MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 237 plague

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"The princess of the Rose Empire is too much, because Nie Yi did not like her, so she started to Chenguang Restaurant. Novel."

"Yeah, before, I thought it was pitiful for her to be rejected by a princess, but now I feel a little pity for that Nie Yi."

"Nie Yi is of course poor. After rejecting the princess, he was forced to fight a nine-star magician, and now the restaurant is going to have problems."

"Yeah ... Speaking of which, the women of the Royal Empire of Roses basically have several men. I heard that there are so many children with different queens and their fathers are all different. Instead, I am Nie Yi and I do not want to be with that princess."

"Did you know something about the Rose Empire? I heard that the Empress is very beautiful?"

"Of course it's beautiful! Many people are rushing to rush to be the guests of the Queen ... If only I had the chance!"

"Did you just say that if you were Nie Yi, you would not be willing to be with the princess?"

"I mean, that's the princess ... I'm not as bone-minded as Nie Yi."


A soldier drinking at the bar, listening to the people around him by the way, and listening to it, he suddenly found that these people around were talking about the gossip of the Royal Empire of the Rose, and could not help but say a swear word.

"What do you remember about these?" The soldier couldn't help but said: "I don't care about anything else now, I just want to know when Chenguang Restaurant will continue to sell wine!"

"Big news! Big news!" As soon as the soldier's voice fell, someone outside rushed in. "Chenguang Restaurant issued a notice saying that their own wine has come out. Welcome everyone to buy it! But because they are There are not many wines made by myself, so a bottle of ten gold coins is still limited to purchase, and there are only two hundred bottles in total. "

When the soldier heard this, the wind immediately left.

Sun Chengzhang sells wine in front. As always, all those who spend the magic crystal to buy wine can go upstairs. Those who buy ten bottles of gold coins and a bottle of wine will get a bottle of wine in a wooden bottle. And giveaways.

Before they gave away toffees, this time they gave away soy products and peanuts.

Toffee guys who do n’t like alcohol will not like it, so to speak, soy products and peanut rice are more suitable for appetizers.

They did n’t do this before because of lack of manpower. Now that they have twenty more slaves, they do n’t have to worry about it.

The limited edition of two hundred bottles of ordinary wine was sold out quickly. Some people could not buy anything late, but when they saw an apology from a magician Sun Chengyi, they were not good at saying anything.

Chenguang Restaurant suddenly became lively again.

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen were very satisfied with this, but Princess Louise was dumbfounded: "They made their own wine? Did they make wine?"

"Princess, they should have been making wine while the restaurant was still being renovated, and now it just happens to be used ..."

"How could that be? If they had their own wine, how could they grab it from us before?" Louise couldn't believe it.

It should be a good idea to control the supply of Chenguang Restaurant. They bought out the wine outside, and Chenguang Restaurant did not sell any wine ... Why did it become like this?

Princess Louise couldn't figure out the current situation, but Jon knew it a bit ... ordinary people need to investigate the situation in advance when they do business. Who would think of it like a princess? No wonder it's going to be pitted ...

"Check it out for me! Find out what's going on!" Princess Louise couldn't help it.

After receiving the order of Princess Louise, someone soon went to investigate, and not long after, a few soldiers came back, speechless.

"What's wrong?" Princess Louise asked, her voice cold, and she was terrifying in her anger.

"Princess, someone asked someone who had robbed us before, and asked him if Chenguang had lost money with us when he robbed us, but he said ... unexpectedly ..."

"What did he say?" Louise asked, with an ominous hunch in her heart.

"He said it wasn't a loss, because the wine he took back was sold again."

"Sold out? Where did it go?" Louise asked subconsciously, then suddenly thought of the wine Harris had sold to himself.

The only people who bought wine some time ago were Chenguang Restaurant and them. Chenguang Restaurant sold the wine, just to them?

Her general magic crystal ...

Louise buzzed in her head, her head hurt more than ever before ... spitting out blood, the princess suddenly lost consciousness.

Jon quickly asked the princess to be taken to bed, and asked the bright magician to treat the princess, and he couldn't help worrying.

They spent a lot of money to buy, and then put a huge amount of wine on the periphery of the holy city, what should I do?

Princess Louise was ill, and she was very sick. They found a lot of bright magicians to treat Princess Louise. The Princess still had a terrible headache.

People who had previously heard the news of Princess Louise's glee and sympathy for Princess Louise, but Qi Jingchen was very satisfied with it, because in this way, Princess Louise could not find trouble for him .

Without the disruption of Princess Louise, coupled with the purchase of wine from other countries, the local people in the Holy City started to make wine again. Naturally, the price of wine in the Holy City has become normal, and even has been falling.

Chenguang Restaurant bought a lot of wine and came back. In this way, Chenguang Restaurant's ten gold coins and one bottle of wine will no longer be limited.

Chenguang Restaurant was on the right track. At this time, Qi Jingchen started school again.

He didn't start long before he got the news that Lancelot was going to take their entire class of students to the West End for free treatment.

Before Harris, they asked Qi Jingchen if he wanted to go to the West District to help people. At that time, Qi Jingchen thought that all the students had taken it spontaneously. However, now Lancelot would propose to take them.

"There is a strange illness in the West Side that has been incurable recently, so we have to check it out." Lancelot said: "Learning is not only possible in school, we should also practice more. "

Qi Jingchen did not preclude going to the Western District. Hearing Lancelot's words, he was even more curious about the Western District.

Riding in the carriage with the students in the class, he followed Lancelot to the West End.

The western part of the holy city is very very large. Unlike the luxurious houses built of stone in other parts of the holy city, the western part has only a variety of low and simple wooden houses, and often many people are crowded into a room.

To be exact, it should be a slum, but the people here will not be hungry or frozen, because the people of the Light God will give them food and clothes so that they can live, and those who want to go to work People, the Bright Deities will also arrange work for them.

However, it is precisely because of this that a group of lazy people live here.

Those people were unwilling to work on their own, and they lived on the aid of the Light God, and refused to leave in the Western District ...

These were all told by Yuri to Qi Jingchen. Qi Jingchen was curious about the situation in the Western District, and Yuri, who was in a carriage with him, told them all.

"That being the case, why should we help them?" Qi Jingchen asked puzzledly. In his opinion, it is better to teach people to fish than to teach them. Such people should not continue to help.

"God has mercy on the world," Harris said, "Although they have many shortcomings, as long as they believe in God, we cannot give up on him."

Don't think that Harris is sometimes cunning, but his belief in the God of Light is not mixed with any thoughts.

Qi Jingchen couldn't say that Harris's statement was wrong. He smiled and didn't continue the topic.

The party soon came to the West District. Lancelot was the Holy Son of the Bright Deity. He was coming to the West District. It was reasonable that someone would greet him on the west side of the church. However, when they arrived, they found that the west gate was quiet.

What's wrong? Everyone was a little curious, Lancelot was going in with his students.

As a result, they have not yet entered the Western District, and suddenly someone rushed out of the Western District and stopped them: "Holy Son, Holy Son, you cannot enter!"

"What's wrong?" Lancelot looked at it puzzledly.

"Son, plague! It's plague!" The man who ran out was the bishop of the Western District Cathedral, a wizard who mentioned the plague, and his face was full of panic.

Bright magic is very, very useful, but it is useless to the plague.

At first in Yell, everyone felt that the plague was made by a dark magician, a kind of dark magic, but soon it was discovered that this was not the case.

The dark magic can solve every situation the bright magician can solve, but the plague cannot.

Those who have been affected by the plague will have these various symptoms, which are basically different, but one thing is similar, that is, all the people who have been affected by the plague, bright magic is useless to them.

Light magic will make the plagued people look strong, but they will soon weaken again, and then use light magic is useless.

"Plague?" Lancelot's face was shocked, and then he became worried: "Here is the holy city. There are many believers of the bright God in the western district. How can they become people abandoned by God, and here they will become so God abandoned? "

Hearing Lancelot's words, Qi Jingchen looked curiously at Yuri around him, and Yuri immediately explained to him.

The plague is not curable, so those who have been affected by the plague are considered to be abandoned by God, and the place where the plague has appeared, because healthy people will also be infected with the plague when they go in, so they are called there. Abandoned by God.

Feelings ... the plague is still related to religion?

Plague will happen, and there should be some source of infection. Bright magic can heal wounds, but it cannot kill germs.

Qi Jingchen already knew this, so when helping people with wounds infected with wounds on the earth, they would clean the wounds first and give them antibiotics if necessary, but the people in Yell obviously did n’t know at this point.

"Neither the magician nor the warrior will be infected with the plague, but ordinary people ... when a person is abandoned by God, everyone who comes into contact with him will be disgusted by God, so every time a plague occurs, many people will die." Yuri said with emotion Said.

At this time, the words of the Bishop of the West End and Lancelot continued.

"Holy Son, I found that those people got the plague, but the news was blocked, and the soil abilities have been found. We must block this as soon as possible, so that people who are abandoned by God will leave here and bring the plague to other places. Somewhere to go, "said the bishop.

Lancelot groaned slightly, his eyes a little sad, but he nodded. He had encountered such a thing before, and naturally knew how to deal with the plague.

The bishop was relieved when he heard the words, but did not want to hear a riot and a cry in the distance at this time: "No, no, we cannot be abandoned by God, we did nothing!"

With such a voice, some people tried to run outside.

But these people were quickly stopped by the people around them. They were stopped by people dressed like them. Those people stopped them, and then said, "God is dissatisfied with us. We are just people who have been abandoned by God. Tired, tired by this land abandoned by God, God will remember that we are innocent, and we can still be blessed by God after death, but if we leave the land of God's punishment, then we must go to **** after death! "

"Yes, we cannot leave, we cannot go to hell!"

"We are going to kill the people abandoned by God and burn them to ashes, so that we might get God's forgiveness."


At the beginning, it was discovered that when the people knew about the plague, the bishop of the Western District was a little worried, but when he saw the subsequent development, he was relieved.

He knew that these people in the Western District were all God's people and would definitely not be against God's will.

"Should someone who has been abandoned by God come here, only then will the believers here be stricken, and the West District will be turned into a place abandoned by God!" Said the bishop indignantly.

Qi Jingchen heard this and suddenly asked, "What will it look like here in the end?"

"The land abandoned by God will be completely sealed off. It shouldn't be long before everyone inside will die, and then it will need to be burned with fire to save their burned bones before God's anger will calm down." Lancelot Te said, speaking with a little loneliness.

"I think those who have not yet been infected with the plague are still saved." Qi Jingchen said, according to the movement inside, there should be a lot of people who have not been infected with the plague. If they were blocked off and they waited to die, Qi Jingchen felt a bit over .

He didn't like to see death.

"But no one knows whether those people are really not infected with the plague. Someone sympathized with the people in the land abandoned by God and rescued those who did not have the plague. The end result was the spread of the plague. "Lancelot said, speaking of this time, his expression was a bit wrong.

Then his expression immediately firmed again: "Pass my order, and people will block this place immediately!"

The bishop had gone to find someone long ago, so Lancelot's words did not take long to say, many people came here, and then surrounded the western area with an earthen wall.

There were various crying sounds, and finally all the sounds became the sound of the doctrines sent to the Light God, which made people hear very unpleasant.

These people are all believers in the God of Light. How did they end up being abandoned by God?

"Can I go in after the blockade?" Qi Jingchen asked suddenly again.

Lancelot heard Qi Jingchen's words a little puzzled, but quickly said: "Neither magicians nor warriors will be infected with the plague, let alone those who own the field, of course you can go in."

After he said it, he said, "But what use are you going in? For the next time, there will only be death in it, and bright magic will have no effect on them."

"Even so, those people are believers in the God of Light, and most of them are involved. I can stay with them at their last moments. It should make them feel better. I can also bring food and water in. So that they do n’t have to endure hunger and thirst in it. ”Qi Jingchen wanted to try to help the people inside, but he was n’t sure if he could really succeed, so he did n’t leave any big words—here It ’s Hyer. The plague here may not be the same as on earth ...

Lancelot paused and nodded: "You can go in."

Many people around have heard Qi Jingchen's words and looked at Qi Jingchen puzzledly. Although Qi Jingchen would not be infected with the plague, the places abandoned by God were very disgusting. What did Qi Jingchen go there?

Of course, Qi Jingchen went there to save people, and also to see if he could get a little white spot after he helped people.

It's been a long time since he reached the eighth level, and now almost only one step away from the ninth level, he is planning to make a shock recently.