MTL - Both are Foxes-Chapter 9 Banquet

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Looking at the cumbersome and gorgeous clothing on her body, Ziyin Ye said a little uncomfortably: "This dress is too gorgeous, it's awkward to wear, change it!"

"No, it looks good, purple is very suitable for you ~ ~ artifact" Xie Zhiqiu smiled and watched the maiden dressed up for Ziyin Ye, praised softly.

可 "But," Ziyin Ye said, "It won't be too much to go to a birthday party like this. Today is your sister's birthday party, she is the protagonist."

Xie Zhiqiu slowly walked into the room, took Ziyinye off the table, and inserted it back to Ziyinye's head, and smiled softly: "Don't care about others, girls should take care of themselves. Go, I'll take you to the birthday party. "

Helpless Ren Xie Zhiqiu dragged forward, Zi Yin Ye murmured in her heart, why did Xie Zhiqiu not know how to avoid suspicion, anyway, she is also someone else's wife!

"Brother Ren, is he good to you?"

Purple silver night froze, and noticed that Xie Zhiqiu's body was a little tight, and frowned slightly, "OK!"


Xie Zhiqiu's sudden turn back made Ziyin Ye slammed into Xie Zhiqiu's deep eyes as if seeing through her heart. Wolverine's eyes were closed. Ziyin Ye said: "Actually between me and my husband ..."

"I see!" Xie Zhiqiu interrupted Zi Yin Ye, leaving four words to continue moving forward, Zi Yin Ye blinked inexplicably, some did not understand what the joy in Xie Zhi Qiu's tone was, but she did not Without asking, this boy is a bit weird!

When she entered the hall, Ziyin Ye really attracted attention, but what made her even more apprehensive was that her husband, along with the emperor and Rou Fei, were also there. To her husband's pair of slightly angry eyes, Zi Yin Ye Xun's Head down, what happened? Why do you think the atmosphere in this hall is strange?

"Miss, I finally found you."

As soon as Kasuga fell from his ears with a cry, another sharp female voice was raised high: "Did I say that earlier, Mrs. Ren will be fine? No, she is not good here, isn't she? Why bother to come in and ask for someone as if I would eat your wife. "

Yi Renfeng Yao flashed his eyes and said, "Madam, are you okay?"

Ziyin Ye shook her head and said, "It's all right."

"Ma'am, where have you been for most of the day? Kasuga thought you were missing, so tired that it was easy to find people in the palace." Ren Fengyao's tone was a bit of blame, but the tone was not vicious, Ziyin Ye Looking down, there is no worry in the eyes of the current Fengyao. The faint purple silver night seemed to be blowing as the wind blew, and the timid appearance caused pity for everyone, only the peaceful eyes of King Ping Dongfang Xi sitting beside Princess Ping flashed a hint of playfulness.

"Brother Ren, don't blame Ms. Qi anymore, she just got lost." Xie Zhiqiu went to Ren Fengyao with great familiarity and explained.

"Okay, let's all sit down!" Dongfang 焯 apparently said impatiently.

He was helped to sit by Ren Fengyao and looked at the man wearing a dragon robe on the subject. Ziyin Ye was a little funny. He was obviously a princess and a birthday feast. But the emperor came to make fun. I thought she would change it today. This clothes will be considered to be the master, but unexpectedly the master is not her, but someone else.

A lively feast became a bit dull because of the emperor's joining. The dishes were put up one by one, but Ziyin Ye suddenly found that she was facing a big problem. She had to take the veil to eat. !!

I really **** it, why did I ignore it? Ziyin Ye looked down with an ugly face, but before she thought of any countermeasures, she listened to Princess Ping: "Why, aren't these dishes suitable for his wife's appetite, and why don't Mrs. Ren use chopsticks?"

Lost in the downhole! Ziyin Ye knew that today's pass was not easy. She gritted her teeth, and Zi Yin Ye said, "Yin Ye is ugly, and I am afraid to disturb everyone."

"Is Mrs. Ren waiting for me to be a little family member who hasn't seen the world? By the way, I haven't seen Mrs. Ren for so long. Really, emperor, aren't you curious?"

He seems to deliberately embarrass Ziyin Night, Dongfang He calmly said, "Take off the veil!"

With a helpless smile, she looked at the taunt, and Ziyin slowly reached out her hand. Fortunately, the moment she was prepared, the sound of gassing came and went, and it was a face with red spots and an ugly face, Even the two ordinary people, Dongfang Ling and Dongfang Xi, were indifferent to the air. Among all the people, only a trace of pity flashed in Ren Fengyao's eyes. He silently reached out and held Zi Yin Ye's hand gently on his lap. Zi Yin Ye was startled. When he saw Ren Feng Yao's apology, his heart flashed slightly. After a touch of warmth.

Don't open your eyes when Xun Chunri is sad, and push back the tears in her eyes. When did her family suffer such grievances? Originally, when the lady in a gorgeous purple dress appeared in the hall, it was very elegant and moving, but the young lady who has been removed from the veil is now even more embarrassed by that purple dress. If she was not afraid of ruining Miss ’s plan, she really wanted to let These people take a good look at the true style of the lady.

Enduring all sorts of glances, Ziyin Ye finally ate meals expressionlessly. Although she has always been a low-key and cold-hearted person, it does not mean that she has no temper, she does not want to attract attention, and she does not want to be public. This does not mean she will not resist, I hope no one will provoke her again.

Covering the veil again, Ziyin Ye finally felt a touch of security, not that she was afraid that people would look at her like pointing, but that she could hide herself better with the veil. Today she encountered too many The grievance was already aroused. She was afraid that she would accidentally expose her emotions to her face. She didn't want two people to see her true disposition today.

Princess Ping's birthday did not end because the banquet disappeared. Instead, everything was just the beginning. Watching the staggering in the hall, a sound of congratulations, a bright and hypocritical smiley face, Zi Yin Ye quietly Gorgeous, stacked under the false appearance is so unreal, if that woman is not the Princess Ping, if the woman ’s husband is not the brother of today ’s son, if the woman does not have a much-loved sister in the palace Medium, so can she still accept the stubbornness of a person so high? She is nothing but a poor man in a gorgeous coat. After all, what she really wants will never be obtained, and she can only envy her every night, jealous and unwilling to swallow her heart. Gradually no longer complained about the laughing exaggerated woman, and even sympathized with her.

Raising his eyes, his clear eyes turned to the poor woman, but now the man with a cold face beside her was full of silence, and his mood was uncomfortable, when he knew that his wife's heart was filled with How does he feel when other men are not him? No wonder the look in his eyes would be that quiet and quiet, it turns out ...

Dongfang Xi seemed to notice that someone was looking at him, and his eyes became sharp sharply. He shot straight through the crowd and directed towards her. Ziyin Yexun looked down, and the long and slightly raised eyelashes blocked the play in the eyes. And sympathy, so keen! How could such a sensitive person fail to detect who his wife really liked, but even if he did? Nothing can be done, so there is nothing left!

Thinking of this, Ziyin Ye quietly turned around, carefully looked at her husband, Ren Fengyao was watching the songs and dances in the hall intently. The entire side was more gentle and elegant under the light, like a fine ancient Jade has a simple and elegant atmosphere. It will really be fascinating to watch it for a long time! This man is very gentle and polite. The thick book volume on his body makes him feel like an ancient book. It is long but confusing and incomprehensible.

I frowned slightly, and Ziyin Ye froze in my heart, why did she feel this way? Obviously a scholar without the power of a chicken, she is as plain as water and gentle as jade, but in a moment it makes her feel that this man is not as simple as it looks. He is like water, but it is by no means ordinary water. He is like a stream with clear currents. He is like a well, but an ancient well is not waves. He is more like the sea. I sighed secretly, and Zi Yin night said, it is better to provoke him less in the future. Some people can provoke her, but some people can't provoke her. She is clever, and wise people know what to do and what to do. Shouldn't do it.

皇 "Emperor, today is my sister's birthday. You promised to fulfill your sister's wish. Wouldn't you forget it?"

During the interlude of singing and dancing, Rou Fei's voice softly rang in the hall, which caused Zi Yin Ye's attention for a while. The two sisters resented her. The younger sister played with her all day today, and the unreasonable sister would let her go.

"Don't forget, don't forget." Dongfang 焯 "hehe" chuckled, and said to Rou Fei, "I don't know what the princess Ping wants?"

Princess Ping and Rou looked at each other, and only listened to Princess Ping: "The body is not lacking, and I can't think of any wish, ah, yes, I really want to listen to someone here playing the piano, no Will the emperor allow it? "

"What's so difficult about this, who does my sister want to listen to and let her play? All the people here are from famous sources. It doesn't make sense to even play the piano, do you say, emperor?"

Is this talking about her? Only she said at the palace banquet that day that she would not play the piano. What is she doing now? Want to try if she really can't play the piano and then take the opportunity to sneer at her? Or did she degrade her identity by playing the piano? Who is demeaning to let Dangxiangxiangguo play the piano and entertain people in the large court?

Ziyin Ye sneered from the bottom of her heart, only listening to Dongfang 焯 nodded and smiled, "Who is the younger sister who wants to listen to the piano? 朕 I am also curious about who is so extraordinary in piano art that can cause my younger sisters to miss her?

"That is Mrs. Ren." Princess Ping stared at Ziyin Ye with a burning gaze and said with a grin, but the hatred deep in her eyes was shocking. "Mrs. Ren, is it true or not? There are few ladies who do n’t know how to play the piano.

I really pointed her finger at her again. Was she so bullying? Everyone in the hall shot at Ziyin Ye in unison, making Zi Yin Ye unhappy, taking a deep breath, Zi Yin Ye slowly got up and said, "Okay, I'll play."