MTL - Blue Sky Sword-Chapter 40 Move softly!

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Feng Yin felt it seriously.

This clean air, with a tendency to appear or disappear, quietly blends into one's body, and then follows the meridians, silently traversing the meridians of the whole body for a week, but causes the meridians to produce some kind of subtle changes...

But this kind of change is too subtle. As far as the wind seal at the current stage is concerned, it is still known and unknown.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that the clear qi is good for the meridians, and it goes up along the meridians, finally enters the brain, and disappears again...

Feng Yin moved in his heart, and once again unfolded his inner vision.

Under the detailed identification... I was shocked to see the corner of the consciousness, as if there was a small space; inside there was a faintly knife-shaped miniature, slowly rotating.

"Turning around, it's here!"

"The clear air that flows back after the attunement seems to have the effect of transforming the meridians, which is good for cultivation, and also has the effect of enhancing the consciousness... I think that the enhancement of the consciousness should be related to the Taoism and the sword. There is something about it...but the specifics need to be carefully explored in the future."

A big stone hung in Fengyin's heart and finally fell to the ground. He had been worrying about these two things before.

The Dao Dian and the knife are the foundation of Fengyin's practice. Confirming the specific whereabouts of these two things will make Fengyin more happy than breaking the innate barrier at this time.

Now, it is even more known that Xiaodao can be raised with monster soul beads, and Divine Consciousness and Taoism can be raised with this kind of clear energy.

that's enough!

This heart is firm.

With this time of enlightenment, the little guy Fengying began to shed white hairs all over his body again; and new white hairs continued to breed, and after growing to a certain length, they began to fall off again...

Harvest a bunch of cat hair again!

Feng Yin looked at the little guy's condition carefully, and found that Feng Ying's body seemed to have grown slightly, almost undetectably...

Fengyin's thoughts changed, and he hurriedly went to cook the meat, and cooked a pot of monster meat that he had already bought.

There is also Yuanli Dan, which is directly smashed together and dissolved in the soup.

After half an hour...


The little guy screamed in an eager voice, looking like he was panicking with hunger, his eyes were infinitely pitiful, and when he saw the broth, he immediately plunged into it, and devoured it for a good meal...

After eating for a long time...

Fengyin watched helplessly as the little thing the size of his fist ate a full two pounds of meat. When he arrived, he drank most of the soup, but his stomach only bulged slightly.

"You stomach, it's already like this now, what to do in the future..."

Fengyin was stunned, and instinctively said what was in his heart.

You must know that the whole little guy is only two or three ounces when he is full. He ate two pounds of meat and more than half a pot of soup, at least a dozen times his own weight.

Why isn't it scary.

Feng Ying was full and sated, and turned to be reserved, wagging her tail, slowly continuing to drink the soup bit by bit, full of the feeling of a lady...

Occasionally raised his head to look at Feng Yin, his eyes were much more agile than before.

That feeling seems to be like having a long heart, and there are several emotions hidden...

For example, looking at Feng Yin's stunned expression, he immediately turned his head secretly, and there was a hint of embarrassment and embarrassment in his eyes...

She seems to be very dissatisfied with her previous appearance of not being a lady at all...

And then work harder to be more elegant...

The little guy grows up, until he pays attention to his image, he knows how to maintain his decency.

Fengyin looked at it, and couldn't help but feel a burst of belly laughter. Although she managed to hold it back, the corners of her mouth twitched.


The breeze is breezy, and the branches and leaves of the two iron hearts are swirling, making a swishing sound...

Fengyin hugged the little guy, took out Juntian Jian, and began to refresh the task.

Well, the next task of killing killers is the current focus. If you have broken through your innate self, you can try to take on some higher-level tasks, which will make it easier for you to advance to the level of killers.

As soon as it was opened, various tasks were swiped down like a waterfall, and the interface changed randomly, and it became the scope of Yuezhou City, which was much calmer.

"It has already broken through the innate. If it is divided according to the level of the warrior, it is now the ninth-rank innate."

Every time Fengyin thinks of what Mr. Xu said, the true ninth grade, the negative ninth grade, the people of heaven and earth, the right way, he feels powerless to complain...

This is too convoluted.

After struggling for many years, I finally reached the peak of the ninth rank, and then the next big realm actually started directly from the ninth rank...

Who knows how a warrior feels...

Really speechless!

Could it be that the level of the goods is too low to understand?

"What I have to do now is to keep doing the tasks and raise the level to the gold medal. This must be done quickly, there is not much time left!"

"The second thing, I just set up a spot here before, and I didn't manage my identity well, so I must find a decent background for my current identity as soon as possible, and I must not be idle, so easy to be targeted."

Feng Yin quickly made up his mind and began to screen the task.

For this gold medal training, Fengyin is determined to win!

This is the most efficient and most thorough way to make up for one's own foundation, and it is a top priority that must be achieved at present!

The basic shortcomings, if left to exist, will only intensify. This is true everywhere, in any industry, in any category. The two worlds are very clear about the consequences.

When climbing high places in the future, it may become a fatal flaw of losing all the games and a complete defeat.

This is not a problem that can be compensated by simply improving one's aptitude and rapidly improving one's own cultivation, but the basic point of habitual movement.

There is still room for improvement in the qualifications in the future, and the growth of his own cultivation base has been successful and self-seeking.

Only this kind of fundamental and fundamental thing once used to become natural, can no longer be corrected. Since the defect is planted, it will last forever and forever.

Therefore, the gold medal training should not be missed, the sooner the better.

"Mission, three thousand horses, one-legged thief, this scorpion killed countless people; then sneaked into Yuezhou, killed its people, took its money, and took its home; the crime is extremely heinous and unforgivable. Order Juntian's hands to kill it, and report it to the sky above. , Xia'an Limin. Mission degree, marked red, mission level, bronze medal."

It was actually a task marked in red.

Feng Yin was suddenly a little surprised.

After skipping a few iron missions, Feng printed a bronze mission.

Fengyin checked it out in detail, and found that this task was released seven days ago. In other words, the current information of this Ma Sanqian was refreshed seven days ago.

In other words, this Ma Sanqian only started the so-called 'sneaking into Yuezhou, killing his people, taking his wealth, and occupying his residence' seven days ago.

And seven days ago, it was an ordinary bronze medal mission.

It was only after he did this that he was marked red by Juntian.

But after being marked red, seven days have passed. Until now, this task has not been completed, which is more intriguing.

Fengyin believes that no matter before or after the red mark, there must be more than one bronze medal killer to do the task, and Ma Sanqian is still alive, which directly shows that his strength is tyrannical, and the general bronze medal killer is not his opponent.

Even, the killer of the bronze medal series, no one is his opponent!

Red flag task!

Feng Yin frowned and thought for a while, and finally decided to wait and see.

Let's wait and see first to determine the strength of this Ma Sanqian.

If it is too much taller than me, then give up at any time.

Feng Yin's self-knowledge is absolutely clear.

My own weight is one hundred and forty-eight catties and seven and a half. ——The wind seal has always been so clear about how many catties and taels he has.

I have little experience in this world, and I have less knowledge of cultivators in this world. Even if I have broken through the innate and my strength has grown greatly, it is too risky to directly face such a powerful opponent who may still have trump cards.

Let's take a few iron quests first, and then let's hone them.

At least you can consolidate your current cultivation base and sharpen your means of fighting the enemy. Wouldn't it be better than taking a risk of blindly attacking?

Just looking back at the iron-card quests, the few that I had brushed before had already been completed more than half of them.

"Who would have thought that the killer industry would be so competitive!"

Feng Yin quickly locked on a few targets, turned over and left the house as soon as he stopped.

Fengying originally wanted to follow, but was left behind by Fengying.

The little guy squatted at the door, eager to see through his eyes, aggrieved, and the water in his eyes flashed...

Looks lonely and helpless.

Hmph...don't take me...


Still using an Asian sorcery to change its and then cover it with a black scarf, high up and down, coming and going like the wind, without a trace.

A killer who walks in the dark, a soul seeker in the dark night.

The figure of Fengyin is like the breeze blowing through the dark night, from the eaves, the shadows of trees, and other sheltered places, flying over all the way invisible and shadowless.

Every time I went to a safe place, I took out Jun Tianjian to take a look.

After confirming that the goal has not been completed, the line remains unchanged and continues.

During this process, several iron-card missions, several wooden-sign missions, and even card-card missions appeared nearby, and the contents of the missions were quite strange.

"Hu San, a street thug who is unreasonable and harassing on weekdays, oppresses the good and the good, and runs rampant in the countryside. Small evils continue, but major crimes are not committed. It is really hateful. Recently, Li Shusheng's wife has been harassed many times, but Li's wife ignored it. His wife had an affair with him and deliberately spread it to the ears of the scholar. Now, the Li family is not on good terms, and has already decided to divorce his wife; far away.

Is it the original sin for a woman to be beautiful?

Hu San's crime is very rhetorical, the law is not enough to govern, and the crime does not lead to death; however, it is not tolerated by reason, and it is not tolerated by righteousness; Juntian sentenced it to death: death penalty! "

"Order Juntian's descendants to kill him, report it to the sky, and send peace to the people. Mission level, playing cards."

Seeing this task, Feng Yin couldn't help feeling a little happy, so he immediately turned around.

Who said that bronze medals are not for low-level tasks?

I have to do this kind of task!


[Tomorrow, the selection of Fengjia's third show will begin, and the day after tomorrow, Fengjia's fourth show will be selected, and the reward will be a signed book. Come and get a few people to rule Da Sao and Er Sao, these two are going to be turned upside down after entering the group...]