MTL - Building The Ultimate Fantasy-Chapter 37 10 miles from Bloodstained Long Street

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Lu Lu's words fell.

I walked across the long street and suddenly fell into silence.

Then it's all gone ...

The words of Ping Ping's bland, but it made a lot of people ... thrilled.

Luo Luocheng pulled out the sword "欻" in his waist, his eyes were dazzling and dazzling, and the blood in his body was boiling. He was waiting for Lufan.

"The general will command!"

Milo became enlightened.

His words fell, and he raised the knife in his hand.

"Killer, kill!"

"Gather the conspirators, kill!"

Words fall.

The iron blood army behind him suddenly moved.

"噌" sounded loud.

He is pulling out the white blade around his waist.

北 Chen Beixun's eyes widened unbelievably, how could he never think of it, Lu Fan was so decisive and so fearless!

若 If this matter spreads out, Lu Fan is afraid that he will suffer from allegations!

However, Lu Fan killed so many Confucian students, and it should have been pointed out by thousands of men. Thinking of this, Chen Beixun was a bit embarrassed.

Don't look at Lu Fan's sickness, the son is like a jade, but it is much crazy and fierce than Lu Changkong!

野 Liu Ye and Zhu Yishan were stunned. Their original straight waist rod bowed back with Lu Fan's order.

The number of mob hired by the three great families and many small joint merchants is really quite large.

These mobs are actually some gangsters and gangsters, and they do nothing all day.

They gathered together to make trouble, and they didn't do less.

With the order of Lu Fan.

These people were stunned.

Later, someone roared.

"You thief! I'll wait for you to fight!"

There was a roar.

The mob stunned.

They are numerous.

Most of the iron blood soldiers were on the city walls, guarding Beiluo City.

Luo Cheng's squad was only a few dozen people.

However, Luo Cheng looked indifferent, sweeping his sword, and stabbed a mob mob with a knife.

The other Iron Blood Army is also indifferent and simple. They are soldiers, they are well-trained soldiers, but they are not a group of incomparable people.

Nie Changqing also moved.

Rolled the killing knives in his hands and joined the Iron Blood Army.

With the addition of a master of six ringings, the landlords were even less adversaries. After resisting for a while, they began to completely defeat.

The mob was frightened, and the sticks and hatchet in his hands fell to the ground.

I cried in horror.

"We just collected the money, we have no rebellion!"

"Wrong, we are wrong! My lord, let me go!"

"I wait for no rebellion ... We really don't!"

Uh ...

However, the moaning of these mobs did not let Luo Cheng have any kindness.

He drew his sword from his hand and blood stained Long Street for ten miles.

The people on both sides, like a chill, some people who had previously joined the mob slogan for a while and wanted to use it as a bragging talk. At this moment, their faces were pale, two tremors, and the lower body was almost agitated.

In this lingering blood, Lu Fan played with chess pieces, looking pale.

Compared with soldiers, the common people are not a level opponent at all.

The mob was quickly subdued.

No, it should be said that he was killed, and Lu Fan was all uttered. Luo Cheng naturally did not leave any living.

They don't need to stay alive either, they know exactly who is behind the mob.

Yi Yixiu put her hand on the wheelchair handle and pushed it gently.

The alder wheel runs over the blood-stained long street blue bricks, and the killing atmosphere is permeated. Although the scorching sun is high, everyone's mind and body are full of chills.

野 Liu Ye and Zhu Yishan faced despair, watching this Shura hell-like picture, their hearts were shaking.

的 The end of these mobs is likely to be their end.

The inner defense line has been completely defeated by Lu Fan.

Although Chen Beixun was still stubborn, his beauty was exposed with a slight trembling beauty.


Luo Luocheng kicked and opened the door of Liu House.

Xu burst into Liu Fuzhong.

Inside Lufu, the private soldiers cut by Lu Changkong waved their weapons, but soon they were crushed by Luo Cheng.

Blood stained Liu House.

Some distinguished persons in Liu's House were released from prison.

After resisting some rebellious Liu Fuwu men, after resisting several iron blood soldiers, they were submerged, several white blades were pierced into the body, and blood flowed into the river.

Uh ...

Chen House.

A group of people are still struggling to drink wine at the round table of Phoebe nanmu.


A child of the Chen family rushed into the house.

"No ... bad!"

"The city's main mansion slaughtered the mob, confiscated Liu's house and Zhu's house, and is now coming to Chen's house!"

The horror of the Chen family child's face and the tragic condition of the blood-stained Long Street made him dare not even breathe out.

Lu Lu's decisiveness and the cruelty of the Iron Blood Army scared him.


Liu and Zhu's two principals got up to shoot, and the strong swordsmen are also incredible.

Hundreds of people, why did Lu Fan dare to order and kill them all? !!

I said that good law does not blame the public, Lu Fan is totally out of order!

They originally wanted to use the mob turmoil to give power to the city's main government, but they never expected that Lu Fan didn't care about it and actually killed the violence.

In Chen Fu, many small business owners are shivering.

"What are you afraid of? Is it true that he could not kill all of our three families and large and small businesses?"

"In that case, Beiluo City will be chaotic. The importance of our businesses to the stability of people's livelihood is self-evident ..."

"He's just bluffing ..."

At the round table, many small businessmen's businessmen whispered to each other.

However, the principals of Liu and Zhu were pale and faint.

Jian Duan warriors sitting at the wooden table also frowned.

"It is rumored that Luan, the master of Beiluo, has a violent temper because of a leg problem. Now it seems ... it's quite authentic."

"However, it takes a price to come by nature ... his slaughter will certainly cause the people in the world to hesitate. This is the demon's move. My sword faction ... will kill the demon today!"

On the nannan round table, several sword masters stood up with swords.

Many large and small merchants immediately applauded!

The more chaotic the Luobei City, the better, and the more chaotic they are, the more they can fish in muddy water and have better income.

The principals of Liu and Zhu were silent, and their hands and feet were cold.

"Brother Jingyue, why don't you go to 诛 Demon with me?"

Suddenly, headed by, the swordsman with the three swords hidden in the sword box looked at the Nan wooden table in doubt, still sitting and drinking at his discretion.

However, this brother Jing Yue just shook his head.

"Wait a minute, I have informed the remaining six knights of the sword faction to come ... until the seven knights are gathered before the sword can be set."

This person calls Jing Yue, the swordsman who fled frantically on Beiluo Lake at the beginning.

Nie Changqing, who is next to Lu Lu ~ ~, is beyond his imagination.

Hit him alone, he must be defeated by Nie Changqing, and the sword sent seven chivalrous men. At least four must be here to have a chance to win and kill the enemy.

"Seven Knights ... Brother Jing Yue is too careful. I waited together to retreat, even Master Qixiang had to retreat. Why fear the two guards of Master Beiluo?"

The eyes of the swordsman with three swords hidden in the yellow pear wood sword box flickered with a scorn of disdain.

Jing Yue, who was sitting at the Nanmu wine table, was silent and poured his own wine.

剑 The swordsman noticed that he was being ignored, he hummed, and swiped his sleeves with two fingers, and patted them on the sword box.

A bang.

A sword popped up, was held in his hand, and went outside the house.

After that, several swordsmen swordsmen, and many businessmen, merchants, large and small, followed the swordsman, got up, left the wooden table, and left the lobby.


心脏 The swordsman who just stepped out of the lobby threshold shrank his heart. His intuition as a Wuxiang Grandmaster and a warrior made him suddenly stare.


In the body, five qi and blood burst out.

A ray of black awn, as if chopped from the sky, from outside the mansion of Chenfu, came to the sky.

Everyone was dazzled.

He saw that Heiman was scattered.

He turned into a black pig-knife.

The swordsman who was carrying the three swords in the sword box didn't even growl.

He was slashed with a pig-knife from Yukong.

I die when I go out.

The entire Chen Mansion was silent for a moment.

The thick blood filled the nose of a group of people who had just stepped out of the lobby ...