MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 395

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The combat team members of the aircraft carrier formation did not dare to ignore or underestimate anyone after the incident of the children's sneak attack. They confiscated everyone's weapons and drove them to the deck to guard them.

Some of the captives believed that they were good at water, and these foreigners could not understand Tibetan, so they united and jumped to escape. They thought that there were too many people, and after diving, they fled in different directions. They were only guarded by a small team of thirteen people. There were not enough people to pursue them. In addition, it was no more convenient in the water than on land, and the chance of escaping was very high. If those foreigners wanted to chase them, they would have to dive in with them, and the people on the boat would still be running, and most likely they wouldn't chase them at all.

The main ship has the largest number of people. Zumba Chilin's personal **** team has several hundred people, plus the chief and steward and their escorts, the total number is more than the total number of aircraft carrier formations. They were Linzhi's highest fighting force, well-trained, and they exchanged a few words and a few glances. Before the people in the aircraft carrier formation stopped them and couldn't talk in a low voice, they suddenly jumped into the water and ran away.

, 300 or 400 people are diving together, and they can't stop it. The main ship suddenly panicked.

Seeing the situation of the main ship, many people's minds also became active and looked around.

The people on the main boat beheaded more than a dozen people in a row, but three or four hundred people jumped into the water, but they were not stopped.

The foreigners who saw the main ship next to them did not pursue them, and some people jumped to escape.

Seeing this, the scheming bird rolled her eyes and made a bird call, which was like calling "idiot".

The people in the aircraft carrier formation did not bring trawling nets to attack ships, but they were still prepared for underwater operations. When the number of people was different, it was natural to rely on equipment to make up for it. The mecha can drive trawling nets, as well as spear guns, equipped with bullets, and the improved mecha can also spew a large web like a spider that spit out a net to capture the prey and bring it back. It is used to deal with small but powerful alien beasts, and it is especially suitable for people.

The officer stopped.

The medical officer called back several of the mechas that had entered the water, and gave the mecha warriors the medicine box they carried with them to throw them into the sea.

Mecha warriors flew to the sea, opened the medicine box, and flew through the air. From the medicine box sixty centimeters long and forty centimeters wide, a woven seaweed rattan about the size of an ink bottle dropped into a small medicine basket. The small medicine basket slammed into the sea and sank immediately when it entered the water. During the sinking process, a large amount of powder foam spread along the water flow. The fish, shrimp and sea snakes were the first to suffer, and a large number of fish turned their stomachs and floated to the ground. On the sea, as for those who escaped, after jumping into the water for a few times, they suddenly stopped moving, and sank straight down, never to surface again.

When Feng Qingran arrived, he saw a large number of corpses of fish, shrimp and beasts floating on the water, all of which were poisoned to death by the highly poisonous drugs refined by Liu Ziche. Among these seafood, there are also many corpses. They wore homemade life jackets with buoyancy, and they did not sink after dying, but floated on the water.

. Those poisoned people and the accumulated poison in the fish will also dissolve quickly, and will not pollute the water or cause 20% of the poisoning.

He squatted on the deck with his head up, waiting to be dealt with.

Feng Qingran didn't have time to deal with them now, took over the fleet, and let these fleets full of prisoners follow, heading towards Lhasa Water City.

When Feng Qingran arrived at Lhasa Water City, the first thing he noticed was the power wave released by Mo Qingqing, and then he saw a small red dot on the mighty water. Mo Qingqing didn't move in place, and there were no other power fluctuations around, indicating that she was the only one here, and they didn't have to rush over there.

Feng Qingran did not head towards Lhasa Water City, but berthed nearby, ordered all the boats to be connected together, released those who were locked in cages, and Ba Chilin's men are locked in cages.

Feng Qingran asked people to clear more than a dozen boats, move those caught by Zongba Chilin to the boat, and send medical personnel to treat those who were seriously injured.

She and Liu Ziche went to the boat and saw that the clothes of these people were much worse than those of the people on the island under the rule of Rinchen Gyatso. There are many children, ranging from half-year-old teenagers to three or five-year-old children, accounting for almost half of the total number.

This is the highest birth rate of the survivor provinces. There are also many young and middle-aged people, and almost no old people are seen.

Feng Qingran went to a young man who was being bandaged and asked, "How old are you this year?"

The man replied in blunt Mandarin: "Nineteen years old."

Feng Qing nodded and asked some young people and half-year-olds, their age and appearance were the same.

Wu Nan jumped out of the water and landed on the deck, more depressed than the previous silence.

Liu Ziche asked, "Did you find your father?" If it is not found, the possibility of misfortune is relatively high.

Wu Nan said: "I have looked for all the warships, but I have not found my father. The government troops in Lhasa Water City are all young and middle-aged, most of them between the ages of fifteen or sixteen to forty. , no one my father's age."

The age of their appearance has not changed, but the times and the world are changing. Ten or twenty years is enough to change a lot.

Feng Qingran said to Wu Nan, "Don't worry, as long as Dad Wu is still alive, he will definitely be found."

Liu Ziche asked, "Why don't these rescued people go back for now?" With so many people in exchange for Dad Wu, I believe the other party will work very hard to find someone.

Feng Qing shook his head and said, "You have to take care of their food and drink here, and the hunting ground dispute is also a problem."

After the medical team treated the seriously wounded, Feng Qingran released the captives. Not only did she let them go, but she also let them go back to Lhasa Water City by boat.

Mo Qingqing saw Feng Qingran's fleet, and after waiting for a long time, Feng Qingran didn't come to her, so she had to run to meet Feng Qingran and them.

The Lhasa Water City was in a state of chaos after the attack. Some ships were damaged and leaked, and the people and materials on board needed to be rescued. Many people were injured and needed treatment, and they had to re-arrange their defenses to prevent the attack of the giant alien beast. Later, it was found that the monster did not attack, and turned into a girl and appeared on the sea. They observed for a long time, but did not see any dangerous actions from her. They were about to send someone over to try to communicate and negotiate. Zongba Linchi's team returned and returned, and they were anchored less than ten nautical miles away from them. They didn't bother to communicate with the weird girl, and they had to re-arm their defenses to prevent Zongba Chilin and the weird girl from attacking at the same time. Surprisingly, it was discovered that the person who was taken away had returned and brought back new news. Immediately after, someone came to report that the strange girl went to Zongba Chilin's fleet.

Mo Qingqing and Feng Qingran joined them, and the fleet turned around to Linzhi.

Mo Qingqing asked Feng Qingran: "Aren't you going to help Mengmeng find her father?"

Feng Qingran explained: "We are not familiar with the land, and we can only find people through Tibet to help, but their situation is complicated. We don't know anything about their relationship with Uncle Wu. If they have a holiday with Uncle Wu, or if the news spreads and makes other chieftains have ideas, it will put Uncle Wu in danger. Let's go first Lin Zhi, occupy the place, they will come to the door on their own initiative, and we will act after we find out the relationship inside."

Mo Qingqing pouted and muttered, "It's really complicated." She said, "I'll knock on the door, hold them, and let them exchange their stuffy dad for it. How simple."

Feng Qingran said: "Try not to be evil if you can, and exchanging hostages for hostages is the last resort. If you encounter someone who is not threatened and will die, it will put Uncle Wu in danger. ."

Seeing that Wu Nan agreed with Feng Qingran to do this, Mo Qingqing said nothing more.

The fleet is heading towards Nyingchi City.

Zongba Chilin's fleet was in front, the flag was hanging high, and it arrived at the Nyingchi city port smoothly.

The newly built Nyingchi City is built by the sea. From a distance, you can see a stone-built city like a fortress built on the mountain and located by the sea. The city has a high wall, and many places are still under construction. Many ragged workers walk up the city wall with stones on their backs under the scorching sun to build unfinished parts. The overseer beat the workers with a whip, as if driving a slave.

Outside the city wall is the harbor for mooring ships. The harbor is not open, but a water village built from large sea animal bones, sea animal skins and kayaks. The wall of the water village is built like a city wall, with guards patrolling back and forth. When they saw the fleet returning, they opened the gate of the village and let the fleet in.

Suddenly, the person in the cage shouted, "Don't open the door, don't open the door... Close the gate, there are foreign enemies..."

Mo Qingqing jumped to the gate and demolished it in three or two strokes. She released the ghost hand vine, and not only demolished the gate of the village, but also demolished a large piece of the wall, and a large number of guards fell into the water.

The horn of the enemy attack sounded from the top of the city.

The city gate, which was slowly opening, slammed shut again.

Mo Qingqing jumped over the wall and went straight to the city gate. She stood in front of the city gate, jumped up, and kicked towards the city gate. With one kick, a big hole appeared in the city gate. She wrapped the ghost hand vine around the city wall, and melted the door frame and the door shaft with the sap of the ghost hand vine, only to hear a loud "bang", the heavy city gate fell heavily to the ground, and the ground trembled. .

The guard rushed to the gate of the city, pulled out his saber and killed Mo Qingqing, the dense bow and arrows shot towards the gate of the city like a torrential rain, falling around Mo Qingqing, piercing the ground like a hedgehog.

Mo Qingqing released the ghost hand vine and ran towards the city.

The people in the aircraft carrier formation jumped off the ship and ran behind Mo Qingqing towards the highest castle-like building.

From time to time, guards came to stop along the way, but they were all overturned by Mo Qingqing.

Lyingzhi City is built on the mountain, and it is stepped up.

When the horn city sounded, all the city gates in the city were closed, the guards rushed to the city gates, bows, arrows, crossbows and rolling stones were ready, and they launched an attack when they saw the incoming enemy.

However, they encounter a super monster.

The huge rolling stone rolled over, but instead of crushing the opponent to death, he was kicked back by the opponent and smashed the city gate.

and bunker.

When Mo Qingqing came to the fortress at the highest point of Nyingchi City, she saw a very beautiful woman dressed in traditional Tibetan clothes standing on the tower above the gate of the castle. The guards on the tower were shaking with bows and arrows.

The beautiful woman shouted something in Tibetan first, but Mo Qingqing didn't understand, she replied, "Speak Mandarin, Cantonese is also fine."

The beautiful woman asked again in Chinese, "Who are you? Where is the chief chief of Zumba?"

The answer to her was that Mo Qingqing had knocked down the strong castle gate, along with the castle gate, the heavy stone that had reached the gate, and the guards blocking the gate were knocked over.

Mo Qingqing swaggered into the castle and said loudly, "From now on, Nyingchi City will be changed." That arrogant appearance is like a real invasion villain.

In response to Mo Qingqing's words, a dense rain of arrows, as well as the guards rushing towards her, and the deafening screams of killing.

, Many people's bones and internal organs were smashed, and they fell to the ground vomiting blood.

The people in the aircraft carrier formation rushed all the way and failed to catch up with Mo Qingqing. When they arrived, there was no longer a standing guard in the huge castle.

Mo Qingqing, the **** of war, took over a city alone.

They had seen Mo Qingqing's fierceness when fighting sea beasts, but this was the first time they saw her fighting against people.

The square in front of the castle hall was covered with blood and the guards lying on the ground in pain formed a huge contrast gap with Mo Qingqing who was standing there.

The beautiful woman ran down the tower, looked at Mo Qingqing tremblingly, and asked, "You..."

Mo Qingqing rolled her eyes and said in her heart, "I don't understand people's language." She added, "Linzhi City has changed hands, and Feng Qing will have the final say in the future."

The beautiful woman took out her saber and shouted, "I'll fight with you." She ran to Mo Qingqing.

Mo Qingqing stretched out a ghost vine to stumble under her feet, the woman threw herself to the ground, and the knife in her hand flew out.

Mo Qingqing rolled her eyes at her, "Don't be funny." An ordinary person, who doesn't even have any superpowers, wants to kill her with a broken steel knife, what do you think.

As for the guards in the city, Zongba Chilin went out to loot and took most of them away, but now they all fall into the hands of Feng Qingran, and the people who stayed behind have also overturned Mo Qingqing, and some guards who escaped sporadically hid in the dwellings. Not a good search.

The people in the aircraft carrier formation heard the servants and slaves of the castle gathered together to watch over the castle, and at the same time defended the castle.

Feng Qingran, Liu Ziche, and Wu Nan walked slowly behind, looking at the streets along the way.

The city walls and castles of Linzhi City are extraordinarily magnificent. The walls are covered with animal skin roofs, the low building exudes damp and musty smells, and the smell of excrement wafts from the stinky gutters. There were hardly any people on the streets and in the houses, and they all seemed to be dragged to build the castle estate and city walls.

Feng Qingran and their eyesight were good, they could clearly see three or four-year-old children moving stones, and also saw pregnant women carrying children on the city wall with iron tools for chiseling stones Thor looked around in horror and dazed.

In the age of no machinery, the manpower needed to build such a city and these castles and manor by manpower can be imagined.

The wind swept across the street and onto the city wall under construction.

The slaves who were working were so frightened that they knelt down and dared not lift their heads. The overseers with the whips in their hands also stepped back, bent over, and made submissions.

Feng Qingran looked up at them and said, "Linzhi City, I have taken over. Under my rule, there are no slaves, you are free."

No one moved, they were still kneeling.

Feng Qingran raised her voice and continued: "You are free, you can go hunting in the sea, you can go to reclaim the barren mountains, you can work to support yourself and your family, you can choose where you want to go, Choose the life you want to live." She paused and said, "My name is Feng Qingran, I am from Southern Province, and I am the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Southern Province. What I say represents the Southern Provincial Government. From now on, My words also represent the Nyingchi government." She declared again: "You are free."

The slaves kneeling on the ground couldn't believe it, some people still fell to the ground, some people raised their heads and looked at Feng Qingran in surprise.

A man in his thirties asked hesitantly, "Can I go back to Lhasa Water City?"

Feng Qingran said: "I can send you a boat, and you can drive back by yourself."

He looked at Feng Qingran in disbelief and asked again, "Can you come back?"

Feng Qing nodded and said, "If you can go back, gather a boat and go back by yourself." She smiled, helped the person up, and probed the person next to him. They stood up one by one and said, "Go, go and tell everyone that you are free."

Liu Ziche and Wu Nan helped these skinny and black people up one by one, and every time they lifted up one person, they told them, "You are free, go and tell others , you are free, go to the castle to collect relief supplies later, and whoever wants to go home can go home later."

What kind of life have you had? Some teenagers have been slaves since they can remember. They don't know what freedom means at all. They ask blankly: "If you don't become slaves, what will you do in the future? Will there be food?"

Some people cried and said, "We are so weak, we can't go hunting in the sea, if we don't become slaves, we will starve to death."

Cries, cheers, and voices running from the city walls spread everywhere, some weeping with joy at being free, others not knowing what else to do other than being a slave What to cry for at a loss.

Feng Qingran and the others did not stay on the city wall for a long time, and the three went straight to the castle.

Feng Qingran asked Wu Nan to take people to clean up the warehouse of the castle, and move the food to the square outside the castle. Cook the food and feed the people in the city first.

When you are full, your heart is at ease.

There are some housekeepers, chiefs and guards in Linzhi City. They are not slaves. They have their own manor territory and enjoy the life of servants and slaves. Seeing that the situation was over, these people were worried that they would be liquidated, so they packed up their valuables and fled in a hurry.

Many people were taken captive, their homes were destroyed, and they were full of hatred.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the city, they flocked to the manor and the fleeing crowd with tools for work. After the two sides fought, the fire was ignited, and some people set fire to the manor and the carriage carrying valuables in order to vent their anger. The carriage ignited, and the horse was frightened, pulling the burning carriage and running wildly, and set the animal hide house on fire, and the city burned.

Mo Qingqing saw the fire, and when she rushed over, she saw someone slashing and killing each other, someone was robbing valuables and heavy items on the supply truck, and the box containing the power crystal fell to the ground , the power crystals were scattered all over the ground, and many people rushed over to grab them regardless of their lives. Some people desperately defended their property, shouted "mine, mine" and slashed at the people around them, and they were hacked to death again.

Some people lined up to receive food where the relief supplies were distributed, and some people looted here. Some people were slaves before, and once they were free, they turned around and picked up knives to rob the rich who were fleeing. There are also people holding a knife in the right hand and a human head in the left, crying bitterly on their backs, and shouting to the sky, "Vengeance, revenge..." It was like crazy.

After Mo Qingqing put out the fire, he let those people fight each other for property, and only instructed the people in the aircraft carrier formation, "When they are done fighting, catch all the rest. "She suddenly understood why the police in the TV series have to wait until the fight is over.

The guards and fighters in Nyingchi City were still detained. Those who made troubles and clashed, and those who escaped, were all cleaned up by the aircraft carrier formation. The newly freed slaves were resettled by Feng Qingran as refugees.

First, they find some people who have read books and can write and do statistics, and register those who want to leave according to different routes, and then arrange boats for them, and let them leave by boat by themselves . There are those who are worried about the danger of going out to sea and dare not take the boat to leave by themselves, and want to go back, these are left to wait for the news to see if Lhasa Water City will send someone to pick them up. As for the slaves kidnapped from other chieftains and Tibetan kings, even if they wanted to go back to reunite with their families, Feng Qingran and the others just registered and asked them to wait for news.

Those who are unwilling to leave, want to stay in Linzhi, or whose original home is in Linzhi, can go to the recruitment office to find a job after registration.

Feng Qingran took over Nyingchi City, and there are a lot of jobs that need manpower, and there are many people who only cook for the "refugees". Wu Nan wanted to recruit guards and hunting teams, and to train his own team. Liu Ziche also received an assignment from Feng Qingran to prepare for farming. The wild ones grow slowly, the active water area is wide, and hunting is inconvenient. Liu Ziche has also made great achievements in researching those seafood. It is more convenient to find some mild temperament and easy to breed. Liu Ziche also has some seeds planted from the capital base. If they can be planted and cultivated in Tibet, they will be able to make use of the currently deserted land, so that the soil can also produce some planting output, and people will have more ways to live.

Feng Qingran has limited manpower, so she also came up with a way to recruit contractors. She recruited the foreman, distributed some basic materials, dispatched engineering work, and asked the foreman to recruit people to do the work well. For example, the land of Nyingchi City was surveyed, some fortifications that were half-built and the city continued to be built, and the residential buildings in the city were repaired.

The people in the aircraft carrier formation thought that Feng Qingran would use them to manage Nyingchi City, but their role was only to temporarily serve as the guardian of the castle, and Feng Qingran encircled a place for them to let them self-placement.

There are more than 100,000 people in Linzhi City, Feng Qingran just thinks that it is not easy to settle in a short time, and there is no shortage of manpower.

On the third day that Feng Qingran took Nyingchi City, Lhasa Water City and the surrounding big chieftains and Tibetan kings sent people over. Those chieftains and Tibetan kings who practiced slavery sent people in front and soldiers in the back. They set up a mighty team to block the sea, and asked her directly if she had any opinions about them being chieftains and Tibetan kings, and some even asked her. Banner of revenge for Zumba Chilin. Lhasa Water City sent someone over to learn about Feng Qingran's situation and wanted to establish diplomatic relations. No matter where Feng Qing came from, she beat Zongba Chilin and stood on the opposite side of those Tusi Tibetan Kings, who were friends of Lhasa Water City.

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