MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 84 first dragon

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The latest website: burning black sword, broken red gun.

Furious gray and white.

Half-mortal twin world tree.

A shattered haven, a world on the verge of doomsday.

People cry and shout. Confession, confession.

From the rooftop, the dying new king watched everything.

Luo Yin and Bai Wang started a desperate fight between the sky and the ice sea.

The two holy skeletons pushed him to continuously evolve towards the Black King, eroding his soul and body, and Luo Yin's spiritual realm released a deep breath of despair.

The White King's expression was a mixture of tyranny, anger, and ecstasy.

In His eyes, Luo Yin gradually overlapped with Nidhogg's shadow.

After thousands of years, what a beautiful war!

The black sword and the broken spear pierced through each other's bodies at the same time, and the king and the king were entangled and flew high into the sky.

They wanted to have a good fight, so they roared open the door to reality and rushed to the higher sky.

At the same time the whole world observed the life of a **** or a devil.

Icebergs broke and collapsed in their collisions, and billions of years of permafrost were sliced ​​at will by their weapons.

The atmosphere stirred up storms with their flapping wings, the ocean surged with their roar, and all matter turned to dust around them.

Are they gods or demons?

Are the natural disasters and dragons that came to the world caused by them?

Are they good and evil, who is good and who is evil?

"Nuclear them!"

"Drop a nuclear bomb at the North Pole."

"Humans don't know them at all! Who knows what the consequences of attacking them will be!"

"Throw it."

"They are lives that have evolved to a higher stage, perhaps the source of myths and legends."

"The end is near."

"The white ones are angels, and the gray ones are devils."

"Tired, destroy it."

"Apostle! Eva is real."


"It's really noisy."

The white king, whose body was riddled with holes, sighed, and threw away the spear that was almost completely destroyed in his hand. They can hear the voices of the whole world.

After all, Luo Yin, who has evolved twice, has the upper hand.

"Usurp the throne, seize the power of the five holy skeletons, and restore the old world tree.

After that, will the era of pure blood dragons like Nidhogg be restored? "

"That's enough."

"Apart from the change of the emperor from the black king to the white king, is there any difference?"


Luo Yin's speech was extremely fast, and in ordinary people's ears it was just a long series of overlapping rapid syllables.

"Niedhogg created me out of his skeleton out of loneliness.

The four monarchs are twins, not because they want to limit their power, but because they don't have to be so lonely. "

Because of the clear lineage of blood, the superior bloodline and the lower bloodline often only have the relationship of ruling and being ruled. The more the class differs, the more difficult it is to resonate with each other.

"Humans say that God created his partner Eve out of Adam's rib."

"Don't multiply entities unless necessary. Bones are the medium through which dragons transmit power and power. It was Adam who created Eve."

"Nidhogg is a dragon, but also a god.

God can create twins for dragons, but he cannot create another self.

Eve was the first human being. I am the first dragon.

I love dragons more than Nidhogg. "

The first dragon, with the wrath of the abandoned family, avenged its creator.

"I am arrogant, cruel, paranoid, and believe in absolute power and power. But this is the nature of dragons.

I love dragons, everything about this race, including their flaws.

I want to take back the Promised Land of the Dragon Clan, and continue to love and kill each other in this world, for a thousand years, ten thousand years, and eternity. "

Luo Yin looked at the White King with a complicated expression.

As mortal enemies, they can resonate with each other and resolve the blood grief of the White King.

"Goodbye. I'll forget this conversation."

Yanling · Backtracking.

The more powerful it is, the more difficult it is to release this super-spec Word Spirit.

He can release it once, returning to the time when he just evolved, with about 30% of his stamina remaining.

Before Luo Yin killed him, he would be corroded by the holy corpse and died.

It is not difficult to deal with the parasitic body of the holy corpse that has lost its soul.


Launch failed.

The perfect spirit of the White King suddenly got stuck when he released Su Hui.

"You took the body of the half-blood, but the soul is the dragon after all."

Lulin City.

The White King did not kill his soul, and he needed Lu Lincheng as a material to simulate the spirit of the mixed race.

Imprison him, put him to sleep, and kill him until the time when he rebuilds his dragon clan.

The confused Lu Lincheng crashed into the prison made by the White King like a moth to the flame.

How to atone for sin is only death.

"Your great-grandfather is the best dragon slayer, and was personally invited to join the original Lionheart Club by Count Menec Cassel."

"Your great-grandfather was a man who stood up to the sky. He fought to the point of exhaustion in order to prevent the Dragon King from destroying his own eyes."

"We are not as brave as the great grandfather. We can only defend the last fortress of mankind. The secret party is not credible. They are not pure dragon slayers. They have too much selfishness and hide too many traitors."

Pictures of childhood flashed through his mind rapidly, the stories of his father and his great-grandfather that he had told countless times.

"Did Grandpa finally kill the Dragon King?"


He had never seen his great-grandfather, nor did his father. Grandpa died very early.

[Lu Shanyan, 1879~1900

In the early morning of September 22, 1900, he died in the Kassel Manor, Hamburg, Germany.

People like us want to destroy something that is wrong. In front of the mountain, we will climb the mountain, in front of the sea, we will cross the sea, in front of the palace, we will fire! 】

The young Lu Lincheng stood in the Hall of Valor in Kassel, staring at the portrait of the great grandfather.

But you died, you lost.

That's why your wife and children were forced to go away, and my father cowardly hid in a safe haven.

Courage, faith, loyalty, what good are these things? Can you slay dragons with them?

If you can't be stronger, more cunning, and more cruel than dragons, how can you kill them!

Is he wrong?

Lu Lincheng is dead. It was not the White King who killed him, but self-destruction.

Humans die, the soul of the White King is incomplete, and the spirit and the evolved body no longer fit perfectly.

After all, it is humans who kill dragons.

If the dragon slayer turns into a dragon, the dragon will never die.

Luo Yin raised Surtur, the black flames wrapped around the sword body rose into the sky, and a burning battle flag fluttered over the North Pole.

The two icebergs were shattered and reshaped, and turned into blood-stained ice spears in the hands of the White King.

The two sides roared at each other, bone spurs and tail blades penetrated each other's bodies, black swords collided with ice spears, and souls collided with souls.

Luo Yin's life has entered a countdown. His memory began to confuse, his will began to confuse, and the Black King's flesh and blood eroded his limbs.

The White King's tail blade severed his left arm.

Surter cut off the ice spear, cut off the right arm and dragon wing blocked by the white king, and cut off the dark golden keel.

The dark red dragon's blood with golden luster sprayed into the sky for thousands of meters, melting the ice cap when it fell.

In the end, Luo Yin cut off the White King's spine, and the raging black flame devoured his heart and rushed to his brain and body.

"The race you love will not die."

Luo Yin said softly, offering funeral for King Bai.

He picked up the pure white keel cross, and the re-separated fourth holy skeleton, and flew to the haven.

The first dragon must die as a pure dragon.

The haven has been torn apart, and the council's detached building is the only building still intact, as the new black king lies on its roof.

Luo Yin landed on the rooftop, and Susie was already waiting on the rooftop.

She was carrying a sword case, pulling a large suitcase, and carrying a black suitcase with a silver immortal World Tree printed on it.

Luo Yin handed Tian Congyun to Susie and forced a smile.

Susie held the bone sword and cut open Luo Yin's chest without any hesitation, without the slightest shaking of her wrists.

The slender alchemy blades flew out of the sword box and unsheathed one by one.

She had watched the excision of the holy corpse countless times in the past two months, and practiced it hundreds of times against the model.

In the most extreme case, Luo Yin needs someone who can remove the holy corpse as quickly as possible, someone he trusts.

There is no second choice.

But what Susie finally faced was the worst plan C, Luo Yin fused the second holy skeleton.

The erosion of the holy corpse was worse than what Samaria had simulated, and she was not sure whether Luo Yin could still survive after removing the holy corpse.

"Do what you want, as fast as you can. I've got the idea of ​​eradicating humanity in my head..."

Susie came out with a sword.

12 sharp alchemy blades were flying, cutting the flesh and blood that the holy corpse and Luo Yin adhered to, and the sharpest Tiancong cloud was used to cut the eroded bones.

Feeling the huge threat, the sacred skeleton twisted and changed, differentiated into bone spurs and tentacles, and stabbed Susie's chest.

Luo Yin immediately stabbed Surter in the chest with a sword.

The black sword fell to the ground, the fusion ritual collapsed, and Constantine returned to his body.

The holy skeleton began to counterattack frantically, trying to directly swallow Luo Yin's soul before being stripped away.

Nidhogg's memory and instinct invaded his brain, Luo Yin popped out the sharp blade of his right claw and swung it towards Susie.

The girl was concentrating on cutting the holy corpse, the claws were only a few centimeters away from her back center, and she stood still in a strange posture.

Susie waved Tian Congyun, while dodging the attack of the holy corpse, while cutting off the final connection between it and Luo Yin.

The moment the black flesh was pulled out of Luo Yin's chest, it was penetrated by Tian Congyun and nailed into the concrete floor.

Then, the alchemy blade manipulated by Jian Yu was slashed with thousands of knives, and he was stomped a few times.

If it weren't for Susie taking care of her image, she would probably have to tui twice.

Susie opened the big suitcase to take out the equipment and the artificially cultivated clean blood, and began to suture Luo Yin's wound, her wrist shaking like a Parkinson's patient.

Detoxification serum was injected and exchange transfusion started.

"A good seedling of a surgeon, go astray."

As soon as Luo Yin regained a little sobriety, he began to habitually say bad words.

"Dealing with the doctor-patient relationship is no different from **** to me."

Susie wiped the alchemy blades and put them back into the sword box one by one.

Luo Yin, who escaped death, still felt extremely heavy.

If he revives the other holy skeletons in his hands through blood sacrifice from the beginning, and fuses directly when the White King usurps the throne, wouldn't Fingal have to die?

But where would he have to find the flesh and soul sacrificed to the holy corpse?

No, now is not the time to think about it, it's not over yet.

Luo Yin came to Lu Mingfei.

The boy's wings were withered to only bones, the dragon scales were seeping with blood, and the spear of fate that had lost its brilliance was no different from a dead tree branch.

He is already half a god, but still so weak.

"Stop all this.

The three-way war between humans, hybrids, and dragons is about to start. Billions of lives will die as a result. "

Lu Mingfei raised his head, as if awakened from a sleep.

"Stop? Then what to choose.

No race is born good or evil, and I am not qualified to decide where the world belongs. "

Revive the old world tree and choose the dragon type.

Resurrect the new world tree and choose a hybrid.

Destroy the two world trees and all dragon blood races, and the world belongs to humans.

How should he choose, is he eligible to choose, does it make a difference to him what to choose?

No matter what the new world looks like, Lu Mingfei is just a monster born for war, a weapon.

Then let war decide everything.

As long as the three races exist, war will break out one day. It can only be postponed, unavoidable.

There are four remaining kings in the dragon race, the hybrid race is in the most powerful era in history, and there are 6 billion humans.

Of the three races, there are those he loves and those he hates.

Everyone fights together until there is only one left. Of course, the result has nothing to do with him.

If Lu Mingze has an opinion, he can find other people who are willing to become the black king.

"I don't know how to choose either. My mother is human, and my father is a scumbag. Constantine is my comrade-in-arms, and my friend has a feverish mind and falls in love with the Dragon King.

So, I want it all.

Lu Mingfei, become a **** and save everything. "

Lu Mingfei sat up and scratched his back with the holy spear.

Why do you want it all? Become the black king and order everyone not to do anything?

Isn't that kind of peace based on tyranny more terrifying?

The first holy skeleton taken from Gulveig, the second holy corpse recovered by defeating Odin, the third holy corpse given by Fingal, the fourth holy corpse recovered after the death of the White King, killing Bessie The fifth holy skeleton obtained by Moss.

All five Black King Sacred Skeletons were lined up on the ground one after another.

Luo Yin didn't dare to ask for it, Lu Mingfei didn't want it, many people wanted it but couldn't get it.

Devouring five holy corpses is no longer just a complement, but a god.

Lu Mingze tried his best to keep calm, but he couldn't hold back anymore. Is it that hard for you to reach out?

"Actually, you have already made a decision, but you have forgotten it. Fortunately, there is someone to help you record it."

"Senior Brother Luo, you are starting to fool yourself."

He's just dying, not Alzheimer's.

"Ye Sheng and Shutoku Yaji had a dream in the World Tree where they drowned each other in the water.

Commissioner Raymond dreamed that he was shattered by thousands of pieces of glass.

I dreamed that I was working in an alchemy workshop and passed by Susie who became a beheader.

But the world tree is the prototype of the ice sea copper pillar, and only records the history that happened.

After I left San Pedro Sula I thought for a long time and couldn't figure out what those dreams were. Is it really just a deliberately constructed fantasy of the World Tree? "

Lu Mingfei couldn't help frowning, and some vague images flashed back in his mind.

"I found the ruins of the copper column in the ice sea and read the history recorded in it.

I saw a boy's story, but it was mutilated. Large chunks of information are missing, and there is no ending.

He was recruited into Cassell Academy, killed Norton in Bronze City, tried Fenrir with the Seven Deadly Sins, executed the resurrected White King for the death of a girl...

I can finally be sure that everything is true.

If you don't believe me, you can go and see for yourself the ending you wrote. "

Lu Mingfei turned to face the two World Trees and retrieved the last missing memory.


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