MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v4 Chapter 65 desperate

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If you only look at the outside, this is just an ordinary and square two-story building with a light blue sloping roof on the white walls.

However, the interior decoration is quite elegant, and the security measures are even more expensive. It is one of the expensive collections of Pompeii.

On one side of the vast Kushiro Wetland is a shallow tidal flat, and the white-winged birds flutter off the water droplets on their wings and fly leisurely towards the tall forest, which is gradually becoming lush.

There are more than a dozen holiday cottages like this in Pompeii in Japan. He never wanted to die in such a holiday home.

Pompeii, who was half-kneeling on the ground, could hardly make any movements. The descendants of the sky and the wind are incomparably difficult to open their eyes in front of their ancestors.

What's more, he injected the fetal blood that Li Wuyue had touched, and the "purified" bloodline became his life-threatening charm.

"It looks like you're here to kill me. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak."

"That's right."

Li Wuyue can completely make a sneak attack, and it can also make Pompeii lose his language ability. But he didn't want to do that.

And Pompeii understood that the key to survival was procrastination. Percy, lurking nearby, gets the message the moment the cabin is invaded, and K is a smart woman who knows what to do now.

As long as he can delay for ten seconds, he has a chance to survive. The question is, can he interfere with the wind king with his words and the alchemy items he carries with him?

300 meters from the hut, a fiery red Aston roared into the forest, sending a whirlwind of red along the tracks of the excursion train.

Passy's face was grim, and even though the sports car was on the verge of losing control, he still stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. The speed dial continues to soar, and the equipment department Xuancheng can still break through 300 kilometers per hour in areas with poor road conditions.

Pompeii had expected such a situation today, but he still underestimated Li Wuyue's strength, and he didn't even have time to communicate with Passy.

Passy can't be guarded by his side, otherwise Passy, ​​who is not controlled by the wind king's spirit, will become the primary target of pruning. This is the key to coping strategies.

"The loyal Gattuso family welcomes you back. We will fabricate a perfect identity for you and hand over all the accumulation of the family one by one..."

"You're just procrastinating. It's impossible for someone like you to be loyal to any monarch. The only person you can trust is yourself."

And Caesar. Pompeii added in his mind.

Li Wuyue interrupted Pompeii's oath of allegiance. He speaks quickly, but not hurriedly or emotionally.

"I'll give you the time you want. In the last silence, fight hard."

Li Wuyue stretched out her pale hands and opened her palms. After a precise second, he folded a finger.

Pompeii felt a little bitter in his heart. He was calculating the possibility of survival, and the Dragon King just wanted to run over with absolute violence.

The roar of the engine was approaching from the window. In the hut, Pompeii was half-kneeling on the ground with his hands down, like a criminal under trial; Li Wuyue folded the five fingers of his left hand and condensed them into a fist; 3K spit out a faint smoke and stared at the wine in the glass.

5, 4, 3...

K burst out like a cheetah, and the strong explosive force deeply dented the soft bed. K's beautifully slender right leg turned into a cyan hind leg with a recurve joint in mid-air, and the claws shattered the thick bulletproof glass and jumped out of the window.


Li Wuyue's expression was a little subtle. Pompeii may have also expected the woman to rescue him.


There was a thunderstorm in the hut, and Li Wuyue's fist hit Pompeii's forehead in the twisted and compressed air. In the face of this violence, the hard human skull is no different from a piece of jelly.

Within a thousandth of a second, Pompeii exploded.

The silver inlaid pocket watch worn by Pompeii's chest cracked, turning into powder and detonating a splendid elemental turbulence.

Only this level of alchemy creation can interfere with the Dragon King, and one less is used. The aftermath of the explosion blasted the floor, and Pompeii, whose sternum was cracked, fell to the first floor in a state of blank consciousness.

Although its target was Li Wuyue, just something similar to "recoil" caused serious burns and physical damage to Pompeii.

The stallion coughed out a mouthful of blood and struggled to get up from the floor. Elemental turbulence weakens the effect of the realm, and he also gains a little mobility.

He should have two seconds, long enough for him to fight Passy.

Pompeii staggered and slammed into the door, pressing the cold doorknob with his left hand.

A faint shadow flashed past. Blood splattered, an irregular piece of wood pierced deeply into the iron gate, and the end shattered in the impact.

The surface of the wood chip is fairly rough, but the cuts it makes are as neat as a paper cutter.

The severe pain of the severed arm and the strong sense of depression made Pompeii's eyes red, and he clenched his teeth and slammed open the iron door.

But this is just the beginning. He finally left the hut, but Death was only a dozen meters away from him.

Dust free!

The three diamond-shaped pieces of wood and glass smashed the vacuum field into a deep depression, which was able to defend against the attack.

It is not wise to use this word spirit in front of the wind king, and it will soon be forced to disarm. But the key to combat is timing, as long as it can last for a moment.

The violent wind pressure cracked the floor, and Li Wuyue fell heavily on the ground on the first floor.

Rhythmic clapper, with some Indian style.

Li Wuyue was swallowed by a dark ocean. The dark "sea water" propped up the floor and roared towards the Dragon King in the center.

If you turn on the bright overhead lights, you can see the true face of this sea. The dark cloth robes seemed to stick to their bodies, the dark and viscous blood dripped from the blue-black scales, and the dark masks covered their hideous faces like evil spirits.

Holding a wooden clapper, K skillfully beats out a fixed rhythm and tone.

An enemy that Pompeii couldn't deal with, she couldn't deal with either. K chose a rational path to activate the purgatory-like trap under the hut.

The so-called immortals are biological weapons transformed by alchemy from the powerful hybrids that have been using blood for a long time and are about to degenerate.

But alchemy is by no means a panacea. The technology used to make the Immortal cannot reverse the process of bloodshed, it just slows it down. Even if the immortals are in a frozen state for a long time, they will eventually "expire" if they are used too many times.

These are the immortals that have expired and deteriorated. They have undergone various alchemical transformations during their lifetime, and their bodies have been repeatedly baptized with blood bursts and Dragon King serum. Although he has no brains, he is definitely fierce enough for Li Wuyue to drink a pot.


Pompeii bowed reluctantly to K, and began to flee with the help of Parcy. And K stepped back while knocking on the clapper, these devilish creatures can destroy an army, but it is impossible to fill Li Wuyue to death.

Amid the strange roars one after another, a group of ferocious and bloodthirsty animals swarmed around K.

Their barks are as fierce as dragons, as loyal as hounds, and as cunning as wolves.

There are few madmen who dare to attack the dragon king among the top hybrids, but the surgically treated dragon bloodhound ignores the suppression brought by the blood. Even if Nidhogg was in front of them, they dared to rush up to take a bite.

"Three hound teams, on your head. Bite as much as you like."

K knocked on the clapper so violently that he almost knocked the wooden clapper apart, and then threw it away.


The piles of Immortal Dead Servants are entangled together, like the burned souls in purgatory, and it is impossible to count how many. Only a true lunatic would have stuff like this buried under his holiday cabin.

They are tightly wrapped around the vacuum ball, and the desire to eat in the golden pupils is about to become reality.

That human being has long been ready for this day. Too bad it won't do much.

Li Wuyue casually dragged a Deadpool into the dust-free land, and its steel-like bones burst in the dust-free land's decree.

The sharp bone spurs of the dragon's tail pierced the chest of the second Deadpool, dragging it and twisting it on the surface of the dust-free land.

Every punch and kick is like a ton of heavy hammers, accurate, efficient and deadly. The black blood that Deadpool exploded was wrapped in a thick layer outside the dust-free land, like viscous asphalt.

The deadly black ocean was destroyed by a third in less than ten seconds, but these monsters between life and death simply don't understand what fear is.

The roar of a sports car engine. It seemed he had to speed up.

Just as Li Wuyue was about to switch to time zero, more than 20 dragon blood hounds came in from the gap in the Deadpool ocean and began to bite frantically. They don't distinguish the target of the attack at all, they just bite everything in front of them with their evolved fangs.

In addition to the digestion ability, their ability is not inferior to the dragon executioner, the ghost tooth dragon viper.

Second engine sound. It was followed by the third one.

Li Wuyue frowned, which was not what he expected.

The eye of the wind king gathered a destructive storm, and the wind kept strengthening and strengthening, until all the monsters weighing tons around were blown off the ground.

The whole hut, along with Pompeii's sincere gifts, was destroyed in the storm.

A gust of wind of this level is like a gigantic meat grinder formed by the wind, like a sword slashing at a creature's body. But the Immortal Deadpool still struggled to stick its claws out of the wind's wall, longing for the blood of the Dragon King.

Even twisted to this point, the Deadpools go to great lengths to try to bring the living into their hell.

Forget it, no time.

The storm collapsed suddenly, throwing everything in it violently around.

Li Wuyue fluttered into the air and looked at the three sports cars that were running for their lives.

A white Porsche mini, driven by the Russian woman driving Deadpool, headed for the exit of Kushiro Park. Two identical red Aston Martins drove into the woods, one left and one right.

The driver of the first car was one of the races he could not control (Parsi), and the right seat was a human figure shrouded in black robes.

The driver of the second Aston was a stranger in a black suit with the same human figure in the right seat.

Another cunning trick. Li Wuyue glanced at the hidden garage below the hut, and it turned out that there were other standbys hidden there.

Yan Ling · Weasel.

The sports car has run nearly 200 meters in ten seconds, but it is still within his field. Listen carefully.

Engines roared, bearings vibrated, and puddles exploded. The point is the heartbeat.

The first car, two heartbeats. are quite rushed.

The second car, two heartbeats. The driver's heartbeat was steady, the other was very fast.

So it's the first car.

And the heartbeat of the right seat of the second car was unspeakable and unnatural, and there must be something unusual. This makes the first car even more suspicious.

wrong. Pompeii knew all about the effects of Scythe, and he shouldn't have made such a low-level mistake. He is inducing himself.

Li Wuyue flew towards the second sports car on the right. In fact, it doesn't matter if you guess wrong, he is fast enough to destroy two cars at the same time.

A red phantom traversed the forest path like a flame. Pompeii was terrified by the potholes on the road.

The right hand was pressing the steering wheel tightly, and the left hand, which was temporarily regenerated with the life capsule, could not be used at all, and the sleeves of the black suit were all poured with blood. Luo Yin sold him several copies of this life-saving alchemy item at a high price.

Let's hope his strategy works.

Aston Martin is squeezed out of every ounce of power from the body, the special tires can grip the ground even on slippery moss roads, and the reinforced ground can keep working despite heavy wear.

This supercar transformed by the equipment department is one of the fastest and most arrogant steel toys in the world, but compared to what is behind it, it is slower than a snail.

Pompeii saw the mountain stream in the distance and slammed the steering wheel to the right. The car seemed to be a little heavier all of a sudden.

No breathing, no sound. But he knew there was something more on the back of the car.

Li Wuyue stretched out her hand and slowly lifted the black cloth on the right seat. It is a dummy made of silicone, equipped with a small mechanism with a delicate structure, which simulates the sound of a heartbeat.

Seems to be deceived. But he was not angry or impatient, but stood on the hood and quietly watched the driver continue to flee.

The sports car stopped.

"How did I show up?"

Li Wuyue did not answer.

The driver in the black suit dragged his heavy body, slowly opened the door and got out of the car, leaning on a tall boxwood tree, blood dripping from his sleeve.

He took off his black suit neatly and forcefully tore off the nanomaterial mask used for disguise. This thing made his face hurt, and if he was face-to-face, he couldn't fool the Dragon King at all.

"I've always wondered what it's like to die. I like to experience all kinds of life, to go to every corner of the world. But there is only one death."

"So, what does it feel like?"

Li Wuyue did not stop Pompeii from leaving his last words. He stood by the tree, his wings drooping, like an angel proclaiming death.

"Empty. Empty, my heart is pulled together by something, but I can't feel anything concrete.

The brain recalls everything in my life, some things I don't believe I remember, like the faintly salty taste of a cookie I ate when I was five years old. "

"Death is empty and sad. The difference is that you don't wake up again."

The Dragon King walked towards Pompeii step by step. This tough, cunning man made up of countless lies seems to have accepted his destiny sitting feebly under the tree.

"After I die, can I not hurt my son? He wasn't involved in that."

Li Wuyue pondered for a moment.

"As long as he doesn't actively obstruct my actions."

The claws pierced the man's heart, and blood poured out of Pompeii's mouth.

"Last request. Can you bury me at sea? Ahem... I was born by the sea, that was my beginning and my dream destination."

Why is this guy doing so much. Li Wuyue frowned and pulled out her right paw.

He sniffed the smell of blood, something was wrong. This man had injected his processed fetal blood and left an imprint.

The Dragon King tore off the dark robe on Pompeii's chest. No wounds, no wounds from using that alchemical explosive.

"For the King! Laostra!"

The furious Li Wuyue slashed his throat with a claw. It was not until the moment of death that his eyes revealed a quality that was definitely not Pompeii's. loyalty to the monarch.

His mind froze for a moment, but he immediately understood what was going on.

Li Wuyue fanned her dragon wings frantically and rushed in the direction of the other car. But when he arrived, there was no one in the car, and there was drying blood on the right seat.


"Damn it, what's this weird smell?"

"Please bear with the owner, this strange-smelling plant sap composition can perfectly mask the taste of dragon blood."

Passy and Pompeii, one after the other, ran wildly in the woods. Then he started crawling forward, forcibly suppressing his heartbeat.

Li Wuyue has not found it yet. His successful escape is a foregone conclusion, but he's really hurting right now.

"Is the risk too high to cultivate clones as stand-ins?"

"No no no, no such risk. I am unique, there is only one Pompeii in the world."