MTL - Bloodline Lord of War-Chapter 139

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  Chapter 139

   Robin put on his armor, followed the servants of the tournament field out of the lounge, and saw the horse tied outside the door.

   "Jack, that stinky boy, brought the horse here, and didn't say he came in to report, where did he go to be lazy?" A servant muttered dissatisfied.

  The few people didn't think much about it. The servants stood in a row, and the leader respectfully said: "Master Baron, please mount your horse."

  Robin walked to the horse, and first fondled the horse's neck. The horse's fur was as smooth as silk. Then he grabbed the saddle with both hands, turned over and got on the horse easily.

  A servant sent a lance, Robin took it with one hand, pulled the rein with his left hand, skillfully controlled the horse under his crotch to turn around, and walked towards the gate of the arena.

  In the arena, Ed was sitting on a small mazza, already a little impatient waiting.

  Beside the three servants, one fanned him, one handed him water, and the other waited on his beloved horse.

  After waiting for a while, Robin walked into the arena slowly, one person and one horse.

   "It's finally here." Ed's eyes glowed with excitement, and he stood up.

   Then, Ed turned around and stepped on the horse, picked up the new lance, and his three male servants also quickly exited the arena.

  Robin and Ed stood at both ends of the venue.

   At this time, there was a burst of cheering from the audience, basically cheering for Ed, and only Simon cheered for Robin at the top of his voice:

   "Boss, get rid of this little boy! Get his **** out!"

Simon's loud voice was ten, and the nobles around him all showed dissatisfaction and contempt at him. Luke, who was sitting next to him, simply covered his pointed ears. He couldn't do it, and his head was shocked by Simon buzzing.

  The aristocratic girl in the yellow hat also yelled for Ed in anger, but her small voice couldn't shout at Simon at all, and she could only see her babbling, but she couldn't hear her voice at all.

  Helen looked worriedly at Robin on the field. Although she knew that Robin was strong, Ed was not weak either. Although Helen has always disliked Ed, she also has to admit that among their younger generation of nobles, Ed is the absolute best. In Silver Frost City, there are only a handful of people under the age of thirty who can beat Ed.

   Moreover, Ed has an advantage in this competition. He and his war horse have been together day and night, and they have already cooperated seamlessly with each other, while Robin is a temporary team. The people and horses are not familiar with each other, and they will definitely suffer losses in a fight.

  Ed rode on the horse and turned to look at Helen. He wanted to give Helen a handsome smile, but found that Helen was looking at Robin.

  The jealous jar in his heart immediately turned over again, thinking angrily in his heart: Helen, just watch, I will tell you with practical actions, Baron Robin is nothing at all, and I am the man worthy of you.

  Keman sat in the third row of the auditorium, in a corner with few people. He has quietly taken out the scroll used to activate the fire magic circle, and he is holding both ends of the scroll tightly with both hands, ready to go at any time.

  He stared at Robin on the field intently, not even daring to blink his eyes. His expression was tense, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his heart was beating wildly in his chest.

  Before the official start of the war, according to the usual practice, the two sides have to talk trash to each other. Ed pointed at Robin with his lance, and said loudly, "Robin, I didn't want to trouble you, but you asked for it."

  Robin put on his helmet, and said in a nonchalant tone, "Stop talking nonsense, let's get started."

   "Hmph, you can still speak hard now." Ed also put on his helmet.

Robin and Ed raised their lances almost at the same time. Both of them made the final preparations before the battle. The noisy arena suddenly fell silent, and everyone's eyes were on the two of them in the arena. He held his breath nervously.

  This tense atmosphere also infected the war horse under Robin's crotch. It let out a restless snort, and planed anxiously on the ground with its left front hoof.

  Duke Augustus stood up, cleared his throat with a cough, and immediately announced loudly: "Competition, start!"


   Ed yelled, and pulled the rein hard, and the war horse under his crotch immediately spread its four hooves, and rushed towards Robin fiercely.

  Robin also rushed to Ed, the horse galloped at full speed, the oncoming gust of wind whistled past his ears, the horse's hooves stepped on the ground continuously and powerfully, and the sound of continuous treading was like a rapid drumbeat.

  Under the visor, Robin looked stern. He stared intently at Ed who was approaching fast in front of him, his eyes sharper than a sword.

  Amidst the sound of galloping horseshoes, the two sides are getting closer and closer, and it seems that they are about to fight. At this moment, in the auditorium, Coman tore the magic scroll in his hand forcefully.

  The next moment, the magic circle printed on the horse's leg was activated, and with a whir, a small flame burst out from the magic circle.

  The war horse was galloping wildly when it suddenly felt a pain in its leg, as if it had been scorched by fire. It immediately let out a painful neigh, stopped its forward steps suddenly, and raised its two front legs high.

   This sudden change shocked everyone, and there was an immediate uproar in the audience.

  The horse stopped too suddenly, Robin's body rushed forward, and the inertia almost pushed him off the horse.

  Ed was also surprised, but then he showed an ecstatic expression. This is a good opportunity to defeat Robin!

   Knights compete, and equestrian skills are also part of the contest between the two sides. Some knights even deliberately use methods to scare the opponent's horse.

At this time, the distance between Robin and Ed was very close, and the horse under Ed's crotch rushed to Robin in two steps. Ed let out a battle cry, and a bright light of fighting spirit burst out from the lance, stabbing him with a spear. To Robin!

  Robin just stabilized his body on horseback at this time, he had no time to dodge, and was shot in the chest by Ed.

   But just like Robin's evaluation of Ed just now, Ed's strength is not enough. With his titan body, Robin can take Ed's shot hard without any serious problems.

  In order to remove the impact from Ed's gun, Robin turned over and dismounted after being stabbed. The whole person dexterously turned around in mid-air, and then stood firmly on the ground with both feet.

   There was another exclamation from the audience. Anyone who knows how to do it can see how exquisite Robin's unloading is. This is a top-level skill that only a true combat master can achieve.

   "Beautiful!" Duke Augustus couldn't help shouting, he was impressed by Robin's hand on the spot.

  On the other side, Simon yelled angrily: "What a rotten horse, it kicks at the critical moment, I'm going to stew you!"

  After stabbing Robin with the lance, Ed's war horse rushed forward for a certain distance by virtue of inertia, and then slowly stopped when it rushed to the edge of the arena. He turned the horse's head and saw that Robin was still standing in the middle of the field, Ed couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

   This guy is quite resistant, he was shot in the front, and he can still stand.

   Ed was a little surprised, but this surprise was soon overshadowed by the joy of winning.

Right now Ed has the upper hand. Robin's horse has already run away in fright. He has a horse but Robin has no horse. Almost equal to victory.

  Of course, the premise is that the strength gap between the two sides should not be too large. If a holy-rank strongman meets an ordinary cavalry, don't say that there are horses and no horses. The holy-rank strong can win with a wooden stick.

   "Robin, I didn't expect your equestrian skills to be so bad, do you deserve to be called a knight?" Ed sneered.

  Robin ignored Ed's ridicule, he frowned slightly, and only felt strange in his heart. When he charged just now, everything was normal, and the war horse was suddenly frightened, which is not weird.

  In the auditorium, Koman bowed his head deeply, with a joyful smile on his dark face. He tried not to let himself laugh out loud, but his shoulders still couldn't help shaking.

  Success! Master Ed is sure to win this time!

   "Do you want to continue the competition? If you lose the horse, you have no chance of winning." Ed was riding on the horse and said to Robin arrogantly.

   "As an honorable knight, I can grant you my mercy and allow you to surrender now."

  Hearing Ed's provocation, Robin withdrew his mind. Right now, he still has to end the contest before thinking about what happened to the horse.

  Robin stood in the center of the field, raised his hand and ticked Ed. Although he didn't speak, the meaning was already obvious: Come here!

  Ed was very annoyed immediately: "I've been dismounted by me, and you dare to be so arrogant, Robin, I'm going to teach you a lesson today!"

   After finishing speaking, Ed pulled the rein again, and drove the horse towards Robin.

  The horse weighing nearly one thousand catties galloped at full speed, the momentum was enough to make one's heart shudder, not to mention that there was a knight who looked like an iron bucket sitting on the horseback.

  The horse's hooves made a dull sound when they stepped on the ground. Seeing the war horse running towards him, an ordinary person would instinctively want to run away at this time. But Robin still stood there calmly, his eyes fixed on Ed who rushed over, without blinking.

  When Robin landed just now, the lance in his hand disappeared. His hands were empty, his arms drooped naturally, and his muscles tensed at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, Ed rushed in front of Robin. He raised the lance in his hand, and a blue vindictive light burst out from the tip of the gun. The gun was fired as fast as lightning, and the tip of the gun made a sharp sound of piercing the air. He stabbed straight at Robin.

   "Medium!" Ed shouted.

In the midst of this flash, Robin's body sank, his feet firmly nailed to the ground, and at the same time, he stretched out his hands and thrust forward. His hands were as fast as two afterimages, and they grabbed Ed's body. gun head!

Aide was stunned immediately. Not only did he use all his strength for this shot, but he also had the force of the horse rushing forward. Both forces were concentrated on the head of the gun. The moment he shot, because the speed was too fast, he could As for the tip of the gun, it looks blurry.

  Ed never dreamed that someone could grab the end of his gun with both hands!


  Robin let out a roar, and grabbed Ed's gun with both hands and yanked it back. On the other end of the gun, Ed, who was caught off guard, was immediately pulled off his horse by Robin, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Robin's move was even more amazing than the dismounting and unloading just now. These nobles had watched hundreds of knights' contests, but they had never seen one party able to grab the other's spear. For a while, the entire arena All were shocked.

  In the auditorium, Helen's beautiful eyes widened, and she was very amazed in her heart. If it was her, she would not be able to do what Robin did.

   Ed got up from the ground in a hurry, his head was still dazed. what's the situation? I was dragged off the horse by Robin!

  He couldn't believe it, the proud look on his face disappeared, and he turned to look at Robin, his eyes were full of shock and anger.

   Of course Ed couldn't just admit defeat. Since he was defeated, he would simply fight on foot. So he pulled out the cross sword on his waist and rushed towards Robin with a roar.

  Robin also dropped Ed's lance and drew his long sword.

  Once entering the ground battle, the risk factor will increase exponentially. The lance had already had its tip removed, and at most a few ribs would be broken if it was poked. But the knight's saber is a real thing, and it will really kill people if they hit the vital point.

   Ed took small steps, roared a few steps, and rushed to Robin, with a bright light of fighting spirit on the blade, and raised the sword with both hands to strike at Robin's head.

  Robin quickly took two steps back, accurately avoiding Ed's attack, and the tip of the sword almost fell in front of his eyes.

   Then, Ed launched a stormy attack on Robin, and the cross sword waved dazzling sword flowers in his hand.

  His swordsmanship looks like it came from a noble teacher. The sword is very beautiful, and his moves are as coherent as dancing. But in Robin's view, it was a bit too gorgeous, there were too many useless ostentations in swordsmanship.

  As the defender, Robin sometimes dodged and sometimes blocked with his sword. The two swords kept colliding with each other, making a "clinking" iron sound, which was rapid and dense.

  Robin's every move is simple and ordinary, but his defense is impeccable, hesitating like an iron wall, Ed tried his best, but he couldn't touch Robin at all.

   The two fought for less than a minute, and Robin had figured out Ed's routine.

   Ed struck again with a sword, Robin blocked it with a horizontal sword, and at the same time saw the timing, raised his leg and kicked Ed in the stomach.

  Ed immediately flew upside down and fell heavily to the ground with a plop.

  The fighting instinct made Ed stand up again immediately, but he was a little confused: I was obviously the one who had been gaining the upper hand just now, why did the situation suddenly turn around?

   Robin strode over with his sword in his hands. Under the visor, his expression was as cold as ice. He was about to end the battle.

   Ed roared again and rushed forward, this time he changed his moves and stabbed Robin's chest with a sword.

  However, Robin seemed to have seen him through. The moment Ed made a move, Robin also made a move at the same time, raised his sword and raised it, and with a bang, the sword that Ed stabbed in was thrown flying.

  Then, Robin swept his sword towards Ed's neck. His speed was as fast as lightning, and Ed couldn't react at all.

The next second, Robin's sword stopped abruptly, the blade cut through the armor on Ed's neck, firmly stuck to his skin, cut in a little bit, a trace of blood ran down his Slowly down the neck.

  If Robin didn't stop in time, then this sword would undoubtedly cut off Ed's head!

   The battle is over.

   It’s embarrassing, I forgot to write the title, and after uploading, I found that I can’t change the title, so this chapter has no title, I’m really sorry



  (end of this chapter)