MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v2 Chapter 272 coming! 【2 in 1】

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But this matter, Simon Wilder dare not say.

Father and uncle insisted that they should be honest, don't run around, and don't try to attack the master of the beast master.

At this stage, everything is mainly about healing.

As soon as the injury heals, go home immediately and stay away from Yuezhou, a place of right and wrong.

It's not a matter of saying this with your ears, it's really been said many times!

How dare the two of them say that tonight, through means, they threatened He Xiangming, the head of the Royal Beast Sect, and got the opportunity to meet the master?

If my father finds out, and being punished is second, I am afraid I will lose this hard-won opportunity...

That being the case, Mo Ru waited to meet the master, bought a cub, established a good relationship, or... eh?

When they return to the family in this way, when the two of them have established great achievements, who would care about the small violations now?

To say that the news from He Xiangming is also anxious, saying that the master will leave in the early morning tomorrow to find the cub...

If I don't see you today, then I don't know what year and month I will come back.

Moreover, the news came two hours earlier than the news of the divine healer's treatment. The two brothers had already prepared a two-hour meeting gift.

This meeting is already a planned trip. If it really can't happen... it will be terrible.

It is not easy for the two of them to persist until now, they are like ants on a hot pot!

But looking at the current scene, the two of them are afraid that they won't be able to finish the drinking, and their father will have to go for treatment. When the banquet is over, the most conservative time is in the early morning, when they get up... Huang Hua The dishes were not only cold, they had to be thrown into the trash.

Maybe in a short while, the master will be hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Where can I find it?

"We really have something important to do... Third Uncle."

Simon Huaide bowed his body with a bitter face: "Third Uncle, it's not that we are not filial..."

Ximen Qianli stared: "Then you guys talk about it, what's more important than your father's recovery?"

The two bowed their bodies, lowered their heads, and said nothing, but they did not intend to return to their seats, so they just stood there.

A deep anger flashed in Ximen Qianli's eyes, that kind of hatred that iron can't become steel, and almost solidified into substance. The angry beard trembled and his fingers trembled: "You, you two unworthy sons..."


Ximen Qianqiu looked at this side, and with his cultivation, he naturally listened to all the conversations here, and could hear it clearly.

His son's actions at this moment, he is truly disappointed.

But with so many guests present, it's not a good time to reprimand, so he simply exhaled and said, "Let them go!"

Ximen Qianli took a deep breath, his eyes were sharp, and he sounded fiercely: "Back to the family, this old man will personally execute the family law!"

With one step, he shifted his position. @ Essence\/Book Pavilion · No mistake starting~~

"Yes, my nephew is unworthy and made my uncle angry. After today, let the third uncle punish me, my nephew will never dare to say anything!"

The two brothers bowed deeply, then turned around resolutely, and hurried away.

Ximen Qianli was so angry that his face was ashen, he looked sharply at the direction where his two nephews were leaving, and said angrily: "If you have a seed, don't come back!"

Flicking his sleeves, he turned back to his room.

His last words just now were equivalent to giving the two of them the last chance, but the two of them went their own way, not to hit the south wall and not to look back!

The heavy snow was still falling, quickly covering up the footprints of Ximen Huaide and others, but there was no trace left in a moment.

It seems that their whereabouts have never existed.

In the hall, the banquet is in full swing, the aroma of wine is overflowing, and the candles are shaking red.

Although Ximen Qianqiu felt unhappy in his heart, it was really difficult for such an occasion to break out. He laughed and stood up and said, "The old man went to the appointment, everyone, please don't leave, wait for the old man to return, and then get drunk again!"

"I've been waiting for the good news of the old man's recovery, let's all share a little joy!"

The mountains below were thundering.

Several cultivators of the same generation from other families all raised their glasses to congratulate them, with smiles all over their faces: (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 272 is here! Two in one

"Come back early! Wait for you to get drunk!"

"it is good!"

Ximen Qianqiu got up and left, and Ximen Qianli sent them all the way.

"Brother, it's because you indulged them too much, and this embarrassment happened today." Ximen Qianli was still a little indignant.

"There's no way...their mother died in childbirth when the third child was born, and because of my body recuperating all the year round, it was inevitable that I had spoiled a few of them."

"Sooner or later, if things go on like this, something big will happen. The world is so big, not everyone will give us Ximen's face!" Ximen Qianli said.

Ximen Qianqiu sighed and said, "After I recover, I will definitely teach them a good lesson."

The two brothers sighed in succession.

Headed to the conscience medical center, although the recovery is imminent, they should be rejoicing, but after experiencing such a thing, both brothers feel depressed, and they don't feel happy at all.

Even roaming in this heavy snow, I still feel quite dazed.

Step by step, the heavy snow creaked, but my heart became more and more empty, and I didn't know the reason.

The most helpless thing for a husband is that his wife is not worthy and his son is not worthy. This sentence has been fully explained by Ximen Qianqiu.

Because these are not what he can say.

No matter how good you are, but your son is useless, what can you do?

Killed with a slap?

When the child is older, he has his own thoughts, and the teachings of the older generation...that can only be teachings.

In the ears of the vast majority of children in the world, the so-called experience and teachings of the older generation are even... not as good as a fart.

In addition to being annoying, it is still annoying.

When the book is ready to be used, I hate it less, and I don’t know how difficult it is. No one knows this is a wise saying.

But some things... a person really can only go through it once in his life, and there will be no chance to do it again, let alone correct it.

Without further obstacles, Ximen Qianqiu met the genius doctor very smoothly.

Fengyin behaved very politely, especially for the four times the consultation fee, and expressed his sincere apology.

"I'm very sorry for making seniors pay up to four times the medical fee."

Fengyin said straight to the point: "On the bright side, it is because there are too many people in the Ximen family on the chasing and killing list, so such a punishment mechanism is made. But there is no lack of personal grudges of a friend of mine involved in it. , my own selfishness. First update @”

"On this point, I have received multiple times of the senior's consultation fee. Even if I have a clear conscience, I still have to say this apology."

Fengyin said earnestly: "No matter how despicable the people of Ximen's family are on Jun Tianjian's chasing and killing list, and how many people they have, senior Ximen Qianqiu is an upright chivalrous person, and the reason why he is The damage was also caused by the people of the Nangong family back then, who robbed innocent people's treasures, while senior Ximen opened his eyes to the people and drove away the evil spirits."

"It's one thing that the Ximen family can afford to pay the four times the medical fee, but senior Ximen himself shouldn't be involved in such criticism. In my opinion, it's a different matter!"

Fengyin said solemnly: "I am here to tell the seniors, I hope the seniors can bear with them, Fengyin is not the one who gets cheap and sells well."

Ximen Qianqiu suddenly felt his eyes warm, and an extremely complicated emotion surged in his heart, and his voice became hoarse for a while.

To be honest, Fengyin's argument might be the first time in this world.

In the hearts of most people, it has always been taken for granted that if Lao Tzu is bad, then his son must also be bad. The son is a villain, how could Laozi not be the umbrella to protect this person? !

The task of eradicating evil is done, cutting grass and rooting, from top to bottom or from bottom to top, all are like this.

But few people take things apart like Fengyin, separate personal behaviors, and do not generalize.

A family is a family. An individual is an individual. A family is a family. An individual is still an individual.

Son is son, Lao Tzu is Lao Tzu, the two should not be confused.

Because it is impossible for everyone to do things according to other people's hands and control other people's thoughts.

A teacher who is famous all over the world and fragrant with peach and plum, became a murderer because of his son. This teacher has worked hard all his life. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 272 is here! Two in one

Should it be wiped out?

Did he become a sin because of his conscientious and dedicated life as a teacher?

That's impossible, it's ridiculous!

"The doctor's words are serious."

Ximen Qianqiu couldn't help but reddened his eyes, and his body trembled a little.

"There are so many people in the Ximen family who are on the list of Jun Tianjian's chasing and killing list. No matter what, this old man's crime of oversight can never escape, and the genius doctor is still willing to treat this old man. Greatful."

Ximen Qianqiu's voice trembled so much that he took a deep breath and controlled it.

"Jun Tianjian is impartial and selfless, all the sins have been written down, and it has never been inaccurate. Whether it can clarify the canonical punishment is one thing, but its authenticity, no one can criticize it. Heart, as for my three unworthy sons, they are on the top of the chasing and killing list, but their behavior is wrong... How can I not know it myself?"

Ximen Qianqiu raised his head, with infinite heartbreak and sorrow in his eyes: "How can I not know that my son should die? Those who are on the list should die?"

"But in my life, studying literature and swordsmanship, and advanced martial arts, are not difficult for me. Even if I live in the world and be kind to others, I will learn it as soon as I learn it. Even if I say that I am not proficient enough, I have not reached the top, but it is always very accessible!"

"If there is any regret, this old man has never learned how to be a father in his whole life!"

Ximen Qianqiu poured out all the pain in his heart like a flood that had found a vent.

"My son is not good enough, what should I do? My son is disobedient, what should I do? With a lifetime of life experience, a belly of knowledge and wealth, my son can't listen to a single sentence, what should I do?"

"The son is unworthy, what should I do? The old man still doesn't know how other fathers, those who raised good children, did it?"

"Why do the few I raise have to go down the wrong path and ignore everything else for the sake of profit!"

"Mo Dao, I have never disciplined them. From the time they were seven or eight years old, I noticed signs. I taught them with words, I taught them with whips, sticks, and even knives. I told them to be kind and obey family rules. , to be a good person..."

Ximen Qianqiu covered his face and burst into tears: "Over the years, the number of sticks that have been broken on them alone has exceeded hundreds... How many times have I broken my legs and caught them back? Going home, locked up, beaten unconscious, and almost died, there have been several times..."

"But they just never really repented, even if they promised it well in person, even if all the family rules and regulations were all memorized

The melons are overcooked, and the poisonous oath made to me makes my heart skip a beat when the old man hears it. "

"But as soon as you go out, you will be back to your old ways. Every time you go out and return, you will add a few more sins to the killing list, and the ranking will become more and more high..."

"I also wanted to strike on my own to end my sins, but when I started, my heart was full of licking, and it was difficult to kill..."

"The old couple died early, and they brought up these three things in one hand. I dare not make mistakes in my life, be careful, and if there is any injustice, I don't want to rush up... I just want to offset some of the crimes committed by my son. sin!"

"But even though the old man tried so hard to make up for it, he couldn't get the slightest bit of understanding from them."

"What is it like to be a qualified father, to be a qualified good father? A father who educates his children?"

Ximen Qianqiu shook his head painfully: "I can't learn it! I don't even know how to learn it! The old man is very envious of those children who walk in the world and stand upright. How many times have they sneaked into other people's homes and learned from their fathers... .. But I have seen thousands of families, and they are all normal. Most of them are not as strict as the old husband's family law... But why are other people's children so good, upright, and magnanimous..."

"Why is my own child notorious on Juntianjian?!"

Ximen Qianqiu's emotions have become out of control, and he has forgotten that he is here to heal. Error free update@

Probably because of Fengyin's words, it resonated and triggered the turbulent tide buried in the bottom of my heart.

He had never told anyone about this kind of pain before. Reality. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 272 is here! Two in one

It is... disgraceful!

Lao Tzu is a man of righteousness, respected by the world, and everything he does is brilliant, and he can hold his head wherever he goes.

But because of his son's notoriety, he didn't dare to raise his head wherever he went!

A big man who is famous all over the world, but he doesn't know how to be a father, how to discipline his son, and he can't teach him to become a good person!

Isn't this outrageous?

But this kind of illogical weirdness actually happened to me!

Looking at Ximen Qianqiu who was emotionally broken in front of him, Feng Yin sighed deeply in his heart.

How to be a father? How to make children obey?

This is a question that no one will ever be able to answer clearly!

Is it really okay to lead by example? Is it absolutely effective to guide from an early age? Can strict discipline be corrected?

Or it works for most people, but not absolutely!

In one's life, the most complicated thing is thought. Everyone is an independent individual. In a certain period of time, if a little thought is touched, it will have many influences, which will then affect the whole life in the future and the way forward in the future!

And this kind of change is often not something that can be transformed by manpower. It is like a wild horse that has taken off the reins. You can only watch it ride the dust and believe the horse is reined.

The general reason is that after the reins are taken off the reins, it is difficult to hold back all kinds of things after that! "I'm too young to answer this question for you."

Feng Yin sighed softly: "The only thing I can do is that after this treatment, Senior Ximen's body has completely returned to normal, and even his physical functions have returned to a level comparable to that of his youth..."

He seemed to say with a deep meaning: "Perhaps, the senior has another child, and there may be other feelings."

Ximen Qianqiu shook his head, and his heart was ashes: "With these three things, I have completely given up on educating my children..."

"Senior is a half-life benevolent man, and the future has a long road ahead. Why should you be imprisoned and trapped, and you can't get rid of it."

Fengyin put away the medicine and said softly, "It will probably take me six to eight hours to dispense this medicine. I wonder if the seniors are waiting here, or go to the top to rest?"

"The old man will sit here for a while, it's hard work and a miracle doctor."

Ximen Qianqiu said in a low mood: "The genius doctor or I don't know, the old man is in a turmoil at the moment, and his mood has been in chaos for many years. Laughed."


Fengyin reassured: "The husband is most helpless if his wife is not worthy and his son is not good, especially the son is not good.

Don't be a headache. "

"Senior sit for a while, I'll come when I go." After explaining this scene, Feng Yin left the secret room.

Ximen Qianqiu is sitting alone in the secret room, but unlike other patients, he meditates and adjusts his state to the best.

Instead, it was a long, short sigh, and each sigh seemed to come from the deepest part of the soul.

After a long time, he still couldn't calm the turbulence of his heart.

Ximen Qianqiu himself felt strange.

This emotion of my own has indeed been suppressed for many years. With my cultivation base state of mind, since I can suppress it for so many years, I can naturally suppress it forever.

The bitter water in this heart has never been spit out. But what happened tonight?

How could the genius doctor let himself lose his temper with just a few words?

When did you become so restless?

"Maybe it's been suppressed for a long time, and the joys and sorrows were mixed at one time, and it broke out, and it was out of control..."

Ximen Qianqiu murmured to explain for himself, but still attributed the full of worries to the sigh of hating iron.

"Huai Dao has already paid the price for his evil deeds and died... Huaide Huairou, don't you two still see the truth of this sky-high net? When will you be able to find your way back!! "

In the reception room of the conscience grocery store medical hall.

Ximen Qianli was drinking tea by himself, quietly waiting for his brother to recover.

. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 272 is here! Two in one

The healing process for a patient in the sky has always been long, and he was prepared in his heart, and the gloom between his eyebrows was not because of waiting alone.

It was the actions of the Ximen Huaide brothers tonight that made him very angry, and even now, his anger has not subsided.

"So unfilial! So unworthy! Not a son of man! What a son of man?"

"After this matter is over, I must punish it properly when I go back. The old man will teach these two beasts a lesson by himself!"

Ximen Qianli gritted his teeth and made up his mind secretly.

Feng Yin quietly left the conscience grocery store, and the next moment he appeared in the belly of a big tree.

He quickly changed his attire and turned into a black robe. He looked in his thirties, with an honest and honest appearance, and he also had a mustache on purpose.

After confirming that the dress was correct, Yunyou climbed to the top of the tree through the body of the tree, and flashed by in the vast white snow.

The flying snow slammed on his face, causing his many mixed emotions to instantly turn into ice and snow as calm.

There were hardly any traces along the way, heading towards He Xiangming's Beast Sect branch.

As soon as the Ximen Huaide brothers left the show, they rushed to He Xiangming's residence in a hurry.

"President He has worked hard. First update @"

"It should be. The master seems to be in a good mood recently.

After accepting the gift, I just tentatively raised your request, and the master agreed immediately. "

He Xiangming's face was full of spring breeze: "The master is going to travel far, and he is preparing to go out, making a medicinal liquid that can avoid the poisoning of poor mountains and bad waters, but the master said, when he is finished, he will send someone to inform us, I will I'll take you there for an audience."

"Thank you Mr. He for your kindness."

Ximen Huaide and Ximen Huairou looked at each other, and Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

It's worth it in the end to dare to come out tonight. What the two asked for was nothing more than seeing the real Master Ling.

As for the others... Hehe, as long as we know your true appearance, there is no mystery to speak of, then you can have what you want?

This Master Ling is really good at training spirit beasts and monsters, but he is just a craftsman who has been studying the way of fighting beasts all his life, and such people are so obsessed with the things they study, they really think that our Ximen family , to pay such a huge price, just for a cub! ?

Does he really think we'll play by the rules? Will it be honest?

audience? !

Hehehe... naive!

Those who have traveled a hundred miles are half and ninety, and there is only a little left, and drink tea and wait patiently!

When she sees her real body, what happens next, it's not all her own decision. Even if He Xiangming follows this girl, what will happen to her, she came from a beast sect that is not the last of the world's major sects, and she dares to follow the four of us. Fighting? !

Father's side must have started diagnosis and treatment. If he has mastered Master Ling in one fell swoop, it will be a double blessing.

What is a mere section?

Time passed little by little.

Before you know it, an hour has passed.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

Ximen Huairou gradually became impatient and became more anxious.

"Don't worry, don't be impatient."

Simon Huaide persuaded his younger brother, but he was also feeling regret in his heart.

If I had known that I would have to wait so long, it would be better to stay at the banquet for a while longer. Maybe I would stay for a while longer. My father and uncle have already left for the doctor. Although it is rude to leave again, it will never make father and uncle so angry and disappointed.

But now that they have all come, it is meaningless to say that there are some that are not.

But after waiting for another hour, I saw that it was almost time, but there was no news.

The anger in the two of them couldn't help but grow stronger, and it was faintly born that they would take down Master Ling when they met, and let him know that the people in the famous sects were not just a little **** who came out of a remote corner and could hang out at will.

Even He Xiangming felt a little restless.

Why hasn't anyone come yet?

Could it be that Master Ling forgot. UU reading www. (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 272 is here! Two in one

Today's crop?

At this moment, there was a strange sound of breaking wind outside, followed by a soft knock on the door.



[Two-in-one, alcohol withdrawal is in the archives. 】

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Chapter 272 is here! Two in one

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