MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 62 Apocalypse (1)

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The Nautilus plunged into the deep water under the action of inertia, and then rose at a very high speed, breaking the ice layer on the water surface.

They passed through Guixu and drove into the wide underground river, above which was the top of the cave covered with ice.

The rock walls on both sides are full of rough murals that appear to have been painted with mineral and vegetable pigments.

Shallow waters and ice on the edge of the dark river are littered with shipwrecks of various materials and styles.

Ocean-going sailing ships, whaling ships, steam ships, scientific research ships, large rafts...

Various ship parts are piled up like mountains in the river, and slowly corrode and corrode in the cold cave.

The Nautilus didn't have time to stay, and continued to sail at the fastest speed to the end of the dark river, where a dazzling flame of words was erupting.

What caught everyone's eyes was a transparent and flawless pyramid-shaped iceberg, with dozens of giant icicles over three meters in diameter standing in the surrounding sea water.

More than 20 people in white stood on the ice floes, chanting high-level words at the same time, and slammed into the Leviathan on the sea.

They looked like they were only about fifteen years old on average, their pupils were all dangerously molten gold, and purple-black veins protruded from the surface of their bare skin.

Anastasia's clones activated the remote control device, injected them with the serum of the black snake, and at the same time injected themselves with three times the dose.

With the genetic technology they have mastered, if they can obtain the Black King Sacred Skeleton, the Evolution Sect will become the absolute master of the hybrid world from now on.

She vibrated her blue-black dragon wings and pounced on Leviathan, restraining the Dragon King's actions before the next round of Word Spirit bombardment.

"Your blood... how could it smell like him?"

Leviathan flashed the attack, a bit of confusion in his eyes.

At this moment, less than one percent of the traces of the Inuit girl "Snow" remained on her body.

Long memories are flooding into her brain rapidly after she wakes up. Gulwig, this was her former name, in the era of the Black King.

The king who betrayed the dragon clan, her brother, hasn't he been killed yet?

From his standpoint, it is not surprising to give his bloodline to the bastard.

"Did he send you to kill me?"

Anastasia did not respond to Leviathan's doubts. She couldn't understand what the other person was asking.

After all, in the eyes of evolutionists, black snakes are just the object of decades of experiments and research.

Leviathan waved his claws at will, and a huge wave like a sail was set off in the dark river, blocking the attack of the princess clone.

At the same time, slender and sharp ice thorns condensed in all directions, cross-blocking, like a cage.

Anastasia, who was pierced by multiple ice thorns, slammed into the ice, pulled out the ice thorns from the wound and threw it at the Dragon King, but it was impossible for water or ice to hurt Leviathan.

Leviathan's strength is recovering and strengthening every moment.

There are no large organisms in this dark river, but there are low temperature-resistant microorganisms and algae that thrive here for a long time, and there are many extinct volcanoes distributed on the bottom of the water.

She can quickly absorb a huge amount of nutrients through the water body, which promotes the rapid healing and strengthening of the injured body.

The cloned hybrids in white began another round of bombardment. Lightning, flames, wind blades, noise, indiscriminately covering the direction of Leviathan in the high-pitched dragon chanting.

Leviathan set off huge waves in the narrow space, condensing the cascading seawater into an ice shield that cannot be broken through.

Her word spirit power is also at the strongest level among the first-generation species, and it is not difficult to contend against dozens of high-level killing word spirits alone.


The continuous loud noise from behind made Leviathan's expression suddenly change. She jumped out of the sea and flapped her dragon wings with all her might to fly towards the iceberg.

The young version of Rasputin, taking advantage of her restraint, installed and detonated a huge amount of high-energy explosives on the side of the pyramid.

The artwork-like island of icebergs was blasted with large gaps, and the ice began to shatter and collapse.

The black Delta-class submarine fired the remaining weapons at once, blocking the Leviathan's return.


The technician detonated another explosive charge, and huge fragments of the iceberg flew in all directions in the explosion.

The volume of the entire iceberg was reduced by nearly half, and it was almost torn apart from the center.

Replaced with a normal iceberg, after two rounds of extremely terrifying blasting, it has already become slag, and only this kind of speech spirit creation can maintain its shape.

A dragon-shaped creature flew out from the smoke of the explosion, holding a heavily worn dark golden square box in its hand, and scarlet blood was still seeping out from the gap of the box.

The dragon-like Rasputin landed on the top of the iceberg, closed the dragon's wings, and felt the vibration from the box, like a heartbeat.

There is no cage to trap the devil, and he will eventually return.

The priest's clone easily ripped open the box with sharp claws, and the alchemy field engraved on it has now been corroded to the point of being vulnerable.

No, from now on, he is the new Rasputin. He is the most powerful of them all.

Rasputin held a throbbing mass of flesh, its surface covered with fine black scales and pale gold mesh of blood vessels.

He stood at the top of the broken pyramid, looking down at the life on the ice of the dark river.

The cloned hybrids of the evolutionary faction, the young elites of the secret party, the Gattusos who took the eggs of the Black King from him. There is also the first-generation Leviathan.

He will ascend to the peak of evolution from this moment, above all their lives.

"Don't devour the Egg of the Black King directly. You will also lose control."

Anastasia reminded in the distance. They have investigated the cases of the fusion of hybrids and the Black King in history, and direct devouring will inevitably lead to loss of control and death.

"not including me."

Rasputin struggled to maintain an elegant and charming smile, so that his expression would not be distorted.

"You've always wondered what my word spirit is. I named it Bloodlaw.

It is one of the highest-level bloodline word spirits, which gives me the ability to understand the composition of dragon blood. How to weaken the toxin of dragon blood and how to remove the ingredients that affect the spirit, I have already mastered it through research on black snakes. "

In Rasputin's eyes, blood law is a gift from heaven, the most perfect word of speech. It has infinite possibilities.

For hundreds of years, he first studied his own blood, then searched for and studied other hybrids, and finally the pure blood dragon.

The various reagents extracted from the dragon's blood allowed him to acquire more than a dozen strange abilities and became an "undead monk".

As Rasputin explained, he pressed the Black King's Egg to his chest. Slender flesh tentacles grew out of the gaps in the scales, piercing into the priest's body.

He opened his dragon wings and felt that the supreme power flowed into his body through the medium of dragon blood, dyeing his blood into a pale golden color full of divinity.

Rasputin observed the lower creatures on the ice, intending to observe the awe and fear in their eyes.

But this is not the case.

There was indeed fear in their pupils. But it was a kind of horror, like seeing a sudden, incredible sight.

Rasputin focused his eyes on Anastasia's pupils and looked at the reflection in her eyes.

The collapsing iceberg is like a broken mirror.

The blue-gray Grim Reaper was reflected in the mirror.

Death looked at him quietly, waving the sickle in his hand.

Rasputin saw Death, but he had no time to react.

The sickle swung out of the ice mirror, harvesting life in an instant.

Before the priest reached the peak of evolution, his body was broken into four pieces, and the **** of death took out the black king's flesh and blood that had just begun to fuse from his ruptured chest.

His blue-gray dragon scales are like faded armor, and he rides a withered corpse dragon, with swords and spears stuck on the back of the dragon.

He closed his eyes tightly, his dragon wings were broken and withered, and an ominous pattern was drawn with blood on his drooping forehead.

The figure of the **** of death is terrifying and sacred. When everyone in the academy faced him, there was only indescribable horror in their hearts.

"Li Wuyue, how is it possible..."

The action team left the Nautilus and set foot on the ice on the dark river. The elites of the academy kept a distance from the Gattuso family.

Caesar saw a ghost in broad daylight. At that time, Li Wuyue's keel cross was beaten, and the Dragon King's resurrection had to abide by the Basic Law.

"No, he is the heroic spirit of Odin."

Odin's brand was hot and burning in Chu Zihang's brain. This brand has never been so hot as it is today, like a red soldering iron.

Caesar couldn't believe it. Can the strength of Heroic Spirits reach such an exaggerated level?

Seiya! Holy! Holy!

Long Wen's singing voice was loud, deep and muddy.

Carols from the iceberg echoed in the Leviathan's temple.


The pure white eight-legged Pegasus jumped out of the mirror, and its burly body was draped in heavy armor of gold and silver. It was the son of Sleipnir.

The white dragon riding on the Pegasus held a large red bow and wore a silver crown with a strange and twisted shape, with two arcs of light hanging vaguely behind it. A round of gold and red like the sunrise, and a round of silver like a full moon.

He didn't take any arrows, he stretched the bowstring with all his strength, and shot at the evolution soldiers.

The invisible arrows pierce and destroy all areas that stand in their way, slicing through flesh, ice, and steel.

The side armor of the black submarine was shot through by an arrow, cutting a gap more than two meters long.

"I saw, and saw a white horse, and the man who sat on it had a bow, and a crown was given to him. And he came out, victorious and yet to be victorious."

Caesar suddenly thought of something, recalling the words in the Book of Revelation.

"The knight on the white horse, who represents conquest and victory, also has the view that he represents the Antichrist."

Chu Zihang also reacted.

"Grey horse rider representing death, but khlōros can also be translated as green."

This is completely consistent with Li Wuyue after her death.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in the Book of Revelation are the white of conquest, the red of war, the black of famine, and the blue (grey) of death.

The one who should have become a war knight was the red dragon Constantine.

And the black knight, the symbol of famine and despair, has yet to show up.

Read The Duke's Passion