MTL - Building The Ultimate Fantasy-Chapter 35 Tolerable

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By the lake, the old lady leaned against the ship's board, hugged the ship's bow, and grinned out a mouth with an incisor. She watched the geeks who were dismissed from Huxin Island carrying their bags and smirked. .

In the distance, Nie Changqing pushed Lu Fan in a wheelchair and came over.

Qi Lufan closed his eyes slightly, and he sensed the speed of rejuvenation in his body.

Xi Niyu was still shocked by the horror of Chaotian Lingju, and she followed Lu Fan step by step.

Get on board.

Lao 叟 vigorously supported the stern, and the fishing boat slipped out, causing ripples.

Ni Yu once again lay on the ship's edge and began a seasickness journey.

Wu Ningzhao did not leave with Lu Fan, she stayed on the island, helped Lu Fan dismiss everyone, and cleared the "Bai Yujing" building.

Uh ...

I went ashore.

Old 叟 rubbed his hands.

Lu Fan, who was in a wheelchair, opened her eyes and gave a deep look to Lao Lu.


Lu Fanfan said lightly.

On the one hand, Ni Yu's face was white and her legs were still trembling. Ni Yu quickly drew out the money bag, squeezed a piece of broken silver from it, and gave it to the old woman.

The old man suddenly smiled.

Lu Lufan's special carriage was still parked at the dock. Nie Changqing opened the side door of the carriage and pushed Lu Fan in a wheelchair into the carriage.

Wu Niyu didn't follow the landing and entered the carriage. She squatted on the frame. She wanted to take a slow motion.


Nie Changqing raised his whip, took it suddenly, and his horse hissed.

内 Inside the carriage.

Lu Lu Fan slowly opened the draped curtain and looked through the window to the old man who was holding silly silver and holding the ship.

He is looking at Lao, and Lao is also looking at Lu Fan.

The horse-drawn carriage galloped and disappeared on the official road, and their eyes were finally broken.

Looked at the carriage going away.

Old 叟 grinned, showing a standard incisive smile.

拎 He took the boat bow, sang again, stepped on the straw shoes, and jumped aboard the fishing boat quite chicly.

The fishing boat dangled and drifted on the lake.

Uh ...

番 In the carriage, Lu Fan called up the system panel.

Host: Lu Fan

Title: Gas Refiner (Permanent)

Gas refining layers: 2 (3 layers progress: 100/1000 strands)

Soul strength: 13 (convertible: 2)

Physical strength: 1 (convertible: 1)

Reiki: 72 strands (can recover by itself)

Transformation Award: "Chuangxuan Refining Gas"

In the world rating: Five Phoenix Continent [Low Wu]

Permissions: [Task], [Preacher], [Reiki Release]

Branch authority: [Wanfa Oven (LV1)]

Reiki has recovered to 72 strands. The speed is not slow, but it is not much faster.

Staring at the panel, Lu Fan was lost in thought.

As the intensity of the soul crossed 10, Lu Fan found that the five senses and six consciousness became clearer, and even ... he could control things.

For example, he can control the wheelchair to turn and move by itself.

The stronger the intensity of the soul, the more obvious the effect will be.

As for physical strength, it is obviously related to physical fitness.

Lu Lu really wanted to increase his physical strength, but ... now, what he needs most is soul strength and aura.

Therefore, physical strength cannot be the focus of his ascension.

"It seems to get the attribute points quickly ..."

Lu Lu groaned.

Lu Fan's method of obtaining attribute points is summarized. In fact, there are two methods. One is to complete the task.

Another is to hope to get from the transformation rewards.

所谓 This so-called transformation reward can actually be understood as an achievement in transforming the world.

For example, when Ningzhao was injected into Ningzhao and transformed the first practitioner, he was rewarded.

Perhaps any first time related to transforming the world may be rewarded.

This actually made Lu Fan a little thought.

Uh ...

The horse-drawn carriage galloped to the rather magnificent gate of Lufu.

Nie Changqing helped Lu Fan get out of the carriage, while Ni Yu pushed a wheelchair while carrying a chessboard.

Yi Yiyue stood in front of the gate early and waited for landing.

Seeing Lu Fan coming down from the carriage, Yi Yue's eyes lightened, and she bowed slightly.

"Son, as you have commanded, all the people involved are put into prison, waiting for their departure."

Yiyi said.

Lu Fan slightly nodded: "Good job, take me there."

Xu Yiyue bowed, walked behind Lu Fan, and pushed to land towards Lu Fu.

Luolu Mansion, as the city's main mansion, naturally has a large prison, imprisoning those who have committed evil.

Wherever there is human being, there will be sin. No one dares to say which city will be sinless and civilized.

Therefore, the role of prisons is crucial.

The sound of the wooden wheels and the blue bricks rolling on the ground sounded, and Lu Fu's jail was near.

A young military general wearing a dazzling cold luster armor was waiting in front of the door, waiting for landing.

Lu Lufan is not familiar with this person, but he knows Lu Fan.

Xi Wu will come to Lu Fan and salute with fists.

"Mr. Luo Cheng, I've seen the Young Master."

The martial arts generals are not humble or overbearing.

Lu Lufan was sitting in a wheelchair with one hand on his chin and one hand on the thin blanket covering his thighs.

"Are you the eldest son of Uncle Luo?"

Qi Lufan thought about it and asked.

Luo Luo shivered and nodded.

"Very good."

The corners of Lu Lu's mouth turned up.

"The next thing I'm going to do may be a little violent. Can you live with it?"

Luo Luocheng wore a helmet and looked at Lu Shaozhu, who was somewhat inconsistent with the rumors. He solemnly said, "The end will follow the city master, and the corpses, mountains and blood have all suffered. What else can't stand it?"

"Before the city master left, let the admiral listen to the young master's order and protect the young master, so ... if the young master has any order, just say."

Luo Luocheng decisive, said.

Lu Fan nodded slightly.

"Let's live just fine, take me to see Xiaochen them."

Luo Luocheng turned to his side, and landed in jail.

The prison was quite humid, full of musty and foul smell.

The beacon lights were dim, and the air was permeated with blood. Various types of torture were placed in the cell, and bloodshot contaminated the torture.

In a cell, the detainees were all staring at Landing Fan.

They didn't grab the door of the cell and shout for help, as they did in previous film and television dramas. Instead, they sat on the ground of the cell with eyes numb and indifferent.

When I reached the depths of the cell, I became noisy.

"Lu Ping! How dare you do that ?!"

"I'm a Confucianist with merit and honor! You dare to take me into the jail, you are contempt of Zhou Tianzi, contempt of my Confucian master!"

"Lu Ping'an, let me wait out! Readers have to be disciplined when doing things. I'll wait for my name, why do you catch us?"

内 In the cell ...

When a Confucian scholar saw Lu Fan, he was immediately angry.

They grabbed the pillars of the cell and snarled at Landing regardless of the image.

蹙 In a wheelchair, Lu Pan frowned.

Nie Changqing pressed the killing pig knife, his eyes swept coldly.

Wu Yiyue was also cold-faced, and her palms had fallen on the long whip around her waist.

Qi Lufan waved his hand and stopped Yiyue.

He looked around, and looked at the Confucians who were being held in jail with a smile, and laughed.


"My son suspects that you and the three great families are in the same league, colluding with the rebels, and destroying my Da Zhou."

"What the three great families have done, you all know well, my father has entered Beijing. Now, Beiluo will take care of me ... what my father dare not do, let me do it."

Lu Lufan rubbed his long fingers, lowered his head, and said lightly.

Luo Luocheng stepped on the knife, eyes sharp.

Luo Lufan said Luo Cheng's heart and made him feel blood in his heart.

看着 He looked at the young owner who had his head down in a wheelchair ~ ~ and there was something in his eyes.

In Lu Fan's words, the deterrence is not great. Except for some Confucian scholars who seem to perceive it and hide in fear at the corner, the rest of Confucian scholars open their throats and swear in various scoldings, swear words, and believing.

They blew themselves up and cleared their fame. What dare not swear?

The emperor is correct!

Lufan pouted his lips, although he had a good temper, but he couldn't bear the slightest grievance.

"Luo Cheng."

"The end will be."

Luo Luo became a fist.

"All killed."

On Lu Fandao, the sound was dull.

Luo Luo shivered, and the next moment, his eyes flashed.


With a single order, Sergeant Iron Blood rushed into the cell.

The Confucian students were shocked.

They never scolded again, because ... the sergeant who received the military order had no nonsense, and the cold white blade lifted and fell.

Bleeding blood, he splashed the wall.

深 Deep in the cell.

Chen Beixun, sitting on the floor, shook his face.

Liu Ye, Zhu Yishan was terrified that his body was shaking.

What does Lufan want to do?

A word of indiscriminate killing? !!

Will those Confucian scholars end up also?

的 The screams in the cell didn't last long, and the strong **** smell could not disappear at all.

Finally, in the sight of Liu Ye and Zhu Yishan.

番 Lu Fan in a wheelchair, a white suit, gradually showed his body from the darkness.

The mask is like white jade, and they smile at it like a spring breeze.