MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 393

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When Wu Nan arrived in a scheming bird, he saw that the retreating team had already withdrawn from the beach pass to the entrance and exit of the cottage. The cottage faces the sea, and a road less than one meter wide leads to the beach below. Above it is a city wall made of stone and a watchtower with a flag floating on the watchtower. The flag seems to have been hung for many years, has faded, but still hangs high on the flagpole.

Wu Nan joined the military from her grandfather's generation to her generation, and the national flag has a very different status in her mind.

People in military uniforms retreated to the stockade, and they threw stones and arrows at those who attacked below, and some fish oil was thrown down to set fire.

The attacker held a shield made of thick scales with a diameter of fifty or sixty centimeters and attacked the gate. Smoke is everywhere. While holding arrows and stones with their shields, they circled outside the wall, biting the knives in their mouths, holding up the shield with their left hand to block the falling stone from above, clambering on the crack of the stone wall with their right hand, kicking their legs against the wall, and quickly Jump up.

At this moment, people from the stockade, regardless of gender, age, and age, poured out and went up to the city wall with weapons. Even the three-year-old children followed behind their elder brothers and sisters to move stones to the city wall. Staggering steps, his face tanned by the sea breeze and the sun, his eyes with clear black and white, but also with innocence and ignorance.

All the people in this stockade add up to less than a thousand people, most of them are women and children, and the attackers are about a thousand people, all young adults.

Wu Nan saw the situation clearly, jumped off the back of the scheming bird, and fell outside the gate. She didn't have the gun on her back, the number of bullets was limited, and in this melee defense situation, the sniper was not easy to use. She pulled out the red alloy sword made of fused red gold, activated the supernatural power in her body, and killed the crowd in front of her.

The ability makes them grow in size, each of them is at least 2.23 meters in size, and the years of fighting make them extra strong, the exposed arm muscles are strong and powerful, more than Wu Nan's thighs thick. Wu Nan's height was only as high as their chests, and her thin body was so weak that she could be thrown into the sky with just a swipe, but she fell into the crowd attacking Zhaimen like a tiger into a flock. The outbursts and abilities on her body turned her hair blue, the sword in her hand, the armor on her body, and the cloak made of animal skins were all lit up by her abilities. Passing through the crowd, blue light passed, the person was cut in half by the sword covered with supernatural power, and a piece of ashes burned by supernatural power was left at the fracture. One, don't say rescue, even the whole body can't be assembled.

Her speed was so fast that the naked eye could only see a blue light passing through the crowd. After about ten seconds, she stood there.

There are about forty or fifty broken limbs lying in the place at the gate of the village. There is no blood on the ground, only the ashes are floating in the sea breeze.

Wu Nan, holding the sword in his hand, stood at the gate of the village, shouting, "Put down the weapon, put your head in both hands, and squat down."

People couldn't see what was happening in front of them, and they continued to shout and rush forward.

The people guarding the gate of the village stand high, so they can see far. A strange vine suddenly appeared on the beach below.

It seems to grow when it sees the wind, and it spreads quickly from the beach towards the front of the cottage, like a flood passing through it, instantly submerging all the people on the mountain road.

This time, Zongba Chilin sent the headmen of Solang under his command to win the stockade, and brought more than a thousand people to attack, except for those who went around the bottom of the wall and intended to climb up In addition to three or four hundred people, five or six hundred people gathered on the mountain road. With these people, the people who guard the gate can be drained to death. They go up one after another, shields, ladders and piles up, and they can level the gate.

However, so many people were instantly overwhelmed by the huge vines.

The vines came to the gate of the village with a crushing force and stopped in front of the short-haired girl with the sword.

In an instant, not only the people in the stockade stopped, but even the people outside the stockade who were still climbing on the walls of the stockade were stunned. The vines come up. I saw that each of the vines was the size of an arm, and it was covered with leaves that looked like human hands. The vines and leaves were all covered with scales like fish scales, glowing with a faint red light. Allograft.

Soft, when the hand loses strength, the person falls. This stockade was built on a cliff. Below the wall was a cliff. It fell on the rock and died on the spot. Many people were so frightened that they were wet, and they didn't dare to move.

Suddenly, a girl with a head so bright that it reflected in the sunlight emerged from the overwhelming vines. The girl's skin was as white as a cloud in the sky, and she was wearing a fiery red metal Armor in the style of a vest and metal pants with a half-exposed snow-white thigh. She grinned, showing her white teeth, waving her arms and shouting at the people on the wall: "Hello everyone."

Mo Qingqing greeted everyone, dragged out the prisoners who were tightly bound by ghosts and vines, and threw them at the gate of the village. Build a tall mountain of people. The space in front of the village gate is limited, and the crowds are crowded, but they can't fit in. Many people rolled down the stone stairs and fell straight off the cliff next to them. The "ah-" screamed when they landed. "There was a loud bang, making my heart go cold.

The rest of the people who climbed on the wall were too frightened to go up and down, and wanted to move back to the ground, but every place they could stay was filled with terrifying monsters. They could only tremble and firmly dig through the cracks of the stone to hang themselves.

After Mo Qingqing threw out the captive, the ghost hand vine quickly turned into ashes and was quickly scattered in the wind. Some people who were piled on the stone ladder were originally supported by her ghost-hand vine. Now that the ghost-hand vine is gone, they lost their support and immediately rolled down the stone ladder like a gourd, falling to the ground and bleeding. Some even had broken bones, which was a horrible sight.

Mo Qingqing rolled her eyes in disgust, "It's useless." She looked up at the person at the gate and said, "Open the door."

The people at the gate do not want to open the door. Their hearts are filled with rejection.

However, they can still see to some extent that the two girls who came here are not in the same group as Zumba Chilin.

At this moment, a scout with good eyesight shouted in a different tone, "Squadron Captain." He pointed to the seaside, and saw another fleet approaching from the seaside. There are seventy or eighty ships in this fleet. The ships are made of giant sea animal skins. Each ship is three or four stories high. There are no less than thirty ships with a length of 100 meters. The smallest is also 60 meters long. Big Mac.

The fleet approached the beach, and many people jumped from the boat into the sea, and then climbed up Zumba Chilin's fleet like light monkeys.

Zongba Chilin's fleet brought people to attack the stockade. Except for the head of Solang and his guards who were still on the boat, the rest of the people were trapped outside the stockade. As for the head man Solang, when the "monster" appeared, he was so frightened that he fled in a boat, and was caught by the other side in the sea.

The squadron leader is a middle-aged man in his forties. He looked at the two strange girls standing outside the stockade and asked, "Where are you from? Who are you?"

Which army are they from.

The captain of the squadron breathed a sigh of relief and reported his number. They are from the 16th Squadron of the Lhasa Armed Police Detachment and are responsible for garrisoning this Gaba Island.

The Armed Police Squadron has three platoons with a total of more than 100 people.

Feng Qingran brought a group of people up, and after a brief understanding of the situation from Wu Nan, he had the prisoners escorted back to the boat. She told the squadron leader that they would be stationed by the sea, waiting to see their top military commander.

We have been calling for help until now."

Feng Qingran asked: "Where is the headquarters located?"

The squadron leader said: "Lhasa Water City."

Feng Qingran said: "Lead the way."

The squadron commander ordered a squad of people to follow him to lead the way, and the rest were stationed at Gaba Island. When they got to the seaside, they reached a reef, and when they got into a cave, they dragged out two assault boats in a short time. The assault boats are made of animal skins, with motors at the back, and each boat can seat six people.

The aircraft carrier fleet is full of big ships, the wind is calm at the moment, and the sailing is slow. Feng Qingran asked the scheming bird to lead the way in the sky, and asked Wu Nan and Mo Qingqing to follow them.

Wu Nan squeezed into the squadron captain's boat, while Mo Qingqing was soaking in the sea.

The squadron leader asked Mo Qingqing, "Aren't you coming up?"

Mo Qingqing was embarrassed to say that if she went up, she would crush their assault boat, and said with disgust, "Your assault boat is not as fast as mine."

The squadron captain glanced at her, said nothing, and signaled the pilot to start the boat.

The motor sounded, and the assault boat rushed out like an arrow off the string, setting off a long row of spray.

When the disaster came, an earthquake also occurred in Lhasa, and at the same time, the seawater poured in and flooded Lhasa until only the Potala Palace remained. Due to its high terrain, the Potala Palace was built exceptionally strong and survived the earthquake and tsunami, but only the main building on the top of the hill was flooded.

Lhasa is guarding the blue hole, rich in prey resources, and typhoons and heavy rain often cause mountain collapses, so only a small number of people live on the island, driving small boats to the coast to catch small fish and shrimp when the weather is fine Or pick seaweed and go home to rest when the storm comes. Many people live on the water like fishermen. They use the skins of sea animals from hunting to make big boats, and then connect the big boats to form a water fortress. When a typhoon comes, they hide in a sheltered bay. Blue hole hunting.

Lhasa Water City is a water fortress built by the government army, not only regular combat troops, but also fishermen and ordinary people. Some of these fishermen work on boats, and their families live and study on the island, while others live in mobile fortresses.

The mobile fort has garrisoned ships, training camps, command ships, and many fishing boats surrounding it.

When Mo Qingqing arrived at Lhasa Water City with the people from the Gaba Island Squadron, they saw tens of thousands of boats gathered together, and people were fighting underwater in full swing. These boats are made of wood, steel, and more are kayaks and rafts made of sea animal skins and fish skins.

All kinds of boats with different flags, large and small boats shuttle back and forth, chaotic crowds fight, and throw horse ropes to catch people, and many people are moving Cargo and looting.

Mo Qingqing saw a large kayak made of giant sea animal skins built in a particularly grand manner. A group of luxuriously dressed people stood on the deck holding binoculars, smiling and looking at everything in front of them , it looks like it is enjoying a great harvest.

Mo Qingqing thought to herself: "Laugh at you MB!" One plunged into the water, released the ghost hand vine, and used the ghost hand vine liquid to poke the giant air cushion made of animal skin at the bottom. . The beast kayak leaked air in the middle, and it was dragged by the ghost vine before it floated out. The weight of the hull itself and the weight of Mo Qingqing made the boat more than fifty meters long and the boat rolled out on the water. A large circle of huge waves sank.

As soon as it was empty, he entered the water.

Their reaction is not unpleasant, they reacted almost immediately, thinking that they were attacked by giant sea beasts, they urged their abilities to hold their breath, pulled out the weapons they were wearing, and used the fastest speed. They went upstream to the water, but before they could swim a few times, they were suddenly grabbed by a vine-like thing, and they couldn't break free no matter how hard they struggled. They slashed at the vines with their weapons as if they were metal. Someone used the ability to cut it out of the opening, and the dark green juice immediately poured out. Those juices stained on the person and corroded the person into broken flesh and sank to the bottom of the sea. Seeing this, the people next to them did not dare to chop any more and struggled desperately, but the vines became tighter and tighter, causing their chests to sag, unable to breathe, and their hearts stopped beating.

, a huge sense of fear instantly swept through the water city, which was fighting extremely fiercely.

The strange and trembling feeling of the disaster coming made them subconsciously look in the direction of danger, and a giant monster they had never seen before appeared on the water. The monster seems to be composed of countless vines. It is a floor above the water surface, and the depth of the water is even more unknown. The flying vines are like seaweeds that are preying on, and they are like entangled sea snakes, and the countless ghost claws. The shape of the leaves is more like a devil from the deep sea.

A huge panic swept across, and many people flocked to the fast-moving airships, speedboats, assault boats, and small boats to flee in the opposite direction of the monsters, and people whose family members were robbed took the opportunity Killed with a knife and rescued his family and friends.

A kind of absorbent sponge soaked in blood, a large amount of blood seeps out of the absorbent sponge, dyeing the sea red.

Mo Qingqing emerged from the ghost hand vine and saw the assault boats circling around her, knowing that they were using themselves as bait to stumble upon her and try to escape for the large army time.

Seeing their quick reaction, she obviously didn't do it once or twice.

Guarding the blue hole, it has rich fishery resources, but it also takes great risks.

She sat in the middle of the ghost hand vines, raised her head and looked into the distance, and saw that the ships that were gathered together were sailing quickly and fleeing.

The first ones to escape were the outer ships, they ranged from thirty to fifty, and as many as hundreds. Behind some large boats there are small boats towing. Whether it is a large boat or a small boat, the boats are full of supplies. Many large boats have cages, and the cages are filled with people.

Five fleets, adding up to four or five hundred ships.

Mo Qingqing stared at the fleeing ships, remembering the flags and directions on their ships.

After the plundering fleets left, the huge fleet on the sea also sailed and fled towards the Potala Palace. There is a shallow water area with many shoals, and giant sea beasts were easy to run aground in the past.

There were also some looters on board who did not have time to escape, and were hacked and killed by soldiers, sailors and fishermen. Many people were injured and fell in a pool of blood, but at this time no one cared about the dead. Except for some people who were sent out to treat the wounded, more people came to the deck to load arrows on heavy crossbows and do a good job of fighting giant beasts. preparation.

Ghost vines turned into fly ash and floated on the sea, and a girl came out of the flying ashes. Her feet were floating on the sea, and there was a lot of red mist surging on the soles of her feet, her bare head, fiery red metal vest and shorts, in such a place, she looked strange and terrifying.

The soldiers of the armed police squadron on the two assault boats swallowed their saliva nervously when they saw this scene. They had long guessed that Ghost Hand Vine was related to the bald girl, but seeing this scene more clearly again, they still felt terrified and weak. Many people have a thought in their minds: Is this a human?

The speedboat that revolved around the ghost hand vine also stopped, and the people on the speedboat looked at the bald girl walking on the sea in amazement, and really couldn't understand where she came from , and how can it walk on the sea.

After Mo Qingqing walked out of the ghost-hand vine ashes, she sank into the sea to wash the ashes on her body, and emerged from the sea again, releasing a large amount of ghost-hand rattan woven into a Take a chair, sit on the ghost hand rattan chair and float on the sea, waiting for Feng Qingran to come over.

Feng Qingran walked halfway and encountered a fleet of about sixty-seven ships approaching. On the boat hangs a flag embroidered with the vast ocean, the flag of Zongba Chilin occupying Nyingchi.