MTL - Bottom A, Top O-Chapter 31 elder brother.

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Seeing him panic like this, Nie Zihang couldn't help laughing out loud.

The footsteps were getting closer, and Alpha glared at him angrily: "Mr. Nie, you still have the heart to laugh!"

Nie Zihang wrapped the man's waist and put the belt on his side, then unbuttoned the two buttons of his collar, and shrank a few centimeters down, and said, "Kiss me."

Alpha reacted in hindsight and lowered his head to bite his lip.

Speaking of which, they haven't been together for a long time, and they don't even kiss too many times. This was the first time Yu Jingxuan had kissed her.

Alpha really interprets the word "little milk dog" to the extreme.

The tip of his tongue licked harmlessly on his lips, rubbing gently, soft and soft with each stroke.

Nie Zihang took his hand and put it into his shirt.

When the calloused palm first touched the skin, it shrank unconsciously.

"Be fierce, baby."

Nie Zihang held back a smile and patted his **** to remind him.

Alpha's movements stagnated for a moment, and then he finally stuck his tongue in "ferociously".

The soft little tongue scraped awkwardly through the mouth and picked it carefully. Play with the "giant" that doesn't move inside.

Nie Zihang closed his eyes and sank into the sofa, enjoying his first service from Xiaoyuyu.

The shaking shadows on the balcony fell on the sides of the two of them.

Then, there was a slight inhalation sound.

Father Nie's footsteps were obviously several stops lighter than just now, and he walked away quietly.

The last long "squeak-ya-" closed the door.

Alpha finally let out a cat-like whimper and backed out.

Nie Zihang looked up and saw that his Alpha was just kissing, and his eyes were all red.

The long eyelashes drooped down low along the eyes, and the corners of the lips shrugged slightly, looking aggrieved.

Nie Zihang simply lifted Alpha's **** up.

He turned around and took a few quick steps, and put the person on the bed.

Then he knelt down between Alpha's legs, pressed him against him, and kissed him deeply.

By the time the two finished, it was almost twelve o'clock.

Nie Zihang's clothes were not messy.

Oh no, he unbuttoned two buttons on the sofa before.

On the other hand, the Alpha on the bed is divided by the waist, and the upper and lower sides are not covered.

In the exposed places, some places are still glowing with red that has been teased.

Gee, looks delicious.

Nie Zihang thought to himself.

If it weren't for the inconvenience of being in his parents' house, he would have eaten all of them long ago.

Nie Zihang contentedly hugged the person in his arms and organized his clothes, like a big cat in a enclosure.

"We'll chat with the fathers in the afternoon, and we'll go home."

He helped Alpha take care of his clothes, kissed the tip of his nose, and said.

Yu Jingxuan nodded obediently: "Okay."

When he opened his mouth, his voice was still a little hoarse and nasal.

Father Nie and Father Nie are actually very kind.

Father Nie looked calm, but not severe. After all, there were two Omegas in the family.

He was unsmiling on the surface, but he had infinite indulgence towards Father Nie and Nie Zihang.

As for Yu Jingxuan, it was a little bit different.

Just, the tone of speech is still warm, but the content of what is said, almost every sentence has the taste of testing "son-in-law".

Yu Jingxuan shivered in his heart while listening.

In the past when AA was in love, he thought that meeting the parents should be: how can I let you leave my son.

Or: You are not suitable to be together, the law does not recognize it, and you cannot have children.

Or: please let my son go, you don't delay him.

There may also be just one word: get out.

But he never thought that there would be a situation where he would be cross-examined sentence by sentence by "father-in-law" at the dining table, like an interrogation!

With every question, he also took a sip of wine.

For example, when he was quietly cooking rice, Alpha, who had a strong aura opposite him, suddenly raised his glass to him: "Xiaoyu."

Just like that, Yu Jingxuan knew that something was wrong.

He quickly put down his chopsticks and carried the cup: "Uh... um, you said."

Father Nie: "Last time you said that you are a police officer. You have a good job, and Zi Hang's father and I can trust you in terms of moral character. Uncle, I respect you."

Yu Jingxuan hurriedly raised his head and drank, and then answered carefully, "Thank you, uncle. I came from a military academy. You and uncle can rest assured in terms of morality."

After a while, Father Nie said again, "Xiaoyu."

Yu Jingxuan: !

Busy followed by toasting: "Uncle, uncle."

Father Nie: "Well... do you and Zi Hang have any plans in the future? For example, getting married or something. Uncle sees that Zi Hang has not been marked yet, so in a sense, you are a trustworthy child. Uncle, respect you. "

Yu Jingxuan hurriedly raised his head to drink again, turned his head to look at Nie Zihang, and replied in a low voice, "Ke, whoever wants to get married... This, all, it's all up to Ah Hang. I'll listen to his arrangements..."

Nie Zihang watched as his father poured wine into his family's little fish mouth by mouth. The Luzhou Laojiao, which had been hidden for ten years, was about to finish half a cup.

Although Alpha still speaks logically, his face has begun to turn red, and his tongue is obviously a little unclear.

Fortunately, he had seen Yu Jingxuan drinking before, and he roughly knew the amount of this fish, so he didn't stop him too much.

Of course, I found out later that it was wrong, and when I wanted to stop it, I couldn't stop it.

After three rounds of wine, the dishes were almost finished, and Father Nie took the wine glass again: "Xiaoyu."

Yu Jingxuan has become a conditioned reflex to hold the cup: "Uncle, you... hiccup, say..."

Father Nie was also a little drunk, so he turned on the heart-to-heart nagging mode: "The two of you are together, uncle and his father are very happy. After you get married, life will be guaranteed in more aspects. In the future, the two of you, You can still have children. Uncle urged you two a little bit. Zi Hang was ignorant in the past few years. After playing for several years, the good age has been delayed. If you two think it is suitable, you should get the certificate as soon as possible. I want children."

After Alpha was drunk, his reaction was much slower.

He blinked slowly several times, as if he had just finished processing the information, and responded slowly: "He, I am also very happy with Mr. Nie... Get married, we will get married! Wait for the wedding, be sure to invite You come!"

Well, the logic of this fish is completely gone.

Father Nie happily drank the rest of the wine: "Okay! I'll definitely go!"

Obviously, he didn't want to understand why his son's wedding needs to be invited to go.

At the end of the drink, Father Nie was completely unconscious, and he took Yu Jingxuan's hand and said with emotion, "Thanks we found you in Hanghang... Xiaoyu, from now on, you will be the benefactor of my Nie family! It's you who took over our family Nie Zihang, it's corrected. You, from now on, will be the person who uncle had a fateful friendship with! Hanghang, it's uncle's life..."

Nie Zihang and Father Nie: …

Yu Jingxuan on the other side did not give in too much.

He held his chin with one hand, his upper and lower eyelids were fighting, and he was still responding in a dazed way: "Knot...We are married, we, yes! We are right...well, we can get married."

Father Nie: "Yes, you are right! You get married and have a big fat baby in the future!"

Yu Jingxuan also said, "Well... let's give birth to a big fat baby! When we get the certificate, we will give birth! I will give Mr. Nie... a big fat baby!"

After I finished speaking, I realized that there was something wrong?

Alpha rubbed his stomach and turned to look at Nie Zihang. After a while, he said dumbly, "No... I don't think I can give birth... Mr. Nie."

Father Nie, who was watching the interaction between the two, laughed until tears burst out: "Hanghang, why is the Alpha you're looking for so drunk and so milky? Those little eyes, tsk tsk tsk, are better than a little milk O. Return the milk. No wonder you like it... Dad made a mistake back then and found someone as tough as your father."

Nie Zihang took his grandma's Alpha into his arms, patted the tip of his red ear, and said connivously, "He's drunk like that. Who made you give birth to a fat baby, eh? Silly fish. Don't take it, you know?"

Yu Jingxuan leaned on him habitually, sniffed gently, and said obediently, "Well, okay..."

After a while, he hugged his waist again and rubbed against his neck: "Then let's get married, shall we...? Mr. Nie, I want to get married."

Nie Zihang followed him and said, "Oh, do you want to get married?"

Alpha nodded his head: "Hmm."

Nie Zihang hooked his chin and scratched softly: "Just like that, I'll let brother marry you, eh? That brother is at a loss."

Alpha immediately: "I...I'll marry..."

On the other side, there was another "pochi" laugh.

Father Nie has already started to cover his stomach.

"Son, why is your Alpha so good at grabbing? Is that the question of his marrying you?"

Yu Jingxuan flattened his mouth aggrievedly: "Then what should I do..."

Nie Zihang continued to tease him with a smile: "Why don't you call me brother?"

Daddy Nie leaned on the table, crossed his chin with his hands, and watched the young couple flirting with interest: "Son, Xuanxuan is younger than you? Tsk tsk tsk, it's really a little puppy."

Nie Zihang put his finger on his lips: "Shh."

Then, Yu Jingxuan stood up staggeringly and hugged Nie Zihang's waist.

Then, the three people in the room heard Alpha's small voice: "Brother."

The sound falls...

Nie Zihang was sure that in his father's shocked eyes, he saw so much envy.

And his Alpha was still holding him, rubbing gently.

"Well...Mr. Nie...I want to get married..."

"Let's get married."

The author has something to say:

Knot Knot Knot! !

marry him! ! (Grabs Brother Nie and shakes wildly)