MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 9 test

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"Did she refuse?"

"It's something to think about. I think she'll definitely choose Cassell in the end."

Imani vomited half a liter of blood, but she only looked pale, and recovered almost that afternoon.

Therefore, Luo Yin suspects that she is a dragon king, and Xia Mi's classmate has a successor.

"Look at this. Several burglary cases in Cairo, one death."

Samaria's information gathering ability is getting stronger and stronger, and it is not weaker than the normal Norma.

Luo Yin read the case report and found some interesting information.

The burglaries all happened late at night, and the attackers were all thugs. Including, but not limited to, loan sharks, scammers, and foreign gangs that have made their way to Cairo.

The attacker was described as having great strength, brutal beatings, and medium build. Most bizarrely, the only deceased in a series of attacks, a copper smelter who was released on bail, died from electroshock.

"If the culprit was our blood-spitting Pikachu, I'd be more at ease with her. It's a little weird to say."

If Imani were the dragon king hidden among humans, such a dramatic behavior is unlikely.

"Mixed races seem to have the hobby of doing things engraved in their genes, and their daily life without any illegal activities seems to be lacking some supplements."

"I don't."

Susie objected.

"That's because your bloodline awakened late."

Luo Yin always felt that Imani was too perfect.

A war orphan in a remote area of ​​Syria, a high-level mixed race scattered among the people. In a simple boxing gym in Cairo, he taught himself to become a fighting master. In addition to maintaining the operation of the boxing gym, he also maintained the security of the neighborhood.

"Pikachu, who is harmless to humans and animals, may be a violent lover who lynches villains in the middle of the night. I'm so excited!"

"Let the bullets fly for a while."


Under the night, Luo Yin was sitting on the roof of a five-story building, and the moonlight was very pale today.

Those hooligans who engage in extortion and extortion in the boxing gym during the day live in this dilapidated private house with extremely poor accommodation conditions and frequent power outages. These days, the gangs are getting more and more hopeless.

"The suspected target has appeared and is moving towards your coordinates. It will arrive in about three minutes."

"Vengeance doesn't last overnight, it's very spirited."

Is she trying to punish the wicked, or is she just venting violence. High-level hybrids often have problems with excessive violence.

The attacker was dressed in a black robe, black hood and gloves. The system's detection directly spoiled Luo Yin, and there was no surprise left.

Imani put one hand on the edge of the window on the first floor, climbed up to the second floor with strong arm strength, and broke the window with one kick.

Luo Yin relied on the belt [Thousand Faces], copied and released Yan Ling·Snake, and used the domain to draw a simple three-dimensional image in the small building. It felt like watching a full-loss martial arts movie.

Imani's blow was clean and neat, and these people slept soundly at night, and it only took her a minute and a half to clear the second floor.

The shoulders exerted force and burst into the door. The first punch broke the opponent's forearm, the second punch broke the bridge of the nose, and then the second door was changed. Precise and efficient.

There was no serious injury or disability, and it was purely aimed at putting the opponent in a cast. Probably to make these people have no conditions to harm the neighbors.

After solving the second floor, she went to the stairs, just in time to meet a group of people who heard the sound from the first floor.

A round of boxing is dense like a drum, accompanied by crunching, brittle fractures, like a wild dance music.

The clock reached two minutes and nineteen seconds, and a hill of fractured people piled up at the stairway on the first floor.

In the continuous sound of thunderous stomps, Imani rushed to the third floor like an arrow from the string. There were only three people on this floor, the sleeping boss and two senior thugs who were vigilants.

She still didn't release Indra, and she smashed the first man's jaw with an uppercut, and at the same time snatched the stainless steel pipe from his hand.

Imani then swung out the steel pipe with all his strength in a swinging posture. The two steel pipes collided with a loud buzzing sound, and were instantly bent and deformed under the action of the huge force.

In the second hit, the wrist bone was fractured, and the steel pipe fell to the ground. Imani threw a jab through his defense, shattering his sternum.

The sound of the gun being loaded made her alert, she lowered her body, and rushed towards the door that opened diagonally to the right.

Power is transmitted from the toes through the taut calf to the rigid knee joint. Imani hit the boss's pistol with his knee, breaking his radius.

The black-skinned strong man with over 200 pounds flew nearly a foot off the ground. Imani's right arm was charged, and three consecutive heavy punches hit the face, chest, and abdomen from the front.

The excruciating pain made the ignorant boss speechless, slammed into the wall and slid silky to the floor.

Imani turned to go out, walked back again, and stepped on the boss's knee with a seven-point force.

Luo Yin pinched the watch, so far it has been two minutes and thirty-seven seconds. A small shrimp-level gang was wiped out by this, and I hope they can start a new life after being discharged from the hospital.

This efficiency, executive ecstasy. If Imani can use Indra, the efficiency can be increased by 800%.

Imani, who had completed the extra exercise late at night, coughed a few times. The suppressed pain made Luo Yin suspect that she was vomiting blood again.

The girl jumped out of the third-floor window and had plenty of time to leave the scene before the police arrived. Or maybe no one will report it at all.

Luo Yin smiled, now it's time for him to start work.


Imani turned his head, his body suddenly stiffened.

Great boxers always have quick and precise conditioning. Most of the time, it's not that she is dodging attacks consciously, but her body is responding.

For powerful predators, such as lions, this intuition is just as important when hunting down enemies.

But at this moment, her intuition was madly warning her with a hundred times the power to escape.

A man leaned quietly on the corner of the street in the direction she was evacuating, wearing a dark suit with a dewy white rose in his chest.

Men give her a "like" feeling. No, not the same kind, but a predator far higher than her. Like a dragon lurking among humans.

Luo Yin originally wanted to equip himself with a bgm belonging to the strong, but the props were insufficient and he had to keep it simple.

He smiled, the horrific white Noh mask on his face synchronised with a creepy grin.

"I'm here for you."

After being processed by the voice changer, Luo Yin's voice became very vicissitudes of life and a bit strange.

He wrote the manuscript in advance, and it was translated by Samaritan.

The extremely nervous Imani's heartbeat instantly accelerated to more than 180, and adrenaline was secreted in large quantities. She was walking at night and met a ghost.

"Who are you?"

"I am the king. You have seen those people from Cassel College during the day, those hypocrites are my mortal enemies.

They do not understand the true meaning of dragon blood, and use rigid dogma to limit the true potential of genius hybrids. With my help, an excellent race like you can release the brilliance it deserves. "

Tone, rhythm, expression, pace. Luo Yin took Dr. Herzog's performance art too seriously, and his current posture makes Kazama Liuli feel ptsd when he sees it.

"Dragon blood? Is what Cassell College said true?"

"That's right..."

Before Luo Yin finished speaking, Imani used all his strength to rush towards the exit of the road.


Luo Yin jumped horizontally and collided with the girl, knocking Imani back five or six meters.

Word Spirit copy, bronze throne. Seeing the two buttons of the suit collapsed, Luo Yin quickly lowered the strength of the field.

If the clothes burst, the "king general" will fall into the sewer, absolutely not.

Fighting punches three times in a row made Imani realize that there was a huge gap between the strength levels of the two sides. Even if she used all her skills, she might not be able to shake the opponent's body.

"Think clearly. Cassell College is affiliated with the Dragon Slayer Party, and they always pride themselves on being righteous. They won't tolerate dark secrets like this."

Seeing that Luo Yin manipulated the wind element to float off the ground, trying to release the aura that belongs to the ultimate villain, Susie silently turned off the surveillance video. can not watch anymore.

"Can you accept it?"

Imani looked up at Luo Yin, who was suspended in midair, and became even more nervous.

She lacks a basic concept of hybrid abilities. Now it seems that her ability to create lightning may be very weak among hybrids, and it is the kind at the bottom.

"Why not?"

Luo Yin completely released the bloodline of the Dragon King level, and the cross-shaped white dragon wings tore open the suit and burst out.

If Imani is the unawakened Dragon King, she will have a strong vision effect under the stimulation of the realm. Even if he is not awakened, he will display extraordinary power.

If she is disguised as an awakened Dragon King, now is the time to see it, and she will not miss the opportunity to devour other Dragon Kings.

"Our people should be proud of their own power and power. Violence and killing are the nature of our people. Repressing this desire is like a lion breaking its own claws."

"I never admired violence. I needed violence, but it was the worst thing."

"But you're good at violence, aren't you? You destroy enemies who stand in your way like a torrential rain."

"That's just for training. Before the real battle comes, fighters must remember to sharpen themselves like a knife."

Imani gave an answer that surprised Luo Yin.

The girl threw away her gloves, tore off the insulating tape wrapped around her hands, and quickly released Indra.

The field of thunder and lightning is three times that of the state she demonstrated during the day, and the release speed is more than ten times faster. Sure enough, he is a vigilant person, hiding his fangs.

The hood and mask spontaneously ignited and disappeared in the realm, and Imani's long pale hair danced like a wild snake in the thunder. With her right fist, electric current was accumulated, and the voltage between the center and the edge of the field rose rapidly.

You really know thunder and lightning!

The white-haired girl strode towards Luo Yin, her fists were far from touching his body, but the blue-cyan lightning pierced through his dragon body in an instant.

Hiss, it's a little numb.

Imani's face flushed, forcibly suppressing the signs of vomiting blood, and threw a thunderbolt punch.

Luo Yin suffered two attacks from the front. It is very strong, and it is indeed a high-level word spirit, but it is far from the strength of the Dragon King.

He took the super perception inherited from the Wind King to the limit, and the whole world was slowed down into a slow-moving film projected frame by frame.

Although he didn't get the high speed of time zero, his thinking speed has accelerated to that level.

Luo Yin still couldn't see the trajectory of the lightning clearly, but he could see all of Imani's actions and clearly perceive the flow and changes of all elements in a large area. It's like seeing the future.

Imani, the incarnation of Indra, violently blasted thunderbolts, his blue-white pupils mixed with the blazing light of golden pupils, and he continued to strike with unparalleled momentum.

She didn't dare to stop, once the breath was interrupted, the offensive was interrupted. Life and death are also decided.

Luo Yin had a lot of fun. Now that he has confirmed that he can dodge the rare words of thunder and lightning, he has a sense of accomplishment.

But this girl with suspicious characters written all over her body still didn't reveal anything. Except that she is really strong, much stronger than Luo Yin, who just entered Kassel.

Gotta work harder.

Copy of words and spirits, precepts. Start with 30% power.

The movement of the elements was suddenly immobilized, and the blazing light of the lightning extinguished and disappeared in an instant, leaving only a few sparks of electricity.

The sudden collapse of the field made Imani's heart tighten and he vomited a large mouthful of blood.

The girl recited Yanling again, ignoring her injury, and pushing the power of Yanling to the highest level. The spherical field formed by lightning stubbornly opened, and the girl accumulated high-power lightning strikes in the palm of her hand.

The precepts rose to 60% power, and Indra collapsed again.

Luo Yin, who has years of experience in suppressing bloodlines, has already mastered the control of spiritual power.

If he does the Word Spirit Strength Test of the Word Spirit class, he can prepare the score between 1 and 200, accurate to two decimal places (out of 100).

Imani let out an unbelieving roar, Luo Yin seemed to really see a lion in her eyes.

The girl stared at the enemy in front of her, desperately accumulating electric light at her fingertips, even if there was only one spark.

Luo Yin felt very outrageous when he saw the pitiful little bit of Word Spirit Domain, which was not even the size of a fist.

His commandment of 60% power, there is no problem in suppressing S-rank, after all, he is a humanoid dragon king.


Luo Yin trusted his intuition, Imani must have a problem.

a+ bloodline, both parents died. No file, popped up. The last time I saw such a suspicious situation was the human body of Lord Yemengarde.

If she can break through the repression of the precepts, she will definitely be a dragon king.

Luo Yin stared at the girl with the eyes of a lion in front of him, her self-confidence weakening a little bit. He couldn't have guessed wrong.

Finally, Imani's eyes darkened, he vomited blood and fell to the ground, unable to get up again.

"Ambulance, ambulance!"

Luo Yin's heart tightened when he saw the girl fainting.

He is the deputy director of the admissions office in this region, UU reading www. If accidentally kills an outstanding freshman who didn't enroll, it can declare social death.


"Five hours later, vital signs returned to stable."

Imani had lost more than 25 percent of his blood by the time he was taken to the hospital. But drop some glucose, and in a few hours she'll be fine.

It is not enough to say that Xiaoqiang's vitality is not enough to describe, she is simply a humanoid water bear.

"Still suspicious?"

Luo Yin was silent for a while, and he was at war in his heart. Finally nodded.

"One of the hardest scams to see is when the liar doesn't even know he's cheating.

Let's persuade her to enter Kassel first, and then observe for a while. "


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