MTL - Bodyguard of the Goddess-Chapter 2244 Resurrection!

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The 2nd and 2nd four hundred and forty-four chapters are revived!

Autumn harvest lips like petals, delicate and dripping.

Before she was discharged from the hospital, she was smeared with a bright red lip gloss. Just like the fresh cherry, I can't help but taste it.

The autumn harvest was so stunned in front of Xiao Zheng, slightly closed the beautiful, slightly pouting. A portrait of Ren Jun picking. Where is the spicy poison in the past?

Xiao Zhengzhen is in the same place, and he has not dared to act for a long time.

He knew that this time should not refuse the autumn harvest.

But as he said, this is the doorstep. If you do this kind of thing at your doorstep, your conscience will be upset and you will be embarrassed.

"I know what you are worried about." Autumn harvest suddenly opened the United States, without the slightest loss. "Just be a kiss between comrades?"

In Russia, in Moscow, she saved Xiao Zheng with her life. This time, it is already the second time.

Xiao Zheng has no reason to refuse, if he only kisses him as a comrade-in-arms

Xiao Zheng smiled bitterly, gently wrapped the soft waist of the autumn harvest, deeply imprinted on her red lips.

There was no excessive follow-up action in the autumn harvest. After a brief trial, she slowly moved two steps backwards. Smiling and staring at Xiao Zheng: "Not for sending me. I want to go alone."

Xiao Zheng smiled bitterly: "You are like a friend of mine."

"Tina?" asked the autumn.

For Tina, such a god-level killer, the autumn harvest is known, and I know the experience of this peer.

Such a powerful and cold s-class female killer, but willingly stayed with Xiao Zheng as a bodyguard. This is enough to prove Xiao Zheng's personality charm.

"I saw Xiao Lang misunderstood for a lifetime." Autumn harvested with a chuckle, staring straight into Xiao Zheng. "You are so bad."

Xiao Zheng heard the words, but it was speechless.

He does not like this evaluation. Because he has already been unable to extricate himself in the emotional entanglement. But to a certain extent, he did, as the autumn harvest said, has harmed many people.

After a brief exchange, the autumn harvest was proposed to leave the Dragon and Phoenix House. Xiao Zheng was helpless and had to tell Mo Feng to send her. I went straight to my home.

Three days later, the autumn harvest set foot on the journey of global travel. From the bottom of his heart, he is envious of the autumn harvest. Even if you are separated from the Zhao family, you can still live a very self, very free and easy. On the other hand, he is busy all the time for the struggle for work.

Of course, he does not complain about life. Because this is his own choice. Lao Lin did not force him, and he did not suffer any coercion.

The present life is painful and happy for Xiao Zheng.

Men have the ambition to dominate the world, and Xiao Zheng is no exception. Especially when he is about to climb to the top, it is even more impossible to give up easily.

A step away.

As soon as he walks over, he can retreat and deepen his reputation and name...

In the next few months, Xiao Zheng lived a life of three points and one line. Work, family, and entertainment.

With the expansion of the new Olympics business, as the chairman of the board, he is becoming more and more busy, and more and more partners need to entertain. Although he does not dislike this kind of entertainment, he can wait too much, and it will inevitably be annoying.

This evening, Xiao Zheng came out of the box. Drink a bit on the head. In addition to a few waitresses wearing feminine cheongsams, there are no outsiders in the quiet corridor.

After all, the vast majority of places he attended were the top leisure venues. Whether or not meat is not important, the focus is on the quality of the top.

Of course, some places may be plain for ordinary guests, but there is no such thing as a big man like Xiao Zheng.

Even the boss wife is also very happy to serve Xiao Zheng such a big boss. The premise is that Xiao Zheng is willing.

When I ordered a cigarette, Xiao Zheng leaned against the wall and burst out of the mature charm that made the waitress fascinated.

A successful man of thirty-five years old. The suit is pretty and tall. No matter where you are, it will be the focus of the focus.

The few waitresses took Yu Guang from time to time to look at Xiao Zheng, but because of the workplace, they did not dare to take the initiative to hook up.

After Xiao was exhausting a cigarette, he also pushed the door open and returned to the occasion of entertainment.

Xiao Zheng can't say that the things of men and women are very light, but the basic restraint is still there. There is no such thing as a drunkenness.

If he does not have this willpower, he will not be able to come today. It is even more impossible to endure the endless cold violence of Lao Lin in the past few years.

From this point of view, A Zheng Ge is indeed a bit of a monk's potential.

Tonight is the royal family sent by Ling Xiao. The purpose is to have a practical and in-depth conversation with the Chinese entertainment community. Xiao is the host and has a close relationship with Ling Xiao. Therefore, Shang Yao has become a supporting role.

After the drink is over, it is already one o'clock in the morning. The royal family member apparently has not yet enjoyed themselves. It is not good to delay Xiaozhen’s precious time. Say goodbye to Xiao Zheng at the door of the box: "Xiao boss, know that you are busy with work, and squatting over and over again, don't bother you."

After a pause, the royal family members will smile: "The follow-up pastime, I will arrange it myself."

Xiao Zheng nodded slightly and knew what bad water the grandson had. Didn't break it, just recruited the club manager: "Good hospitality."

Then he left with Shang Yao.

In the car, two drinks of Shang Yao face red. The beauty of the United States is also a fascinating color: "I am very strange. On this occasion, you never seem to call the idea of ​​two little sisters."

In the past few years, Xiao Zheng was a young man. But now, he is already a 35-year-old man who runs four. Like most middle-aged men, it is time to find a new and exciting experience.

However, it seems that Shang Yao’s understanding of him has never been similar. It can be said that it can no longer be serious.

Xiao Zheng ordered a cigarette and stunned his eyebrows: "Maybe I was not interested in this kind of thing."

“I don’t have much interest in drinking two more drinks?” Shang Yao is a little seduce.

Xiao Zheng heard the words, but he was awe-inspiring: "Drink more and hurt yourself."

Shang Yao glimpsed a little, and immediately nodded and smiled: "It is also. It is indeed hurt."

After sending Shang Yao home, Xiao Zheng also went home.

Nothing in the night.

Early in the morning, Xiao Zheng was not fully awake. The harsh phone ringing sounds.

Sleeping at the eye, it was actually a call from Sophia.

"Hey." Xiao Zhenglu lying in bed with a nasal sound. "I am only 7:30 in the morning. Missy, don't tell me that I am bored."

Sophia’s voice was a bit low and dumb, and she said: “I didn’t want to bother you. But I’m afraid that this information is useful to you, afraid of affecting your analysis, or telling you first.”

"Hmm?" Xiao Zheng suddenly woke up.

He knew that no important events in Sofia would not call me in such a hurry. Do not ask carefully: "What is the situation?"

"The Tianmen resurrected. The people who killed us everywhere. Including our key protection objects." Sophia said a word. "I heard that the autumn harvest has left China?"