MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 38

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As soon as they ran out of the tent area, they heard gunshots coming from the tent area, they ran faster under their feet, and ran into the bathhouse tent before stopping.

Feng Qingran asked Mo Qingqing to accompany her to check around the tent, lest there be any dangerous animals, plants or people hiding in inconspicuous places. After they checked all the tents in the row and determined that there was no danger, they chose the tent in the middle, and then looked for the position in the middle.

Jackal can barely sleep.

They have been hungry for a day, tired, weary and thirsty. After they are sure that there is no danger, they will eat first.

The jerky can fill the stomach, but it makes people very thirsty, plus the hot weather during the day, their water consumption is very fast.

Mo Qingqing said: "Feng Qingran, should we queue up to get some water tomorrow? I'm worried that we won't have enough water."

Feng Qingran said: "What is more worrying now is our safety. The road outside is blocked by plants, cars can't drive, and there are giant birds in the sky. I haven't seen one for so many days. A plane flew by, and it is very likely that even the plane could not pass, and the troops and the people who took refuge would not be able to get supplies. So many people gathered here, they will definitely attract the surrounding beasts, and the ammunition is not unlimited, it will soon be It will be lighted up. The giant birds in the sky come down to eat, and the army has no way to stop them. Even if the bullets can hit them, such a big bird falls from the sky and falls into the dense crowd. People are much more miserable."

After she finished speaking, Lin Runsheng and Mo Qingqing didn't know what to say.

Lin Qianyun asked in a low voice, "Are we still looking for Mom and Dad?" Her voice was low, but she was worried.

Lin Runsheng also looked towards Feng Qingran.

Feng Qingran said: "Yes, but there is not much time left for us to look for. Let's rest early today and look for it at dawn tomorrow."

It was already dark, the tent was pitch black, and the sound of the wind was like howling.

Worrying that the light would attract beasts or someone, they did not turn on the light, and after they had eaten, they lay down and rested.

It's still a rotating vigil.

In the first half of the night, it was always windy, and occasionally there would be explosions in the wind, and when the wind became smaller, the sound of gunfire came. Compared to last night, the sound of gunfire tonight was much denser and never stopped.

This made several people a little more worried.

They woke up before dawn. After they had eaten their stomachs, they waited until dawn, grabbed water by the lake and briefly washed up, then rushed to the tent area.

As soon as they got back to the tent area, something was wrong.

The tent area was filled with panic and anxiety. People gathered in twos and threes, looking haggard, their hair was messy and dirty, and many people had injuries on their bodies. sleep. Some were weeping or staring blankly, some tents collapsed, others were torn apart as if they had been attacked.

Feng Qingran dropped by to check the tent where they lived before. She stepped in and saw the woman with the scalpel packing her luggage. The aunt with the child hugged the little boy and huddled in the tent with disheveled hair. The grandparents were terrified. She didn't see Cuihua and the others, so she asked the woman with the scalpel where they were going.

The woman with the scalpel said: "As soon as the sky turned bright, she went out with the sign of missing people."

Feng Qingran thanked him and walked out of the tent with Mo Qingqing to the door. Not long after she walked, she saw Cuihua and Xia Qiaoer holding a sign and calling her and Lin Runsheng's mother's name as they walked.

She rushed over and shouted, "Miss Cuihua, Miss Xia."

Cuihua called out unexpectedly: "Miss Feng, are you so early? We thought that it was still a while before we would meet you, so we wanted to look for it first, don't worry, we will make sure to meet you today. Look for it a few more times."

Feng Qingran said: "Thank you." She quietly stuffed them with the meat prepared in the morning and asked, "Did something happen after we left last night?"

Cuihua said: "It's not. As soon as you left, the troops came, drove everyone back to the tent, and gave orders that anyone who dares to harm the child will be shot." She sighed and said, "Then the wind stopped, and the giant birds came. Some birds got into the tent, and the people in the tent ran out, attracting more giant birds... A lot of tents got birds. Fortunately, when our tent was put aside, the giant birds all gathered in the middle of the place. The little boy kept crying and almost didn't let their group strangle to death. The birds flew away before they came back."

After Feng Qingran said goodbye to Cuihua and the others, she went to the gate. As soon as she left the gate, she saw Han Beichen standing at the gate of the men's area holding a sign looking for someone.

Feng Qingran raised his arm and waved his hand, shouting loudly, "Old Han."

Han Beichen heard her voice and turned his head, then trotted over. Seeing that they were safe and sound, he said, "I knew you would be fine."

Feng Qingran saw that there were a lot of people here, and said, "Let's talk to the side." After speaking, when he turned around, he saw a man suddenly rushed out of the corner behind the tent, and took large steps towards They're running wild here.

She was stunned and asked, "Old Han? Have you offended someone?"

Han Beichen said blankly, "No, I didn't even dare to go back to the tent yesterday, so I found a corner and squatted all night." As he spoke, he saw Feng Qingran take out The green scales look like they are facing a great enemy.

Seeing this, Mo Qingqing immediately pulled out the steel bars and faced the man who was running here at lightning speed.

The man suddenly shouted excitedly: "Run Sheng—"

Lin Qianyun shouted: "Dad—" She excitedly took Lin Runsheng's hand and shouted: "Sister, sister, it's dad, it's dad!"

Mo Qingqing: "…"

After Lin Runsheng saw it clearly, he shouted: "Dad!" He was so excited that his voice was so loud that it split his voice.

The man ran up to Lin Runsheng and looked at Lin Runsheng first, when he heard Lin Qianyun calling his father, he looked down at Lin Qianyun, with red eyes he hugged both Lin Runsheng sisters in his arms, excited .

Mo Qingqing put away the steel bars and looked curiously at the forestry who was wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt and his muscles were bulging. He was about the same height as Han Beichen, but far stronger than the skinny Han Beichen.

After a while, the man calmed down and apologized to Han Beichen first. It turned out that just as he was about to go out, he saw Han Beichen holding up a sign shouting "Forestry, Feng Zhenxuan", and the sign also had his and Feng Zhenxuan's names written on it. He didn't know Feng Zhenxuan, he didn't know Han Beichen, and he didn't know what Han Beichen was doing with "Forestry". To be careful, he hid in the dark to observe first, but he didn't expect to see Lin Runsheng.

Han Beichen doesn't care, the world is in chaos now, it's right to be careful, I'm very happy for them.

Lin Qianyun asked: "Dad, what about mom?"

Forestry shook his head sadly and said, "I'm also looking for your mother, I've been to her company, I've been to our house, and I've been to the shopping mall you often go to. The giant beast with its head and cubs, I guess there is no one there." He comforted: "Maybe she came to this sanctuary like you, we will find it later." After he finished speaking, he looked at Han Beichen He Feng Qingran and the others asked, "I don't know what to call them?" Thanks again to Feng Qingran, Mo Qingqing, and Han Beichen.

A few people introduced each other.

Feng Qingran congratulated Lin Lin on the reunion with sister Lin Runsheng and their father and daughter, and told Lin Lin that they had arranged for someone to look for someone in the women's area, and now they are going to look for someone in area a.

Forestry nodded and said, "It's important to find people, and the shelter has become less and less peaceful these two days. We have to find them as soon as possible."

While they were talking, a military vehicle of the army drove over, set up temporary tables and chairs, hung up signs, and recruited infected mutants.

Infected mutants recruited to the troops are assigned tasks by the troops, and the troops provide them with room and board, and each infected mutant can bring two ordinary people under the protection and care of the troops. Two meals a day, children three meals a day. If you have special abilities or outstanding abilities, the treatment can be further improved.

This made many people tempted, but more people came forward and asked: "Is it dangerous for us to go to war?"

A young man in a military uniform shouted: "I am not a soldier if I am afraid of death, and I am not afraid of death when I am a soldier."

The man next to him who was calling for troops with a trumpet turned around and gave him a kick, and shouted loudly: "Where is it not dangerous now? Follow the team, there are guns and some Cannon, everyone unites, so that we can protect our family, lover, wife and children. Is it right? If you don't join the army, don't fight monsters. Can you run away when monsters come? Where do you run? There is only one dead end. Enter the army Let's work together to protect my wife, children, parents, and parents!" His voice was so loud that he roared so loudly that the tendons on his forehead swelled up.

Although his words are suspected of advocating, but everyone thinks about it, the troops have guns and cannons, and when they enter the army, the family members of the troops will definitely be better than ordinary people. The attack, not to mention Area A, resulted in heavy casualties.

A person with a family member in Area A raised his right arm and squeezed through the crowd, saying, "I'll sign up."

Some people took the lead, and some who were still hesitating followed.

Those who signed up thought it would be safer to go with more people, so they began to encourage people around them to go too. Some people saw Lin Lin's tall, muscular body, and they came to persuade him to go too.

Forestry said: "I have to go to District A to find my family first."

They squeezed out of the crowd and went to area a.

Forestry said: "Recruiting people may be due to the pressure of the battle."

Mo Qingqing asked Feng Qingran: "If we find your parents, shall we go to the army?"

Feng Qingran said: "My parents are almost 60 years old, they are too old to run. With so many people gathered here in the refuge area, I don't know how many wild animals have been attracted. Around, if you leave the large army at this time, it is impossible to protect the old and the weak and leave safely with the strength of a few people. Even if you can leave safely, where can you go? The army can communicate with the outside world and take refuge in If they can't keep it, they know where it is safe to withdraw, and they can contact other troops to come and respond, which is something we can't do."

Forestry also agreed with Feng Qingran, he said: "Following the troops will be subject to a lot of control, assigning combat tasks, etc., but the security is much stronger than fighting alone, and the logistics can be better More security."

Mo Qingqing thought for a while and asked: "Then, should we hand over the supplies we found and the prey we hit? Hey, the prey is so big that we can't seem to finish it or take it away. , and finally they were thrown away." She waved her hand and said, "It doesn't matter, I'll talk about it when the time comes, and find someone first."

The number of people outside the side door of District A was much more than yesterday, blocking the road. Many people held their relatives' hands to wipe their tears, and some people were crying.

The few of them had just squeezed to the side entrance of Area A. With the cry of "Ran Ran", Miss Chen squeezed from the side with tears in her eyes, and held Feng Qingran tightly. Weeping bitterly, as if being greatly wronged.

Seeing that Miss Chen was so sad, Mo Qingqing asked sympathetically, "Miss Chen, were your parents taken away by the giant bird?"

Miss Chen cried to Feng Qingran: "Of course, I'm afraid, a lot of giant birds flew last night..."

A gaunt couple around fifty or sixty years old squeezed over, they squeezed in and surrounded Feng Qingran, calling Feng Qingran's nickname excitedly and enthusiastically.

Mo Qingqing and Lin Runsheng exchanged glances.

Mo Qingqing asked: "Feng Qingran, do you still want to find your parents? If you don't, Lin Runsheng and I will not wait for you, and Lin Runsheng has to find her mother. "

Feng Qingran said to Miss Chen, "I still have something to do, so I'll say goodbye."

Chen Yingxi grabbed Feng Qingran's hand and cried: "Of course, you take me away, I don't want to stay here, I heard that the army is recruiting people, an infected mutant can bring two Ordinary people, you take us away, you have so many infected mutants, it is more than enough to take the three of us, you take us away, it is terrible here."

Feng Qing stared intently at Chen Yingxi and said, "You didn't take me away when you were in the outdoor store, and when you saw my parents, you didn't take them away."

Chen Yingxi cried: "It's not that I don't want to take you away, it's that I don't have the ability."

Feng Qingran said: "Xiao Mo also lacks that ability. She passed by the outdoor store and met me who was dying of hunger. She gave me the only food she had, so that I didn't get hungry. Death. When we met a beast, at the juncture of life and death, when she ran for her life, she didn't leave me who couldn't run, and ran behind my back. Now that my parents' life or death is uncertain, do you want me to take you away?"

Chen Yingxi said: "She is an infected mutant, I am not. Of course, I didn't ask you to take us away now, let us follow you, you have so many infected mutants, by the way, take us with you It's nothing. We promise not to cause you any trouble. Of course, I know I'm sorry for you, but if you don't take us away, we will die here. Of course, you should help, okay? "