MTL - Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse-Chapter 535

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When Lin Feng woke up, Lin Xiaobao and Dong Wu were not around. The room he was in was a very ordinary inn-style room. The sound of people coming and going could be heard outside the door. I felt that my body was no longer a problem. Lin Feng got up. Think outside to see.

The emptiness in the body is very strong. The energy consumed in a large amount can not be filled in a short time. Even if Lin Feng itself can naturally absorb the surrounding energy, the energy of the underground world can actively enter the body, but these two methods can not completely compensate the energy. Lin Feng’s own energy is very strong, and it takes at least a few days to make up for the vacancies.

Outside the room is an open corridor, opposite the room is a large pothole, in the underground world, potholes are rare, can build an inn around the pothole, Lin Feng knows that only one, is a name 'Watching' inn, this inn is the largest inn in the underground world. When Lin Feng came to the underground world, he lived in other places because he didn’t have enough money. As for this time, it should be the place where Lin Xiaobao was looking for. .

The underground world is different from the earth above the world. The difference between people here and the people on the ground is very big. The currency here is different from the world above. Before the coma, I just said how to reach the underground world. I didn’t say how to live and communicate here. .

I can know the situation of the underground world and the living conditions here. Only Lin Xiaobao can do it. His three brothers have been to the underground world, and they have committed crimes here, and the Dark Portal is definitely related to their three brothers. The situation in the underground world, the three of them can know, then Lin Xiaobao will know.

At the time of the Tianqi base, Lin Feng suspected that Lin Xiaobao knew about the Lin family's three brothers. When Lin Xiaobao admitted, Lin Feng knew that what he knew was definitely not the same. The underground world may be that Lin Xiaobao would have been curious, so now he is Not surprisingly.

The pothole in front of you is the only pothole in the underground world. This pothole does not know how deep it is. From the time of Agoura, there is this pothole. People in the underground world don’t know the source and use of this pothole. Knowing that he has no bottom, he can make the surrounding air comfortable all the year round, and can also regulate people's health.

As a result, the surrounding of the pothole was built around a lot of houses. Gradually, the surrounding houses were acquired by powerful people in the underground world, knowing that it has now become the largest inn in the underground world.

"It’s a pity that I didn’t come last time. How can I find such a big clue?”

Lin Feng stood next to the pothole and felt a very comfortable feeling. It was a wave of energy that was not emitted from this pothole. It seemed to be an invisible wave of ion formation. It was transmitted from the pothole and was Feng Feng. After the body's absorption, Lin Feng's body occluded acupoints also produced a weak reaction.

Lin Feng dreamed of some scenes in the coma, the red sun, and the real sun that the earth world has weakened. The two seem to have nothing to do with each other, but since Lin Feng dreams, he must know that there is a connection.

The fluctuations in the deep pits are a peculiar thing. He is not energy, but this feeling is stronger than energy. After Lin Feng’s body absorbs this kind of fluctuation, the acupuncture points on the body have changed slightly, and the already opened acupuncture points have become more Usually, the acupuncture points that have not been opened appear to open and close, and all the meridians of the whole body appear self-running energy without energy stimulation.

The meridians without energy support can't transmit energy, but now Lin Feng's body has very little energy left, which is not enough for the meridians of the whole body to flow energy, but now this unseen wave actually makes the meridians in Lin Feng's body. It's never seen before you generate energy by yourself.

Particles refer to the smallest component of matter that can exist in a free state. The first particles discovered were atoms, electrons, and protons. Later, neutrons were discovered, confirming that atoms are composed of electrons, protons, and neutrons. They are a more basic material component than atoms, so they are called elementary particles. In the future, such particles are found more and more, and the cumulative number has exceeded several hundred, and there is an increasing trend; in addition, some of these particles have not been found to have internal structures in experiments so far, and some particle experiments show obvious internal structures. . It seems that these particles do not belong to the same level, so the term elementary particles has become history and is now collectively referred to as particles. Particles are not specific substances like neutrons, protons, etc., but their collective names.

There are interactions between particles. All the particle structures of the currently understood substances have strong interactions, electromagnetic interactions, weak interactions and gravitational interactions. The gravitational interactions are very weak and can be ignored.

Through these interactions, new particles or particle transformation phenomena such as particle decay occur.

Lepton, which is not directly involved in strong effects, can directly participate in electromagnetic and weakly acting particles. Electrons and their antiparticles have been discovered.

Hadron, who is directly involved in strong effects, is also involved in electromagnetic and weakly acting particles. A hadron whose spin is an integer is called a meson, and a hadron whose spin is a half integer is called a baryon. There are a large number of hadrons, most of which are particles that decay by strong action, and their lifetime is extremely short, which is an unstable particle, also called a resonance state.

The lepton behaves like a point particle and does not show an internal structure, while the hadron display is a composite particle with a certain structure. According to modern particle physics, the meson consists of a pair of positive and negative quarks, the baryon consists of three quarks, and the lepton and quark belong to the same level.

Lin Feng feels a kind of lepton. He interacts with the original electrons and anti-electrons in Lin Feng, and stimulates the expansion of energy while interacting with electrons and anti-electrons, so that energy can be generated without energy. Conversion and flow.

"This pothole is really interesting. It can also release the lepton. It is a bit like the photoion."

Lin Feng absorbed the particle waves from the deep pit, the body gradually improved, some vain steps became stable, and the energy lost on the body slowly recovered. The effect of this particle wave is more effective than the red light of the underground world. If you live here, you can replenish your lost energy in three days.

At this time, Dong Wu and Lin Xiaobao both came back with a lot of food. They saw Lin Feng standing at the door and were very happy to go to hug. Lin Feng saw them, and the hanging heart slowly fell.

