MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 29 The Girl and the Whale Song

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"Texas Hold'em 21:00 Landlords... That's right, for newbies who haven't even heard of kitten fishing, these rules are even more troublesome."

Nuonuo took the poker back helplessly, and Imani sat at the poker table with wisdom written in his eyes.

Eriki and Xia Mi also sensed that there was a sadly thick barrier between them.

For Imani, who grew up in the mountains of Syria, and then worked hard in the martial arts hall in addition to wandering, she had accumulated knowledge about sweeping legs, flying knees, and swinging fists. As for playing cards, it seemed too out of line.

After the guests of the Yamal were evacuated by the "iceberg impact" incident, the eleven-story giant icebreaker was turned into an ice-sea amusement park waiting to be developed.

Both red-haired girls are playful masters. Due to the mission, Nuonuo and the three brothers who are not familiar with each other and who are disabled and strong are temporarily "distraught".

Hui Liyi is an exchange student of the branch. Rounding up his position in the eight families of Sheqi is equal to the head. Being able to condescend to run to this corner of the North Pole has already given enough face to the headquarters, and he can be called the freest person in the whole group.

As for Lord Yemengarde, although as the doomsday approached, she slowly adjusted her work attitude. But Xia Mi, who controls a considerable part of her body, cannot refuse any form of amusement park.

Dragging the freshmen into the water... No, it is the unshirkable responsibility of the seniors to lead the juniors to understand the colorful university life in Kassel!

The Inuit village marked on Vincent's chart is quite far away. The icy sea passing by is a big lump of ice except for water. Not even a polar bear can be seen, and even a mission report can't come out after a day.

A group of violent people stared at the iceberg in a daze all day long, and Nuonuo seemed to hear the bars, game rooms and luxury suites on the Yamal crying.

"There are 48 hours left... Time is running out, we have to take Imani to experience all the projects, especially mahjong!"


Nuonuo: "There is no task on the way, are you going to sleep until the end?"

Imani was the only freshman enrolled in the Avalon program, with little or no professional training. The only reason she was selected was because of her super bloodline approaching S-rank and her secret high-risk words.

To put it bluntly, hit it off. But in view of the luxurious configuration of Avalon's plan, she is at best a backup thug.

"If you don't train for a long time, your bones and muscles will rust. The gym is on the seventh floor, and their facilities are very complete."

Xia Mi on the side couldn't help but feel a little moved... No, it was angina. Does Cassel recruit such monsters every year? Dragon slaying is so fun

Hui Liyi quickly made a cross on the "seventh floor". This junior sister's thinking is too distorted, and she must be subtly influenced to pull her into her own society sooner or later.

"Hey, hey, have you noticed anything strange?"

Xia Mi suddenly slapped the table.

"The white-haired junior sister, two identical redheads, why is mine so normal! If this is an anime, wouldn't this girl become a passerby!"

With the exception of a small crew who stayed behind to guard the core of the icebreaker, the crew left the yamal, which was anchored, and set foot on the snowy Greenland ice sheet.

This steel monster cannot be started by ordinary people at all, and with Norma's 24-hour all-round monitoring, the Yamal is very safe.

This is almost the northernmost part of Greenland. In the seas closer to the Arctic, there is not much land.

The team, in groups of three, rode snowmobiles and sleds to the unnamed Inuit village about three kilometers away. There is not even a point on the GPS map of that place. If there is no evidence from satellite aerial photography, normal people will think that Vincent's chart is wrong.

As for the old Vincent, he was still receiving multiple sessions of psychological counseling from Masashi Toyama. The professor casually recommended a lot of classics, the bright-colored ones, to neutralize the toxicity accumulated in his brain.

Before long, Caesar saw a figure on the distant ice field, accompanied by two small huskies.

Before they could get close, the human image noticed the visitor from a foreign land, and immediately ran away on a sleigh.

Kama Itachi brought back the man's voice, but unfortunately Caesar couldn't understand a word. Even in Kassel, there are very few students who can speak Inuit, and people prefer to choose Old Norse, Hebrew, etc., which are helpful for dragon archaeology.

"We were treated as intruders."

Caesar said to Chu Zihang. The latter nodded. It is normal for a small settlement to live in isolation.


At first glance, there are less than 100 simple-structured single-storey houses in the village, most of which are made of pure wood, and the exterior walls are painted in monochrome colors such as blue, yellow, and gray. There are "iron pots" installed on a few scattered roofs to receive signals from the outside world.

The first thing Chu Zihang noticed was that the two off-road vehicles with high chassis were parked on the left side of the village. They are not the only visitors to this small village, who would be interested here

"I, Chu. We are from, outside. We have, food, warm clothing, supplies. Exchange, ask for some news."

The middle-aged man standing in front of Chu Zihang was probably the only person in the village who knew some foreign languages. He took the initiative to greet the visitor after he spotted the visitor, and the other villagers who had not gone out kept a safe distance from them.

"My name is Nua, and I'm a hunter. I've caught seals and been on whaling ships."

The man named Nua breathed into the palm of his hand, speaking slowly but clearly. Chu Zihang could read the emotional vigilance, excitement, and curiosity in his eyes. Nua is clearly more interested in the world outside the village.

"What are you guys here for?"

"Scientific investigation. We are a team that studies Arctic whales, and it is said that you have a very large group of whales passing through here."

Nua's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said something to the old man who was leading behind him.

"He's our angakkut, um, the village chief. He said you can stay overnight in the village, but you have to set up your own camp."

The commissioners saluted Anjakut, and Lu Mingfei walked over with two boxes of canned meat and spirits.

Nua and Anjakut are undoubtedly key players if you want to get intelligence about the aurora and whales here.


After camping, the academy's group declined Nua's warm hospitality. In order to thank Lu Zai for the canned beef, he took out two traditional Inuit marinated delicacies, arctic herring and puffin, but they were both stinky.

Arctic herring fermented in wooden barrels on a monthly basis, even canned herring is fragrant by comparison. And the black meat sauce fermented by puffins is wrapped with seal skins with spices... Lu Mingfei had always thought that this kind of thing was a joke, and the big food could not reach this level.

As for the Italian nobleman, he has already smiled and went to look for Arctic penguins to prevent suffocation.

"Noua, I see other people coming to the village. They are"

"It's also a scientific research team, but the target seems to be chart mapping and so on. I think some land areas have not been accurately recorded."

The few people around looking for the unrecorded land suddenly had some associations, but they remained silent.

"Probably what kind of people might have met our colleagues."

The facial paralyzed smile has a slightly inferior affinity to the Kazama Ruri-class: skills that are not good at always take more time to train.

"Ah, they're all Slavic men. They're stronger. Seriously, they don't quite fit my impression of a scientist..."

As Nua spoke, he suddenly noticed something was wrong. Speaking of being strong, aside from the Asian delivering the food and the handsome blond guy, there wasn't any skinny among the others.

"Oh, their leader, wearing a silver cross necklace, went out not long ago. He's a particularly impressive person."

Perhaps due to intuition, Chu Zihang became increasingly wary of the other group of visitors. Maybe they did meet peers.

"Regarding the whales, do the whales pass here every year and about what time?"

Nua shook his head.

"I know the huge group of whales you're looking for. They're special. They're a group of whales grazing by gods, traversing the ice sea under the guidance of Sedna."


"Anjakut told us that the king of the whale group was Sedna's apostle, leading the group of whales to guard Sea Spirit's sanctuary. I don't know what those are..."

Lu Mingfei did a search in Norma. The three spirits of heaven, earth and sea worshipped by the Inuit, Syrah, Anningjak and Sedna.

"I remember you saying you were on a whaling ship"


Nua was a little embarrassed.

Gu Song

"We swore that we would never hurt God's whales. I only tracked their course on the boat, and I never hurt them or shot other whales."

Chu Zihang memorized it carefully. The more religious the locals are, the more likely there is a problem with that king of whales.

"Have you seen a wide range of aurora here? Some people say 'the skirt of the goddess'"

"I saw it!"


The burning fire gradually changed from a violent crackling sound to an occasional creaking sound.

Nua's information has been almost asked. And Ang was with a few students, and together with the villagers, they were dealing with some sea fish by the fire.

At the same time, the roar of a car engine came from the other side of the village.

Angers wiped off the blood on the jackknife with ice and snow, and put it back into his cuff. There was no filth or fishy smell left on the blade. He gave the students a look, and the group slightly adjusted their standing and positions.

Nua was right. The leader of another group of visitors is indeed hard to forget after meeting for the first time.

Objectively speaking, his appearance is not particularly outstanding. High cheekbones, deep eye sockets, dark grey eyes, neatly cut short curly hair.

A man's peculiar aura, if one were to describe it in words, would be a profound and changing mystery. But paradoxically, anyone would feel that he came with good intentions, sincere and friendly.

It is a pity that there are no users of the bloodline among those present, so they cannot detect the details of the opponent.

Several more people got out of the SUV. They didn't come to contact them just now, they should be waiting for the team leader's instructions.

"Gregory, we are a privately sponsored Arctic expedition. It was a blessing to meet pioneers in such a lonely, cold place."

Gregory and Chu Zihang shook hands very normally, and the silver cross reflected a beautiful luster on the black clothes.

"Chu, a researcher at the Woods Hole Institute, this year's new Arctic project is funded by rich people who have too many illusions about the Arctic. I'm mainly responsible for some negotiation work."

Gregory quietly observed the group of academy.

Angers, plus almost all the elite of the younger generation. Gattuso, and those monsters with questionable bloodlines... It seems that today is not suitable for hands-on.

He noticed the direction of Chu Zihang's eyes and pointed to his cross necklace.

"I am a devout believer. Living in this world, I always have to find a support for myself.

Oh Nua! Have you decided, come aboard with us, you are a very good sailor and navigator. "

Gregory noticed the village hunters, but Nua shook his head decisively.

"Mr. Chu also invited me, but I can't agree for the time being. I have to stay in the village."

There was a flash of danger in Gregory's gray pupils, but Chu Zihang didn't notice it at close range.

It's a little troublesome, these people are present and can't use unconventional means. Why did Cassell invest such terrifying manpower? Are their goals the same as themselves?

"Nua, you are destined not to belong to this village. Sooner or later, you will leave here and never come back."

Orion still shook his head without hesitation.

"Then I'll have to ask more questions. Nua, I'll take more of your time."

Chu Zihang voluntarily gave up the invitation to Nua and cut off Gregory's follow-up words.

Regardless of whether the other party is really an investigation group, or other teams under this banner, or even a mixed-race force, just leave it alone.

"Where are you going to investigate next? If it happens, we may be able to go together"

"I'm so sorry, our boss is a very private person."

Chu Zihang regained a paralyzed face, and the atmosphere gradually became tense.

"It's a shame. Our work here is almost done too, and I hope we'll see you somewhere in this snowy country."

Gregory turned out to be just a little unhappy, waved his hand, began to pack his luggage, and left with the convoy after a while.

"Should we go after them or not, let's knock them out first."

Caesar and Chu Zihang turned their heads in horror at the same time, and found that it was Lu Mingfei who proposed this punishment. Why is this thing a bit like a combination of the principal and Fingal now.

Not long after, Chu Zihang received a message from Luo Yin. Communication has been cut off for several days since he left for Siberia.

"These three are middle and high-level members of the Evolutionary faction and have close ties with the dark side monarch. Be careful if you encounter other suspects. The evolutionary faction's plan in the Arctic is very large. [Picture] [Picture]

Pay particular attention to the engineer Nakhimov, and the princess Anastasia.

We are rushing to Moscow for further investigation and cannot be there for the time being. There is more than one monster hiding in the North Pole, be careful. "

The evolutionists Luo Yin felt that the evolutionists might intervene in their actions

Chu Zihang suddenly saw the silver cross necklace on Nakhimov's chest, exactly the same as Gregory. There is no difference in size, style or unique engraving.

According to Luo Yin's annotation, Nakhimov is a senior contact person of the Evolution Sect at an important base. Hell, they should have carried out Lu Mingfei's plan just now.

Chu Zihang condensed the key information and sent it to a few reliable teammates, and Angers' eyes suddenly became dangerous. The only purpose of those people slaughtering dragons is to become dragons.

The sky gradually turned dark and gray, and they began to hesitate about their next move. This small village, which was originally just a little suspicious, seemed to hide a secret that they didn't notice.

dong dong dong!

Nua heard an unusually violent knock on the door, and hurried back to the house and opened the locked door.

The skinny little girl ran out of the room with a terrified face and ran towards Nua.

"Tata, xx,!"

Anjakut, who had never been emotional before, saw the little girl, and suddenly his face was full of anger, and he yelled at Nua.

"What she said was, Dad, God is coming, run!

Anjakut ordered Nua to control the girl, and the villagers had warned him not to let the girl run around. "

Luckily there was Norma's translator, so they knew what was going on just a beat too late.

On the side, Caesar subconsciously ignited the golden pupil. After the bloodline was fully awakened, Longwei, who was close to the next generation, made the surrounding villagers' brains dizzy.

While they were far away from Caesar, they were far away from Nua's father and daughter, to be precise, away from Nua's daughter.


"The whale song, the sound source is more than five kilometers away from us, at a depth of about 1,000 meters... He is rapidly rising and heading straight towards us."

Nuonuo grabbed the half-kneeling Caesar with one worried that Caesar was secretly taking drugs.

"Inspired by bloodline, his bloodline resonated with a nearby high-level dragon, a temporary symptom."

Angers did not elaborate. Caesar didn't hide the other half of his bloodline, he could probably guess.

"I'm fine, just a brief vision. It's a golden-eyed whale, the species is unknown, and he's in a state of extreme excitement. Very aggressive."

Caesar stood up, looking serious. This situation happened to him once before: facing the deformed black snake, the dragon suspected of being the Water King.


"He releases a wide range of ultra-low temperature indiscriminately, which can freeze the entire sea of ​​words."

Everyone turned to look at Nua's daughter. The little girl found out that the dragon was a little earlier than Caesar, who had the weasel.


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