MTL - Bodyguard of the Goddess-Chapter 2200 Reporting revealed!

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The 2,200th chapter report was revealed!

When Yu Bo was about to eat breakfast the next morning, Xiao Zheng had already eaten a box of instant noodles. Also added a countryman and eggs.

Nothing, Yu Bo had to go straight to the subject and talk about Xiao Zheng.

"The Secretary is really free. I have time to talk to me early in the morning." Xiao Zheng ordered a cigarette and drank the iced coffee in the cup.

"The task is in the body, I can't help it." Yu Bo smiled and faded away. The two men competed last night, and they talked peacefully.

Xiao Zheng smiled and said: "Where is the Secretary going to start this day?"

"It is still the old topic of yesterday. I hope that Xiao Bo can respond positively." Yu Bo said in an understatement.

"I didn't answer it yesterday?" Xiao Zheng asked. "What the Secretary wants to know, I don't seem to have any concealment?"

"That is not enough." Yu Bo said, shaking his head. "I need to know the details of the death of the fox."

"I really can't say this." Xiao Zheng shook his head.

"Is it hard to say, or is Xiao Boss concealed?" Yu Bo asked with a smile.

Everyone knows that the death of Linghuzhu can't be related to Xiao Zheng. Whether it is Xiao Zheng’s hands or hands. Only Xiao Zheng knew it.

Whether it is hands-on or sending people, as long as Xiao Zheng is willing to say the details, Yu Bo can hold his handle. If you don't say it, it will be more suspicious.

This is a set of theories that Yu Bo summed up last night. And it is a blockbuster.

"I don't know very well about these details." The man was killed by Tina, and Xiao Zheng certainly couldn't sell Tina.

"Look, Xiao boss still refuses to cooperate." Yu Bo said very easily. A win in the gesture of holding.

"Then I asked the Secretary a question?" Xiao Zheng blinked.

"Excuse me." Yu Bo smiled. "As long as I know, I know for sure."

"Since the Secretary became the top leader, has there been several interest transfers to Yu's family? Or, to put it more straightforwardly, can the Secretary be errands for Yu Chi's family?" Xiao Zheng said one word.

After he finished, Yu Bo’s face was ugly to the extreme.

He never imagined that Xiao Zheng was so bold and publicly exposed the rules of officialdom. Moreover, the target of the attack is still late.

Does he really think that if he has a supportive family, he can be fearless and bite like a mad dog?

"Xiao Boss, do you know what you are talking about?" Yu Jie looked ugly.

"I am revealing your crimes." Xiao Zheng said slowly. "But it is a pity that the Secretary does not intend to cooperate."

"So?" Yu said in a blink of an eye. There is a clear sense of killing in the eyes.

"So I plan to ask someone to check the Secretary. In the past few years, have you been interested in the delivery of the family?" Xiao Zheng said slowly.

"Is there anything that Xiao boss found out?" asked Yu Bohan.

"The results are still ideal. It is barely evidence that the director has violated the rules and regulations." Xiao Zheng said. "You see, I want to be a whole person, there is no evidence in my hand. How do you do it? Do you have mine? If so, let it come out early. Otherwise, I am afraid that you will not have the opportunity to check me, and you will be advanced."

Yu Bo was silent for a moment and suddenly said: "Xiao boss, are you when I am a three-year-old?"

"I am when you are a fifty-year-old boy who has no brains." Xiao Zheng shrugged. Then smoking a cigarette and drinking coffee. A pair of windy and light gestures.

Is he scaring the secretary?


There are four eyes, there are his brothers. It is not difficult to find out the criminal facts of the Secretary. What's more, there is also Director Zhang providing clues behind him. It is easier for Xiao Zheng to check it up.

Why is he not in a hurry to talk, why choose to sleep here?

He is drawing out a good news that is good for himself and extremely unfavorable to the Secretary.

Now that he has mastered the fatal crimes of the Secretary, he would like to know how the Secretary and the Yu Chi are going to proceed.

Is it jade burning, or is it a lost car?

No matter which result, for Xiao Zheng, the first one he won. And no accident, Zhang’s trust has also paid off.

When Yu Bo stepped down, Director Zhang may not be able to go. However, there are political resources in the hands of Xiao Zheng, and there is no reason to refuse the family.

As a result, Xiao Zheng did not lose any of this battle. On the contrary, it has also gained the loyalty of a general.

In the investigation of the four eyes, Secretary Zhang has come all the way to rely on real talents. It’s just that I’ve got this position, there’s not a strong background behind me, and it’s hard to climb up when I want to climb up.

Xiao Zheng is an excellent opportunity for him. Grab it, and fly to the top. Missed, inaction.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the political resources paid by Yu Chi’s family because of the late palace have long been mastered by Hu’s family. It doesn't mean that I have turned my face now, and I can't accept it.

Therefore, Xiao Zheng has no worries, just think about how to play this trick.

It seems that this is the struggle between Xiao Zheng and Yu Chi. In fact, this is still a contest between Yu Chi and Hu. He was only targeted by the late family and forced to get involved.

After listening to Xiao Zheng’s explanation, Yu Bo quickly left the room without even drinking a cup of coffee.

It seems that it is going to report to the late family.

This time, Xiao Zheng waited for half an hour. Yu Bocai returned to the room.

After a few times back last night, I was so relaxed. Yu Bo’s face is ugly to the extreme. And full of discouragement.

Obviously, Xiao Zheng’s remarks sounded the alarm of his opponent. Let them not dare to come.

"Xiao boss, you can leave first. We will continue to cooperate with you in the investigation work." Yu Bo said very unhappy.

He didn't want to let Xiao Zheng go.

After collecting intelligence, he can basically be sure that Xiao Zheng does have his own evidence.

After the permission of Yu Chi’s family, he had no choice but to let Xiao Zheng leave.

He is very clear that leaving Xiao Zheng is extremely unfavorable to himself. And let go, he will be very faceless.

There is no way, he does not want to die in the net. I don’t want to ruin the future of rectification for the struggle of Yu Chi’s family.

"Go?" Xiao Zheng smiled slightly and raised his eyebrows. "Is the Secretary planning to let me go?"

"It's only temporary." Yu Bo is hard air. "If necessary, I will always ask Xiao Bos back to cooperate with the investigation."

These words are just to make yourself look decent. Basically no practical significance.

"Is the Secretary thinking about it?" Xiao Zheng did not have the slightest triumph, but smiled and said. "I am afraid that the Secretary will let me go before the foot, and I will regret it."

“Why do you regret it?” Yu Bo felt uneasy.

"Because I have already submitted the evidence to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. No accident, before the lunch today, the comrades of the Disciplinary Committee will come over to talk to you." Xiao Zheng blinked. There is no expression on his face.

He shot, it is killing.

Take a break at the wave!

The third is more. This is yesterday's update