MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 239 Incineration

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Qi Jingchen had spoken kindly before they didn't listen. Now Nie Yi used coercion to force them to become very, very well behaved. "

Those who were attacked by Nie Yi after attacking Qi Jingchen were basically strong men. Nie Yi picked them out and sneered: "Your strength is good. You have a lot of work to do next. Remember to perform well. ! "

When these people heard the words, they all felt a bitter face, but they did not dare to take any unnecessary action against Nie Yi.

They don't want to be burned alive.

"Jing Chen, what do you want them to do?" Nie Yi looked at Qi Jingchen.

"The patients inside moved out, and the alive were washed and sent to the church, and the dead were piled up and burned." Qi Jingchen said.

Patients should have a clean place to live, but the only clean place here is the church.

"No, those are all abandoned by God, so that they can enter the church?" Said an old man dissatisfied.

The oldest and most children in the Western District are the elderly and children, and these people basically believe in the **** of light very religiously.

Nie Yi's hand burst into flames, threateningly looked at the old man, but did not want the old man to not give in: "Even if you want to burn me, I can't let people abandoned by God defile the church!"


Qi Jingchen quickly said: "This is a place abandoned by God, and the church has been abandoned by God!"

At last no one objected.

Those strong men who have lived on church relief are very lazy, selfish, and afraid of death. They are not willing to contact those who are sick, but under the threat of fireballs in Nie Yi's hands, they can only Do it.

And those who believe in the God of Light are unwilling to take care of those who have been abandoned by God. Finally, Qi Jingchen said, "All of you who stay here are abandoned by God. You are all the same in the eyes of God. Yes, if you do n’t know how to help each other, it will definitely make God even more angry and hate you. ”

"When we reach out to people who are abandoned by God, then God hates us ..." someone retorted.

"Some people don't contact people at all, do they still get sick?" Qi Jingchen said, pneumonic plague can be transmitted through things like saliva, but the main way of spreading plague is rats and fleas.

These people froze, but had to admit that Qi Jingchen was not wrong.

It is true that some people have stayed at home without going out, but they also got sick.

"I am a pastor and God's spokesperson in Yell. When you question me, you question the gods." Qi Jingchen said again.

These people are finally obedient.

Thanks to the Bright Gods, they put a lot of food and clothing in the church, which allows those patients to change into clean clothes after being washed and shaved.

The symptoms of these patients are different. After Qi Jingchen saw it, people were sent to the third floor of the church, and the other patients lived on the second floor.

The church here is very large, but the patients are full of living on the second and third floors. As for the ground floor ... According to what those people said before, there are still many patients staying at home.

The West District is very large, and there are tens of thousands of people living here. It is not clear how many people are infected now. Qi Jingchen only knows that there are hundreds of dead bodies after the cleanup.

The corpses were put together, and then Nie Yi shot and burned the corpses together with the rudimentary house where the patient lived.

The flames engulfed both the body and the house, and those who saw it were even more afraid to resist.

Taking advantage of this time, Qi Jingchen asked these people to wash themselves with water.

The water that Qi Jingchen let them use was the water that Nie Yi condensed with some low-level water system magic, which was very clean. It was at this time that Qi Jingchen knew that many people here did not have the opportunity to use such clean water before.

The Western District is full of people, and there is no clean water available at all.

No wonder there is a plague in such a place!

While these people washed themselves, Qi Jingchen took out all the antibiotics he brought from the earth, and then melted in the water.

He didn't bring much antibiotics from the earth. Although the information on the production of antibiotics was stored in the computer, it was impossible to produce them in a short time. Now people can only be expected to resist the plague!

Qi Jingchen made a lot of medicines that melted the antibiotics, so that all the people who got sick, but the people with less illness drank a small cup, and then let those who have taken care of themselves to call people door to door, Take the patient out.

"God doesn't like dirty people. When you do things, you better be careful not to touch dirty things." Qi Jingchen said, after he said, he went to the wall to find Lancelot.

Lancelot stood on the wall and looked down at Qi Jingchen: "Are you planning to come out?"

"No, there is still much to do here." Qi Jingchen said: "I want to come for help, I need clean clothes, and then I hope you can go to Chenguang Restaurant, where there are two soil system powers, Let them come over to help. "

"Anything else?" Lancelot asked again.

"If I can, I want some plants ..." Qi Jingchen said the names of some plants.

Nie Yi has been learning how to spawn plants recently, and Qi Jingchen also knows a lot of plant types.

He said that these plants are very ordinary, some can drive away insects, and some can make people strong after eating. Now people here can use them.

"I'll send it in immediately," Lancelot said again.

"One more thing." Qi Jingchen said: "The plague did not happen today. In fact, it has been around for several days, so it is very likely that people outside will be infected. If patients are found, they can be infected. Send here. "

Lancelot's expression suddenly became serious: "I will."

Lancelot's expression was not good-looking, and Qi Jingchen could guess the reason.

The holy city is the location of the bright gods. Only the western area has a plague. After all, the western area is basically people from other places. But if the whole holy city has a plague, it will be difficult!

Lancelot soon brought in a lot of clean clothes, and at the same time, the two soil abilities of Qi Jingchen were brought.

Now, if more psionicists can help, things will be resolved faster, but Qi Jingchen knows that other psionicists will not be willing to come to this place, and most of them will not be obedient.

The two soil-based abilities divided the entire residential area of ​​the western area into nine areas.

Qi Jingchen first asked people to clean up all the people in one of the areas, and then after confirming that there were no living people in it, he said to Nie Yi: "Burn this place."

Wooden houses are particularly easy to burn. Nie Yi just threw a fire magic, the fire swept the entire area and burned everything there.

Seeing that his home was burned out, many of those brought out were crying and trying to stop it.

"Go clean yourself and cry to burn you all!" Nie Yi said.

These people did not dare to say a word.

When starting to call people from house to house, and then counting the number of people who became ill, Qi Jingchen realized that the situation was more serious than he thought.

During the successive cleanups, the number of patients increased by several thousand, and hundreds of corpses were found. What made him speechless was that some people did not die of the disease, but committed suicide, presumably they felt that they had been killed Abandoned and don't want to live.

Qi Jingchen saw that this situation was a little speechless, but it is not surprising, after all, many people did this in the last days.

He was even a little numb ... No way, he really saw too many deaths in the last days.

From morning to night, Qi Jingchen burned all the houses in the western district.

For a whole day, the fire in the Western District never went out. Even at night, the flame was still burning.

All those who survived were gathered by Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi. They had taken a bath and changed into clean clothes, but their faces were numb and hopeless.

Their residence has been burned, and from time to time someone is sick, which makes them very scared, and even feels that they must die.

Qi Jingchen looked at these people, and finally used a large bright magic.

Light energy enters the bodies of those people, making their physical condition much better immediately. At this time, Qi Jingchen said, "You have not been abandoned by God."

These people did not believe Qi Jingchen at all, and Qi Jingchen said, "As long as you listen to me, God will not abandon you."

These people now have no other way to go except to believe in Qi Jingchen. They looked at Qi Jingchen and finally got angry.

On this day, the number of new patients increased a lot. Qi Jingchen let them all live in churches and near churches, give people with mild symptoms a glass of antibiotics, and then let them take care of more serious people, as for the others, They all finally fell asleep next to the wall surrounding the entire Western District.

Everyone was busy all day and afraid all day, but when Qi Jingchen lit a lot of calming herbs, these people slept well.

They slept, and the first thing they woke up the next day was to see if there were any new patients around them, but they didn't.

Many people were excited, at this time, Nie Yi came to them again: "You better hurry to work!"

This evening, some people actually got sick again, but the number was very small, and other people who did not get sick were taken by Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen to work.

They need to build a house.

Yesterday Nie Yi burned all their houses. Now they want these people to build their own houses again.

Some of these people do not understand this situation, but they are ordinary people and have no opinion. Now that Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen made a request, they naturally did not dare to oppose it, instead they did it diligently.

With the help of those two soil-based abilities, the house was built very quickly.

In the past, the western district was very crowded, and many roads were only allowed to pass by one person. This is because the western district has fewer people and more people. In fact, it is because the houses in the western district are not constructed reasonably.

Many houses are on the first floor and occupy a lot of space, but there is not much living area. If you plan well and build the house into two floors and three floors, it will not be so crowded here.

Yesterday Qi Jingchen let the fences that the soil magicians use to divide the nine areas still exist. Qi Jingchen asked these people to dig the ground next to the walls to build the house and let them dig a simple drainage ditch.

The drainage ditch was designed by Qi Jingchen himself after reading the information in the computer last night. To this end, he never slept last night.

Early this morning, he asked Lancelot for a lot of building materials, and called Sun Chengyu and Yu Yuehui.

Yu Yuehui needs to provide enough water for the people here, and Sun Chengyi needs to burn cement with Nie Yi.

During the construction of the Taoyuan Safety Zone, Nie Yi and Sun Chengyi both burned cement. This stuff was much easier to burn than porcelain, and they were very skilled in making it.

With cement and various construction materials, and the help of soil-based abilities, the speed of building a house is very fast, and those in the Western District who work with them have no time to think about the plague.

This is because they are too busy and they have too much to do. On the other hand, they are stunned by the beautiful houses in front of them.

These houses are really very beautiful, are they for them?

They are all going to die, how could they live in such a beautiful house?

Everything in the fenced West District was on track. After Qi Jingchen burned all the houses, the number of people who fell ill fell sharply, but outside the West District, many people became ill.

The Western District is indeed dirty and messy. It is possible that some people brought germs from other places, which caused the plague, but the plague cannot be found in the Western District alone.

Someone in the West District is going outside these days, and the mice in the West District mean that they may have ran out countlessly ...

Although the people in the holy city are most prone to hygiene because of their wealth, they still cannot eliminate rats and fleas.

A drunk man was found dead at home. His body was purple and black. It was obviously a plague and was abandoned by God.

The holy city is such a large city, of course, it is impossible to surround it like the Western District. In fact, the news was temporarily blocked.

"The plague spread?" In a house on the mountainside of Shenshan, Linda, the former goddess of the Bright God, looked at the person in front of her excitedly.

"Yes," said the person in front of her. "Previously there was a plague in the Western District only, and now there are other places in the Holy City."

"What about the Western District? What's the situation now?" Linda asked again.

"Qi Jingchen burned all the houses in the Western District, but did not burn those who were sick, and those people lived well."

"The **** of light is helping me ..." Linda's eyes flashed with excitement: "Lancelot, you're out of luck now!"

After the excitement, Linda immediately called the person in front of her, and then ordered something to go on.

At this time, those in the Western District had just finished their day job, and finally they could stop and take a break, and then have a meal.

"We are all going to die, but we can't die quietly and still have to do so much work." Some of these people said with some dissatisfaction, saying that he ate the food in front of him-dry After a day of work, he was exhausted.

And although the Bright Deities used to give them food for free, those foods didn't taste good, and today they eat much better.

"Yeah, we're all going to die ..." A man next to him also returned to his heart, suddenly feeling depressed.

"Don't talk nonsense! Maybe we don't have to die at all!" An old man suddenly said, "Did you not find out? Among those of us who are working today, almost no one is sick! We are not sick!"

"Because we haven't touched those who were abandoned by God?" Someone said subconsciously.

"No, no, it's not because of this. Even if you haven't touched those who were abandoned by God before, everyone will die ... maybe the priest is right, he can save us!" The old man was very excited.

The author has something to say: Thank you dear mines and grenades ~ Mody ~

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