MTL - Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse-Chapter 533

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The darkness shrouds the unknown world. The red blood of the sky does not bring light to this space. Instead, it fills the space with a fear, the darkness is spreading, the darkness is growing, and the darkness is eroding.

Lin Feng and Lin Xiaobao stood on the roof and looked at the surrounding environment. There were no other things except the countless tall buildings and the red light in the distance.

"Lin Feng, what if there is no way out, there is nothing but high buildings here."

Lin Xiaobao can see far away after returning to his original body. He is now almost as tall as Lin Feng. The environment he sees is the same. There is no road, no lights, it seems to be a space.

Lin Feng can see different things. Lin Feng’s ‘Devil’s Eye’ can see through the darkness and discover the truth after the darkness, but Lin Feng sees deeper darkness and the vague blood in the darkness.

In the sight of Lin Feng's Eye of the Wolf, the dark space is followed by a deeper darkness. There is also a familiar feeling in the darkness, like a familiar feeling from the inside, the magic wolf in the body. A sense of familiarity produced by the law.

Lin Xiaobao looked around at the top of the building and looked around. He hoped to find a way out of here, and Lin Feng stood still as if he had been settled. His eyes were cloudy and his eyes were ignorant. He kept staring at the distant red light.

Things appear in the deeper darkness, with sound, objects, and familiar energy.

"Is there energy in the dark? Or is it the energy of the Orcs?"

Lin Feng is very surprised that there will be energy here. It is reasonable to say that there is no energy in a space. Just like Lin Feng’s supermarket, the time in the supermarket is stopped, but all the energy in the supermarket cannot be used. It seems to be sealed by space.

In the darkness, Lin Feng feels the energy of the Orcs, and as the energy continues to become stronger, the energy source is constantly approaching, and Lin Feng also sees the sight.

A thing exactly like the Huazhu in the middle of the underground city relics square appears in front of you. The densely populated Orc scripts on the Huazhu and the top orc signs are clearly visible, but the corpses buried in the middle of Huazhu are gone.

In the darkness, Lin Feng listened carefully to hear the contents of these sounds.

"The Presbyterian Church still doesn't know what we are doing. Be careful when we act. After all, what we are doing is destroying the ‘shutual agreement.’ If we are known by the Presbyterian and Orc people, we will be in trouble.”

"What are you afraid of, are we doing this just to let our people return to the earth world? The balance of the world is unstable, we can't go back to the ground world. Everything we do is for the people to return to the original ground. The world, everything we do is correct."

These two voices seem to be talking about important things, like the underground world and the earth above the world. There are also the Presbyterians of the Orcs and the underground world. There must be some important secrets in it. Lin Feng decided to be careful. Listen, hear all the news.

"But can we really return to the world of the earth? Now what the world on the ground is, only you know, even I just listen to what you said. Only you know the balance of this thing. It is right or wrong. You judge. Are you doing this yourself, or are you using me for other purposes?"

One of the people’s apparent tone has changed. From the previous question to the current suspicion and anger, the whole emotional change indicates that the person has not believed the other party’s words, and does not know whether the other person’s true or false is true. It is already a death sin. If it is used by the other party, how can he be reconciled?

"You are doubting me? I have done so many things for the underground people. I killed my wife and children. I killed our patriarchs. It is not all for us to return to the earth world." You suspect me now, it seems that you don't believe me, don't believe me, don't cooperate with me!"

When the voice was finished, a scream came out. It was obvious that the other party was killed. Just because of doubts, I killed my partner. In fact, I was afraid that the other party would reveal my secret. Once I did it myself. The things are revealed. Really some individual presbyterians will chase themselves. When they don’t talk about escape, even if they can survive, they are all problems. For their own affairs, they are not interrupted. This person decides to kill each other.

"Now no one can stop me now. Everything I do is for the tribe to return to the world of the earth. The culture of the past and the culture of the world will once again shine the whole world."

The owner of this voice seems to be mad. In order to achieve his own goal, the patriarch was killed. But Lin Feng suddenly remembered that he had heard of the Presbyterian Church in the underground world, but the patriarch seemed to be mentioned by the listener. However, although the underground world is opposite to the orc, the orc has disappeared for a long time. Is this the voice not the present time, but what happened before?

There is only darkness, endless darkness, and perhaps some memory fragments are stored in the darkness. These memory fragments are hidden in the darkness. It can only be said that the master of this memory is the one who hopes to fall into the dark knows this past event. It may also be that the owner of this memory is trapped in the darkness, waiting for someone who knows the truth to revenge.

But what is the thing that breaks memory? Lin Feng can hear from the voice what the other party seems to be doing, and this matter has already involved the underground world and the earth world. The patriarchs of the underground world have been killed. How powerful is this person's ability.

The strongest person in the underground world is the four guards Lin Feng has seen. Their energy should be analyzed in the soul repair stage. As the underground world, the patriarchs will not be less capable than them, and they will kill the patriarchs. If it is not used, it is the strength of this person that has already reached the horror.

"In order for the tribe to return to the world of the earth to live a good life, I have to study the creatures that balance the world. There are already enough people in the underground world. The return of the tribes to the earthly world will definitely disrupt the balance of the world and put the world in a resource-constrained situation. In order for the people to live a good life, I have to develop the creatures of the people who kill the world, I want them to kill each other."

It can be heard from this voice that the big events happening in the earth's world are related to this person.

"Is it a zombie?"

Lin Feng made the worst guess.



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