MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 11 peaceful day

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"Then I'm a priest now? Exorcist priest with a handsome smoking pose, like Constantine."

Fingal still likes to talk **** like he used to. But Henkel saw in his eyes something burning like never before.

"So, where is the 'devil' you speak of? Do I have to go to **** myself to find him?"

"No need, go to Kassel Academy, Angers will tell you."

"Aren't you going to duel the first time you meet that slut?"

Fingal saw the fox-like smile of old Han Gao and realized that many people had been deceived, including him.

"We've always been a rivalry, not an adversary. Instead, you have to watch out for people who look like friends."

"Infernal Affairs."

The old guys were complicated enough to amaze Fingal.

"Then why don't you just go to the academy and shoot the devil in the head?"

"It's not the right time, or I would have done it already. If I were a hundred years younger, it wouldn't be your business."


"You have to be prepared to be dormant for a long time, three years, five years, ten years. From students to lecturers, professors, until the arrival of the goal.

You need to walk with the devil, observe him, understand him. "

Fingal leaned against the wall, thinking about the hidden message in Henkel's words.

"Actually, what happens to this devil, even if he destroys the world, has nothing to do with me.

I just want to find the Leviathan, and the 'Prince'. "

"You will find it. Like the threads of fate woven by Wood, all threads will eventually come together."

Until it was cut by Shikodi's scissors. This allegory of doom is always repulsive, but often impossible to escape.

"What if I fail? The egg's power is the same as his, so how can it be stronger than him?"

"You're not the only clearer. The cool-headed gambler never puts all his chips in one place."

Henkel was a head shorter than Fingal, but the old man's falcon-like eyes often made him feel threatened.

"This is not a project that took two or three days to complete, it took decades and countless human and material resources.

Angers is also cultivating clearers, picking seeds and giving them trials. They are your descendants, but just as good as you. "

Henkel turned the Texas Dawn magazine, admiring the beautiful gleam of brass bullets.

"Being targeted by so many people, why do I think this devil is a bit miserable."

"Maybe. He's the devil, a lonely and powerful devil."


"Uesugi painted pear clothes."



"Chen Motong."


Manstein touched his big bald head, always feeling that something was wrong.

The advanced courses on the ancient culture of the Dragon Clan he taught were not only morning classes and compulsory courses, but also insisted that each class must be named, and it must be ordered once before and after class.

This is the high demand of the head of the Ethics Committee for the students, which made the thorns in Kassel shout that the world is suffering from German skinheads for a long time.

"This is the teaching assistant of this course, Luo Yin from the 07-level alchemy department. He will evaluate everyone's final assignments."

"Hello everyone!"

Manstein smiled awkwardly. Luo Yin is a good student. He even took the time to help in his class even after he had done his job as a school administrator. This person can handle it.

The smiling Luo Ying just wanted to curse. When Luo tempted him to work, he was talking about "searching for the meaning of life" and "revenge on his creator."

Now, in addition to business trips, substitute classes, it is the liver graduation thesis. But he gave too much.

Nuonuo was lying on the desk to catch up on sleep, and was suddenly called by Manstein to answer the question.

Seeing the ghosts on the projection and the abstract murals of the Eskimos, she thought for a moment.

"No. But that little pig is ugly and cute."

"That's a dog."

endured. After all, Nuonuo has always been on par with her boyfriend in this regard.

"Uesugi Eri Yi, come and try to decipher the information on this page."

As soon as Nuonuo sat down, his pupils contracted.

She and Hui Liyi both have this class, and they usually make up their sleep in the history class here. It's better to save one person's time than to rot together.

The two quickly discovered the huge potential value of "twins", and tried to choose the same courses and teachers this semester.

Why did Manstein point to the two of them in a row? Could it be that the car overturned?

Nuonuo lowered her head quickly, drilled through the gap in the desk, and quickly sneaked to the other end of the classroom.

She took off her coat, took off her hair rope, and hurriedly changed her hairstyle. What kind of voice does Eri Yi's voice sound like?

"Uesugi Eri Yi?"

"Here I am!"

Manstein shook his head, these advanced students are always distracted in class.

Nuonuo's eyelids jumped. Unlike her complete rottenness, Eiliyi usually tries her best to answer questions, regardless of right or wrong.

No way, only on. The essence of this question is to look at the picture and talk, it is hard to die.

There seemed to be suppressed laughter in the classroom, and several people around Nuonuo tried their best to keep their faces sullen, pretending to be taking notes.

Nuonuo tried his best to **** for a minute while imitating Eiliyi's accent, which made Manstein shake his head.

"Well, Uesugi's Chinese has improved a lot."

Nuonuo breathed a sigh of relief and sent a text message to the accomplice, "Crisis, come quickly."

During the roll call after class, Manstein saw two dozing red-haired girls and seemed to have thought of something.

It's nice to be young, reminding him of the time he spent with Guderian in the children's mental hospital.

Outside the red-walled teaching building, a pure black, low-profile car without a license plate was parked, unobtrusive.

Only Nuonuo glanced here, she had never seen the car, but she could not see the people inside through the dark windows.

"Son, if he takes the initiative, maybe he will succeed in chasing him."

Lu Lincheng looked at the retreating backs of the two red-haired girls and joked.

"They are all children from Black Swan Port, and there will be no good results."

Giovini, who was wearing sunglasses, started the car and walked through the campus lightly on the accelerator.

Lu Lincheng checked Chen Motong's file, everything was normal.

"When you say visiting the child, is that just watching from a distance?"

Lu Lincheng nodded helplessly.

"Let him know everything now, and I'm not sure he's determined to go ahead with the plan. He's still just a kid."

Lu Mingfei was taking a fighting class in the gym, sweating profusely, while his parents, whom he had not met for many years, were downstairs, watching quietly through the window.

"Now it's better than the bean sprouts in the past."

"Are you sure?"

Lu Lincheng smiled bitterly, the "son" is now as big as the two of them.

"If it goes according to plan, will he live in peace?"

Giovanni asked softly. In her eyes, Lu Mingfei has long since become her real child, not a tool to execute some great plan.

"It's completely safe, as long as he has the courage to cooperate with us. In the worst case, the backup plan is activated, and we will do our best to save his life."

Lu Lincheng gently held his wife's hand, but Qiao Wenni instinctively wanted to dodge.

After a long time, the school bell rang.

After Lu Mingfei took a shower, he sprinted towards the cafeteria to join today's battle for pickled cabbage and pork knuckles.

Giovini followed his son at a constant speed in the car, which played softly a Soviet-era ballad.

"No one is destined to be sacrificed, there will always be a different way out."

She listened to Lu Lincheng's comfort, but her heart was still hanging.

Lu Mingfei looked back several times on the way back to the dormitory, but found nothing unusual. Giovini had been trained as a Russian agent for a long time, and his skills were better than many kgb officers during the Cold War.

"Senior brother, are you going to run away? Don't have a diploma?"

As soon as Lu Mingfei entered the dormitory door, he saw Fingal cleaning his kennel.

Fingal's eyes were full of surprises. He found a lot of good things that he knew existed. It was like digging for treasures.

"tui! Bad luck, it's graduation, not running away."

"What, really graduated! I thought you were talking in your sleep..."

Lu Mingfei was shocked, and even this product can be mixed to graduate, and the gold content of the Cassel diploma is worrying.

"Don't talk nonsense, quickly help!"

"oh oh."

"Convex (Fuck Duck)! What is this jet-black animal skeleton under your bed?"

"An 82-year-old pork knuckle."

After packing up, Fingal symbolically wiped away two tears. He finally graduated from here.

He spent ten years in Kassel! He went to college twice, and the second time was super double.

If he hadn't looked young, the undercover mission would have been overturned long ago.

He and Lu Mingfei had been in the same dormitory for nearly three years, and it was time to say goodbye.

"I applied for the Cuban branch, but the college not only refused, but also threw me to the north so that I could enter the Arctic Circle."

Listening to Fingal's habit of selling miserably, Lu Mingfei just wanted to spit at him.

"With your strength, Senior Brother, you can't go wherever you want."

"S-level talk is so arrogant! Senior brother, I am waiting for you to cover me in the future."

Hearing Fingal's bad words, Lu Mingfei felt a little sad.

Many of the people he knew, the people who covered him, suddenly all graduated this year and were dispatched all over the world.

Chu Zihang also recommended him to run for the president of the Lionheart Club, how could he suddenly become a leader who has always held a new mentality.

Oh, Brother Luo is different, he has been the school manager. He'd still be here when he got out of Cassel.

"Go, go! Don't meet again in the future."

"Okay, you ruthless and hard-hearted!"

In fact, it's better to never see you again.

Fingal tilted his head and looked at the growing weaker from behind.

The devil is here? Not as scary as a chihuahua.

He clenched his fists and re-firmed his heart. Fingal pulled the suitcase and strode out of the bedroom.

The sun was a bit harsh, the luggage was heavy, and the world seemed empty.

The large and small bags of luggage made Fingal look embarrassed. He bent down and carefully went downstairs, with a Shiba Inu-like smile saying goodbye to the people on the same floor.

He turned back and waved to Lu Mingfei. He came to observe and understand the devil, not to let the devil "soften" him.

Fingal noticed the black car parked in front of the building and stopped.

He stood on the side of the road and looked at Lu Lincheng across the windshield, unable to see each other's eyes clearly.

After a long time, Fingal waved to Lu Lincheng with a blank expression, and it seemed like a salute.

Lu Lincheng watched the number one "cleaner" carry his luggage away without saying a word. I hope he doesn't get a chance to appear in the end.

Time passed quietly, and the sun set in the west, like the white sand in the hourglass finally dripping out.

"It's time. To meet the greatest destabilizer."

Giovanni turned his head, said nothing, and drove to the school gate.

On the other side, Luo Yin had just settled the two freshmen recruited.

In addition to Imani, there is also an Egyptian with good spiritual vision, and his bloodline is not bad.

This is a good seed for migrant workers. Luo Yin signed an employment agreement with him four years in advance, and he could enter the Samaritans to work for him in his senior year. As a freshman, you always have to suffer a little to grow.

He is not a devil either, so he signed for three years with a reasonable amount of liquidated damages.

When Luo Yin received an invitation to meet from Lu Lincheng, for some reason, he was not surprised.


Not only dead, but intact.

Lu Lincheng was waiting for him alone in the alchemy workshop, as if he already knew his schedule.

Luo Yin could see some specious resemblance to Lu Mingfei on his face, but this middle-aged man was more handsome than his son, and he was a bit bookish.

But a scholar who can survive the explosion of the Rhine is certainly not very convenient to persuade with brute force.

"You are much younger than I thought, hahaha."

Luo Yin smiled awkwardly and shook hands with Lu Lincheng, figuring out how to extract some useful information from him.

"Are you here for business cooperation, or do you want to order a few alchemy items?"

"Of course it's for you."

Lu Lincheng paused.

"I represent the Secret Party. Of course, many people call us Doomsday."

"Like the Eastern Han and Western Han? Doomsday doesn't sound very auspicious."

"Almost, there are some differences of ideas. You have entered the World Tree, and you should have seen the appearance of the Black King."

Lu Dad was much more frank than he expected. On the premise that they both have a lot of information on each other, there is no practical significance to the virtual and the snake.

"I've seen it, it's shocking."

"Do you think hybrids can kill the Black King?"

"It's hard."

Luo Yin didn't say anything to death. A giant perfect creature like a mountain, with absolute elemental power and Nibelung roots, this kind of thing is really daunting.

"Even if you are as strong as you, you hesitate, don't you? The foundation of our faction's philosophy is that the Black King is invincible.

This is not because of fear, because of cowardice, but a judgment based on reason. "

"Then you want to surrender?"

" The Black King predicted his own return, and our goal is to break this prediction.

If this goal ultimately fails, we also have a safe haven built in advance to preserve the fire of mankind. "

haven? Royin thinks of something like Nibelung, which has the potential to become Noah's Ark.

"I don't think it's a good idea to think about defeat now. No one knows what the Black King will be like when he returns, combined with modern weapons, it's not impossible to kill him."

"That's right. There are a lot of people who think like you, whether through modern weapons or evolution, trying to find a way to match the Black King."

Lu Lincheng had sold out.

"We call them Evolutionaries. Of course, there are also many people who call them 'Dark Side Monarchs' respectfully, although they don't like the pompous name."


Read The Duke's Passion