MTL - Building The Ultimate Fantasy-Chapter 628 ? Primordial warfare, effort Lu Anping

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The black and white queen's shot was unexpected by everyone present.

The God of the Beacon Element did not think of it, nor did the God of the Gold Element think of it. Why did a black and white queen compare to a human saint, the demon emperor, for a Lu Jiulian?

This is releasing a very dangerous signal.

Will the black and white queen rise to the opposite side of the devil because of a Lu Jiulian and become a strong player in the human race?

Jain is definitely not good news for the demons.

A black and white queen is too deterrent. A black and white queen alone is enough to support a race. Once on the opposite side of the gods and demons, the gods and demons will feel great pressure.

"Why are seniors so ?!"

"Are the seniors going to intervene in the war between the human race and the demon?"

"The predecessors are not afraid to be destroyed by the wrath of my emperor ?!"

The **** of the golden elements looked at the **** of the fire, who was suppressed by the black and white queen, kneeling on the ground, her face changed slightly, and she opened coldly.

His voice lingered, breaking the weird situation on the field.

"Rage your horse!"

The ancient Tongdao people also came to their senses at this time, and the breach was a curse.

"Oh, ye, as long as you and the gods and demons have emperors, there is no saint in my people, right?"

"The seniors love to help my people, that ’s love. My people are the race that the grace of water drips from the spring, which is like your gods, cold-blooded, ruthless, insidious and cunning, turning your face and not knowing ... Human saints, naturally will not sit idly by. If your gods and emperors are going to fight, my saints ... why fear them ?! "

The ancient Taoist shouted.

He also did not expect that the black and white queen would actually shoot because of Lu Jiulian.

Do you think that in this era, old cattle like to tender grass?

Lu Lu Jiulian is younger and looks more pleasing to the eye, and looks better than his old way ...

The black and white queen actually shot Lu Jiulian because of a beautiful skin.

Hehe, woman ...

The ancient Taoist sighed.

However, his mouth kept on saying: "Senior is awesome! Seniors help my tribe today, my tribe must remember seniors ..."

The tongtong ancient Taoist shouted constantly, and the black and white queen shot. He quickly pulled the camp. If the black and white queen could join the human side, it would definitely be a huge help for the human race.

You must know that the reason why the human race is at a disadvantage is that the human race saints are much less than the demon emperor.

The existence of a black and white queen is not weaker than a saint. Therefore, it is equal to the human race to have one saint, which is a good thing.

With a little white face, abduct a saint-level strong man ...

Is simply a pie thing in the sky.

The rush of murder in the eyes of the **** of the golden elements is increasing.

Passing the words of the ancient Taoist made his heart anger, and he was really worried that the black and white queen was encouraged to stand on the side of the human race.

At that time, he and the **** of the fire element may not be able to get out of here.

So he hurriedly said, "Senior ..."

Two quasi-sacred powerhouses are bickering.

另一 On the other side, Lu Jiulian is a little embarrassed ...

Hit him ... without effort, he accidentally ... ate soft rice again.

Actually, he didn't want to do that either.

However, he always couldn't control, Lu Jiulian was uncomfortable. He felt that as a fierce human race, he had to learn to strengthen himself.

However, he turned into himself once again.

Time and again became the person I hated the most.

The people around me looked at each other.

Xun Yizun is even more trembling. Originally in Muyuan's enlightenment this time, the number of gods and demon strong and elites was fully dominant, but now, because of a human race, Lu Jiulian, the gods and gods have suffered heavy losses.

Now, the black and white queens have been shot at the level of the emperor ...

Did this time in the place of enlightenment, a group of gods and demons want to fall a **** of elements?


The atmosphere was a little severe.

The **** of the beacon element knelt on the ground. In his body, the flames continued to spew out, burning all the vegetation in the place of understanding, and his body became a piece of scorched earth.

However, the **** of fire seems to be in a weird situation, actually kneeling on one knee, motionless.

Lu Jiulian stabilized her body and exhaled slowly.

The black and white queen smiled like a smile, holding her chest with her hands, and her long black and white skirt was floating.

Help Lu Jiulian?

Alas, the black and white queen helped Lu Fan.

She cares about Lu Fan's feelings. A Lu Jiulian can't catch her eyes.

She is investing in advance.

After hearing the words of the **** of gold, the black and white queen smiled: "Help or not, look at my mood."

"You also threaten me ..."

"If I'm not happy, I might kill you. Maybe your **** emperor might fight me for one of you?"

The black and white queen smiled.

"Furthermore, at your level, you don't know what the Emperor and Saint-level powers are carrying. The strength determines the horizon and level."

The words of the black and white queen made the **** of gold instantly jealous.

This woman ... so arrogant, so unbridled?

However, the words also made the God of the Golden Elements a little dazed. Indeed, as the black and white queens said, the number of princes of the demon family is indeed more than that of the human saints.

If the Emperor's shot is taken, the human race will certainly fall.

However, the human race has been rising in the Pacific Starry sky in the end, and has been continuously strengthened under the siege of the gods, because the emperors of the gods and demons have never shot.

Of course, it's not like no shot.

When the Tatar people gave birth to the first saint, the emperor shot.

I was just a deterrent, fighting the saint into the depths of the starry sky, and finally, the battle ended with heavy rain and small raindrops.

So, these years, the devil and the tribe have contradicted each other, but there has never been a case where the emperor shot.

The emperor tacitly acquiesced in the encirclement of the demons and the tribe, but never shot in person.

As soon as the **** of golden elements opened, once the demon emperor shot, the human race must be destroyed, what ancestral land, what mixed Yuanxian domain, in the presence of the emperor, will become a piece of scorched earth.

But now, the encirclement of the human race has always been the zeal of the element gods.

Of course, even if the emperor does not take action, the power of the gods and demons is enough to suppress the human race.

The black and white queen seemed to laugh, and ignored these people.

She is really not afraid of the emperor's emperors, because these emperors have more important things than dealing with her.

Or to say, it is just suppressing an elemental god, and has not touched the bottom line of the demon emperor.

Alas, the black and white queen is just trying to suppress it. The **** of this element is to die or not, not to see her, but to see ... the one who is engaging him.

Uh ...

The Yuan Yuan battlefield is actually a very unique place.

For spiritual practitioners, Yuan Shen is the most mysterious, and it is the root of exploring the diffused starry sky.

Lu Lu originally wanted to overcast a **** of fire, but he did not expect that the power of the gods of the elements is more powerful than he imagined. At least, if he is on the ground, it is not too difficult to break the defense.

However, it is a bit difficult to control Lu Jiulian's physical body and want to achieve defense.

In the end, they awakened each other.

As a result, Lu Fan could not help but pull the opponent's Yuan Shen into the battlefield.

Otherwise, Lu Jiulian may be killed.

The strong human race is basically difficult to get out of the Muyuan Uprising.

The black and white queen shot, it was also in the face of his Lu Ping, and Lu Fan understood that although the black and white queen was polite to him, it was absolutely impossible for him to kill an elemental god.

That is the **** of the elements, not Chinese cabbage.

"The Primordial Battlefield?"

"How dare you fight me in the battlefield of Yuanshen?"

"Who gives you courage ..."

The **** of the Beacon fire looked around, and finally, his eyes fell on Lu Fan who was sitting in a wheelchair and the gossip array in front of Lu Fan.

This place reveals weirdness everywhere, even as a **** of elements, it still feels a little uncomfortable.

However, Lu Fan's breath did not give him a feeling of being too powerful, so he was not afraid.

However, the battle of the Yuanshen is extremely risky, even the **** of fire is very vigilant.

Lu Lu looked at him calmly, this was the first time he had seen the **** of elements up close.

A quasi-holy ultimate strong.

Today, Lufan is struggling with the quasi-holy strong ...

If there is no Five Phoenix Bow, only the present missionaries may have a fight.

However, now pulling the opponent's Yuan Shen into the Yuan Shen battlefield, here ... is his Lu Ping's home.

Originally, it was extremely difficult to pull the element **** of the element **** into the field of the element god.

However, the power of Yuan Shen attached to Lu Jiulian's Qinglian Sword penetrated the chest of the God of Fire and penetrated the opponent's heart, thus realizing the situation of pulling the opponent's Yuan Shen into the battlefield.

I have to say that the element **** of the element **** is indeed very strong.

The terrible blazing heat exudes the breath of ultimate firepower.

Lu Fan's fire line has been completed, but looking at the power of such a strong source of fire also makes Lu Fan can't help showing a little surprise.

With such a pure power of fire, Lu Luping naturally doesn't have too much ...

If you can deprive them all, keep it as a vent of the energy of the Five Phoenix Bows. At that time, the five Phoenix Arrows gathered will be extremely terrifying.

"The district emperor Tiandi ... whoever gives you the courage, even if it is a tungu dog, has no such courage, dares to be on the same battlefield with my Yuanshen."

The **** of beacon elements is extremely cold.

Lu Fan understands that the **** of fire is telling the truth, because his primordial **** is much stronger than the ordinary quasi-sage.

Even if it is the power of the primitive **** of the ancient Taoists, he may not be stronger than him.

This is his confidence.

Alas, Lu Fan also has the confidence.

Here is the battlefield of Yuanshen, but ... it is also his Lu Fan's hole card, the preaching table.

"not talking?"

"Go to death then."

"Destroy you, then Yuan Shen returns to the flesh and kills Lu Jiulian!"

The gods of the Beacon Element became increasingly fierce.


The majestic and pure power of fire began to erupt in all directions, and thousands of fire pillars exploded throughout his body.

The shape of the **** of beacon elements, a psychedelic, rushed towards the landing like lightning, and the icy killer lingered around every corner instantly.

Qi Lufan's eyes fluctuated slightly, and the corners of his mouth could not help being raised.

I raised my hand, and there was a **** in my hand, which slowly dropped.


Sound is not loud, but it is very crisp.

Soon afterwards, on the gossip array in front of Lu Fan, an array of words floated up.

Humming ...

Yan Zhen's words suddenly enlarged, intertwined in the void.

Qi Lufan continued to drop, one piece after another, kept falling, and soon, a huge net formed by the intertwined array of words.

The God of Beacon Elements came in like a large fireball, colliding with the array.


However, the front net was torn apart before this flame.

The terrifying fire waves swept through every space.

You are powerful, and the power of the vast Yuanshen is released, and it seems that Lu Fan will be swallowed up.

The endless sea of ​​fire is sweeping ...

In the battlefield of Yuan Yuan Shen, Lu Fanduan sat in a thousand-edged chair, and his white clothes floated. It seemed that his surroundings had completely turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The power of his primordial spirit was compressed in a small space by the power of the primordial **** of the fire element.

The gap is so reflected.

The **** of beacon elements, after all, is a quasi-sacred powerhouse, and his primordial power has been tempered to the extreme.

The whole space seemed to be reduced to a sea of ​​flames in all directions, and the power of the fire was constantly rolling.

From time to time, the face of the **** of the beacon element emerged from the sea of ​​fire, seemingly sarcastic, and looked at mockingly the continuous persecution of Lu Fan by the power of his primitive god.

When the **** of the element of fire opened up, the man in front of him couldn't help it.

The emperor of the Ququ District also dared to engage him and pull his Yuanshen like the Yuanshen battlefield.

It's not like this!

He doesn't care who Lufan is, anyway, the **** of the fire element has already killed his heart.

At least, it is the price of arrogance to die Lu Fan's Yuan Shen on this Yuan Shen battlefield.


Qi Lufan took a deep breath, and the power of the **** of fire was really unexpected.

I watched the sea of ​​fire that was constantly persecuted.

The hotness seemed to make Lu Fan's skin white and red.

拈 Lu Panyu stopped the movement of the chess piece and narrowed his eyes.


He saw that the flames of fire surrounding Lu Fan suddenly gathered into a large palm of flame.

礴 The power of the fire source and the power of the Yuan Shen in the palm of your hand are rolling.

With a single shot, the space is constantly breaking, and every inch is blown up!


The face of the **** of beacon elements emerged in the sea of ​​fire, and laughed wildly.


Beacon splashed.

I don't know when, above Lu Fan's head, the gossip array actually emerged.

Slowly rotating.

Flame the palm of your hand on the gossip array and explode countless Mars.

Under the stage of the battle, Lu Fan's white clothes were continuously fluttered by the terrible force.

Qi Lufan looked as usual.

Pouting the corner is a helpless pick.

From showing weakness to counterattack today ...

The chess game in front of Lufan seems to have ended.


The **** of beacon elements gathered the power of the elemental god, and patted it with one hand.

I was feeling a majestic suction, madly surging from that gossip array.

"What is this station ?!"

"It turned out to be a treasure of the gods ?!"

God of Fire Elementary pupils shrink.

He didn't underestimate Lu Fan. After all, the Yuanshen who dared to pull an elemental **** into the Yuanshen battlefield was arrogant. Those with such courage are absolutely extraordinary.

However, when tearing the fan net laid out by Lu Fan easily, he still could not help but despise.

I felt that this person was vulnerable.

Now it looks like the opponent has a hole card.

Step by step, let him relax his vigilance, and then urge Arcana!

不过 "But what about the treasure?"

"With your strength, even if you are sitting on the treasure, how can you help me?"

The **** of beacon elements is cold.


His strength kept pressing down, and the flames in the giant palms were surging.

He has to press Zhibao directly and use the pressed gossip array to crush Lu Fan's Yuan Shen.

However, as the power of his primordial spirit erupted, gradually ...

But the maggot has a majestic suction, surging from the gossip array, madly absorbing and devouring the power of the **** of the elemental fire!

"Damn !!!"

"What the **** is this treasure? When does the Terran have this treasure ?!"

The God of Beacon Elements felt shocked at the moment when Yuanshen was swallowed. Although not much was swallowed, this feeling of being swallowed by Yuanshen was uncomfortable!

He wants to pull away.

However, although the suction of the gossip array is not great, it is ... just like nougat, sticking to the power of his primordial spirit, no matter how he shakes, he cannot shake it off!

Lu Fan leaned on the Qiandao chair, the white clothes fluttered and dust.

力 The power of his primordial power controls the gossip array, and it is absorbed in a frantic manner.

The **** of the Beacon element naturally knew that the culprit was Lu Fan, but at this time, the gossip line that he had previously broken up actually emerged.

He intertwined around his body, forming a huge formation.

This is the trapping method created by Lu Fan after observing the ancient emperor Hao Ding.

He used the gossip array tripod as his cage to block the elemental **** of the elemental fire god.


The **** of the beacon element began to attack the gossip array, but at the moment, the fragile lineup was as solid as a rock.

No matter how he bombarded him, it was indestructible.

The **** of the Beacon element was slightly panicked.

He still underestimated this tribe, mainly because the strength of the other side is too weak and too confusing.

He did not expect that the other party was a master of the human race!

The God of Beacon Elements is angry!

The beacon of fire exploded in an instant, leaving the gossip array to be completely shrouded in flames.

I seem to want to spread out the gossip platform.

However ...

The God of Fire element is shocked that the more he explodes, the more the suction in the gossip array becomes ...

He even let the power of his primordial spirit flow away like a river flood.

This made the **** of fire element gradually feel a sense of uneasiness.

After bombarded a few times again, the elemental **** of fire felt that his primordial power was getting weaker and weaker.

He calmed down quickly.

He's not fighting little white.

He quickly understood the situation. The more he attacked, the more he would let Lu Fan succeed, and the absorptive power of the gossip array would surge.

Good people!

So, the breath of the **** of fire element has converged.

Hepan sat in the gossip array, looking calm.

His gaze passed through the gossip array tripod, looking at Lu Fan in Baiyi Shengxue.

"I'd like to see, how long can you, my little tribal emperor, seal me?"

The **** of beacon elements sneered.

Lu Pan was surprised, did not expect that the **** of the fire element could calm down so quickly, and analyzed the situation.

随着 With the calmness of the **** of the fire element, there is no more continuous attack and attack on the gossip platform, making the gossip platform to absorb the power of the primitive gods become weaker.

The **** of the Beacon element laughed, and it was so ...

The **** of the beacon element is not in a hurry. The outside race urges this formation and urges this treasure. It will definitely consume huge power.

As soon as the situation disappeared, the people would definitely not stand it and let go of the battle.

Without the formation and the treasure, the **** of fire believes that he can easily kill this human race.

"Beyond consumption ... as a **** of elements, will I be afraid of your tribal emperor?"

The God of Beacon Elements is confident.

Qi Lufan looked at the **** of fire sitting confidently, and even closed his eyes in the gossip array, and couldn't help laughing.

The victim of the Beacon Element is not in a hurry.

Why was Lu Ping anxious?

Does Xun Zhen think the gossip array is just a trap?

The gossip array is slowly absorbing the power of the fire source's **** of fire, and the gossip array is absorbing the power of the gods.

如今 Now, the attention of the **** of fire element has been attracted by the gossip array.

By the time he reacted, it might be too late.

So, more than patience, Lu Fan is.

煮 Cooking frogs in warm water is nothing more than that.

I think it's ... alchemy.

Uh ...

At this moment, Mu Yuan is the place to enlighten.

The atmosphere is very grim.

The black and white queen's shot shocked everyone, even the **** of gold and the ancient people did not continue to fight.

They temporarily ceased to fire, staring at the figure of the elemental **** of fire kneeling on the ground.

They are all curious what happened to the **** of fire.

"His Yuan Shen was drawn into the Yuan Shen battlefield. His Yuan Shen is at war with people."

The **** of gold elements is still very experienced.

The ancient Taoist glanced at the **** of gold, and he knew it.

"Is it Brother Lu?"

"Brother Lu pulls the **** of the elemental fire **** into the yuan **** battlefield ... can you win?"

In the minds of the ancient Taoist people, there was a moment when they couldn't believe it.

He sighed, feeling Lu Fangang hit.

He felt that Lu Fan underestimated the **** of elements.

The **** of elementary elements, the family of gods and demons, the pinnacle of the Tenjin stage, and the strength are absolutely not to be overlooked.

"The fighting of the Yuanshen is extremely dangerous ... a little carelessness means that it is no longer possible."

"Brother Lu ... Reckless."

The ancient Taoist shook his head. Now, I can only hope that Lu Fan can do wonders.

However, he knows Lu Fan's strength. The realm of Jidi, even during the time he left, has entered the level of Tiandi ...

The **** of the element, the **** of the element, is also like a small pond contrasting the ocean ...

There is nothing comparable.

"It's too dangerous ... too messy!"

The ancient Tongdao gritted his teeth.

His eyes are dazzling, staring at the flesh of the elemental fire god. Perhaps, he has to find a chance to take the shot and blast the flesh of the elemental fire **** while everyone is not paying attention.

The physical body and Yuanshen are one. The physical body is rotten, and it will definitely affect Yuanshen, which can create a new life for Brother Lu.

For a moment, the **** of gold lighted up in the eyes of Tonggu Taoists, and he understood the thoughts of Tonggu Taoists.

Suddenly, the cold air machine locked the Tonggu Taoist. As long as the Tonggu Taoist dared to kill the flesh of the **** of fire, the **** of the golden element would hit the Tonggu Taoist seriously!

The atmosphere outside was tense.

The black and white queen's black and white eyes flashed with a touch of wonder.

似乎 She seemed faint ... what felt.

Time passes by ...

However, the situation in the place of enlightenment is as severe as ever.

The Tatar race and the demon side were divided into two camps. The black and white queens were deterred, and the two sides did not fight.

The Tongtong Ancient Taoist was stared at by the **** of gold. UU read the book www. During this period, the Tonggu Taoist tried several times to destroy the physical body of the **** of the fire, but they were all cracked by the **** of the golden elements in the way of saving Wei and Zhao.

What let the **** of gold element feel relieved is that the black and white queen seems to have no other action except to suppress the **** of fire element, which is good news for the gods and demons.

As for the **** of fire, will it happen?

The **** of the gold element is really not worried.

He really doesn't think that the **** of the fire element will go wrong, even if the opponent's shot is a human quasi-san, but the **** of the gold element understands the human race.

Even if it is the Xiaoyao son who is most proficient in the power of the elemental gods among the human quasi-sacred people, he is afraid that it is the elementary **** who can not erase the element of fire.

So now, he only needs to wait for the **** of fire to end the battle and recover the flesh.

When the time comes, the people in the place of enlightenment will face the calamity.

Suddenly, one day.

The black and white queen uttered a frivolity.

The Tongtong Ancient Taoist and the **** of the golden elements also opened their eyes and looked at the **** of the fire at the same time.

next moment.

I was surprised at them.

The spirit of the primordial spirit of the **** of beacon elements ...

Is like melting ice.

He is actually starting to weaken rapidly!

I fell again and again, in the end, it seemed like I was at the bottom!

The occurrence of this scene made both the demon and the human race instantly.

God of Beacon Elements ... What's wrong? !!

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