MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 7 Get together

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Qi Jingchen has a baby face and big eyes. When she laughs, there will be dimples on both sides. She is a very pleasing young man, especially the middle-aged women, and she is usually called a little. Handsome guy, but to be honest, he would never be so amazing. +++ Cardino read +++

Especially after being hungry for half a month, his face was pale and he had lost the vigor and vitality that he used to have. Instead, he was sullen, and even reduced his appearance.

But Nie Yi still felt that he couldn't take his eyes off, and his heart beating violently, even with a kind of spring and spring, and all things revived the earth and the sun was shining back.

In short, "Spring" is here.

Nie Yi stared blankly at Qi Jingchen lying in bed. He could feel that this man was definitely Qi Jingchen who became the driving force for his life in the last life, but he didn't expect that Qi Jingchen turned out to be ... so beautiful.

In his last life, he went to save Qi Jingchen, or when he was rescued by Qi Jingchen, the man had wounds all over his body, and there was almost no meat on his body. He could even see that the meat on both sides of his cheek had been cut off more than once ... The blades turned black after Qi Jingchen awakened into a dark power, winding all kinds of scary lines on his body, and there was no flesh all over his body ... if he was still alive, with a heartbeat and temperature, It looked like a skull covered with black oil paint.

Nie Yi was very distressed at the time. He tried his best to get Qi Jingchen all kinds of delicious things. As a result, although Qi Jingchen ate, he did not grow meat.

What made him even more painful was that Qi Jingchen was like this, because his power was very unstable at that time, Qi Jingchen had to bleed for him ...

He used to exclude Qi Jingchen from drinking blood, but Qi Jingchen pressed him with power, and he poured it. Qi Jingchen was cold at the time, saying that he was being raised for a younger brother who ran a leg, but he knew very well that he could Qi Jingchen actually did very little.

No one except him has seen the only dark power who is famous in the last days, but people still think that he should be tall and fierce, only he knows, in fact, his "lord" thigh does not have him The arm is thick, and even looks like it can be snapped with a slight swipe.

But even so, he still feels that Qi Jingchen looks pretty, and now ... it's just like Tianxian!

The smile on the corner of Nie Yi's mouth became unbearable, and Qi Jingchen almost unconsciously picked up the alarm clock on the bedside table and smashed it out: "What to see!"

When he and Nie Yi first met, they were both lonely widows without long objects. He didn't cover his appearance like his later generations. At that time, Nie Yi always stared at him and was thrown out by his powers ... … But now he lay down for so long that even an alarm clock could only hit Nie Yi's feet.

"I don't watch ... why are you so weak that you can't even hold an alarm clock? Hungry or hungry?" Nie Yi said again, with distressed expression: "I should have come earlier ..."

Now is the end time, how can you want to come early and come early? Qi Jingchen looked at Nie Yi and was suddenly relieved.

After his rebirth, he has deliberately kept himself from thinking about Nie Yi.

He really didn't want to live, that is to say, after Nie Yiluo was hurt by the zombies in the future, no one could save him ...

Although it felt that everyone would die in the end, it didn't make much sense to save or not, but Qi Jingchen still felt a little bit sorry for Nie Yi ... As a result, Nie Yi came.

They are ignorant at this time. Before the end of the world, he was just an ordinary college student who just graduated. What about Nie Yi? Nie Yi was born the proud of heaven. At this time, they all have their own companies, and they are in the north and the south, and there is almost no possibility of intersection.

Nie Yi will come here at this time and find his home. There is only one possibility, that is, Nie Yi is born again.

Nie Yi was born again, and he will definitely not take the detour of his life. He no longer needs to worry about this person, but he needs to think about himself ...

Nie Yi ... will he let him die?

"Boss, this is your friend?" When Nie Yi was astounded by Qi Jingchen, five men and one woman came in outside. One of the young men with yellow hair was talking at the moment. He is now working with others Several people looked at Qi Jingchen with a strange expression.

He and Nie Yi were good friends who grew up. Others have also been with Nie Yi for some time, but they never knew that Nie Yi had such a friend.

Even at the beginning of the last days, Nie Yi didn't mention that he had such a friend, but three days ago, Nie Yi didn't know what happened, and suddenly changed his course. He went to city b but detoured to city j. They even intercepted a group of people on the road and asked if there was one in their team called "Qi Jingchen".

Qi Jingchen was not in the ranks of those people, but those people provided Qi Jingchen's address, and then their boss didn't even sleep, and ran here day and night ...

He was smashed by an alarm clock and even accompanied a smiley face. His boss didn't even care about Yan Zhe so much!

"Shengchao, this is me ... my friend Qi Jingchen," Nie Yi introduced, and then couldn't help but hooked his mouth. "Jingchen, this is my Xiaoping victory." Jingchen ... It was so called ...

After hearing Nie Yi's introduction, Qi Jingchen also knew the identity of this young man with yellow hair, and he could guess the identity of several others.

Nie Yi's hometown is in City B, so at the beginning of the last days, he took people north, and in addition to the two bodyguards, he was his daughter Xiaoping Shengchao, assistant Jiang Huai, and Nie Jiajiao's daughter Shao Zhenglan. And ... Nie Yi's secret crush Yan Zhe.

The two bodyguards, all in black, were very recognizable. Fa Xiaoping's victory over Qi Jingchen also met, and his eyes were on the remaining two men.

Jiang Huai was once funded by Nie Yi and helped Nie Yi to work after graduation. It is the oldest in this group. There is no sense of walking behind wearing pair of glasses, and Yan Zhe ...

Yan Zhe looks really good. It's no wonder that Nie Yi had a crush on him at the beginning, and ended up betrayed.

Well, Yan Zhe can't just use "being good" to describe it. Although Qi Jingchen doesn't like this person, he has to admit that he is a handsome guy, but I'm afraid he won't end well in his life ... Nie Yi is not What a good match.

Qi Jingchen glanced around for a moment. He didn't have the energy or energy to greet people, and only looked at Nie Yi: "I don't want to go, you just send my sister to the safe area of ​​city b." He really didn't want to live. Now, although Nie Yi disagrees most of the time, he still has to put forward a try.

Qi Jingchen's words may not be understood by others, but Nie Yi understands it--Qi Jingchen, this is not wanting to live!

Qi Jingchen's strength is very very strong, but it has always been negative. Nie Yi is very clear. He knows why Qi Jingchen is so negative. Anyone who is kept in prison will not be seen every day for more than a year. There is nothing left in this world.

"No! You must follow me!" Nie Yi said almost without hesitation, and then looked at the two bodyguards: "You go to clean up and come out, we move over."

The two bodyguards left quickly, and Nie Yi did not want to, so he stepped forward and picked up Qi Jingchen.

He remembered talking about Qi Jingchen when he was about to die. Qi Jingchen once said that he had no fighting power in the early days of the last days, that is to say ... Qi Jingchen now has no way to resist the fire abilities that have just awakened in the last days. He will be awakened by water abilities in the future!

As for the future, let's talk about it later.

He could hold Qi Jingchen, who was so strong in his life, in his arms ... Nie Yi could not help but started to rise.

"Senior, why haven't you heard of your friend before?" After Ping Shengchao, Yan Zhe also asked. He has been helping with the work of Nie Yi's company since two years ago, but never knew that Nie Yi had such a caring friend.

"Nie Yi, who is he?" Shao Zhenglan, the only girl who followed Nie Yilai, was even more unhappy. She and Nie Yi have been dating since they were young. The two are still friends, but Nie Yi was unwilling to bring her because she was worried that she would be dragged down. She finally killed the zombies to prove that she could follow the team.

Everyone will contribute on this way. Nie Yi rushed ahead. She just felt fair. As a result, when they were about to go home, Nie Yi turned around to save a special eschatology. Know the junk in bed!

"Actually, I've played Jingchen on the premise. Didn't I always say I have someone I like?" Nie Yi raised an eyebrow.

Yan Zhe's expression changed immediately, and everyone else looked different.

Nie Yi did mention the person he liked more than once, but ... wasn't that person Yan Zhe? How could he suddenly become this sudden man?

"Do you like my brother?" Qi Yaoyao suddenly said that she had been ignored by almost everyone before, of course she didn't take it seriously, just immersed in the joy of salvation, knowing that Nie Yi suddenly said that she liked her brother!

Qi Yaoyao watched Nie Yi alertly, with a very bad expression. She had seen some men or men in love with novels or comics, and felt particularly cute when communicating with classmates, but this matter is not the same for relatives! And her brother threw something at someone as soon as they met, and obviously didn't like this person!

"Why, no?" Nie Yi sneered at Qi Yaoyao, and he had no affection for this younger sister of Jing Chen-if not for Qi Yao Yao, how could Qi Jing Chen be so miserable in his lifetime?

Nie Yi was mixed in the last days, and rebirth did not let him bring back all his former strength, but like Qi Jingchen, his mental strength is much stronger than others, and his momentum is far beyond ordinary people. At this moment, this momentum Together with the murderous energies killed in the zombies, he pressed towards Qi Yaoyao, and immediately made Qi Yaoyao, who was already frightened, feel cold and began to snore, and finally fell asleep.

Qi Jingchen reached out his hand and hit Nie Yi's chest softly.

The momentum of Nie Yi's body immediately dissipated. He looked at Qi Jingchen and smiled flatteringly, as if innocent, as if to confess, to threaten Qi Yaoyao or something, all were Qi Jingchen's illusion.