MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 12 choose

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Dark side monarch?

Luo Yin has a big head. There is a dark side monarch, maybe there is a dark side monarch, and then there will be an infinite nest of dolls.

Just like after the Saint Seiya, there are still Underworld fighters and Sea Fighters, and after the Seven Wuhai, there are the Four Emperors and the Kingdom of Wano, which will never be cleared.

"You have already received an invitation from them. After all, in the eyes of the evolutionists, you are fully qualified to be called the 'Dark Side Monarch'."

Lu Lincheng watched Luo Yin's reaction with interest.

Luo Yin understood that co-authoring "Dark Side Monarch" was just a name. I don't know how much water is hidden in it.

"Chen Jun of the Chen family? Or that auction with a big gimmick?"

"It's all. They have a more flamboyant style, and some hide themselves very well."

Luo Yin nodded slightly, he probably knew what Lu Lincheng meant.

"The Doomsday faction and the Evolutionary faction all want me to stand aside quickly. Can I think so? Let me talk about it first. I am not interested in the Ark of Doomsday, and I am not so pessimistic."

Lu Lincheng lowered his head and tidied up his cuffs, not displeased by Luo Yin's refusal.

"This is just an invitation. Not many people have the strength to force you to stand aside. That's not rational, and it's not cost-effective."

Although Luo Yin was very wary of Lu Lincheng's hidden strength, it was difficult for him to dislike this man.

He has a gentle and kind temperament, Luo Yin can detect his hidden tiredness from Lu Lincheng's face, and his eyes with a bit of vicissitudes but extremely firm eyes can easily make people feel good.

At first glance at this man, one would probably guess that he was a down-and-out, melancholy painter or poet, or a somewhat frustrated idealist.

"The 'safe haven' used to save human fire is just our plan b. As for plan a, unless you decide to join the doomsday faction, there is no comment."

"I've decided to join the Doomsday faction. Tell me about plan a."

It only took Luo Yin three seconds to make up his mind, abandoning the darkness and turning to the light.

Lu Lincheng didn't speak, just smiled and stared at him.

"Is it about Lu Mingfei? Is he your own son? How long ago did you and Angers conspire, when they were in college?"

No comment.

Lu Lincheng could see that Luo Yin had been tortured by these mysteries for a long time.

"We care about Mingfei all the time. We are very grateful for your care for Mingfei."

He said it sincerely, but Luo Yin just wanted to tie him and torture him.

"It's all about your choice. Doomsday, evolution, or stick to the status quo of Cassell College to doom."

Lu Lincheng didn't say option d: prepare to surrender to the Black King. Being the second or fifth boy might have a bright future, but Luo Yin never considered this option.

"You can see the results of the evolutionary faction with your own eyes, and then make your choice. I believe we will meet again soon."

Luo Yin didn't know where Lu Lincheng's confidence came from. He knew very well what kind of rotten level the Secret Party was now. Could it be that the evolutionary faction represented by the "Dark Side Monarchs" was the same?

"I almost forgot to say that, in the eyes of the 'orthodox' secret party, we are now the rats crossing the street that everyone shouts and beats, and the capitulation faction that tarnishes the secret party's belief and glory.

So, just pretend that what happened today never happened. "

"You didn't say such an important thing sooner! If the matter is revealed, the elders will doubt my loyalty to the secret party!"

Luo Yin had a posture of "My loyalty to the secret party will not be shaken for 10,000 years", as if there were surveillance cameras installed by the Presbyterian Church in the room.

Lu Lincheng put on a dark gray top hat and left the workshop. After more than ten seconds, he disappeared, like a mass of foam dissolved into the sea water.

"Olivia, you are in charge of housekeeping."


If the boss is not there, the rear is her world, how can Constantine compete with her for power.

"Susie, let's meet those dark landlords!"

"Dark side monarch."


"Definitely not referring to this darkness."


"One kilogram of standard-purity smelted silver costs 200,000 knives?"

On the side of the ship, several passengers of different skin colors and ages were discussing business in a low voice.

The giant cruise ship has no name, but older passengers generally call her the Spring God. She spends most of the year sailing in the cold waters near the Arctic Circle, making only brief stops in a few large ports to get necessary supplies.

On the Spring God, there are many more temporary small groups like them.

Many passengers linger in luxurious dance halls, bars and Chinese-style amusement parks that cost incalculable, and there are also guests who gamble day and night in the second-floor casino and seek thrills.

But the most numerous on this ship are modern-day alchemists, and buyers seeking alchemical items. Of course, it also includes a small number of lucky people who found real goods from ancient tombs and did not encounter big dumplings.

The first passengers on the Chunshen were all trusted business partners of the Chen family. These people have been inviting new guests to join over the decades, gradually forming a trading platform floating in the ocean.

"The silver refining was 180,000 the year before, and that's the price now."

The middle-aged man stroked his glasses, his neat black back was illuminating.

"That store only sold 120,000! You can still get coupons during the festival. If it wasn't for that store's limited sales, I wouldn't need to buy it here."

The blond young man complained about the black price offered by the other party.

The big-backed German uncle didn't talk to him, only showing a mysterious smile of "you know".

That mysterious Samaritan organization, they can offer 60% of the market price, there must be something hidden in it.

No one can say exactly what's wrong, and it's not cheap anyway.

Not long ago, some industry leaders accused the Samaritans of low-quality alchemy primary processing materials. But in fact it was so low that most alchemists couldn't tell the difference.

"Hey, here's my business card.

Although it is claimed to be sold out, it is only a small part of our production. If you can give a good price, you can negotiate. "

Luo Yin put a business card engraved with the memory circuit into the hands of this young Hamilton family. He and the Lionheart Lancelot are from the same family, and I don't know how they are related.

The people who were bargaining suddenly became quiet. They had no idea of ​​the man who suddenly appeared beside them, let alone how he appeared.

The slim black trench coat was slightly lifted in the icy sea breeze, and there was no fishy smell of seawater on his body. Luo Yin looked like he appeared on the Spring God out of thin air.

When the luxury cruise ship was docked in Vladivostok, Luo Yin manipulated the artificial dragon body to attach to the bottom of the ship, and then sailed for hundreds of nautical miles.

With the super perception inherited from the Wind King, he has collected the approximate information of thousands of passengers, except for those cabins with good sound insulation, and the third floor of the cruise ship where passengers stop.

This ship is a giant trading network with the Chen family as the core, which is relatively independent of the secret party system.

As for the armament on the ship, Luo Yin didn't find much. But the number of elite hybrids arranged by the Chen family is considerable.

On the Spring God, there are one large, four and five purely artificial miniature botanical gardens, cultivating a variety of rare plants from polar regions, temperate regions to rain forests.

Luo Yin strolled through the lobby on the first floor of the cruise ship, giving the illusion of being in a spring scene in the south of the Yangtze River.

"How did he solve the problem of fresh water when he built a plant greenhouse under the condition of long-term voyage at sea? Relying on almighty alchemy?"

"It's possible that it's dead and replanted."

hiss. Luo Yin felt that Susie might have discovered the truth.

He temporarily turned off the group of snakes' communications and walked straight to the casino on the second floor. The date written on the invitation letter is today, no sooner or later.

Luo Yin looked around the hall and noticed Chen Jiu who was guarding in the corner of the hall.

No, it's Chen Si. If it wasn't for the systematic detection, he might have been mistaken.

Chen Jun's sons are simply a bunch of replicants. Although they look different, they all have the exact same hairstyle and standing posture, Yishui'er's high-quality face with paralyzed face and well-cut black suits.

"My father thought that Mr. Luo was going to be absent."

"No way."

The standard smile of Chen Siying Studio made Luo Yin shudder. This feeling may be the uncanny valley effect.

Many gamblers in the hall stopped the white-hot poker game at the same time, and watched in amazement that the young man walked up to the mysterious third floor accompanied by Chen Si.

Before stepping into the top floor, Luo Yin sensed a heat wave and a large range of alchemy spirits.

Met a colleague. Alchemists like to build such large-scale fortifications in their own nests.

Magnificent bronze patterns are drawn on the marble floor, and hundreds of tons of mercury flow under the floor. Mercury vapor condenses and drips in the circuit, like a silver rainstorm, and evaporates again.

The temperature in the hall was slightly warmer, but not unpleasant.

Compared with the elegant first floor, the luxurious second floor and the third floor, the layout is relatively simple, but unique. The majesty of metal.

Hundreds of cold weapons are randomly placed on both sides of the corridor, without any tables and chairs, replaced by metal ores of various shapes. The gold and iron horses cast by hand are about to gallop in the hall, and the walls are all painted with pig iron.

Seeing the middle-aged man sitting cross-legged, Luo Yin immediately understood the origin of these "mass-produced robots".

Chen Jun looks more serious than the Terracotta Warriors buried in the ground for two thousand years. No wonder the little witch just wants to stay away from her biological father.

It was hard for Luo Yin not to notice his white robe of unknown material. On the white robe is embroidered a black dragon in a leaping posture. The black dragon's eyes, the corners of the head, and every scale are clear and subtle, if it wants to jump out of the clothes.

Chen Jun would not be clear about the meaning of the black dragon in the mixed-race world, so there must be something wrong with this person.

【Chen Jun

Lineage: s-

Attribute: Fire

Yan Ling: Heaven and Earth are the Furnace

Word Spirit Effect: A fire-type word spirit that is most suitable for smelting recycled metals. It can create a large area of ​​strong magnetic field and high temperature, and quickly smelt the metal into the required form.

Alchemy Items: Armed with Word Spirit, Heaven and Earth is Furnace (the core of the alchemy array), dragon suit (weakening the power of the word spirit), miniature dragon breath device, concentrated alchemy poison, three alchemy potions...]

Luo Yin's mouth twitched. This was the first time in a long time that he had encountered someone with an amount of alchemy items that approached his level.

Chen Jun is armed with high-end alchemy items from head to toe, from clothes to inconspicuous accessories, all with unique functions.

As for his bloodline, in the eyes of Luo Yin, who is used to seeing strong winds and waves, it is not that surprising. There are several tricky ways to break the critical blood limit.

Luo Yin picked out a piece of ore he liked and sat down facing Chen Jun. Wait a minute, this thing doesn't emit radiation...

"Under Chen Si."

"Chen Jiu."

"Chen Shiyi."

"Chen Shiqi."

I don't remember at all! This way of self-introduction has even been abandoned by bandits for hundreds of years.

"Hello, Senior Chen."

Luo Yin cupped his hands, and Chen Jun responded with a mechanical smile.

Before he could come up with a bunch of questions, Chen Jun nodded to his sons.

"Take a hand and click until you reach it."

"Come on together."


Four fights one, but the Chen brothers are the one with the pressure exploding.

Their pressure comes not only from the rumors about Luo Yin, but also from the monster named Father behind them.

The quartet of chants started at the same time, and the four different speech spirits were released at the same time, and they did not interfere with each other in a relatively narrow space.

Three coiled metal chains were suspended around Chen Shiyi, and his posture was like a viper before the attack.

He recited in a low voice the dragon text that did not belong to Yanling·Snake, and the shape of Yanling was instantly transformed.

The normal Yanling snakes are a group of snakes that are directed to explore around the releaser, and Chen Shiyi transformed them into three strong pythons.

The chains did not touch the other three, but the deformed Word Spirit Realm had firmly connected the four of them.

No, not only that. He used the snake to speed up the thinking speed of himself and his companions, and even jumped over the limit of neurotransmitters in one fell swoop.

Luo Yin couldn't help slandering Ye Sheng and the German bald head, why is the gap between the mixed race and the mixed race so big.

In the crisp sound of broken tiles, he smelled more than 20 different flavors. Alcoholic liquor, several organic solutions, and other liquids that are temporarily indistinguishable.

Chen Si's voice was a vortex. He condensed eight vortices of unknown composition in the air, and the rest of the water flowed on the floor, quietly constructing a liquid trap.

Chen Jiu compressed the blood-sucking sickle to a high degree, and a buzzing sound similar to a bee swarm could be heard in Luo Yin's ears. The high-pressure, sharp wind blade is divided into two, four, and eight... until it splits into more than 2,000 invisible blades that can cut steel.

He is not that strong. This is Chen Shiqi's word spirit, the word spirit used to create hallucinations, Sen Luo.

Snapped. The clear sound of raindrops fell in Luo Yin's ears like thunder.

Luo Yin did not have a deep dragon transformation, and simply relied on his insight into the field of words and and the crushing ability of perception, to walk forward in the offensive like thousands of troops.

The water burst, and the shuttle-shaped water droplets attacked his vital points in an array, exuding a fragrant aroma of wine.

Luo Yin smashed the bursting vortex with one hand, and behind the rain curtain, 8 blood-sucking scythes crossed and slashed, like dense notes plucked by a guzheng.

He raised his head to dodge the slash, the wind blade slashed again, and Luo Yin violently crushed the field from the side.

The surrounding eddy currents burst at the same time, and tens of thousands of water droplets attacked Luo Yin from all directions like machine gun bullets.

He leaped upward, and the liquid mercury bullets rained down from directly above. Nice ambush.

------off topic-----

Cat Diary day35: When the sun is good in winter, the cat's fur reflects a bright white-gold halo, which looks like heaven from a distance.
