MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 35 Collective soaking

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Nie Yi awakened the water system power again!

Although the people present saw Nie Yi's abnormality with their own eyes, when they first heard Nie Yi's words, they didn't believe it. They didn't have to believe it until they saw Nie Yi's ability to use the water system. (((Catino Novel )) )

There are now more than 10,000 registered abilities in the safe area of ​​city b. However, among so many abilities, none of them has two abilities ... Nie Yi is now a well-deserved exception!

All the surrounding powers looked at Nie Yi with envy, and could not even get jealous.

Before, Nie Yi was just a fire-powered person. Although better than them, they may not catch up, but now ...

Seeing this scene, Yu Xuguang felt that Nie Boyuan had done something wrong. Nie Yi is so powerful that he is even a rare dual-powered person than a thunder-powered one. Why didn't Nie Boyuan know how to train him well? If the safe zone can train several advanced abilities, it won't end up being beaten up by a dark power.

By the way, they were actually upset by Nie Yi at that time ...

"Hey, why are you still standing stupid? Hurry up and water me!" Zhang Zihai cried again.

Those water powers did not return to God until then, and at the same time, Nie Yi had thrown a water ball and hit Zhang Zihai.

"Oops!" Zhang Zihai called out, only feeling uncomfortable ... Nie Yi was too powerful, and he was able to endure being constantly poured and soaked in water!

However, in order to awaken water powers, he worked hard!

The surrounding water powers saw Nie Yi's movements and shot in succession. One by one, small water polo **** were thrown at Zhang Zihai. After one of the water powers threw a water ball, he couldn't help looking at him. Comrade-in-arms: "You said, if we were burnt ..."

"Then we will be familiar," his comrade said blankly.


Nie Yi looked at Zhang Zihai with a smile and was soaked. When she saw Yu Xuguang, she could not dispel Yu Xuguang's depression.

That's when Zhao Chengqi hurriedly arrived.

Zhao Chengqi's office is not far from here. He was wondering where to find the next material and what to find. Someone hurried up and said that Nie Yi's condition was not so good and he didn't know what was going on.

Nie Yi is the ancestor he admires. The cultivation method provided by Nie Yi has also been proved to be useful. Under such circumstances, the importance of Nie Yi is self-evident ... , Hurriedly rushed towards the second base.

He hurried in a hurry, but at halfway, someone came to him again, and told him that Nie Yi awakened the water power.

How can a fire-powered person awaken the water-powered ability? Zhao Chengqi puzzled into the second base, and then saw Zhang Zihai being poured.

Even, Zhang Zihai was still sipping and drinking: "Your water polo is bigger!"

"Brother Zhang, our power is almost exhausted!" Those water-based abilities want to cry without tears. Although they throw water polo and consume powers, although they are slow, they will also be consumed ...

"Why are you so useless?" Zhang Zihai said, and then the water polo that fell on his head suddenly increased, smashing him into a slap.

"Zhang Zihai, what are you doing crazy!" Zhao Chengqi couldn't help but said that Nie Yi's rumor had made him uncomfortable, but he did not expect another lunatic to come out of his hands.

"General, I want to awaken water powers." Zhang Zihai wiped a handful of water on his face and grinned.

"Even the fire abilities are not well controlled, do you dare to think about the water abilities?" Zhao Chengqi said immediately: "With this thought, it is better to study the fire abilities!"

When Zhang Zihai heard Zhao Chengqi's words, he stumbled, but then he had to admit that Zhao Chengqi was very reasonable. His fire control was not very good, and even the pot of water could not be boiled well. Isn't this a joke about water abilities?

In addition, the power of the water system is inferior to that of the fire system. The fire system can be used to kill zombies. What about the water system? After awakening, stay in the safe area as a faucet?

Everything is more expensive than expensive. Instead of thinking about awakening other abilities, he might as well ponder to practice his fire abilities to the extreme!

I don't know if I was afraid of being poured by the water, Zhang Zihai quickly figured it out, and quickly let the people around me stop pouring, and then hurried to change clothes.

Looking at the back of Zhang Zihai's departure, Nie Yi was inevitably a little disappointed. He originally wanted to make this guy who had nearly hurt Qi Jingchen more guilty ...

"Nie Yi, you really awakened the water system power again?" Zhao Chengqi scolded Zhang Zihai, then looked at Nie Yi, his eyes were full of excitement.

"General, yes." Nie Yi said that after awakening the water system ability, his control of the surrounding water has been strengthened a lot, and the swollen skin that had been soaked has also swollen, which is a little pale.

"May I see it?" Zhao Chengqi was even more pleased with the affirmative answer.

"Of course you can." Nie Yi smiled, giving him a little youthfulness, and then he opened his two hands.

In his two hands, a fireball condensed above one, and a water ball condensed above the other.

"Okay! Good!" Zhao Chengqi looked at everything in front of his face with surprise, feeling that he had really picked up the treasure.

Nie Yi's fireball and water polo quickly disappeared, and Nie Yi smiled again: "It seems that the two powers still have repulsion. I'm not very comfortable with them. I need to get used to them."

"This is what you should be. Get used to it." Zhao Chengqi nodded, and the relief in his eyes could hardly be concealed.

Zhao Chengqi told Nie Yi a few more words, and then he opened up and told Nie Yi to go back to rest earlier. At this time, Yu Xuguang suddenly stood out: "General Zhao, I have something very important to tell you!"

When Zhao Chengqi was talking just now, Yu Xuguang kept watching, and finally found that Zhao Chengqi was indeed a very good leader like his friend said, and he was very concerned about his subordinates.

Before Yu Yuehui had entrusted him to find Zhao Chengqi, but did not see Zhao Chengqi, now he finally saw it ... Yu Xuguang decided to grasp the opportunity almost immediately.

"Is there anything?" Zhao Chengqi looked at it.

Yu Xuguang always felt that the practising methods, promotion methods, and the like should be promoted as soon as possible, so that the practitioners will already have the mental energy, and they still do n’t know how to cultivate ... General, I know how to practice with the power! "

As soon as Yu Xuguang's remarks came out, everyone present was shocked. Those ordinary abilities were ecstatic when they were surprised and whispered excitedly, but Zhao Chengqi, Nie Yi, Zhang Zihai and others had different ideas.

They all knew that Nie Yi had come up with a practice method before ... why did Yu Xuguang also take out a copy?

After Nie Yi awakened, she sat next to her without saying a word, and there was no sense of existence, and she clearly attracted a lot of attention. After hearing Yu Xuguang's words, she suddenly opened her eyes and closed her hands on her. Growing a coffee pot with lettuce repeatedly.

Although Zhao Chengqi was a little surprised, he didn't show anything on his face. He took Yu Xuguang to the place where he worked, and Nie Yi sat beside Qi Jingchen.

"It seems more than just us," Qi Jingchen said suddenly.

Nie Yi nodded, his expression was a little dignified. After he found that he was born again, he was still the only lucky one, but he did not expect Qi Jingchen to be born again.

He also thought it was God's pity for them both, and as a result ...

"He died half a month earlier than you, and was born again half a month later." Qi Jingchen said again. I thought of myself and Nie Yi's rebirth time.

He was born again on the first day of the last days, but Nie Yi was born on the twelfth day of the last days, but in the last life, did Nie Yi die just twelve days earlier than him?

Although he had thought of this before, he was too lazy to think about it. Until now, there has been another born again in this world.

"Maybe he isn't ..." Nie Yi said, and others were born again. This is not a good thing for them. Although no one knew the true identity of Qi Jingchen in the last life, people like Yu Xuguang hated him. It ’s so deep ... If those people turn to him for revenge, who knows if it will hurt Qi Jingchen?

"Look at it again." Qi Jingchen lay lazily on a lounge chair and suddenly said, "You said, is it possible that everyone will be born again?"

"Impossible," Nie Yi said without hesitation. "If it is really late, the sooner it is reborn, most people are dead before they can be reborn."

The last days of the last days lasted for several years. At that time, there were only a few people alive. Even if these people can be reborn, those who are still ahead of time ... It is estimated that those people will die again just after being reborn, or they will not be born again , Is already dead.

"It's impossible." Qi Jingchen also said, not interested in doing more entanglement on this issue.

When Nie Yi saw this, he quickly found some food to help Qi Jingchen cook.

Before, he still had to ask the water-powered person for help while cooking, but now he can do it by himself, and the movement is naturally much faster. However, thinking of Yu Xuguang's rebirth, Nie Yi deliberately hid it.

Inside, he still controlled the power of the power extremely accurately, but on the surface, from time to time, the flames were made bigger and smaller.

When the two of them finished eating, Zhao Chengqi sent someone to meet Nie Yi.

Nie Yi held Qi Jingchen as usual.

Seeing Nie Yi also brought Qi Jingchen, because recent rumors align with Jing Chen's opinion, Zhao Chengqi could not help but frown slightly, but after seeing Nie Yi's eyes firm, he said nothing.

Before changing to the last days, he might even persuade Nie Yi and let Nie Yi choose another lover, but now the last days are here.

Human beings are now in a state of despair, and it is not necessary to pay attention to these trivial matters.

"Yu Xuguang's method of cultivating the power is exactly the same as what you told me before." Zhao Chengqi said. Yu Xuguang was young and had no city government. He said a few words at will and let Yu Xuguang say everything he knew.

Nie Yi thought that Yu Xuguang might not have been born again, but when he heard Zhao Chengqi's words, he knew that Yu Xuguang must have been born again ... He thought a lot, but nothing appeared on his face: "I think so, speaking it up I can find this cultivation method, and others can certainly do it. "

"What are you going to do now? As Yu Xuguang said today, the cultivation method must be made public. I can make things public before you have developed this method." Zhao Chengqi said.

Because Yu Xuguang said before, now they must publicize the cultivation method. Fortunately, this cultivation method has proven useful.

It's just ... This was originally proposed by Nie Yi, and it was also Nie Yi's credit. Now Yu Xuguang said that, I don't know if there will be any variables.

"Uncle Zhao, said to the outside that the cultivation method was discovered by Yu Xuguang." Nie Yi smiled: "I don't lack this credit, and let my dad know that I found the cultivation method without telling him, I don't know if he will How about ... Also, I am willing to help others cultivate, but I am not willing to help Yu Shuo. "

"Should you give up a credit for this?"

"Mu Xiu Yulin is not good. I'm high-profile enough. I don't need any credit for it ... Uncle Zhao, I said about cultivation methods, we still don't talk about it." Nie Yi smiled.

Nie Yi has awakened the dual powers, and it is indeed too popular. Zhao Chengqi accepted this reason and said, "Did you treat you like this?"

"If Uncle Zhao thinks so, why not give me the apprentice I taught in the past few days and let me take them out to find supplies." Nie Yi smiled.

"Okay, no problem." Zhao Chengqi immediately agreed, and Nie Yi is about to go outside after the end of the world. He knows a lot of things, and he wants those soldiers under his own hands to follow Nie Yi to exercise. .

After discussing with Zhao Chengqi, Nie Yi took Qi Jingchen to leave Zhao Chengqi's office, and as soon as he went out, he couldn't help but say, "It's cheaper than Xuguang ..."

Judging by Yu Xuguang's performance before, they should not be found to have been born again. In this case, of course, they cannot expose themselves, let Yu Xuguang know that they also understand the cultivation method of abilities, so this credit can only be given to Asahi.

Yu Xuguang got such a credit, Nie Yi next wanted to secretly kill Yu Xuguang ...

Of course, this is not without its benefits. If Yu Xuguang is standing outside, they can hide themselves.

"This man is so simple." Qi Jingchen suddenly said.

"In the last days of life, you don't need your brain!" Nie Yi sneered. Yu Xuguang was a low-level power in the early days of the last days. Naturally, he didn't need to play tricks with others. In the middle and late stages of the human race, human beings basically didn't want to play tricks with people like they did in the early days of the end. They all united. Yu Xuguang had no chance to use his brain.

A hint of irony flashed in Nie Yi's eyes, and then took Qi Jingchen back to their residence, and as soon as they returned, they were warmly welcomed by Ping Shengchao and others.

"Boss, you are really amazing! Water and fire dual powers!" Ping Shengchao said excitedly.

Shao Zhenglan and Jiang Huai were also very excited. The two bodyguards were full of confidence that Nie Yi had promised to let them find a way to awaken the abilities.

"It just happened." Nie Yi said.

"No coincidence, boss, now there are rumors that it is always soaking water to awaken water system abilities." Ping Shengchao said: "Boss, please give me a basin of water, and I will also bubble."

Before Ping Shengchao, he felt that Qi Jingchen actually tossed Nie Yi, which was a bit abominable, but now that Nie Yi awakens the water system ability, he thinks that Qi Jingchen is very good.

Perhaps, he tossed Nie Yi for Nie Yi's good?

Ping Shengchao just thought about it, but didn't know his truth.

Of course, he had no time to think about it at the moment-he was soaking up the water!

On this day, the water created by the water-powered phantom was stolen, and some people were fighting to grab the water, and those who grabbed the water will eventually soak themselves in.

Shao Zhenglan and Qi Yaoyao picked up a bucket of water and returned to the room. They were lying on the bed, their feet were soaked in water, and they slept ...