MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 398

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The fair skin on his face, in this poorly lit cabin, suddenly artificially created a ghost effect.

Wu Weixin: "..." He coughed, even if it was difficult to speak, he still spoke softly and said, "Bald heads look good, and bald heads are good."

Mo Qingqing then accepted the power and returned to her bald head. She touched her bare head and said, "I also think the bald head looks good." , turned his head to look over, and found that Wu Nan was still wiping tears. She tilted her head and thought for a while, and said to the two bodyguards beside Wu Weixin, "Let's go, let's go out and let their father and daughter get together."

The two bodyguards remained motionless.

Mo Qingqing didn't say a word, released the ghost hand vine, tied the two directly and dragged them out.

No matter how hard the two bodyguards struggled, they didn't break free. Just as they were about to shout, they heard Master Wu say, "Listen to Xiaomo." This made him give up struggling and shouting.

Mo Qingqing dragged the two to the deck, looked at the people who were standing on the balcony, and said, "You guys, including the team hidden in the bilge, Even if you get up, you can't beat me, and I'll let you find it with both hands and feet."

The two bodyguards were **** like dumplings and lay on the ground, watching the ghost hand vines growing under Mo Qingqing's feet, silently, without speaking, only in the heart: You are covered in Hands and feet, do you need both hands and feet?

Mo Qingqing took off the bodyguard's hood and mask, revealing two people with blue scales that looked like sea monsters. One of the two heads has mutated into a fish head, and the other is even worse. One mouth occupies half of the face, and the mouth is full of sharp teeth, and even the structure of the skull has mutated.

This action immediately angered the two of them. The two struggled fiercely again, but they were firmly entangled by the ghosts. , The two of them suddenly showed their faces distorted and bulged, looking like they were about to be crushed or crushed.

Seeing this, Ma Lili quickly shouted: "God of War."

Mo Qingqing saw that the two were no longer struggling, so she stopped and said, "Why are you so excited, go back to Liu Ziche to arrange a few operations for you, and then re-evolve twice, and then you will be able to recover again. It has a human form." After she finished speaking, she glanced at the middle-aged man next to Ma Lili.

The way the middle-aged man looked at her was different from others. The emotion in the eyes of others was the shock and fear of his strength, while the eyes of the middle-aged man were scrutinizing and thinking , when he saw her looking over, he smiled at her again.

The middle-aged man took a few steps forward and extended his hand to Mo Qingqing, "The reputation of the God of War is indeed well-deserved."

Mo Qingqing's heart was clear. From the fact that she and Wu Nan were led around by them, it could be seen that their whereabouts were hidden. If they could see Wu Weixin, it must have been her and Wu Nan's names spreading out, and Wu Weixin heard about them. Name, and the people under them connected with the two of them again, and this came out. She stretched out her right hand and shook hands with the man. The man's hand suddenly glowed with supernatural light, scales suddenly appeared on his hand, his nails suddenly became sharp, and the strength of his hand suddenly increased, competing with her.

Mo Qingqing: "..." She didn't even shake hands, if she squeezed a little, her hand could be crushed by her.

The man smiled and looked at Mo Qingqing with a very kind look.

Mo Qingqing suddenly felt that this person was a little unkind, so when she exerted a little force, she heard the sound of bones shattering, and blood with a faint blue supernatural light dripped from her fingers When he came out, the man's face was distorted in pain, and the smile on his face could no longer be maintained. Mo Qingqing withdrew her hand, shook off the blood on her hand, and praised: "You are the first person who dares to compete with me."

The man was shaking with pain as he held his right wrist. The bones of the entire palm of his right hand were completely broken, causing the entire palm to be deformed. The bones penetrated through the flesh and came out like a pool of rotten flesh. He gritted his teeth and shouted, "Isn't the God of War too vicious?"

Mo Qingqing rolled her eyes angrily, and said with disgust, "Where is this? Liu Ziche's jokes with me are poisoning me to death. When the gun is fired, the bullets are always on my head." She added, "You are too weak."

Wu Nan pushed Wu Weixin's wheelchair out of the cabin.

Wu Weixin instructed the middle-aged man, "Shiqiao, go to Linzhi." His eyes swept over the middle-aged man's injured hand, but he didn't say anything.

Song Shiqiao hesitated and said, "Master Wu, would it be too bold for us to go directly to Linzhi? I'm worried that there will be danger."

Wu Weixin waved his hand and asked him to do it.

Song Shiqiao nodded, "Yes."

Wu Weixin coughed twice and said to Wu Nan and Mo Qingqing, "I'm getting older..."

Mo Qingqing took the next words with a smile, "You can't control the people below?"

Wu Weixin was choked. He glanced at Mo Qingqing, why didn't he realize that her mouth was so annoying before.

Feng Qingran and Liu Ziche didn't expect Wu Nan and Mo Qingqing to go out and find Wu Weixin, and they found a man who was seriously disfigured beyond recognition. Fortunately, they have to fight against Yizhi to play the game of disguising and impersonating. They have already experienced how to identify real and fake, so they don't have to worry about Wu Nan and Mo Qingqing identifying the wrong person.

Feng Qingran and Liu Ziche greeted Wu Weixin with the attitude of juniors, introduced themselves, and went to the castle to meet them.

Liu Ziche said to Mo Qingqing and Wu Nan, "You two are going well." He glanced at Song Shiqiao behind Wu Weixin.

Song Shiqiao's right hand was wrapped in a zongzi shape, and there was a strong smell of blood and dried seaweed with therapeutic effects. Wu Nan and Mo Qingqing both had life fluids on them. They didn't treat this man's wounds, obviously they didn't want to see him. But seeing that he was closely behind Wu Weixin, his position was closer than the two bodyguards, and he was only one step away from Wu Nan who was pushing a wheelchair. It could be seen that his status was not low, and his relationship with Wu Weixin was quite close.

Mo Qingqing glanced at Liu Ziche's eyes and said, "This guy named Song Shiqiao is as good as me."

Song Shiqiao: "..." Is it possible to abolish a person's hand?

Liu Ziche: "…"

Feng Qingran: "…"

This is so overwhelming.

After the group entered the castle, Liu Ziche asked Wu Nan, "Treat the injury first?" After many years of habit, seeing the disabled, itchy hands, and hearing Wu Weixin's voice unpleasant and strenuous, he felt that It's better to heal the injury first, and then talk about other things slowly.

Wu Nan replied: "Okay." She said to Wu Weixin: "Dad, I will accompany you to Liu Ziche for treatment first."

Wu Weixin naturally trusted his daughter, so he nodded immediately and said, "Okay." Then he smiled: "I'll leave this old life to you." Then he added, "Cure Now, it's my luck, if it's not cured, it's my life."

Song Shiqiao exclaimed: "Master Wu, is this too hasty, in case... I mean that your safety is at stake, so be cautious."

Liu Ziche understood why Song Shiqiao's hand was abolished. Song Shiqiao popped out to question and block something that both the patient and the immediate family members agreed to, which was very annoying.

Wu Weixin lived for so many years, Liu Ziche and the others could see what they were thinking with just one look. He said: "My life was saved by Shiqiao's father. Shiqiao has been with me for almost 20 years, which is not much worse than his own son."

Mo Qingqing unceremoniously pierced Wu Weixin, "If I crippled my stuffy hand, you would have jumped up and killed me."

Wu Weixin: "..." After not seeing him for many years, this child has really "grown up".

Feng Qingran: "..."

Liu Ziche: "..."

Wu Nan: "..." Well, you're right.

Song Shiqiao: "..."

Wu Weixin ordered his entourage to wait outside, and let Wu Nan push his wheelchair to heal the wound.

Feng Qingran arranged accommodation for Song Shiqiao and Wu Weixin's entourage.

Mo Qingqing followed Feng Qingran and left Song Shiqiao and their residence, and said, "Uncle Wu's hands really don't stop."

Feng Qingran smiled nonchalantly and said, "It's good to find Uncle Wu, as for the rest, it doesn't matter." If they are isolated from a distance, not to mention the danger of sailing in the sea, even if they can go back and forth smoothly, it will take at least ten years to go back and forth. This place does not have any advantages in technology and resources, and she does not even need to establish diplomatic relations. No one wants to go to great lengths to trade at a loss. She ordered Lin Zhi to make these changes, firstly, to do what she could do, and secondly, to have a stable foothold during the search for Wu Weixin.

Song Shiqiao's injured hand hurts so much that his temper is extremely grumpy and hateful. His advantage is that he has always been by Lord Wu's side. When Lord Wu has no children, he is the closest person to Lord Wu. It is not bad to say that he is half a son. But now that Master Wu suddenly has a biological daughter who needs strength, strength and status, he has to step aside.

According to their behavior and behavior, I don't know how many people will be offended. If Wu Nan wants to take Wu Ye's class, it depends on whether she is convinced or not. He thought bitterly: "She came out, that's a target."

Liu Ziche brought Wu Nan and Wu Weixin into the gate of her laboratory yard when she saw a corpse lying on the ground.

This person has just died, the body has not yet cooled down, and the xenograft seedlings are rooted in his hands, absorbing blood.

Liu Ziche: "..." What happened recently, why can't so many people think about it?

Wu Nan squinted Liu Ziche, then looked at the "Danger Do Not Enter" sign hanging on the door of the courtyard, and said, "It's better for you to arrange for some people to guard the gate."

Liu Ziche said: "That will have to wait for you to train people and then have to repeatedly screen them out. I might as well sprinkle a few more poisons with that effort." She covered the power on her hands, Pull out the xenograft seedlings from the corpse, then use the supernatural power to burn the corpse to ashes, wave your wings to create a gust of wind, and let the ashes disperse with the wind, and you're done.

Wu Weixin suddenly discovered that her daughter's friends looked more gentle than each other, and when they started, they were more brutal than the other.

Liu Ziche entered the yard and planted the allograft seedlings back into the nursery.

Wu Nan is more familiar with Liu Ziche's laboratory than her own home. She pushes her father into the house familiarly, and checks her father first, and finds that the power is so weak that it can be completely ignored No matter what, I can only use the primary life liquid for treatment, so I ran to carry the primary life liquid and the medicinal materials that matched the life liquid.

When Liu Ziche came back after planting the different planting seedlings, Wu Nan had already adjusted the treatment liquid, and only Liu Ziche could check and confirm.

Liu Ziche first performed a detailed physical examination for Wu Weixin, so she could better understand why Song Shiqiao was so jumpy. Wu Weixin's physical condition is really bad, his organs are aging and degraded, his breath has a rotten smell unique to the elderly, and coupled with an injury, if they come a year and a half later, they can only regret it. back. She told Wu Nan: "Uncle Wu's physical condition is different from that of young adults in their 20s and 30s. His organs are severely damaged and damaged, and he does not have the strong absorption and transformation ability of young people. Now let him regenerate his amputated limbs. It is very likely that permanent damage will be left." Life Liquid can treat many injuries, but if it grows disabled during the healing process, it is really disabled, just like Mo Qingqing's hair, don't want to grow back in this life. .

"I suggest repairing the aging and damaged internal organs for Uncle Wu first, and slowly nourish and repair them with life fluid. It may take a long time, but there is a process of slow absorption and recovery, which can make The wound has grown better. When his body is healed, he will regenerate and evolve his severed limbs."

Wei Xin soaked in the medicated bath with his clothes on.

Liu Ziche said to Wu Weixin, "Uncle Wu, I suggest you soak for half a month."

Wu Weixin said: "Okay.", asked: "How long do you soak every day?"

Liu Ziche said: "Soak for fifteen consecutive days, twenty-four hours a day."

Wu Weixin: “…”

Liu Ziche said: "I will change the treatment fluid for you every four hours."

Wu Weixin said: "I'm afraid this won't work." He saw Liu Ziche raised his eyebrows and said, "If I don't go out for too long, there will be trouble outside. They will probably make trouble here. ."

Liu Ziche said: "You just take this opportunity to see what those people under your command can do." She paused and said: "With your physical condition, if you don't take good care of it , even if you go out, I'm afraid it won't be stable for long. With us here, you can treat your illness with peace of mind, and nothing major will happen."

Wu Weixin said in a heavy tone: "I have a research center in my hands."

Liu Ziche was shocked, "Is there still people doing scientific research in Tibet?" It's not just a bunch of old-fashioned slave owners and a government army.

Wu Weixin said: "After the disaster, I found that the world had changed, so I collected all the geologists, biologists and other scientific researchers I could find in Tibet. The place is vast and sparsely populated, and there are many uninhabited areas, but there are also many researchers who come to do scientific research. In the face of such an apocalyptic disaster, the most precious thing is not the army, but the scientists.”

Liu Ziche looked at Wu Nan with admiration on her face, with only four words written in her eyes: Your father is awesome!

Wu Nan asked: "Dad, are you worried that they will attack the scientific research center while you are in treatment?"

Wu Weixin said: "In that place, there are not many people who know, but not a lot. Heroes are born in troubled times, but behind this is often the disaster of war. I am here, and none of them are convinced. No one dares to come forward first, which is fine."

Liu Ziche said: "The research center should have a defense force to protect itself?" At least her laboratory has always been very defensive.

Wu Weixin took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Yes, there are mutant orcs in the research center, their abilities are very strong, but they have all mutated into half-human half-beasts, because of their special appearance , does not live with normal people, and bears the burden of defending against the Kraken. Once the laboratory is in chaos, the Kraken is likely to come out of the Devil's Gorge. The Kraken has a very high IQ, and has a strong ability to imitate and learn, said It's a siren, more like a human living in the ocean. The other side of the Devil's Gorge is more like another world, a world that changes Tibet and changes the earth. The research center is guarding this gate for Tibet." He After a pause, he said slowly, "The power resources circulating in the Tibetan underground black market come from the research center. That is the only channel through which ordinary people and the bottomless can exchange power materials. Tusi, Tibetan King, Living Buddha and The power resources in the hands of the government army never flow out."

Liu Ziche pondered for a while, and said, "I will adjust the treatment plan for you. First, soak for four hours a day. As for the rest, you'd better talk to Feng Qingran." She paused. He went down and said, "Uncle Wu, if you don't take good care of your physical condition, I'm afraid it won't last long. After we find you, we will consider going back."

Wu Weixin said: "Give me some time to arrange things, I will go with you, and then I will have a lot of time to recuperate my body."

Liu Ziche said: "You'd better get treatment early, your body can't afford it."

Wu Weixin went out after soaking in the medicinal bath, still in a wheelchair and still without legs.

Seeing this, Song Shiqiao couldn't help but ask, "Isn't it possible to regenerate a severed limb?"

Mo Qingqing saw that Wu Weixin's breathing was much smoother, and the smell of his exhalation was not so heavy. He could probably guess Wu Weixin's situation, only rolled his eyes at Song Shiqiao and asked, "Are you Do you still want to use your left hand to compete with me?"

Song Shiqiao said: "God of War, I do have some rudeness, and you have taught me a lesson, but I am concerned about Wu Lao's physical condition, there is nothing wrong with it, right? Yes, Wu Nan is Mr. Wu's biological daughter, I can trust him, but we have been born and died with Mr. Wu for so many years, are we outsiders? Shouldn't we be worried about Mr. Wu?"

Wu Weixin said: "Shiqiao, don't worry." He said to Liu Ziche, "I have to ask you to treat the wound on Shiqiao's hand." He paused and said: " Shiqiao, I understand what you're thinking, but if you can't hold it back, don't think about it."

Song Shiqiao's face changed slightly, he wanted to say something, but swallowed his words and said, "Master Wu, I'm just worried about you."

Wu Weixin also knows that when people have such thoughts, they often don't want to turn back when they hit the south wall. What he says is useless.

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