MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 18

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In addition to the three jackals killed by Mo Qingqing, there was also a jackal corpse on the escalator that was dismembered by Feng Qingran.

Feng Qingran helped Mo Qingqing to the restaurant not far from the escalator.

The smell of spoiled garbage.

She helped Mo Qingqing to sit down on the tatami mat, turned around to find a rag and a trash can, cleaned up the **** on the dining table, and briefly tidied up the card seat come out.

There is a cassette stove for cooking hot pot on the table. Feng Qingran tried to light the fire, and found that it could be turned on, and couldn't help showing a smile. She said to Mo Qingqing: "You take a rest, I'll go see if I can find useful supplies." While speaking, she saw Mo Qingqing reaching out to scratch the wound again, and quickly said, "Don't scratch the long wound."

Mo Qingqing had no choice but to retract the hand that just touched the wound. She said, "Do you want me to accompany you? Be careful that the jackal that escaped just now returns to the carbine."

Feng Qingran said: "There is a fire at the door, they dare not come over." After she finished speaking, she picked up the flashlight and went to the store to search.

The food and water in the store are gone, but there are a lot of cassette stoves left. She also found four half boxes of cassette stove gas tanks in the warehouse next to the back kitchen. She carried the gas tank back and saw Mo Qingqing jumping on one leg to collect pillows from deck to deck.

She put the cassette furnace gas tank next to the tatami and asked Mo Qingqing, "What do you collect pillows for?"

Mo Qingqing said: "Keep warm. It's so cold at night. Sleeping on the pillows can be somewhat warm." She worried that Feng Qing would not believe it, and assuredly said: "I I used to survive the cold with throw pillows and tablecloths."

Feng Qingran has experienced such a cold, knowing how hard it is, can't help but feel a little sour. She was a little speechless to Mo Qingqing who was still thinking about using a pillow to keep warm, and said, "We have four jackal skins to keep you warm." Seeing that Mo Qingqing was full of energy and the wounded did not look weak, she handed the green scales to her. Give it to Mo Qingqing and let her skin the jackal.

Mo Qingqing took the green scales, thinking that Feng Qingran had no self-defense weapon, she handed the dagger to Feng Qingran and said, "I lent this to you, remember to return it to me, this It's a dull dagger, and I want to give it back."

Feng Qingran asked: "Muffled?"

Mo Qingqing said: "Wu Mengmeng, a good friend of my childhood sweetheart."

Feng Qingran glanced at Mo Qingqing, played with the dagger in his hand, and asked slightly ambiguously, "A token of love?"

Mo Qingqing "ho" and said, "Fart! This is a gift from Mengmeng's father." Immediately, how did she take the dagger from Wu Mengmeng's house? things said.

Feng Qingran listened, silent for two seconds, and asked, "Are you... homeless before?"

Mo Qingqing was quite open, and said indifferently: "I have parents and there is no difference between them, but it's good, at least now I don't have to worry about their lives, anyway, they also Don't worry about my life or death." After she finished speaking, she hopped out of the house. She thought that there were jackals outside, so she jumped back, pulled out the cassette furnace from the table full of garbage next door, took two new cans of gas for spare, took the cassette and gas cans and went outside to peel Jackal hides gone.

Feng Qing stared at Mo Qingqing in a daze, until Mo Qingqing stretched her injured leg and sat on the ground with difficulty. Seeing that the ground was cold, she picked up a pillow and gave it to Mo Qingqing, and asked Mo Qingqing to sit under her. She stood beside Mo Qingqing, looked down at Mo Qingqing, and said, "Little Mo, will I be your sister in the future?"

Mo Qingqing was thinking about how to use the green scales to peel off the fur of the jackal. She didn't think much about Feng Qingran's words, she replied casually without raising her head: "Okay." She recalled the steps her grandfather took to skin a rabbit when she was a child, and gestured to the jackal, considering whether to peel it from the head or the legs. In order for jackal hides to be used as quilt covers, integrity must be considered. She was also thankful that she wisely stabbed the dagger into the jackal's neck at that time, and did not burn the skin of the jackal.

She gestured for a long time and decided to skin down the jackal's throat.

Mo Qingqing peeled off most of the jackal skin, thinking that Feng Qingran said that she wanted to be her sister just now, and she felt something was wrong. Why does Feng Qingran want to be her sister? She was unfamiliar with Feng Qing. Feng Qingran's body was covered with thick black dirt, and she didn't even know whether Feng Qingran was beautiful or ugly. There was an extra sister for no reason, and she seemed to be taken advantage of.

The more she thought about it, the more wrong she got. She immediately got up, jumped up to Feng Qingran who was going out with a homemade torch, and said, "Feng Qingran, you didn't cheat me, did you? You didn't take advantage of me. Bar?"

Feng Qingran asked inexplicably: "What?"

Mo Qingqing said: "You said you want to be my sister? Are you trying to take advantage of me? Want to trick me?"

Feng Qing was speechless. She was silent for two seconds and asked, "Little Mo Qingqing, isn't your reflex arc too long? You promised so readily just now. I thought you were straightforward, but I didn't expect you to be slow to respond."

Mo Qingqing: "…"

Feng Qingran asked again: "What cheap do you have for me to take? What can I cheat?"

Mo Qingqing thought about it and said, "It seems so." She went back to continue peeling.

After she sat down with her injured leg with difficulty, she remembered something again, turned her head and shouted at Feng Qingran, who had turned and walked towards the escalator: "Feng Qingran, why did you think of being my sister? ?"

Feng Qingran suddenly felt that it was a miracle that Mo Qingqing, who had realized it later, was able to survive until now. She didn't want to say anything, waved her hand without looking back, holding a torch and a dagger and went downstairs to find available supplies.

Mo Qingqing thought that Feng Qingran was thanking her for saving her life. She bribed Feng Qingran by cooking a few pots of Sprite, and Feng Qingran was too easily bribed.

After she peeled off the jackal skin, she scraped off the fat fascia under the skin, and then peeled off the second jackal skin. With the experience of peeling the first skin, she peeled the second skin very quickly. After she had peeled off all three jackal skins, Feng Qingran came back with a bulging mountaineering bag on her back.

Mo Qingqing stared suspiciously at the mountaineering bag that Feng Qingran was carrying, feeling that Feng Qingran was picking up trash and returning.

Mo Qingqing rubbed her forehead and asked, "What is my look?"

Feng Qingran's tone was light, and she said without turning her head: "Looking at people sideways, the blood on your face can't hide the disgust on your face."

Mo Qingqing touched her nose and said, "Is my expression so obvious?" She stood up, followed Feng Qingran and jumped into the restaurant on one leg, curiously looking towards Feng Qingran looked at his backpack.

Feng Qingran returned to the tatami, took out the contents of the mountaineering bag, and said: "The bedding, outdoor supplies, self-defense items, and high-end and valuable goods have all been taken out. There's still something left." She handed the T-shirt, shirt, and cotton socks to Mo Qingqing, and said, "Even if it's summer clothes, it's better than nothing, just make do with it."

Mo Qingqing climbed up on the tatami with the clothes, shoes and socks that Feng Qingran gave her, swiftly stripped herself, and threw the dirty clothes she was wearing before. far.

Feng Qingran stared at Mo Qingqing, who was clean and smooth, and said in astonishment: "You..."

Mo Qingqing looked back inexplicably and asked, "What am I?"

Feng Qingran saw Mo Qingqing from head to toe, and said speechlessly: "You're not afraid of going out."

Mo Qingqing said: "It's only you and me here, what's wrong with it." She added: "You're not a man."

Feng Qingran was choked, she silently glanced at Mo Qingqing, who was so thin that she could see the vertebrae, and turned to prepare food.

Although there is no bath water, Mo Qingqing is still very happy to be able to change into clean new clothes. Seeing Feng Qingran squatting outside the restaurant to cut the meat of the jackal, she asked, "Feng Qingran, won't you change your clothes?"

Feng Qingran said: "I'll change the jackal meat before changing it, so as not to stain the clothes." After she cut the meat off the jackal's stomach, she went to the kitchen to find a square stainless steel The square pan is placed on the cassette stove as a roasting pan for roasting thinly sliced ​​jackal meat. Sitting at the dining table, she turned over the roasted meat in the roasting pan, smelled the aroma of the meat, remembered something again, and said to Mo Qingqing: "Be careful when roasting in the wild, the smell of roasting meat will attract wild animals. If it is not in a safe place , I'd rather eat it raw than roast it."

Mo Qingqing asked: "Will you attract the green scale beast downstairs?"

Feng Qingran almost poked Mo Qingqing's face with the iron clip that turned the meat in her hand, she said, "It's said that blue-scaled beasts can't climb walls."

Mo Qingqing asked, "What if it happens?"

Feng Qingran angrily threw a sentence: "Then we will die."

She watched the barbecue for a while, and then looked at Feng Qingran. Seeing Feng Qingran's dirty face that was the same color as black ink, there was only a pair of white eyes. Move your gaze back to the barbecue to wash your eyes. She deeply felt that if Feng Qingran didn't wash her face, she would definitely not be able to marry. But they can't even find drinking water now, so don't think about washing.

Four wild jackals are piled up here, and the fuel of the cassette furnace is enough, and the two of them open their stomachs to eat.

After the two of them were full, Feng Qingran cut the jackal meat into strips and threw them in the roasting pan with a low fire, ready to bake it into jerky as dry food for later use.

She dragged the jackal on the escalator to the door of the restaurant, let Mo Qingqing peel off the skin, and made two simple leather coats for her and Mo Qingqing .

The jackal hide is almost untreated, fishy and stinky, but it is better at keeping warm and strong, not only to keep out the cold, but also to play a certain protective role.

The animal skin coat is sleeveless. It is cut into a rectangle with green scales, and a set is made of a hole in the middle to the neck. Then use a dagger to poke a few holes for the lining of the two ribs. Jackal tendons are worn and knotted to become jackal leather jackets. The arms, arms, thighs, and calves are each tied with a piece of jackal skin as arm, knee, and leg guards, and the sports shoes under the feet are also wrapped with a layer of jackal skin for protection.

The complete jackal skin is about 1.8 meters wide and a little more than 2 meters long, which is enough for the two of them to use as mattresses and quilts.

Mo Qingqing sat on the jackal skin and said to Feng Qingran, who was sitting opposite him and tied his armguards: "Feng Qingran, do you think it will be very good for us to use this jackal as a cloak? Handsome? Use it as a quilt at night and a cloak during the day, I think it's a good idea."

Feng Qingran said: "If you are not afraid of the blue-scale beast treating you as a jackal, I have no opinion."

Mo Qingqing "cut" and said, "It seems that we are not wearing jackals." She yawned, pulled a throw pillow as a pillow, and spread the jackal Lie down on the leather tatami. She pulled the jackal skin to cover herself, and asked casually, "Feng Qingran, where is your family?"

Feng Qingran's movements stopped, and she lost her mind before saying, "After the accident happened, I lost contact with my parents."

Mo Qingqing asked curiously, "How is your relationship with your parents?"

Feng Qingran gave a soft "um" and said, "They all love me."

Mo Qingqing said with a bit of envy: "It's good." She added: "But my grandfather also loves me very much. His sons are not around, and he can't see anyone all year round. My grandfather and I have been together. He thinks of me when he has any good things, and he is reluctant to eat any good things, so he keeps them all for me, but I will give him half, but his teeth are not good, those are hard to chew Every time I come home late, he will sit at the guard post at the gate of the community and wait for me..." She paused and said, "When grandpa left, our grandfather and grandson agreed, He doesn't care about me, he goes in peace, I'm not sad, I live happily."

Feng Qingran smiled bitterly and asked, "So you live so heartlessly?"

Mo Qingqing said angrily: "Fuck! If I was heartless, I would have thrown you away when I saw that you could eat two pots of batter for a meal. You said that your stomach is still Is it a normal person's stomach? I'm such a big man, and I only ate a piece of meat as big as two slaps, and you ate all the belly meat of a jackal."

Feng Qingran asked: "Then why don't you throw me?"

Mo Qingqing said: "Are you able to live without you? I don't want to sleep and dream. I dreamed that you starved to death and crawled over to me in an outdoor store and said I didn't save you. I heard Starving ghosts are miserable."

The wind was silent. She wondered if the man had thought about it when he threw her at the outdoor store.

Mo Qingqing didn't hear Feng Qingran's words, so she comforted: "Don't worry, with so much meat, you won't starve to death." She asked again worriedly: "The blue-scaled beast is really Can't climb walls?"

The sadness in Feng Qingran's heart was replaced by anger and said, "Sleep in peace."

When Mo Qingqing heard the words, she wrapped the jackal blanket around her body, closed her eyes in peace and fell asleep.

She suddenly felt that Mo Qingqing's proposal to use the jackal skin as a cloak during the day and as a quilt at night was really good, at least better than letting Mo Qingqing own two skins now. No, there are three, and Mo Qingqing is still wearing one.

The author has something to say:Well, this is no CP, so Mo Qingqing, you don't have a wife in this way.


Chapter 21 of this article began to enter V, and it is still the third watch on the day of entering V. I feel that V will start in two days.

For favorites, for comments, why do I feel a little cold? Is it my delusion?