapter 81 :equipment

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"What?" The broken bee's eyes sparkled. He knew that Xia Yan always had many ideas. As long as he said yes, he would be fine. Bayi Chinese Network? W (eight) WW. 81ZW. COM

Xia Yan said with a smile: "The broken bee sister came with me, I have two ideas, and now I have completed the first one, just you can try it."

"it is good."

The broken bee is very much looking forward to follow Xia Yan toward the residence, while walking, a Xia Yan said: "My first thought is about degree, I can't help the broken bee sister to improve her own degree, but can be promoted by external means. , such as clothing."


The broken bee looked at Xia Yan, who explained: "I have observed the torture suit of the broken bee sister. Now this set of clothing has too many shortcomings, it is not suitable for close combat, the skirt is too fluffy, the crotch is even Up, there are more spacious trousers, there is a large area of ​​the neutral, easy to be blocked by the wind when moving, the resistance is too large, so if you change the shape of the clothes, you can increase the degree."

The bee's skirt is very resistant, especially the flail between the thighs, which tends to obstruct the wind.

Moreover, the trousers are very spacious. When moving, the wind blows the trousers tightly on the skin, and even swings with the wind.

There is also a gap, the sides of the thigh are hollow, the back is also hollow, the underarm is also hollow, it is easy to enter the wind.

Therefore, the criminal war service is not conducive to the battle, and it did not pass through after the night.

The broken bee nodded and said: "There are some obstacles."

Xia Yan said with a smile: "So I made a dress for you."

Xia Yan walked into the house with a broken bee, took out a dress from her pocket and handed it to Xia Yan.

"this is?"

The broken bee took out the first piece of clothing, and his face immediately became red. She looked at Xia Yan and said incoherently: "I, how can I wear this?"

The clothes that appeared in front of the broken bees were a trouser-free garment, smooth, high-fork, back hollow, and tight.

That's right, it's the dead water, and the whole body is blue.

This dress has a similar night. When it is fighting with blue dye and d, the exhausted clothes that are worn are only black (657 words).

Xia Yan is afraid of being heavy with the night, coming to a blue, more youthful vitality, with the skin of the bee and the face of youthful youth, it is like a female high school student going to the pool.

Xia Yan looked at the broken bee and said with a smile: "The resistance of this piece of clothing is very small, as well as stockings and shoes."

The stockings are white, until the thighs, wearing black stockings and armor when fighting in the night and blue dyeing. When fighting with d, they are wearing black boots. .

Xia Yan felt that the boots were not very good, only the white stockings were left, and the shoes were replaced with gym shoes.

Yes, it is gym shoes, red rounded edges, simple style, simple, light and flexible, although some soil, but you must know that the bee was worn before, but the ugly explosion.

As long as the broken bee wears this set of equipment, it can reduce a lot of resistance and can become more beautiful and sexy.

The broken bee threw the clothes aside and said, "I won't wear it."

Xia Yan looked at the broken bee and asked, "Why?"

The broken bee was flushed and said: "This dress has a thigh."

Xia Yan grabbed the white stockings and said: "But there are socks, only the naked ones. It is no different from the criminal suits. It is lighter, weighs only a quarter, and the resistance is very small."

The broken bee twisted his head and said, "I don't wear it, even if it's better."

Xia Yan smashed the hoe, but she did not expect that she had failed for a long time to change. She said: "That can only be changed into tight pants and tights."

Tights and tights are the second choice for Xia Yan. As long as you avoid too much trousers and flail, the weight will not be reduced too much, but the resistance can be reduced by more than half.

Xia Yan took out a book with the style of this dress. The broken bee nodded and said: "This is OK."

Xia Yan said with a smile: "Then I will order it."

As he said, Xia Yan put the clothes in his pocket and put it away.

The broken bee saw this scene, and his face was blushing and asked: "You still have what to do. I won't wear it, just throw it away."

Xia Yan looked at the broken bee and said: "Now can't wear it, but if you get married, the broken bee sister can wear it to me."

The broken bee thought of the scene at that time, his face became red and he said: "Do not wear."

"Then don't wear it."

Although Xia Yan said this, she secretly hid her clothes and let them go.

How can the broken bee not know what Xia Yan is thinking, but there is no block, when it is really married, it is fine to wear it.

Xia Yan picked up the book just now and opened the second page and said: "It was clothes that can reduce the resistance and increase the degree. This is the means of attack."

"this is?"

The contents of the broken bee looking at the book are four armor, some like handcuffs and leg squats, which can cover the arms of both hands and the legs and legs. The metal material has a grain and can make the lightning can rotate in it. Finally, Play a pure thunderbolt.

Extremely hard, it can crush broken steel.

It is like the special iron armor created by Urahara for the night, which can crack the blue skin of the second state, and then cooperate with the instant to continue to cause damage.

Xia Yanduo designed the texture, with Lei instant, you can shoot the thunderbolt.

There is also a cutting-edge, left-handed cone, all made of metal, which can concentrate all the power at the apex of a cone.

The right hand is a paw, but with a gap, you can put the liberated drones into it.

However, such strength materials have not yet been found, and Xia Yan intends to go to Niely and ask if it is possible to do this.

The broken bee saw the description of the iron armor, his eyes lit up and said: "If you can really build this armor, my attack and defense can be greatly improved."

Xia Yan nodded and said: "And I will leave a small mouth for you in the right hand, you can carry out the initial solution as a bird's bee. And these lines, you can superimpose the genre of ghosts can also hit the moment. And here... ”

The broken bee listened to Xia Yan’s words, knowing that this armor must have infused Xia Yan’s great efforts, and his heart was very moved. It turned out that he had done so much in the dark.

The broken bee couldn’t help but say, “Thank you.”

Xia Yan said a little, and said: "This is not a thank you."

The broken bee smiled and said: "If you build this armor by then, then I will show you the first set of clothes you designed after you get married."

Xia Yan’s eyes lit up and asked: “Is it true?”

The broken bee nodded and said: "Of course it is true."


Xia Yan thought of wearing dead water, white stockings and gymnastic shoes, the heart is excited.

“Need to be so excited?” The broken bee looked at Xia Yan, not arrogant.

Xia Yan said with a smile: "Of course."

The broken bee was white and Xia Yan looked at it, but at this time, a figure pushed the door open and walked into the house, came to the broken bee and whispered a few words.

"I will go here."

The broken bee said, looking at Xia Yan, said: "The criminal army has a mission, there is a death **** who has not attempted to murder, and fled out of the sacred court. Once a nobleman, there was an order to pass it down and go straight to the assassination without trial."

Xia Yan nodded and said: "The captain of the broken bee, go."

Such a task will appear every once in a while, and generally will not be taken, but will directly send a secret mobile unit to assassinate.

Just like Lucia's violations, if the death penalty is really imposed, it is necessary for the secret mobile unit to be dispatched.

But in the end, the Liufan team was dispatched to bring Lucia back.

The broken bee quickly left, Xia Yan yawned, packed things up, and planned to go to Niely in a few days.

. . .

But after two hours, the broken bee has not returned. A Ritten team member pushed the door open and said: "Xia Yan, the broken bee captain, hopes that you will lead a combat team and search for the Nanliu Soul Street area."

Xia Yan stood up and asked, "Is that death not found?"

The Ritten team member said: "Well, the broken bee adult went to Dongliu Soul Street, but when he found half of the search, he learned that he had left, so the broken bee went to Nanliu Soul Street, but also hoped that Xia Yan and Daqian Tianxi Thousands of generations went together to help search. Vice-president Odama will go to Beiliu Spirit Street to search, and Xia Yan’s adult went to Xiliu Soul Street to search. This is the appearance of the defection.

The Ritten team handed a picture to Xia Yan. After Xia Yan put it up, he said, "Okay, I will go."

(Three more, on Monday, ask for a ticket. Another setting change: Lucia is indeed the collapsed jade that was put into the world when it first went to the world more than 40 years ago. It is not the coffin that was obtained at the beginning of the story. I am today. When reading a chapter, suddenly a sentence can indirectly prove that Lucia had been put into the collapsed jade. So now there is already a jade in the body of Lucia, but the protagonist can't take it out and can't enter the big spirit. The book cloister is even more unable to escape the blue dye.

It was originally set up in this way, and later changed, and now I am back again, so that everyone will follow the confusion, sorry. )