MTL - Bodyguard of the Goddess-Chapter 2186 murderous look!

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The 2,186th chapter is murderous!

This is not a warning, but a strength to illustrate a fact.

Who is Xiao Zheng who wants to kill? Who can escape?

Throughout the eight strong, including the strong masters such as Shang Jingtian, once Xiao Zheng moved to kill, there will be no way to live.

This is not based on bragging, but on a hard battle, relying on risk.

Has Xiao Zheng lost?

not yet. Maybe there will be a day in the future, but it will never lose to the fox bamboo in any way.

Tonight, he will kill his heart and will not forgive the fox bamboo that has not been changed. A partner who was once seen as a friend.

Xiao Zheng’s eyes are cold and his expression is very light.

If this is not the Forty-Nine City, it is not where he is rooted. It is even more that there are parties that face the reference choices he provides. He won't even give the opportunity to make nonsense. Kill it on the spot.

Of course, if this is not the Forty-Nine City. Perhaps the fox bamboo is absolutely not afraid to see Xiao Zheng alone.

After all, Xiao Zheng is notoriously far-reaching, and his own strength is not strong enough. Who dares to go to the meeting with ease?

In the face of Xiao Zheng’s screaming intimidation, Linghu’s heart was a little scared. The face still showed a strong disdain: "How is the result, Xiao Bo has been prejudged so early. Will it be too confident?"

"As long as you don't think that I am arrogant, there is no problem." Xiao Zheng shrugged and annihilated the cigarette. "Then we don't talk nonsense, take all the things you have prepared. I want to see what you have prepared for tonight."

The fox eyes look at Xiao Zheng's confidence, but the mood becomes complicated.

Is this guy in front of me really not looking at himself?

Or, he is just bluffing. In fact, he is not as powerful as he imagined?

But the answer is no longer important, because this step, he has come out. It is impossible to have a turning back.

With a sneer, Linghu Zhu stared straight at Xiao Zheng: "Do you really think I am so vulnerable?"

"I don't think it is. It's the fact." Xiao Zheng is in the opposite direction and does not fall into the wind.

"Then wait and see." Linghu bamboo, the glass of the left hand rose slightly. Then he struggled to kneel on the ground.

At this time, the knifeman he arranged nearby should rush in. Under the command of Linghuzhu, a rapid attack on Xiao Zheng was carried out.

This wave of attacks on the fox is only a foreplay. He does not expect to completely defeat Xiao Zheng by this wave of offensive. Because he is very clear, how strong Xiaozhen is. It can be easily defeated by a group of knives.

But what about the knife?

What about the 20 members of the organization hidden in the next room?

Why didn't one appear after I fell into the cup?

Is it

“Are you waiting for the emergence of a group of people?” Xiao Zheng asked.

Linghu bamboo pumped his mouth and said: "You already know?"

"You seem to forget what I used to do." Xiao Zheng licked his lips. "I also forgot that in this respect, there is no one in this world who is more professional than me."

Linghu bamboo slightly clenched his fist. The uneasiness in the heart is more intense.

"Even so, you may not be able to take the upper hand." Linghuzhu slowly. "Do you think that I have prepared this hand?"

"I am waiting for your second move." Xiao Zheng underestimated the authentic. "I hope you won't let me down."

"You will be shocked."

Then, I saw his left hand pull. Just listen to a burst of blasting sounds. Several powerful black mercenaries from Kong Wu broke through the window and quickly came to Xiao Zheng. They are fully equipped and stand at an extremely high angle. All around the fox bamboo, not an attack.

Why are they doing this?

Because the fox bamboo has prepared the best sniper. Therefore, he is worried that Xiao Zheng is also prepared in this regard. Therefore, I plan to rely on this group of mercenaries to block bullets. Conquering Xiao Zheng who is not protected.

“Is the preparations so detailed?” Xiao Zheng lit a cigarette and glanced at the group of black-faced mercenaries.

These mercenaries may not know themselves, but they are so powerful in the industry. They can't understand, don't know

Therefore, when the cannon entered the box from the main entrance, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became strange.

Xiao Zhengyun was light and light, and the fox bamboo was inexplicable. He thought that there was a big **** against the sky. And for the group of mercenaries, can the giant cannon be the **** of the sky?

As the leader of the mercenary association, the influence of the cannon in the entire industry, but even today's judges can not be compared.

This is probably the collective power is far greater than the individual's performance. The popularity of the cannons, in addition to their personal abilities, benefits from the horror of the Mercenary Association.

"Do not work in your own field, run here to shame people?" The cannon snorted. The cold eyes glanced at the black mercenaries and scared the group of guys into the atmosphere.

"Not rolling yet?" The cannon suddenly burst into a rage.

The group of mercenaries heard the words, where did they come from, where did they go back...


Offended the cannon, do they want to mix in the mercenary world? Don't mix it up, it is estimated that you can't keep your life.

You know, the Mercenary Association is a core member and it is approaching four digits. Those temporary cooperative mercenaries who were exposed. It is tens of thousands.

Once the guns are spoken, will the group care about killing their peers for money?

So their only choice was to betray the fox bamboo and immediately evacuate the scene.

After the cannons drove the group of mercenaries, they did not stay in the box for too much time. It seems that I don't even worry about snipers outside the window.

Of course.

He is only responsible for fixing the security issues around Xiao Zheng. Other issues are not within the scope of his treatment.

When the cannon went away, the face of the fox bamboo would be ugly.

He knew that his own strategy was broken by Xiao Zheng.

Even these life-saving mercenaries were driven away by guns. So can he still stick to it?

is acceptable!

At least, the sniper he arranged is already in place!

Even if Xiao Zheng has some arrangements, at most, it is a life change!

Although his life is worthwhile, he does not want to die. But compared with Xiao Zheng, it is obvious that Xiao Zheng’s life is worth more.

"Although you are prepared very well, it may not prove that I will lose." Linghuzhu ordered a cigarette and his eyes were sharp. "At least, your life is still in my hands."

"Where are you confident?" Xiao Zheng laughed. "A sniper by the window?"

Linghuzhu heard the words, and the eyes became scared when they arrived.

"You don't have to wait. Before I came, the sniper you ambushed outside had already taken you one step." Xiao Zheng slowly said. The eyes are also gradually condensing murder.

Yesterday's pre-marriage preparation, I will open today. Busy and half dead, write a chapter early. Fear of breaking. Please pray that I am a southern white-faced man who can hold the wine of the Northeastern Han. Still an old saying, if you are still awake at night, you will write. I can't guarantee it. Long live understanding.