MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 30

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Like other communities along the way, the community where Feng Qingran's parents lived was also flooded with plants.

Mo Qingqing thought that Feng Qingran would like to go in and take a look just like Lin Runsheng, but seeing Feng Qingran just standing on the street opposite the community and looking from a distance, she said, "Let's go. ." Turning to leave.

Mo Qingqing looked at Feng Qingran strangely.

Feng Qingran felt Mo Qingqing's strangeness, turned around and asked, "What's wrong? Why don't you leave?"

Mo Qingqing said, "Aren't you going in to have a look?"

Han Beichen sighed softly: "Rich people."

Mo Qingqing glanced at the roof covered with green plants, glared at Feng Qingran speechlessly, and said, "You are on the top floor of your house, and you are still watching a fart. ah!"

Feng Qingran said to Mo Qingqing, "You can only know if there are people in the community if you have seen it."

Mo Qingqing asked curiously, "You know that the community is empty just by looking at it from such a distance?"

Feng Qingran explained: "Everyone has a herd mentality, especially at this dangerous moment, except for a few alternative and special circumstances, most people will be with others. If you still stay in the community Some people, it will be a group of people, and there will be many traces of life left. For example, they will choose a safe floor to live in, clean up the plants on the windows and balconies, and then arrange for people to watch and come out to search for supplies and so on. Now when we look from the outside, we can't see any traces of human activities inside, and this community does not have the conditions for long-term stay..." She couldn't help but pause here. After only a few days, the community has disappeared, as if it has been abandoned for more than ten years. She changed her voice to hide her emotions and asked Mo Qingqing, "Do you understand?"

Mo Qingqing said "um" and asked Han Beichen again: "Want to visit your house?"

Han Beichen said sadly, "My wife and children are in my hometown."

Mo Qingqing said, "Then go to Bailing Park as originally planned?"

Feng Qing nodded and said, "Go to Bailing Park."

Lin Runsheng was still walking ahead to explore the way, Han Beichen was carrying his and sister Lin Runsheng's supplies to protect Lin Qianyun, Mo Qingqing walked in front as the main fighter, Feng Qingran followed Mo Qingqing behind.

Mo Qingqing used steel bars as crutches to clear the sawgrass and vines on the road, and cut off the green scales when she encountered the hardest place. She remembered that she originally planned to go to the gymnasium to seek rescue, but the gymnasium was not available, so she could not help but ask a little worriedly: "Feng Qingran, do you think we will miss out when we go to the Bailing Garden? For example, Bailing Park also Collapsed, or are they not in Bailing Park?"

If there is a situation like the gymnasium, Bailing Park may not have it. Feng Qingran scolded secretly: "Bah, Bah, Mo Qingqing, you crow's mouth." If Bailing Park really collapsed, she would have to find a tape to seal Mo Qingqing's mouth so that Mo Qingqing would not speak.

However, there is no way for natural disasters, but there are still traces of human choices.

She said: "There are more than 10 million people in the city. Even if many people died in this disaster, the number of people who survived is quite large. It is impossible for all of them to gather in one place for shelter. There should be multiple shelters. Earthquakes and the invasion of animals and plants make most high-rise buildings unsuitable for people to live in. The underground shelters are in danger of being flooded due to power failures, so I think the shelters will still be located in large squares Bailing Park covers a large area and has a lake, which can solve the problem of water sources, and other squares do not have it as convenient.”

Mo Qingqing heard what Feng Qingran said, but couldn't find anything to refute, and said, "Okay, you have the final say, it's not far from here anyway."

Wind Qingran said: "It's not too far away and we have to arrive before evening. I guess our climate should be different from the climate where the animals and plants used to stay, and they don't seem to adapt to us. The high temperature here can't be avoided until now. Not only will there be strong winds in the evening, but after the wind blows, the temperature will drop, and they should all come out."

It is difficult to walk in the grass and forest, even if you speed up, it will not be much faster.

Mo Qingqing wanted it very much. Anyway, there are still many buildings along the street that have not collapsed. When the wind blows, just find a building that has not collapsed and hide for one night.

They walked for about an hour, and Lin Runsheng, who was exploring the road ahead, ran back and said, "There is someone ahead."

Feng Qingran quickly asked: "Who are they? How many people are there? Where are they?"

Lin Runsheng said: "It's a bit like fleeing."

Feng Qingran said, "Come over and have a look."

They speeded up the street for a long time and saw the people Lin Runsheng said.

It was a team of more than a dozen men, women and children. They brought a lot of things in large and small packages, and also brought quilts, pots and so on. It looked like they were fleeing.

Mo Qingqing got out of the grass first.

The people in front heard the sound and shouted in fright, "What!" Several men present raised their kitchen knives, baseball bats, and rolling pins to face Mo Qingqing.

Mo Qingqing saw that their clothes were clean, and they still had some inappropriate tools in their hands. She said, "Don't be afraid, it's people." She took a few steps forward when she saw them covering their noses.

A man with a kitchen knife pointed at her and shouted, "Don't come here. Why do you smell so bad?"

Mo Qingqing looked down at her jacket, which was so dirty that she couldn't even see the original color of the jackal skin, and then looked at the clean-clothed people, and immediately said angrily: "Nonsense, you crawl through the carrion and roll a few more rolls. You must be more stinky than me."

The men quickly stepped back when they heard Mo Qingqing say this.

The old aunt with the child also held the child in her arms and hid further.

Han Beichen took Lin Qianyun out of the grass.

A middle-aged woman screamed in fright: "Damn, monster."

Lin Runsheng shouted angrily: "What are you shouting!"

Feng Qingran walked the slowest. She got out of the grass, and those people shouted: "Go, go quickly." They greeted the people around them and hurried forward.

Mo Qingqing rolled her eyes, climbed to the roof of the car, covered the sawgrass with her cloak, and quickly walked around in front of them. Said: "Wait a minute and ask you something."

Two tall men stood up, waving the knives in their hands and shouting: "Get out of the way! Otherwise, I will hack you to death."

Mo Qingqing lightly patted the jackal skin cape on her body and said, "Come on, let's see if you are powerful or those beasts! I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

When she said this, those people noticed that she was dressed like a savage, and the leather was a bit weird.

A woman was afraid, pulled one of the men, shouted: "husband", and asked Mo Qingqing: "What do you want to ask?"

Mo Qingqing said, "You just came out of your home? Live near here? Are you going to Bailing Park?"

The woman answered and said, "There is no food at home, so I can only escape. There are troops in Bailing Park, and I heard that there are relief supplies being distributed, so... it's always there at night. Gunshots. Are you going there too?"

Mo Qingqing snorted softly and said, "It's as if someone would say it's rare to be on the same road as you." He stepped aside, pointed across the street, and said to Feng Qingran, "Let's go. there."

One after another, they met many people. Some people went to Bailing Park with their families and their mouths, and some came out from Bailing Park to search for supplies.

Those who fled with their families to Bailing Park saw them as avoiding snakes, scorpions and plagues. The people who came out from Bailing Park to search for supplies were all young and middle-aged people. When they saw them, they could talk to them and ask each other about each other's situation.

Because it was a chance encounter on the road, I can only ask the last few words to understand the situation, but I don't know much information. At present, it is only known that Bailing Park is full of people. The government has distributed relief tents and relief materials, and some troops have set up defense lines. After the wind blows every day, the beasts come out, and there are often beasts that rush to the defense line and are shot or killed.

Mo Qingqing would ask every time someone came out of Bailing Park, "Have you ever met a sniper whose real name is Wu Nan and his nickname Wu Mengmen?"

The answer I got was either shaking my head or not seeing it.

Mo Qingqing is not discouraged, there are so many people, how can you meet them casually.

They walked for more than an hour, about four o'clock in the afternoon, and arrived at the periphery of Bailing Park. There is still some distance from Bailing Park, but it has reached the blockade of the troops.

The end of the road is blocked by a fortification consisting of abandoned cars and protective thorn bars. There are machine guns and assault guns behind the protective barbs, and soldiers patrolling back and forth with guns.

The houses within about 200 meters from the fortifications to where Mo Qingqing was located all collapsed, and the ground was full of scorch marks, bullet craters and bomb craters. bloodstains and the remains and scales of burnt beasts.

Long fortifications blocked the front like a city wall, but there was no "city gate" in sight, because the fortifications stacked with abandoned cars blocked the view, and the back of the fortifications could not be seen situation.

Feng Qingran looked at it carefully and said, "Go to the main road."

When they got to the main road, they saw the fortifications about 200 meters in front of them were neatly lined up with tanks and armored vehicles, and they were heavily guarded. Many people formed two long lines outside the fortifications.

Seeing that Mo Qingqing had reached the refuge, she cheered and ran towards the refuge.

Feng Qingran shouted: "Little Mo, wait a moment." He called back Mo Qingqing, who had already run out a dozen meters away. She said to sisters Mo Qingqing, Han Beichen, and Lin Runsheng: "I came all the way just now, and everyone should have seen the reactions of ordinary people to us."

Lin Qianyun hid behind Lin Runsheng after hearing this.

Feng Qingran caught a glimpse of Lin Qianyun's movements, touched her head lightly, and continued: "We don't care about the attitude of ordinary people, we should not stay with them. But... She pointed to the front of the fortifications and said, "When we enter the shelter, we have to accept the management of the army." She paused and said, "Let's put it this way, the world is like this now, I think about the future Those who are most likely to survive should be those of us who survived the infection. It is undeniable that after the infection, our physique and strength have been enhanced. Xiaolin can easily walk on the tip of the grass, and Qianqian's speed is so fast that it can be said that It's teleportation, old Han is as powerful as an ox, I... well, my strength has grown a bit."

Han Beichen said: "You mean the military is likely to recruit us?"

Feng Qingran said: "I don't know if it will be included or not, but we will definitely register when we go in, and if there is... I can't guarantee whether they will use us for experimental research. In a word, everything is done with care and as low-key as possible, just as we are the survivors of the infection, the strength has increased, and the luck is better, so we have survived until now. Xiao Mo's healing ability, Qianqian's speed, Xiao Lin can easily Walking on the grass tip can’t be said. Lao Han, you protected us this way. We killed the jackal together, and the python meat can be honest, okay?”