MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 25 fall

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Hearing the chilling roar from the communication equipment intermittently, Mikhail finally shut down the communication with the third floor, and the veins on his trembling arm burst out.

The outer wall of the shelter didn't hold up for 10 seconds, and no one answered on the ground floor. After the enemy invaded the laboratory on the negative second floor, he entered the highest-level defense command according to his training.

This was the first time that Mikhail had actually entered an order. He had never imagined that the highest-level defense plan would be to blast the entire second underground floor into pieces indiscriminately.

Even so, the enemy did not slow down the pace of the attack.

In City 12, drug- and surgically-treated hybrids are like docile lambs, and they are shepherds. They cultivated the flesh and blood of the Dragon King like luncheon meat, cut, dismembered, researched at will, and peeped at the treasures of the dragon family.

Until today, he didn't understand what kind of life dragons are. It was as if they were fighting storms and tsunamis in canoes.

"Patrol, load your mercury bullets! Spread out like an umbrella and aim at the corridor exit!"

The eight dragon bloodhounds surrounded the exit, growling anxiously. These carefully bred dragon subspecies dare to hunt brown bears, but there seems to be a seemingly non-existent existence on the other side of the corridor, and they are not simple enemies like beasts.

In just 2 seconds, thousands of mercury bullets can cover the entire space outside the exit. Even if it is a dragon king who rushes out, he will be severely injured in the mercury barrage.

Mikhail couldn't help rubbing the trigger of the sweaty machine gun with his index finger. If the quicksilver bullets can't do it in one fell swoop, the machine gun team in the rear must suppress the enemy.

Behind him is the engine room of the reactor that powers the entire shelter. More importantly, the logs and research results of all departments in City 12 are also stored in the computer room.

There is movement.

There were messy footsteps in the dimly lit corridor, one light and one heavy, as if an ankle was injured.

The footsteps were getting closer, and the two groups of guards in front and behind clenched their guns, the triggers covered in sweat and skin oil.

The footsteps stopped.

"Herzog! I am Jung von Herzog, who is in charge of the delta plan, why did you detonate the negative second floor before evacuation!"

"You have no right to ask. Doctor, slowly raise your hands above your head and walk out of the corridor."

Dr. Clone limped out of the corridor, and was pointed by nearly a hundred guns at the same time, and his taut body was as stiff as a stone.

Mikhail breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now, Doctor, slowly step back into the hallway and keep us informed of what's going on in the hallway."

He and Herzog stared at each other without hesitation, and there was only grimness in the sea-blue pupils.

Mikhail's mission is to secure the city core of No. 12. As for geneticists doing research here after being captured, it's just a special form of property.

"I trust your intelligence and acting skills, Dr. Herzog."

A very low voice came from behind Cloning Herzog's head. Luo Yin has been clinging to his back, pure white claws can dig out his spine at any time.

Luo Yin jumped up silently, the dragon claws buckled into the metal and hung upside down on the roof more than three meters high.

Dr. Clone took a half step back under the pressure of the muzzle, but a line of sight immediately locked on the back of his neck, with a faint murderous intent.

The Doctor took a deep breath in the icy air to calm himself down. That white dragon is the real monster. From the beginning to the end, Luo Yin showed a kind of ease and ease.

"Back off!"

"What the **** is the enemy, tell me!"

The doctor growled, his voice trembling.

"I don't have any weapons on me. You want me to be a bait, you want me to die!"

"Back off! Dr. Herzog, I order you to back off!"

The dragon bloodhound also roared at the Doctor, and the dragon scales on his neck and back stood up like thorns.

"Fuck, I just want to survive! You'll be sacrificed too, we're all just lambs raised in captivity by some big man. Mikhail, you're no different!"

The roaring doctor suddenly stepped forward and walked out of the corridor, and the guards who were extremely nervous would pull the trigger with just a little stimulation.

"We don't know what the outside world looks like at all, we've been trapped here for so long that we don't know each other..."

"Back! Back!"

Heck! Heck!

Mikhail stared at Herzog, his heart beating more and more confused. He watched the thermal image out of the corner of his eye, and there was nothing unusual. There has always been only the Doctor in the corridor.

A shudder crawled across his spine, and above their heads, a blood-red object suddenly appeared in the thermal image.


On the ground, a white moon rose.

Only when you have seen the sword pass by, and the thin blade like a cicada's wings cut off everything you can see, can you understand that "swinging the sword" can also be endowed with such a thrilling beauty.

An arc-shaped silver-white sword light fell from the sky, stretching for dozens of meters, forcibly ending the battle just before the trigger was pulled.

The moment the doctor attracted attention, Luo Yin, who was in a hypothermic state, copied time zero and came to the roof to launch a surprise attack.

When Mikhail noticed the point of the sword protruding from his chest, dozens of severed barrels rolled neatly from the gun. The blood mist spewed out, followed by pain that was transmitted to the brain.

"Two centimeters to the left is your heart. Now tell me what the password for the computer room is."

"I don't know... The reactor was run by Nakhimov, a nuclear engineer sent from above."

"Let him out."

"Nasimov! Nakhimov, get out!"

No answer.

Luo Yin thought of something. The Dark Lord mainly wants to remotely monitor and manage an underground shelter composed of clones, and he should set up an eyeliner to know more real information here. Such as nuclear engineer Nakhimov.

There is not much time left for him.

"Quiet your hound."

Luo Yin pulled Tiancongyun out of Mikhail's chest, and the latter pressed down the deadly wound so thin that it didn't seem to exist.

He wanted to take a more elegant way to enter the computer room, but objective conditions did not allow it. The door of the computer room uses a 20-digit mixed password, and there is no possibility of forcible cracking.

Luo Yin cut off the bolt, then destroyed the lock cylinder and mechanical link. But he still couldn't get in, just because the door was too thick and heavy.

If he has the power of extreme high temperature or power transmission, it is not difficult to break the door violently.

"Never used's such a destructive thing."

Luo Yin murmured and touched the [Thousand Faces] that was about to melt.

Command copy, bronze throne.

The body of the powerful dragon king swelled violently, and the appearance and temperament changed from a creature between gods and demons to a pure muscle demon.

"The color is not as bad as I thought..."

When the bronze throne was acting on him, it seemed more appropriate to call it the platinum throne. The additional effect of Word Spirit was distorted by his own White King bloodline.

Luo Yin, who was more than two meters tall, sighed in pain. The elastic combat uniform didn't explode, but his new trench coat was already blown into strips of cloth.

Mikhail half-kneeled weakly, raised his head with all his strength, and watched the intruder push the nearly ten-ton gate forward with a deafening noise.

The door of the computer room fell to the ground, Luo Yin's body shrank back to normal, and stomped on the floor and rushed towards the reactor.

"No matter what you're going to do, you've run out of opportunities."

In front of the mainframe, "Nuclear Engineer" Nakhimov stopped his work and silently observed the intruder.

Luo Yin noticed the heavy silver cross necklace on Nakhimov's chest at first sight. It was thicker than his thumb, and it looked quite inconsistent in front of a dark green military uniform.

Luo Yin could not see the fear of him in the other's eyes. Nakhimov is not a clone, and his bloodline has reached the excellent A-level, but his hypnosis is no threat to Luo Yin.

"You serve the so-called dark side monarch?"

The engineer nodded.

"Excuse me, where did we offend you?"

"No, I haven't met your monarch yet. To say the reason, it's probably a lot of not-so-positive rumors, as well as my personal malicious speculation.

Your monarch invites me to his party, and I can't be ignorant of him. "

Luo Yin walked slowly past the huge central main engine and the nuclear reactor wrapped in the thick concrete wall, and finally saw the magnificent "wealth" of City No. 12.

At the very center are 64 cryogenic pods, in which cloned hybrids are dormant waiting to be put into use. They were thin, with peaceful faces.

Luo Yin applauded lightly. He noticed that alchemy arrays were installed in these survival pods, and some of the circuits used were familiar to him.

He used this technology to develop virtual games, and the master of City 12, let clones quickly grow up in realistic dreams. Some people, such as Herzog, serve the shelter after inheriting the "life" of the original body, and more become children in the basement floor for human experiments.

On both sides of the life-support capsule, a series of devices that are enough to make a cell grow into a clone are arranged in an orderly manner. Test-tube babies and artificial wombs are no longer a problem for evolutionists.

On the two walls on the inner side, there are a terrifying number of gene banks, including hybrids and dragons. Mainly sperm and ovum libraries, as well as stem cells, tissue samples, etc.

Taking into account social ethics, the research results of dragon genetics at the Kassel Institute are mainly at the theoretical level. And the dark side monarch has been able to use the hybrid as a hybrid rice. The secret party is over.

"It's spectacular, isn't it? Only with such a magnificent project can human beings go through the road of evolution. After understanding all the secrets of dragon blood, every hybrid can evolve into a pure-blood dragon, a new dragon."

"And what about the people who died in this city?"

"The free will of most of life is deprived of a small part, and the development of the world has always been like this. Only when there is enough fuelwood and masters with fire, their flames will be brighter."

Luo Yin just shook his head regretfully.

After fighting with "Chen Jun", he already had certain psychological expectations for the moral level of the evolutionary school.

"Then, do you think, are you the depriver or the deprived? Firewood or fire? At this moment, will I appreciate your idiot theories or pierce your heart?"

Facing the pair of melted golden pupils, Nakhimov couldn't help shivering, and quickly muttered something in his mouth.

"I have to admit, I had a fluke before. I called up the reactor's self-destruct program, but it didn't start. Unfortunately, those guards were all useless."

Nakhimov's index finger was only half a palm away from the dangerous red button on the console.

"Our distance is about 60 meters, even if you hold time zero, you can't go faster than me. After the reactor is overloaded, everything here will be destroyed within 90 seconds, and even the Dragon King will be severely damaged by excessive nuclear radiation.

So, it's all over. You won't get anything in City 12. "

The serious-looking man stared at Luo Yin, clenched the silver cross on his chest with his left hand, and pressed the button ruthlessly.

Nakhimov pressed the small mechanism on the back of the cross and took out a translucent capsule the size of a knuckle, with dark red silk threads like blood vessels entangled in it. The most violent evolution medicine made with the blood of the Dragon King was swallowed by him.

Sharp dragon scales the size of fingernails burst out of his body, and Nakhimov, with blood mist oozing from his whole body, attacked Luo Yin with all his strength.

The indescribable pain woke him up, his limbs were violently reversed, and bone fragments were exposed in the ferocious wounds.

A young man hugged Nakhimov up close, his right paw cut open his chest, and pulled out some kind of small mechanical device.

"I have an arterial lock implanted, so be careful."

Luo Yin's dragon-like state is fading, and his forehead is full of sweat. Without the use of high-concentration serum, his stamina is only enough to fight for so long.

Nakhimov, who was in severe pain, was dizzy and dazed, and he looked at his body without a dragon at all. His silver cross necklace was in Luo Yin's hands at this time, and the nuclear reactor was working as usual.

Yanling · Dream Tapir. Weaving dreams on your own consumes much more energy than waking up nightmares, making Luo Yin, who has repeatedly released high-level word spirits, in vain.

In addition, Luo Mou also scrapped a belt. This trip back, he must make a new belt that is stronger.


Nakhimov's mouth was full of blood, and he would soon die of excessive blood loss.

Roin put the Fenrir serum that he carried with him into his veins. This purity and dosage is unlikely to elevate the bloodline, but it will keep Nakhimov going for two or three hours.

At this moment, Susie held Herzog in her left hand and Commander Mikhail in her right hand, and walked quickly into the core area.

She had a sharp tail thorn on her right shoulder, and a large patch of bright red on her shirt.

"I ran into a few tricky things."

The two may have some bold ideas after he left, but they are currently in a very peaceful state.

"Go and bandage it, there's no danger for now. I'll go check the data in the computer."

The shelter is not connected to the outside world, and important information should be aggregated in the giant computer that controls the reactor.

"Samaria, get as much information as you can."

The signal blocking here is too strong, and he only has a basic version of the Samaritan Toddler in his phone.

Samaria had just connected and started downloading the data, and an illusory light and shadow of a girl's image condensed in the air.


No, this Norma was wearing a blood-red dress.

[I am lilith. Database access is prohibited. 】

"It's just a copy of Norma! There is no difference except for the color matching. Apologize to the academy!"

[Please stop the invasion immediately, otherwise all files will be destroyed. 】

Lilith's tone is no different from Norma's, but her tone is firm, and her intelligence seems to be a little underpaid.

Luo Yin could see that it was not the alchemy intelligence of Norma and Samaria at all, and its imitation ability was not as good as that of Kazuyukihime from the Japanese branch.

[Begin to forcibly destroy all data. 】

Luo Yin's pupils shrank. He had a warning from Samaria: Lilith had just sent out a distress signal. It's the only device here that communicates with the outside world.

"What do they do?"

Susie's right arm was pale, she tore off her sleeve and simply bandaged her right shoulder.

"Try to take a few more. Take the children on the first floor first."

Luo Yin underestimated the size of the He had nothing to do with the heavy equipment on the bottom. Time is limited, and they have to evacuate before the evolutionary support arrives.

------off topic-----

In the first stage, the pigeon claims to be coding, but it does not actually code.

In the second stage, the pigeons claim that they will be updated, but not now.

In the third stage, Dove claims that maybe he should update, but his plot is not yet arranged.

In the fourth stage, the pigeons regretfully announced that it should have been updated in time, but unfortunately it is too late.

——"The Four-Stage Strategy of Pigeon Procrastination"


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