MTL - Building The Ultimate Fantasy-Chapter 39 Jian Jian entered the city, the last struggle

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Xi Jingyue was very aggrieved.

As one of the Seven Chivalrous Swordsmen, this is already the second time he fled in a panic.

He doesn't want to escape, if he can wait until the Seven Swordsmen of the sword school arrives, he will definitely dare to fight back, but ... can't wait!

If there is Jianxin Jianyi said, he is likely to have eroded Jianxin, and Jianyi collapsed into slag.

Alas, he has no regrets.

Isn't it alive ... isn't it?

Stepping on the soles of the feet, the blood exploded, carrying the yellow pear wood sword box running on the roof, flying between them, away from Chen Fu's right and wrong place.

As a six-sword master swordsman, he will leave, unless Lu Fan really ruthlessly wants to keep him.

He bet right, this time Lu Fan is the same as last time, he didn't keep his mind.

Wu Fei swept across seven or eight roofs.


Wu Jingyue was stunned. As one of the seven chivalrous swordsmen, he still had some strength. His body spun up at a high speed, and the black robe fluttered.

The side of the torso body was rotated three times, and the soles of the feet fell to the roof firmly, and a piece of black tile was broken.

He was in front of him.

I was stopped by a graceful figure.

The sun is shining like blood, reflecting the white long skirt, flying like a fairy.

Thousands of blue silk spread out, with eyebrows picturesque.

This is a very beautiful, like the person who walked out of the painting.

The fluttering air flow made this person feel a little more immortal, like a fairy in the sky.

Xu Ningzhao looked at Jing Yue dignifiedly, and his aura was mobilized.

She doesn't have a sword in both hands, after all, Cicada's sword is in the handle of Lu Fan's wheelchair.

"My son is in Chenfu, you come from Chenfu ..."

Yan Ningzhao's long eyelashes seemed to emit light in the sunset.

She finished handling the affairs of Huxin Island. As soon as she got on the island, she heard that Lu Fan was killing the war, so she hurried over.

I just met Jing Yue who ran away.

"You are carrying a sword box of yellow pear wood, you are the sword school. The son wants to make no sword school in Beiluo City ... so you can't go."

Tong Ningzhao's red lips opened slightly, and said lightly.

"Is Lu Shaozhu's niece?"

Wu Jingyue recognized Ningzhao, so he was dignified.

"You're not my opponent, let's go ... otherwise, I'm ruthless under the sword."

Wu Jing crossing.

He didn't want to entangle with Ning Zhao, mainly because Ning Zhao's identity was Lu Fan's niece.

He fled twice, but Lu Fan didn't touch him, but if he hurt the maid or killed the maid ...

I am afraid that Master Shao Lu will chase him to the ends of the earth.

After all, he heard that the master of North Luolu had very little eyes ...

Xun Ningzhao smiled, she raised her hand, and two light blue air currents swelled in her palm, her gauze skirt rolled, her eyes with perseverance.

This time ... she won't let the son down.


Xiao Ningzhao's little feet were on a black tile, his blood was roaring, and a strange sound blew away. His body was like a ghost in the glory of the sun.

Xing Jingyue's gaze fixed, his body burst into six strange sounds, and his sword pierced relentlessly.

He was afraid that Nie Changqing would forget it.

If the sorrow is impossible, he will still be afraid of the grand master of Ningzhao?

Uh ...

Outside Luobei, on the endless plain, the smoke billowed.

Horseshoe trample.

There are four heads wearing buckets, and the figure carrying the yellow pear wood sword box speeds the horse forward.

The iron-blooded sentry guarding the city's head on Gaocheng immediately found the target, and the news spread throughout the city.

The iron blood guards were all moving, one after another, tightening the strong crossbow in the army and setting it on the city's head. Once the enemy approached, they shot and killed.

However, the sound of the horse's hoof did not stop, it still blew, and raised the dust.

Finally, in Beiluo, the guards loosened their bowstrings, and arrows shot out, scoring in the sky and turning into a rain of arrows.

The four people who rushed to the horse, slipped off the horse's back, and instantly slid to the horse's belly, and the arrows fell.

I shot four horses into a sieve.

The sound of howling swords groaned, and there was a continuous burst of blood.

There were four figures, performing light work from the belly of the fallen horse, and quickly rushing out.

I came under the wall of Beiluo, covered with mottled traces.

铿锵 Blast.

Beacon splashed.

Wu Jianfeng arrived in the slight gaps in the city wall, and the sword body flexed and flew, so as to take advantage of the eaves on the city wall and climb straight up.

The four of them rushed to the wall.

The first-ranking defender of the city, Lu Changkong, roared burly, wielding a heavy knife and killed.

四 The four people wore buckets, and they didn't seem to want to fight. They didn't dare to fight. Once they fell into the siege, no matter how high their martial arts were, they could hack them.

Clear Jian Yin kept on.

Twenty-four bodies flew over the iron soldiers surrounding the city.

Stomp lightly on the shoulder, and floated far away.

I crossed over the iron soldiers, crossed the city walls, followed the inner city walls, reached the wall with a sword, struck Mars, and landed in the city.

Uh ...

Dozens of miles outside North Luo City.

Three hundred iron riders trampled on the ground and walked slowly.

Among the three hundred iron rides, a horse-drawn carriage pulled by five horses was galloping at a high speed, and the carriage turned, raising dust.

Twenty-five horses travel, this is the car of the National division.

Lu Changkong rides on a horseback and rides on an iron with a stern look.

The horse-drawn carriage curtain opened, the shawl radiated, and the open-minded Confucian student carried a gourd and sat side by side with the driver.

"Luo Chengzhu, you have made another addiction when you're under the hexagram, can you come for a hexagram?"

Mo Motianyu took a sip of wine and sat on the carriage frame sideways, loudly toward Lu Changkong riding on the horse.

Lu Lu's helmet looked like a torch, glancing at him.

"Mr. follow the teacher, why do you like to count hexagrams? Calculating hexagrams is not something that the magic sticks of Tianji family do?"

Mo Tianyu, who was radiating from his hair, laughed, scratched his bare chest, filled his mouth with gourd wine, and said, "I heard that there were some hexagrams. I learned the hexagrams first, and then I was taken away by the master to learn Confucianism. ... "

Lu Lu nodded.

"The road is lonely, then listen to Mr. Gu's gossip."

Lu Changkong Road.

As soon as Mo Tianyu's eyes brightened, he found out three plates of shiny copper coins from his arms, drew in his palms, poured a sip of wine, contained them in his mouth, and then sprayed out towards the three copper coins.

I actually sprayed three copper coins tumbling in the drink, and finally fell in the palm of Mo Tianyu.

"Oh, interesting ..."

"The hexagram shows a great murderer, Lord Lu Cheng. Your departure from this city will kill your son. The sword faction will be in charge of Beiluo, and the blood in the city will become a river ... alas, bloodlight disaster."

Mo Tianyu for a while, smashed his mouth, said.

Lu Changchang frowned, his eyes flashed with discomfort.

However ...

I haven't waited for him.

In the distance, there was a horseshoe sound in the ear, and in the direction of North Luo City, a gallop came.

On the horse's back, there was a soldier wearing a Beiluo armor.

After being stopped.

Kneeling on one knee, gliding to Lu Changkong, raising the dust.



"Bei Luocheng rumors, the three great families called a hundred Confucian scholars and sword masters on Lake Beiluo, asked the young master of crimes, and hired mobs to unite Beiluo merchants, triggering a riot."

"Four masters with swords sent swords against the city walls, enter the city lightly!"

The soldiers lowered their heads and spoke very fast.

After Lu Changkong listened, his body was full of blood and blood, his eyes exposed and murderous!

"Dare the Sword School?"

Qi Lu Changkong didn't yell at the three families, but directly scolded the sword faction and died the family of the three masters. It is not a concern that the sword faction can really do things.

He knew that the sword school was going to do something, but he didn't expect that the action would come so fast!

the other side.

Mo Mo Tianyu smiled.

She yelled at the sky and got back inside the carriage.

"This time, Lao Tzu's hexagram seems to be correct."

"One mouthful, one hexagram counts life and death, UU reading is worthy of reincarnation ..."

Mo Motianyu laughed and returned to the carriage.

Lu Lu glanced at him coldly, his horse whip pulled, and the horse raised his forefoot and hissed.

Three hundred iron riders speeded up and hurried back to Beiluo City under the pull of **** sun.

Uh ...

Chen Family House.

Silent, blood bleeds all over the ground, and even stains the water in the pond.

The howling wind blew, bringing the wind around the ground.

Lu Fan was in a white robe, not stained with any trace of blood, playing with chess pieces, his face was like jade.

Since the establishment of "Baiyujing" and Beiluo City as the city where Baiyujing is located, Lufan naturally will not let the city have any other forces.

If you have, then unplug it.


Lu Lu Meiyu picked.

He turned to look at the long street outside the mansion.

Nie Changqing received the pig-killer and stood beside Lu Fan, looking dignified.

"Master ... there are masters."

Nie Changqing said.

Lu Lufan nodded, and at 13 points of soul strength, he naturally sensed the murderous force that swept through the four dark clouds.

I seem to think something, Lu Fan mouth slightly pick.

"Is the sword school finally struggling ..."

After that, the playing pieces were thrown back into the chess box.

"Iyue, let's go."

Lu Fandao.


Zhe Yiyuehu charmed her face slightly, pushing her wheelchair to Chenfu's layman, Ni Yu also stepped aside.

Nie Changqing grabbed the pig-knife, wiped the blood off his sleeves, his eyes flickered, and he followed.