MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 40

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The aunt grabbed Feng Qingran tightly and exclaimed excitedly: "Ranran, really Ranran..." She kept crying, and the words behind her were all choked up.

Mo Qingqing walked all the way with her uncle on her back, her waist was almost unable to walk, she gritted her teeth and shouted, "Someone will pick it up."

Han Beichen and Lin Lin quickly stepped forward to help Feng Zhenxuan down.

Mo Qingqing shouted again: "Be careful of his feet, his feet are broken."

She shouted, and immediately startled Feng Qingran. Feng Qingran shouted, "Dad." He quickly supported Feng Zhenxuan, looked at his legs, and asked, "What's wrong with your feet?" At this moment, he saw that one of Feng Zhenxuan's feet was not wearing shoes. Ankle is swollen.

Feng Zhenxuan wiped his eyes and said, "It's alright, a few little **** came to **** something, and they beat him up a few times." He supported Feng Qingran's Arm, looked at Feng Qingran and looked at it, and said, "You can do it well, you can do it well."

Feng Qingran saw that the wind was so strong that his lips were trembling, and he quickly took off the cloak and put it on her dad. She took off her jackal vest and put it on her mother.

Feng's mother Mu Xiyan said: "I'm not cold, you wear it, don't freeze."

Feng Qingran said: "I'm an infected mutant, anti-freeze, you put on, don't freeze. The wind is getting stronger and stronger, let's find a place to shelter first." The grass seeds blew on her parents and quickly patted them off, but there were too many grass seeds blowing in the wind. She was worried about plant spores and grass seeds infecting her parents, and said to Mo Qingqing, "Little Mo, can I borrow your cloak?"

Mo Qingqing took out her cloak, stuffed the meat wrapped in the cloak with tin leather back into the backpack, and put the cloak on Mu Xiyan's body.

Mu Xiyan repeatedly thanked Mo Qingqing, and then said to Feng Qingran: "Thanks...Xiao...Xiaomo? Thanks to her. Of course, I have to thank others well."

Mo Qingqing hurriedly shouted: "Don't, say it, you two will be taken care of by Feng Qingran, not me." She opened her mouth to speak, and grass seeds blew to her In his mouth, he quickly poohed the grass seeds out.

The wind is getting more and more, and the words are pouring into the mouth.

Feng Qingran asked Han Beichen to help carry Lin Zhenxuan, she handed her backpack to Mo Qingqing to hold, and then carried Mu Xiyan.

Mo Qingqing raised her head and looked ahead when she saw Feng Qing, without moving, she asked, "Why are you standing still?" I didn't feel anything yet, and then I saw that everyone was going to the B area. Not only the infected mutants who originally lived in Area B, but even the ordinary people in Area A were heading there. There were so many people going to Area B that the road was blocked, and the flow of people was almost stagnant.

Feng Qingran said decisively: "Go." Turning around and squeezing towards Area A.

Lin Runsheng said to Lin Lin, "Dad, let's follow Sister Qingran."

Forestry also saw the situation in Area B and walked to Feng Qingran to open the way. He was tall and strong, standing in front of him like a wall of flesh, and he squeezed a way out of the crowd for Feng Qingran and them.

Mo Qingqing disliked the wind, so she quickly shrank behind Lin Lin and asked Lin Lin to block the wind for him. After walking a few steps, she felt someone squeeze over, she thought it was a pickpocket, He quickly turned his head to look, only to recognize that it was Cuihua and the others. She asked unexpectedly, "Why are you here?"

Cuihua said: "Miss Feng said you were lost and wanted to wait for you at the door. She was afraid that we would be in a hurry, so she asked Miss Lin and Mr. Han to call us over."

Mo Qingqing glanced at Feng Qingran next to her eyes, very suspicious that Feng Qingran wanted to bring the four of them with her. She thought for a while and said to Cuihua, "I only remember your name."

Cuihua pointed to a short-haired, very thin woman and said, "This is Qiao'er, Xia Qiao'er." Then she pointed to a gentle-looking woman with long hair and said, "This is water blue ." Then he pointed to the tall woman and said, "This is lotus seed paste, Fang Lianrong."

Mo Qingqing looked at their faces very seriously and memorized their names again. She looked at their faces carefully and found that they looked like middle-aged women because their clothes were dirty, ragged and messy, but when she looked at their faces, she found that they didn't have any wrinkles, they looked at most in their early thirties look. She said in her heart, "Sure enough, there is a huge difference between dressing up and not dressing up for a woman who is 30 years old." She quickly moved away from Feng Qingran and the four of them. She stood with them, she was a red flower, and the four of them were green leaves.

A district is very crowded. Mo Qingqing walked among the four of them, as if being protected by bodyguards, and the four of them helped her block the crowd.

The person on the side squeezed each other's shoulders.

Mo Qingqing walked for a day, and took two elderly people for such a long walk. Her legs were already sore. She cried weakly, "Feng Qingran, where are you taking us?"

Feng Qingran said: "Find a place where there is less shelter from the wind to spend the night."

Mo Qingqing made a "ho" sound and said, "You still want to find a place with fewer people in the a district..." She swallowed half of what she said, and said, "I know a place."

Feng Qingran quickly turned around and asked, "Where?"

Mo Qingqing said, "It's me who picked up two old people who lost their only one... No, I picked your parents' place."

Feng Qingran heard that Mo Qingqing wanted to talk about the old man who lost her only one, and glanced deeply at Mo Qingqing, and then at Chen Yingxi's family who were still following them. Qing said, "Lead the way."

Mo Qingqing walked ahead and led the way, and soon turned to the forest area.

Mo Qingqing turned on her headlights. Seeing that the light was not enough, she took out a flashlight and handed it to the forestry who was walking in the front.

Xia Qiaoer asked tremblingly: "Mo...Miss Mo, we live here?"

Mo Qingqing said: "There are mountains to block the wind and trees to block the birds, except for a little more insects and no tents, I think it's good." She didn't pull the smelly path to her. Go up, go down the road that came down with the old couple on your back, follow the road around the lake, go up to the pavilion, and a little further up is the platform.

Feng Qingran put Mu Xiyan down, and took out the flashlight from her backpack and pointed it at the gazebo below. The pavilion was built beside the road, in an octagonal shape. The pavilion was covered with grass and vines. Probably there were people living in the pavilion before, and there was no grass around the pavilion.

She compared the lower platform and the gazebo and said, "I'll go to the gazebo."

Mo Qingqing was so tired that she slumped on the bench and said, "I don't want to go anymore, I don't want to go back at all, I carried them to the gate today and brought them with me again. When you walk back, I feel like I'm looking for abuse, I've already climbed here, and you let me go down to the cold..." Before she could finish, she saw Feng Qingran had already left with a flashlight. Still going. She rolled her eyes angrily, sat up, and felt for her water and jerky to nibble. When she took out the jerky, she saw Cuihua and the four of them all looking at her, and swallowed, and when they saw her look over, the four of them looked away. Mo Qingqing thought to herself, "It's not that I promised to give you meat." But she thought again, Feng Qingran is so edible, and when Feng Qingran's food is finished, she will definitely go out to find food, and when she finds food, she is here food was left. Thinking this way, she took out the food in her bag and shared it with everyone.

When she finished dividing the food, Feng Qingran and Forestry came back.

Feng Qingran said: "I have seen the pavilion below. Although the roots of the plants have penetrated the glazed tiles above, the glazed tiles are coiled by the roots, and they are still strong. The pavilion hangs down. The roots and vines can also provide some cover for us, and the trees next to it can also block it."

Mo Qingqing had no opinion on Feng Qingran and Forestry, so she could only do it. She got up and moved to the gazebo with her bag.

Feng Qingran put her parents in the pavilion, and when Cuihua and the four finished eating, he took them to cut vines and sawgrass.

The vines around the sawgrass are strong and long. Fortunately, the wind has green scales, and it is not difficult to cut the vines. They surrounded the pavilion with cut vines around the pavilion's pillars. Divide the sawgrass into bundles, tie up one end like a haystack, and hang it on the vines. Sawtooth haystacks nearly two meters high were hung around the pavilion and sealed on all sides. If people want to get in and out, they have to push the haystack with their hands.

The time is limited, the vision is not clear at night, and the danger in the grass, they can only make a simple grass hut for the night. Even so, it took us an hour or two to build a simple grass shed, which was still a result of Cuihua, who was accustomed to farm work. Cuihua and the other four let the sawgrass scrape all over their hands with fine wounds.

Although the grass shed leaks from all sides, it is better to have shelter than no shelter, at least the blown grass seeds are blocked by sawtooth haystacks. The grass seeds in the pavilion had been cleaned up, and then a jackal-skin cloak was placed on the ground, and everyone crowded together and sat on the cloak.

The cloak laid on the ground is windy.

Mo Qingqing was embarrassed to let the two old men freeze, so she made them wrap her cloak. The wind was blowing just now, and they couldn't eat well. They stopped now and quickly took out the food and water, and everyone shared the food.

Feng Qing is not sure whether these foods can be eaten by ordinary people, but there is no other way at this time, but she can only let her parents eat a little and try.

Chen Yingxi's family of three sat next to the door and huddled together silently.

Feng Zhenxuan already understood what happened between them when he saw Feng Qing's attitude towards Chen Yingxi. He complained and complained, but he also understood that not everyone could give up their parents and their lives to accompany their lover to the disaster. Translocation thinking, if that happens, although he will feel that his daughter is immoral, he also hopes that her daughter will survive. Now that Feng Qingran is still alive, even if he has a grudge in his heart, he can't watch a family of three starve to death in front of him. He divided half of the food Feng Qingran gave him, handed it to Mo Qingqing, and said, "Little Mo, I can't eat so much, so help me give them to them."

Mo Qingqing said "ah", looked at Feng Zhenxuan in surprise, and said, "Are you okay?"

Feng Zhenxuan said: "It's not a wicked person, even if it's a stranger, when you see someone in trouble, you can help."

Mo Qingqing squinted at Feng Zhenxuan. If it wasn't for the thought that it would be impolite to say unpleasant things to such an old man, she would really like to say a few words to him.

Feng Zhenxuan said: "Nothing else, just be at peace, you can't just ignore it."

These words just hit Mo Qingqing's heart. She has done this kind of thing several times, so Mo Qingqing can't say anything else. She "cut" Feng Zhenxuan, stuffed Feng Zhenxuan's meat back to her, and cut some of her own meat to send to Chen Yingxi and the others.

Chen Yingxi took the meat, looked at Feng Zhenxuan, and choked: "Uncle Feng, I'm sorry."

Feng Zhenxuan sighed: "It's not easy, it's all for survival. Eat it."

Mo Qingqing sat back again and said, "Feng Qingran, I think we are going to hunt soon..." Before she finished speaking, she caught a glimpse of a white hand stretched out at the grass shed came in.

Mo Qingqing's hair stood up instantly, she almost instinctively lifted the steel bar and stood up.

Forestry also stood up and immediately took care of his two children by his side.

Feng Qingran exclaimed: "Don't panic, it's a human."

The hand pushed aside the haystack, and a tall and thin woman with hair fluttering in the wind appeared in front of them.

Mo Qingqing recognized the woman with the scalpel at a glance, and said, "It's you." Put down the steel bars.

Feng Qingran saw that Mo Qingqing was an acquaintance, whether it was an enemy or a friend, so he relaxed his guard, glanced at her, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

The woman stood at the "door" of the grass shed and asked, "Can I borrow a place?"

Feng Qingran said, "Come in."

The woman thanked and slapped the grass seeds on her body at the door before she got into the pavilion, stood at the "door", and said, "Excuse me", and reported Put your name on it: "Liu Ziche."

Feng Qingran said, "You quietly followed us for two days."

Liu Ziche nodded and said bluntly, "I want to join you."

Feng Qingran asked: "Why?"

Liu Ziche was expressionless, and said with a bit of coolness, "One, you are willing to help the four of them when they are desperate; two, you are willing to help your companions find their relatives; three , do not blindly follow, follow the crowd, have their own ideas; four, there are meat, there are many people; five, you are short of doctors, and there is an urgent need now."

Lin Runsheng put his head close to Mo Qingqing and whispered to Mo Qingqing, "She is so cool and handsome."

Mo Qingqing whispered back: "She pretended to be so thin, she was shivering from the cold. The day we lived in the tent, she was greedy for our meat."

Liu Ziche glanced at Mo Qingqing and Lin Runsheng coldly, and asked Feng Qingran coldly: "Can you tell me something."

Feng Qingran said, "Help my dad look at his legs after eating."