MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 79 war clock

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[Yan Ling·Bloodline Knot Luo

Effect: Detects dragon blood in a large range, it may be invalid for upper races

Sentences used: 18 sentences, 11 types

Longwen Model: [3D Image]]

The outer side is surrounded by 2 ring-shaped dragon characters, 8 dragon characters are chiseled together to form the inner core, and the 8 sentences in the middle area radiate in all directions.

This structure reminded Luo Yin of a compass, but it was a spherical version.

He did not analyze all kinds of high-risk word spirits, or even world-destroying word spirits, but chose the bloodline of the bad street.

He has been able to release all kinds of high-level killing words at will, Luo Yin now pays more attention to auxiliary words with special functions.

Another peculiarity of this analysis is that Luo Yin watched the entire analysis process, and the technical principles of the analysis of Word Spirit have been released to him.

The basic dragon library was also released to him. That is, except for exclusive instructions, the basic form of all single-sentence dragon texts includes two forms of text and totem patterns.

In the underground ice cellar of the college, the night watchman walked around the table, looking east and west at the 3D printed Yanling model. This person is designated to hang up.

"A kind of detection-type word spirit, it should use the spiritual realm to release something similar to electromagnetic waves, with a wide range of effects."

"Bloodline knot. Tutor, you are still as sharp as ever."

Luo Yin took the wine bottle in the hands of the night watchman while talking about business.

"The dragons believe that intelligent life forms naturally have their own spiritual domain, A.T.Field. The spiritual domain of pure-blooded dragons is generally called Longwei, and the first-generation species is called the Royal Domain."

"I've seen that anime, and it's crazy. If it was me, I would have pushed it all away..."

The night watchman muttered.

If it were you, it wouldn't be possible to broadcast it!

"Some studies suggest that the spiritual realm is a special kind of biomagnetic field, but it's actually much more than that.

Maybe so. The user spreads the waveform of the spiritual form outward through the bloodline knot field, and when it touches the spiritual field of the dragonborn, it will return to the original path and feed back the information to the user.

However, when it touches an overly strong spiritual field, the fluctuation of the bloodline will collapse directly, but the target cannot be detected. "

Flamel pondered to himself.

"Sure enough, I came to find you."

Seeing Luo Yin laughing and haha, the night watchman felt a little bad.

It seems that the bloodline can't do much, and it seems that he can do some great things that are unprecedented.

"Don't you mean to...?"

"I want to find all the mixed races in the world."

Luo Yin said frankly.

"The production of alchemical items of the same principle, which operates automatically at regular intervals, covers the entire human world.

The detected coordinate information is fed back to Norma in a centralized manner, and with the help of global satellites, all hybrid species are found. "

"Do you understand how risky it is to concentrate this kind of information?"

"That's why it was handed over to Norma for safekeeping, the real Norma. No matter how many black cards you have, you can't get any information, and related tasks are only dispatched by Norma."

Flamel sat on the collection of the ice cellar, a stone sculpture from the Nazca civilization.

If Norma can find out where almost all the hybrids are, then the probability of dragon secrets being leaked will be greatly reduced, and many dangerous dragon events will be prevented in advance.

But the potential risks of pursuing this plan are still too great. All hybrid forces, especially the Secret Party themselves, will do their best to obtain this information.

"It's impossible to hide such a huge plan."

"Don't hide it, the pressure of the Presbyterian Church is not a problem."

Flamel was still frowning. After all, this plan is not in line with his usual philosophy of doing things.

"Why did you suddenly think of doing such a thing?"

"Because we are already on the brink of war.

Norma, Samaria. "

Two illusory shadows appeared beside them.

"Tell me the probability of a worldwide leak within a week."

"About 1.7%."

"The probability of a large-scale war breaking out within a week."

"About 1.6 percent."

"Probability of outbreak in 100 days."

"About 31.7%."

"What about tomorrow?"

"About 0.03%."

The two alchemy intelligences answered Luo Yin's question simultaneously.

"This is the result calculated by their war prediction model based on factors such as war history, world culture, technology, economy, international relations, and climate."

The night watchman's expression gradually solidified.

Luo Yin didn't say which war it was, but of course he could guess.

Three ten thousandths, an inconspicuous number. If it is said that a volcano has a 3 in 10,000 probability of erupting, the listener will only laugh it off.

But when all of them, all of their futures, are tied to this volcano... 0.03% is suddenly huge and terrifying.

"How can this kind of thing be predicted!"

"Teacher Flamel, I'm still perfecting the prediction model. But no matter which model, the calculated probability is increasing over time, and the rate of increase is faster than ever."

In this state, Norma's tone and actions are very human, and her words involuntarily reveal sympathy.

"Isn't the academy making a movie, when that movie is released..."

Halfway through speaking, the night watchman stopped by himself. This variable Norma must have been taken into account.

"I... I think it's still possible to live in peace. There's no need to think everyone is so evil. In the 21st century, everyone is civilized."

But Flamel couldn't even convince himself. He had experienced the westward movement of America firsthand and knew how cruel humans and mixed races could be, to people of the same race or not.

"If the bloodline can cover 75% of the human world, how much can the probability of war be reduced?"

"......more than half."

The bloodline is a network of knots woven with blood as the ties of hair.

Its silk thread is fragile, if there is or not, it faintly connects people to each other and fights the innate blood grief.

Luo Yin did not use this net to control, but to protect.

"Does that war that hasn't come yet frighten you so much?"

"Of course I'm afraid. Although the blood of dragons flows in my body, I will always be the son of man.

If the outbreak of conflicts can be prevented, no matter how big the price is, it will be worth it. "

Flamel thought of a concept, the Heart of the Dragon King.

In Luo Yin's powerful body, beating an unsuitable heart. Fear of war, fear of loneliness, fear of death, fear of loss.

Power, strength, body, mind. Compared to the complete Dragon King, he is still incomplete.

Son of man.

"How do you want to design it?"

"Hey, I knew you were considerate and wise.

The low cost is the first, and the quantity required is too much. The range is large, the accuracy does not need to be too high, and there is satellite cooperation.

To facilitate installation and concealment in modern society, there must be self-destruction devices. "

In other words, it's best to put it on something that can be seen everywhere, and not be found. However, in order to reduce the cost and expand the detection range, the volume cannot be made small.

Flamel's smart brain that has been idle for a long time is running at a high speed, where should it be installed?

"Street lights. The core is placed on the base, and the signaling device is hidden in the street light pole."

For some reason, Luo Yin instinctively refused.

"Street lights... that's a little inappropriate."

"It can be seen everywhere, it's metal, it's bulky, and it's tall. Buy more companies, replace the aging street lights, and help them build where there are no street lights."

Luo Yin: "How about replacing it with a telephone pole? KFC is fine too."

"It's too difficult, and the coverage is not enough. Is there anything wrong with street lights?"

"...No. The street lights are very good."

Flamel took out a pen and paper from nowhere, and began to draw a design drawing with reference to the Yanling model.

Luo Yin removed Tiancongyun from his tail, transformed it into almighty ether, and handed it to Flamel.

"Just try it with this one."

The tip of the tail is actually detachable, is it so advanced?

When the night watchman got the ether, his eyes suddenly turned green. This all-purpose material is the ultimate dream of an alchemist. Only monarch-level dragons can give this absolute concept of matter.

As long as the spirit is consumed or other costs are paid, the ether can be converted into various alchemy materials and obtain various characteristics.


The two discussed and experimented in the ice cellar for an unknown period of time, and the outside world was already sunset and sunrise.

Luo Yin's mental strength is higher, and the operation is more precise. But in terms of alchemical material science and design experience, the Night Watchman is still far ahead of him.

The sample finally came out.

The appearance of the sample is definitely not beautiful, compared to the seven deadly sins, it is ugly. It is a round cake-shaped base, connected to a long rod, and the top is a launching device.

The burning circuit is also simplified to the extreme. After filling with mercury, it can automatically start three times a day, and each time lasts five minutes.

It can be hidden in the street light pole without hindering the circuit, and the estimated detection radius can reach 800 meters. Install another transmitter unit connected to Norma and it will be ready for use.

"What are you going to call it, a street light detector?"

It must not be related to the word street lamp.

"Call it a candle. I hope it illuminates every corner, even if it's not that bright."

Level 1 alchemy item, [Salary Candle].

"It's too hypocritical. The first-generation streetlight-type blood-descent detector, this is not bad."

Have you finally been infected by the equipment department?

"To form an effective requires at least tens of thousands of salary candles, and additional models need to be designed in some special areas.

The alchemy department of the equipment department, plus all the alchemy teachers and students, couldn't even do one-tenth of it within a month. This is when the material is plentiful.

The cost of capital, from manufacturing to installation and maintenance, is less in units of 100 million..."

"I will deal with the materials and funds. I will persuade other school managers, even the Presbyterian Church, to consider asking for help from the Henkel family.

And the matter of summoning the alchemists must be left to the tutor. "

"Hey, how can I have such a big face, and the Smith Association doesn't really deal with me."

"If they have an opinion, I'll beat him up."

"Okay! I'll wait for your words!"

Flamel suddenly stopped twitching, his chubby body was full of energy, and his fat face was full of energy, as if he had returned to his youth in his thirties and forties.

"Oh, one more thing. This is all the basic dragon text."

Luo Yin suddenly sent the Dragon Library to Flamel.

"Word spirits below No. 100, all the dragon-text single sentences that make up them are here."

The night watchman felt that he had a sign of a myocardial infarction.

"We will revive, no, beyond the alchemy of the dragon race.

Alchemists no longer need to **** in the dark, countless young people will chase and surpass you, competing for the crown of Flamel.

So, drink less. "

Read The Duke's Passion