MTL - BOSS Dresses as a Cutie-Chapter 94 Tyrant 17

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Early the next morning, Qing Yun opened a heavy eyelid and sat up with a painful waist.

Seeing the quiet incense burner inside the house, Qingyun couldn't pinch the nose, and the smoke did not know what was burning. Although the medicine was not strong but tangled, he could not bear it.

Yan Yue noticed the movements of the people around him, half dreaming and waking up and groping around the warm body around him. He pulled a happy smile from his mouth. He just woke up but felt the back neck was slammed, and the whole person fell into a deep lethargy.

Looking at the smile that the man’s mouth has not dissipated, Qing Yun feels that he is not playing in one place.

Last night, this man used his medicinal power to make a fuss. He just mentioned the "big prince" as usual to make a funny singer. As a result, when the man was in love, he had to force him to promise to guard against the big prince in the future. Let it go.

Thinking of the softness that she had rarely exhibited last night, Qing Yun’s head was full of blue veins, and the hand raised his hand to the man’s dog’s face, and then he felt uncomfortable and simply took the person to the ground.

Hehe, the cleverness of the man in these days has almost forgotten him. His test with Yu Yue is not over yet. I don’t know if this idiot abandoned the three emperors and who they want to support.

With a shy anger, he glanced at the man on the ground, and Qing Yunli dressed and washed. When I came to serve, I saw the generals of Zhenbei, who were sloppy on the floor, even though the eyes had to be thrown out and did not dare to speak out.

After Qingyun’s washing was finished, the doorbell of the guards sounded at the door: “The son, the carriage is ready, when will he return to Beijing?”

"This will leave, remember not to disturb the people in the city."

When Qing Yun came together, he only left in a simple carriage.

The sky is not yet bright, Qing Yunyuan thought that no one would appear in the city. When he came out from the Taishou Palace, he found that the entire Xiangzhou City was brightly lit. Everyone stood in front of the house, and when he saw his carriage, it was neatly arranged. Send: "Gong Gong send the big prince, the big prince is safe and smooth, the world is good!"

The people of Xiangzhou, this is the true meaning of this. After the hardships in Xiangzhou, they really couldn’t give anything to the great emperor. They could only talk about it with such etiquette.

The road to the city is very long. The roadside is dense and full of people. There are 80-year-old daddy and less than five-year-old child. They are sincerely wishing Qingyun.

They deeply felt that the great emperor stayed in Xiangzhou for such a time, and it was a great favor for them. He did not dare to greedy to retain, but left the most childlike blessing.

Even Qingyun was shocked by what he saw on this road. He was abused by 10,000 people and was adored by crazy infatuation. But this is the first time he really witnessed these hard-working and simple people. Carefully and sincerely thanked him and blessed him, just because he did what he did.

Qingyun got off the carriage and went all the way. After walking out of the city gate, he walked for a while before he got on the carriage again and rushed back to Beijing at a very fast speed.

In the capital, the three emperors attacked the city that night and they were instigated for a while.

The minister of the three emperors, even if they wanted to break their heads, did not expect that it was the Emperor Hong Ming who personally came forward to bring the three emperors into the dungeon for sin.

How did the emperor, who had been ill for a long time, suddenly appear? It was previously rumored that the emperor imprisoned the Emperor Hong Ming, is it a fake?

In any case, the three emperors have become anti-thieves, and these ministers are all at risk, for fear that they will be implicated. The most panicking nature is the Book of Rites, but in fact he had received news of the return of the Three Emperors to Beijing before that night.

However, he never imagined that the three emperors had actually brought the soldiers to fight. After all, in the view of the rites of the rites, the great emperor was no longer there. The three emperors held the imperial edict and no one would drive him out. This is the brain. Have you taken your own troops to attack the city?

Also under the slogan of Qin Wang, the result was suddenly caught by the Hong Ming Emperor who suddenly appeared.

The ritual book is full of darkness, and now there is no mind to talk to his old head and head.

What surprised the officials was that after the emperor’s appearance that night, he was seriously ill and did not go up. From this point of view, the body of Hong Mingdi is completely irreparable.

Yu Yue did not wake up until noon, and when he woke up, he felt sore and sore, and could not help but smile. Who can stun him quietly, but who else can sleep with his pillows last night?

"True." Yan Yue licked his neck. Hey, but thinking of the scene of last night's experience, his face is more brilliant, "but very sweet and soft..."

The youth with a soft voice of crying again flashed in the mind of Yan Yue, and he instinctively sneaked up in a hot air, letting his body immediately react, not to mention, but almost bleed nosebleeds.

Yan Yue wiped his face and stood up. Although he knew that the proud young man on weekdays showed his state last night, he would definitely have a fire today, but he did not expect that he would stun him directly.

Yan Yue couldn't help but reflect on whether he was too much last night, but at that time he was being stunned by the drug, and he listened to the youth at that moment and even raised the great emperor in a very unprepared tone. He could bear it there. ?

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Sure enough, he still left him.

However, Yan Yue was not too decadent. In his opinion, he and his youth had a husband and wife, and he was not afraid of the young man to leave him. Thinking of his relationship with Xiangfeng now, Yan Yue could not help but laugh out loud.

Is it true that they are such a relationship? The relationship between the great emperor and the youth will never be intimate with him.

There was no sense of crisis at all. Heyue sorted out his clothes and pushed the door out. He thought about it and looked back at the incense burner in the house. The entire Xiangzhou City, everyone respected Xiangfeng, and certainly no one would Such a means of pickling, in addition to the woman who smokes.

Shooting off the ash on the hand, Xiang Feng is not willing to compare with the woman, he 戚 Yue can not have such a good character, 戚 眸 双 双 双 became dark as ink, then the woman actually wants to climb the youth bed? This alone is unforgivable.

There was no kindness to his former "fiancée", and he simply packed up the smoke and the father and daughter, and he led his own people back to the capital.

This drag makes him completely unable to catch up with Qingyun, but even if his heart is anxious, Yan Yue does not dare to let Zhang Fanyan and ** no matter. Xiang Feng left the two men, and he must be handed over to him. If he did not do this well, he would not want to see the younger again in the future.

On the way back to Beijing, Yan Yue happened to follow the Zhenbei Military Association from the northern border. Looking at the Zhenbei Army, where the lineup is serious, and thinking of his own plan, Yan Yue’s face is serious again. In order to ensure the success of this time, he has transferred two-thirds of the Zhenbei Army. After all, he is different from the three emperors. The three emperors say that they are also royal people. His dispute with the great emperor is at best a battle between the emperors.

And this time, he is really rebellious, and it is related to the youth, only success does not fail.

"When I return to Beijing, you should know what the idea of ​​a certain fight, if you are unwilling, you can leave." Yu Yue said coldly, his words are only a temptation, and the Zhenbei Army has been built by him like an iron bucket. In general, these soldiers have always only recognized that he does not recognize the soldiers.

Sure enough, after hearing the words of Yu Yue, the Zhenbei Army not only did not back down, but the town arm shouted: "We are willing to swear to follow the general!"

Upon seeing it, Yan Yue was nodded with satisfaction. He did not disguise, but swayed with this huge army and rushed to the capital.

The military sergeant who met the situation of the Three Emperors in the report of Yue Yue appeared to be serious, but in fact revealed the expression of joy, and could not help but ridiculed: "The general is successful to hold the beauty?"

"Just you have many things." Yan Yue glanced at the military division, threatening the meaning of the words.

The military division was shocked and immediately finished his expression. He did not expect the general to value the young man so much that even the others could not tolerate one sentence.

Qingyun has already returned to Beijing without waiting for the Beijing to riot again. The deeds of his water control in Xiangzhou, as well as the scenes of the people who came back when he came back, were also slowly spread by people from nearby counties who went to Xiangzhou to control the water. Nowadays, with his return journey, he passed to the capital city, and the ministers above the Chaotang Hall were full of praise.

After a lapse of many days, I saw this young but majestic Grand Emperor again. The ministers only felt that the trip to Xiangzhou made the Great Emperor more unfathomable.

"When the palace is not there, what is the situation?" The youth, as always, the voice of the Qing dynasty, sounded at the Xuan Zheng Temple, and Wei Lin and others suddenly felt that the heart was like a skeleton, and immediately settled down.

Many ministers lamented in their hearts. They did not expect that the great emperor had been in such a stable position for a few months. This position has not only disappeared because of the days he left, but has become more stable.

Because the great emperor left Beijing, all the political affairs were on their heads. They really felt how resourceful the young people who were weakened by the weak are able to raise the weight of the entire court.

As usual and efficient in dealing with various issues, Qing Yun leaned tiredly on the back of the chair and said: "There are other matters for the ministers?"

"There is a thing!" The debut is Weilin. "The country can't be without a day. The emperor has not been cured for a long time. Every time he goes from bad to worse, there are Yi people who look at it. There are three emperors in the incident. Da Yan urgently needs to sit in the town. The courtier asked the great emperor to ascend the throne and save the people in the fire!"

When I heard Wei Lin’s words, Qing Yun slightly raised his eyebrows, even faster than he thought.

Wei Lin’s voice just fell, and other ministers in the temple echoed: “The court is appreciating! Please ask the great emperor to ascend the throne!”

The voices of Xuan Zheng Dian have been one after another. The affairs of Xiangzhou have already revealed the power and character of the Great Emperor. The previous rumors about the Great Emperor are not broken, but the ruins of the three reigns of "rebellion" are nothing.

Seeing the voice getting stronger and stronger, the minister in the temple has already become a piece, shouting in unison, please Qingyun to the throne.

Qing Yun raised his hand to stop the voice, stood up, did not reveal any arrogant color, and did not feel self-deprecating, just handed the way: "He is not as respectful as death."

The news that the Great Emperor wanted to ascend the throne came out. The entire palace was in full swing, and the people in Beijing were all happy.

In the past, when the emperor alternated, it was necessary to be in a state of chaos, regardless of who was the candidate of the Junjun. After the ascension, a group of ministers would be dismissed. Therefore, at this moment, people inside the capital are still worried.

However, the great emperor is different. The emperor’s regency was a few months. Although the method was fierce, he never lost his innocence, and the forces in the DPRK were also cleared. People in the capital city can be said that they are all looking forward to the emperor's ascension, for fear that other emperors will first make a turmoil. Now, once the big emperor finally wants to become a king, how can he not rush to tell?

Yu Yue also got the news. He ordered his soldiers to speed up, and it was necessary to get back to Beijing before the big emperor stepped on the throne.

After rushing to the road, I finally came to the capital on the day when the great emperor ascended the throne. Looking at the gates of the capital city, Miao Yue did not cover it, and the vast Fang Ze went over.

"The town north army returned to Beijing!"

When the name of the Zhenbei Army came out, the soldiers in the defending city immediately became shocked. The Zhenbei Army came back, and it was so swaying. Now it is catching up with the great emperor, why not have anything to be wrong?

The Yulin army got the news and immediately came to block it. Fang Rui looked at the stunned and stunned, and the **** gas-filled Zhenbei Army had to bite his teeth. Their Yulin army had been working hard for many days, but it was still completely inferior to the Zhenbei Army of Yuyue.

After all, the Zhenbei army is killing more than ten years of veterans with the brave and beggars. How much blood is on their hands? The Yulin army of the capital city is only a drill even if it is training. Wherever it has experienced actual combat, they have stood up with the Zhenbei army.

The same tiger, raised in a cage and strangled in the jungle, is naturally two distinct states.

Even if it was taken by the Zhenbei Army's horrified momentum, Fang Rui did not retreat, but bite his teeth and screamed: "The front is the general of the town of North China. The emperor is in the middle of the border, why is there no reason to return to Beijing?"

Yu Yue sat on the horse and did not stop in the footsteps of the Yulin Army. The black armor army behind him was marching with him at a heavy pace. Every step forward, the momentum climbed a section.

"Oh? The great emperor ascended the throne, this general came to congratulate, why not?" Yu Yue yo, replied, full of strength.

Here is the reason why the whole Yanyan is afraid of the Zhenbei Army, because as long as there is a resentment in the whole, there is no one in the whole Yanyan can stop him. He does not need a grandiose reason, and he does not need to fear his tongue. As long as he puts the army behind him, he can use the absolute suppression of force.

Against the tremendous pressure of the Zhenbei Army, Fang Rui’s forehead fell a cold sweat, and the long gun in his hand was a gunshot: “The generals stopped, except for the Yulin Army, the rest of the army did not have the order to enter Beijing, otherwise It is the same as rebellion!"

As soon as I saw the move on this person's hand, the sly sly of the sorrowful sorrows flashed a touch of gentleness. It seems that this Guardian Army was really trained by Xiangfeng.

But suddenly, this gentleness becomes a deep possessive.

Xiangfeng teaches? How is it taught? How do you get in touch with this person?

Seeing that Yu Yue’s horseshoes kept on his knees and his eyes were not good, Fang Rui took the lead and stepped forward with his pressure.

Yan Yue looked at this person with a move, the twilight was getting deeper and deeper, almost killing. I don't know what kind of thoughts, he and Fang Rui used the same moves, but they recruited and suppressed. In the end, the long sword picked the Fang Rui directly to the horse?

Seeing the battle between the leaders of both sides, the leader of the family was completely defeated, and the imperial army suddenly fell. Fang Rui grabbed his chest and climbed up. He looked at Min Yue’s eyes but was shocked: " and the emperor..."

After Fang Rui had finished speaking, he said with a smile: "You are not as good as him."

Seeing that the Northern Army was about to enter the city, Fang Rui was anxious, just ordered to block, but saw a person coming from the Imperial City, and whispered in his ear.

Fang Rui's eyebrows wrinkled, but still respected, toward the head of Zhenbei Junji: "Before it was under the ruthlessness, the generals forgiveness. The generals please, the great prince has been waiting in the palace for a long time!"

When he heard Fang Rui, Qiu Yue picked up his eyebrows. Didn't he think that this big emperor had the courage to ask him to enter the palace? 2k novel reading network