MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 415

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Liu Ziche was seriously injured, and she could only rely on supernatural powers to urge cells to slowly repair the damage, and Wu Nan stayed in the laboratory to take care of her.

Feng Qingran saw that Liu Ziche's injury did not worsen, but gradually improved, so he went out of the laboratory and asked Mo Qingqing to discuss what to do next.

Mo Qingqing's intuition and reaction have always been accurate when encountering unknown dangers.

When Mo Qingqing saw Liu Ziche's injury, she didn't need to ask more to know what happened to her.

Liu Ziche can fly, only when he encounters a nuclear mutant beast that can also fly will he be injured like this, otherwise he would have fluttered his wings and flew far away. She then analyzed the strength of the mutant beast from Liu Ziche's serious injury. Liu Ziche is not an ordinary person or an ordinary person who has no resistance to nuclear mutant energy. Even if she encounters a nuclear mutant bird of this level, unless it is within the direct attack range of the ability, she will basically not. will be damaged. In other words, Liu Ziche either encountered the simultaneous attack of a large-scale nuclear mutant bird flock, or encountered an extremely powerful nuclear mutant bird king. If she encounters the latter, at the speed of the "king" level, the possibility of being able to escape is extremely low.

She told Feng Qingran her analysis and said: "If we break into the flock of nuclear mutant birds, and the boat cannot be saved, I can only run for my own life at best. There is also a premise that We're not in a place where we can't reach the sky or the ground, and there is a way to run." What she feared most was just like Liu Ziche on the red moon, plunging into it and finding herself high in the sky. She also has no wings, and she will definitely become mashed when she falls. When she fell off a cliff before, she was underweight at that time. Luckily, she was lifted up by a bird's wings a few times to ease her falling momentum, and the branches of the towering ancient trees eased from thin to thick, which made her fall. Landed safely and without risk. With her weight now, once she falls, the fate will be horrific.

Mo Qingqing still has her own views and ways of coping with their situation. She said: "Assuming we are really between the red moon and the earth, according to what Liu Ziche has detected, we should be at the junction now. Our situation here is different from that of the red moon and the earth. Feng Qingran, you Does it look like we're in the gap between two buildings that are tightly packed together?"

Feng Qingran glanced at Mo Qingqing with bright eyes, and said, "Go ahead."

Mo Qingqing continued: "We often encountered typhoons and storms inexplicably before, and they were suddenly blocked and disappeared, indicating..." She drew one square shape after another and said: "It is Suppose, there is an invisible wall that divides this gap into many areas, we can't see or touch, but they exist." She drew three consecutive squares, and then drew a winged villain with vines The villain, with a vine in the middle, said: "We are in the first square, Liu Ziche is in the third, there is a line between us, and the middle goes through the second square, but for unknown reasons, we see I can't see the second square, so I can't see the ghost hand vine that connects me and Liu Ziche."

She circled the squares again and said, "And these squares, whether you can see them or not, always lead to either the red moon or the earth. Try one by one in a stupid way. , if you walk ten times or eight times, you can always meet the right one. Besides, Liu Ziche went up to the red moon before, and he encountered a nuclear mutant bird when he went down. The probability of us going down and returning to the earth is very high. . We just need to avoid the nuclear mutant bird area. Even if we accidentally go farther, we just need to run around and come back.”

Mo Qingqing also said one of the most concerned issues, "We need a hot air balloon." . The animal kayak has several large barrels of animal oil, which should be able to handle it for a while. She continued: "We use hot air balloons to ensure that the kayak can float, and then let the scheming bird pull the kayak to fly like a horse-drawn carriage."

The scheming bird heard Mo Qingqing mention its name, tilted its head to look at Mo Qingqing, blinked in confusion, a little bit did not understand what she meant, but intuition told her that Mo Qingqing There is a meaning to want to pit it.

After thinking about it, Feng Qingran asked Mo Qingqing: "Do you think the scheming bird will honestly 'pull a cart' for us?"

Mo Qingqing squinted at the scheming bird, and her eyes literally wrote: What's the use of raising you!

The scheming bird understood Mo Qingqing's eyes and rolled her eyes to her.

One person and one bird don't look away at the same time, no longer look at each other, full of disgust.

Feng Qingran really felt that no matter it was a hot air balloon or a scheming bird to pull a beast kayak, he couldn't expect too much. It is true that they encountered too many storms and balloons along the way, and hot air balloons use more fire and fuel than kayak. In the violent storm, the animal kayak was blown away, no matter how it was shaken, it was all floating on the water, and the objects were fixed, and no major incident could occur. A hot air balloon flying high in the sky and encountering a hurricane is a devastating disaster.

She pointed to the top of her head, and said to Mo Qingqing and Wu Weixin: "Zi Che said that if you go through it is the red moon, there are many floating islands with purple crystals, we can get some purple abilities. crystals and blue power crystals, which are used as flight fuel."

Mo Qingqing turned her head and glanced at the direction of the laboratory, Liu Ziche lay down, she was so heavy, and the boat full of people, scheming birds and blue-scaled beasts could not pull her back, Wu Weixin updated He was an ordinary person with no fighting ability, and only Feng Qingran and Wu Nan could be sent out. Let Wu Nan go mining with a spy, think too much! She asked Feng Qingran, "Are you going?"

Feng Qing nodded and said, "I'll go, take care of the boat, and pull me back when it's almost time."

Mo Qingqing thought that it would not be good to be trapped here and wait for death anyway, so she nodded and said, "Okay." They have to consider Wu Weixin's safety, or let Feng Qing open the way. Ghost Hand Vine protects everyone. Although they may be injured when they pass through the nuclear mutant birds, it is no big problem to save their lives.

Feng Qingran hung a chain made of chisel alloy at the front end of the animal tendon rope and wrapped it around his waist to prevent himself from accidentally breaking the rope by using his ability.

Mo Qingqing glanced at the chain on Feng Qingran's waist and commented: "It's like tying a dog." Feng Qingran tapped her head hard with her fingers.

Feng Qingran turned over and sat on the back of the scheming bird, letting the scheming bird carry her and fly up.

The scheming bird carried the wind and flew upwards, until the 500-meter-long rope was finished, and they were still above the animal kayak.

Mo Qingqing looked at the rope that was stretched straight, then looked at Feng Qingran and scheming birds flying in the sky like a kite, rubbed her eyes, and then called out: "It's over." Although they looked like they were staying put, in fact...the surroundings were always changing.

Feng Qingran flew high into the sky, and did not see the scene Liu Ziche described. Looking down, he saw that the animal kayak was still below, and the rope was almost straightened. She said to the scheming bird: "Master, fly a little lower and circle around."

The scheming bird responded with a "chirp", and did as Feng Qingran said.

It flew back and forth around the kayak several times, still just spinning above the kayak.

Feng Qingran sighed lightly and said, "Go back."

She and the scheming bird returned to the boat, and saw Mo Qingqing looking at her with a hopeless expression.

Mo Qingqing asked: "Do you want to try again?" What if I can't go back again? Compared with never going back, risking back from the flock of nuclear mutant birds is not unacceptable. As for how to get Wu Weixin to follow him safely, let's think of a way.

Feng Qingran asked Mo Qingqing: "Who is going?"

Mo Qingqing pointed at the scheming bird without hesitation.

The scheming bird returned with a big white eye, one plunged into Liu Ziche's laboratory, and looked at Liu Ziche, who was soaking in the power solution and still growing flesh and shedding the festering part, frightened After making two miserable bird calls, he rushed out of the laboratory and yelled at Mo Qingqing: Is it a human, is it a human, Liu Ziche is injured like this, and wants to call me!

Mo Qingqing threw a sentence to the scheming bird, "What's the use of raising you!" In the end, she had to do it herself! She released the ghost hand vines and stretched out towards the bottom, and learned to wave the vines to capture the things below like Liu Ziche and the scheming bird were caught before.

Her luck was very good. After stirring it a few times, she felt that she had touched something, and hurriedly stretched out the ghost hand vine to wrap it around.

That thing is quite heavy, and the ability is very powerful, and it broke a lot of her ghost vines at once.

Fight, who is afraid of who.

Mo Qingqing frantically delivered powers, desperately wrapped around the thing, and dragged it back while wrapping it.

That thing is also fierce, struggling desperately.

In terms of size, it looks like a giant beast like a snake and insect.

Mo Qingqing thought to herself, if you catch it, at least you don't have to worry about food, and you can get some skin and meat.

Feng Qingran saw the ghost hand vine hang down below the beast kayak, stretched down about a hundred meters and disappeared. The exposed part is often the fishing line that has entered the water desperately sinking, but she can't see what the "underwater" is.

After about half an hour, Mo Qingqing released the ghost hand vine to drag the power crystals into the cabin, and absorbed two large boxes of reserve power crystals in one go.

Feng Qingran gasped and asked Mo Qingqing, "What's the situation?"

Mo Qingqing said: "Catch a big guy."

Feng Qingran: "..." What luck! No, is this really fishing? So good for fishing?

While she was talking, she suddenly felt something different under the beast kayak, and hurriedly lay on the side of the beast kayak and looked down, a strange beast with a black head like a small hill The head appeared out of nowhere.

The diameter of the head is more than ten meters wide, and a human is not as old as one of its teeth.

Sharp horn, its body is covered with blue-black glowing scales, and a faint gray power covers its body.

The back of its head is a long neck, followed by two short, strong and powerful claws, and then a long body. At first glance, it looks a bit like a monitor lizard, but its body ratio is longer than that of a lizard, more like a long-legged snake, but it is similar to the mythical dragon.

Mo Qingqing struggled to pull, and asked Feng Qingran repeatedly: "What kind of big guy?"

Wu Weixin was lying on the side of the boat, her legs were weak, and her whole body was trembling. He looked at Mo Qingqing and really didn't know whether to admire her courage or her ability.

Feng Qingran saw that the thing had been pulled out for at least 100 meters, and had not seen its hind legs, so she shouted at Mo Qingqing: "Hurry up and put it back!" Crazy! This thing is an alien beast above the SSS level, a super giant gray fog abnormal beast. I didn't struggle at the moment and let Mo Qingqing pull it out. Don't think it is not resisting or not resisting, others are waiting Mo Qingqing pulled it out completely. Looking at that look, you know that this thing is very difficult to mess with, and its IQ is not low. After coming out, that line of sight met her, and then began to pretend to be powerless. She has beaten more alien beasts than people, and she can see its plans at a glance. She and Mo Qingqing's fighting strength is no problem to take it down, but what about the beast kayak and the others, including the three blue-scaled beasts?

The most terrible thing is that this thing also has a pair of bat-like wings! It can fly!

Not only can it fly, but it is not afraid of poison. Its body is covered with ghost hand vine liquid, and it is stained with a lot of broken vines, and its scales are fine.

When Mo Qingqing heard Feng Qingran's voice changed, she knew that the situation was not good. Taking into account the guy's abilities and size, she felt that he was tied up, but if it broke free, it would still be a bit of a risk. She said "oh" and stuffed the thing back with the ghost hand vine again.

Then it's gone.

It let out a thunderous roar from its mouth, and suddenly struggled, the claws slid into the air, and the gray fog ability was released.

Wave-like lines spread around it, and as the lines spread, it seemed as if a channel was torn open, revealing another world behind it.

Flying behemoths, which are not common on earth, abound here, and they are quite powerful. Below is the vast virgin forest, rolling mountains, meandering rivers and lakes. Compared with it, the virgin forests and various dangerous places on the earth that have appeared after the disaster are simply like an inconspicuous remote animal, the kind that is not too dangerous.

A thought popped into Feng Qingran's mind: trouble!

The power wave on her body was released, the gray fog power held her to float away from the beast kayak, and the black fog power turned into a tumbling giant tornado that intended to kill them as prey of giant flying beasts.

That thing knew that Feng Qingran was powerful, and when he struggled hard, he broke all the ghosts and vines on his body, twisted his huge body, and rolled up a stream of air as his wings stretched, It flew several hundred meters away in an instant, and the fierce and violent aura rolled out from its body, its body tossed and stirred in the air, stirring up the surrounding "water waves", as if the lake surface was shattered, revealing Underwater world.

Those scattered worlds are full of strange, like a kaleidoscope.

A thought flashed through Feng Qingran's mind so quickly that she couldn't catch it.

Feng Qingran couldn't think about it, she stood in front of the beast kayak, the black mist ability was released from her body, spread out toward the front, and was far away from the gray head The giant flying beasts with the fog ability confronted each other.

The giant flying beast squinted slightly, suddenly swiped its claws and flicked its tail, its head shoved forward, and the front half of its body suddenly disappeared. At the same time, Mo Qingqing and Feng Qingran both I was shocked to realize that something was different behind me, and the power wave of that thing suddenly appeared at the tail of the kayak, and there was a sound of "chila", and an airbag of the kayak was torn open. The sound of the airbag being pierced was also mixed with the sound of Wu Nan's gunshot and the roar of that thing's pain.

Feng Qing turned his head, he could no longer see anything, and there was something strange in front of him. When he looked again, he found that its head had returned to its original place, but its original round eyes At this moment, it opens and closes, the open eye is full of rage, and the closed eye is gurgling out tears, looking particularly miserable.

This was a sneak attack and Wu Nan shot him in the eye.

Its eyes only shed tears but not blood, which made Feng Qingran and Mo Qingqing have another assessment of its defense.

Mo Qingqing released the gray fog ability to float in the air, and at the same time released the ghost hand vine to wrap the animal kayak, wrap it firmly into a ghost hand rattan ball, and then shouted : "Feng Qingran, hit it."

The scheming bird heard the words, thinking that it would be too useless to shrink, so she stretched her head from the corner and stretched her neck to the wind and chirped twice, as if shouting: "Come on!" and then again Continue to shrink back, pretending that it has worked as a cheerleader!

Read Logging 10,000 Years into the Future