MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 422

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Liu Zixi's funeral is over, and various communication activities among the high-level officials in the southern province have resumed.

The most obvious thing is that Mo Qingqing and the others have visitors.

Feng Qingran, Liu Ziche and Wu Nan visited together at the appointed time when their former clan was still alive.

All three of them received a lot of posts, all written by old acquaintances, only Mo Qingqing did not. The three who had the best relationship with Mo Qingqing lived in the same room with her, and they had never been separated when they went to Tibet. As for the others, they didn't have much friendship.

Mo Qingqing didn't receive the post, and she didn't care if someone came to visit. Anyway, it was probably Feng Qingran who came to see her luxurious upgraded version.

However, on the day they came, Mo Qingqing realized that she thought too simply, this luxury upgrade was not a little bit higher.


Mo Qingqing sat upstairs and saw the cars parked on the street, thinking: "Oh, this is all posted." She thought about it, Liu Ziche has been away for so many years, the Liu family The descendants came out with either rich or expensive, and the rest stayed here to develop, as long as they survived, it would not be too bad.

Then, she saw some people in wheelchairs, some being carried, old, sick and disabled under the care of a bunch of juniors or medical staff, and some of them were trembling and even disregarded their own life and death If you are blocked by others, you have to force yourself to go.

She had the illusion that Feng Qing was going to have a banquet of blue humanoid skeletons.

Mo Qingqing was complaining in her heart when she saw Feng Qingran, Liu Ziche and Wu Nan all rushing to the gate. The three of them were probably also frightened by so many old men and women, standing there dumbfounded. The bunch of human-shaped skeletons were emotionally fluctuating. Many of them covered their faces or eyes and cried out loudly. Some shouted "Boss Feng", some called "Boss Liu", some called "Team Wu", and others Some of the medical staff who were provoked by leaning back on the spot rushed back from the brink of death with first aid, and another asked, "Where's Sister Mo Mo?".

Mo Qingqing said in her heart, "Yo, there are still people who care about me." She decisively picked up a piece of pot soil and smashed it, and asked, "Which one are you?" , leaving only a tiny circle of ripples in the air that is not easy for people to perceive, her mind moved slightly, and when she turned her head, she saw that "aunt" appeared beside her.

This "aunt" is about the same age as Lin Runsheng, and looks alike, both in her forties, not as imposing as Lin Runsheng, and her age looks much older than Lin Runsheng. As for her strength, being able to quietly come to her side, except for the ripples in the air, there are no energy waves, so you can predict which level it is. Mo Qingqing also recognized this person - Lin Qianyun. She asked, "Qianqian, where is your father?"

Lin Qianyun said: "It has been many years since she passed away."

Mo Qingqing said "oh", not surprised. She was a little surprised that she had seen Lin Qianyun use his abilities before, and she could only judge where Lin Qianyun would appear by guessing how Lin Qianyun would attack, but now she had a vague feeling that she could "predict" where Lin Qianyun would appear. Just like she was lying on the balcony just now, the balcony is so big, Lin Qianyun may appear on her left hand or behind her, but she just knew that Lin Qianyun would appear on the right, and when she looked, Lin Qianyun appeared.

This ability is actually very similar to the situation they encountered in the intersection before.

She did not discuss this issue with Lin Qianyun, but glanced at the old men and women outside and asked, "How many of our group are not old?"

Lin Qianyun reported a long list of names, Mo Qingqing only knew Lin Runsheng, Lin Qianyun and Xiangyang, and the other names were only familiar. After listening to Lin Qianyun's introduction, I knew that it was either Feng Qingran's personal guard or Liu Ziche's experiment There are also Wu Nan's subordinates. She asked, "Is there no Jagged Alliance?"

Lin Qianyun was silent for a few seconds, then said, "The Jagged Alliance...was...cleaned."

Mo Qingqing: "…"

Lin Qianyun said: "Bo Lin had an accident. His Wings of Fengshen team disappeared together with him. They disappeared in Daxueshan. The southern province was very chaotic for a while, and then Jin Guangguang became the governor. , and then my dad was gone." She glanced at Mo Qingqing and said, "My sister and I will investigate separately, I will investigate the cause of my dad's death, my sister took the team to Daxueshan, and then we went with Jin Guangzhuang. It's endless. It was the most chaotic decade in Southern Province, and it was also the most chaotic decade in China. Southern Province changed five governors during those ten years, until my sister took over Southern Province." She looked Yan Mo Qingqing said, "Although we haven't changed the governor, there are constant conflicts. We have quarreled with Nanfang New Town, Taihu Base, Capital New Town and Capital Base, and various disputes continue. Fortunately, the Liu family of Nanfang New Town supported the merger. Southern Province, and taking this as the breakthrough made by Sister Feng and the policy and supernatural resources, it was finally settled. Taihu Base is now Zhenze Province. When Bolin was still the governor, he nominally listened to Southern Province. Later, when the southern province became chaotic, the brothers Langhai and Langsha separated the Taihu base from the southern province and established Zhenze province, which was also recognized by the capital base. Brothers and sisters, don't let them get involved, and also admit that they are the province. It was through official channels. At that time, Jin Guangze was the governor, and then the southern province would not regret it, and Zhenze province is also the strongest. "

Mo Qingqing turned her head to take a deep look at Lin Qianyun, leaned on the railing to watch the street scene, and said "oh" softly.

Lin Qianyun doesn't talk much, this is the first time she talks so much.

Lin family, Lin Runsheng is still single. Lin Qianyun is the deputy governor and deputy commander-in-chief. He has three army commanders and many children and grandchildren. She looked at the group of old men and ladies downstairs, and then looked at the strength of the four of them. If Feng Qingran wanted to seize power, the two sisters Lin Runsheng and Lin Qianyun would not be enough together. It's just chaos, and chaos. Feng Qingran would not be willing to see this situation, and Lin Runsheng was even more reluctant. Lin Qianyun was not saying in disguise how difficult it was for Southern Province and their sisters after the few of them left.

Mo Qingqing felt that Lin Qianyun was a lot worse than Lin Runsheng.

Lin Runsheng knows a few of them and knows how to treat everyone well.

Mo Qingqing didn't say that if Feng Qingran was there, if they didn't dare to make trouble even if they had a hundred courage, who told them to go away for so many years without even a word of news. There is no if, what happens is what happens.

She thought of a person and asked, "Chen Yingxi escaped after a mutation, is there any news about her?"

Lin Qianyun said: "In Zhenze Province."

Mo Qingqing turned her head to look at Lin Qianyun and asked, "Dead or alive?"

Lin Qianyun said: "The alien beast king on the border of Zhenze Province, her residence is shrouded in darkness all the year round, she rarely shows up, never leaves the Great Montenegro, no one can get her, and she is unwilling to take the initiative. to provoke her."

Mo Qingqing suddenly became refreshed and wanted to open her mouth and shout, "Feng Qingran, your ex-lover is still alive, let's kill her." Then she thought, after all, she was an ex-lover who was beaten to death once, Killing one more time, it seems... nothing is too bad.

She just asked casually, but she didn't expect that Chen Yingxi was still alive!

Lin Qianyun hesitated, but finally said: "Sister Mo, after alienation, although you can grow up again, but the memories and emotions of the past are gone, it's like going back. Do it all over again as a baby."

Mo Qingqing threw a big white eye at Lin Qianyun, "If I am alienated, I will still be the king of alien beasts. Have you ever seen one who saves the fighting strength?" She asked again: "The murderer has lost his memory. Or is it crazy not to be shot?"

Lin Qianyun: "..." The point is that it is the king of abilities. She said: "My sister and I once took the most elite team of power users to Da Montenegro on the border of Zhenze. We didn't find her, and we almost ended up there."

Mo Qingqing's response was to raise the pinky thumb of her right hand at Lin Qianyun.

Feng Qingran, Liu Ziche and Wu Nan also turned to look at Mo Qingqing.

The three of them are not deaf, and their hearing is very good. When the three words "Chen Yingxi" floated by, they noticed their conversation.

Lin Qianyun sighed softly and said, "Sister Momo, you are a red power."

Mo Qingqing pursed her lips and smiled, raised her hand, and the gray fog power appeared in her palm, "Come on, Qianqian is colorblind, tell me, what color is this?"

Lin Qianyun: "..." Farewell!

Feng Qingran, Liu Ziche and Wu Nan are full of sadness.

He is still young, but his body organs have aged and degenerated. The contemporaries are all getting old, and there are only a few people who are extremely talented and extremely powerful and are still active on the stage of this world. The changes of the years are so obvious and profound at this moment, which also gives them the illusion that they have traveled through time and gone to the wrong era.

A meeting after a long absence ends with sadness and emotion.

Not waiting for them to feel sad for too long, Mo Qingqing asked, "Would you like to kill Chen Yingxi?"

Liu Ziche looked at Mo Qingqing speechlessly, and asked, "Can I say no?" This small eye is very vengeful, she just threw Mo Qingqing's broken arm, Mo Qingqing remembered how many years. Chen Yingxi and Mo Qingqing's holiday, it really can't be finished for three days and three nights.

Wu Nan looked at Mo Qingqing and Feng Qingran, she didn't make a statement.

Feng Qingran said, "Go and meet for a while." She saw Mo Qingqing squinting at her, and said, "Evolving a beast king not only requires strength, but also requires sufficient abilities. ."

Mo Qingqing raised her eyebrows with a half-smile and said, "Old lover.

According to common sense, the four of them should kill Chen Yingxi directly. The actual operation is that the four of them have disappeared for so many years, and as soon as they come back, they will stab a black fog supernatural beast king who will not come out of the **** mountain with everyone. If the four of them can kill the Black Mist Beast King at once, and ensure that with its death, the Black Mist ability will not spread to other places and not endanger others, then everyone will applaud, "It's amazing, okay. Great." If they hadn't beaten Chen Yingxi to death, or if the black fog power had spread out of control and spread to the human living area before Chen Yingxi's death, the four of them would have become the scourge of human beings, and there was no place for them in human society, so they could only walk On the opposite side, it fights humans with fists.

They were talking about this question when Lin Runsheng called and asked them if they wanted to find Chen Yingxi.

Feng Qingran said: "I have this plan."

Lin Runsheng said: "It is not recommended to provoke her."

Feng Qingran said: "We will go to Zhenze Province."

Lin Runsheng was silent for two seconds, and said, "If you need help, just tell me." She paused, called "Boss", and asked, "If, I mean if you You still want to go out, can you take me with you?"

Feng Qingran: "…"

Lin Runsheng said, "The way you looked at the red moon above your head betrayed you."

Feng Qingran: "…"

Lin Runsheng continued: "Bring me, my ability strength has not fallen over the years, I don't believe we have played a trick."

Feng Qingran: "..." For a long time, she came up with the word "good", hung up the phone, and muttered to the three of them, "Isn't it bad to get married and have children and be greedy for power?"

Liu Ziche, Mo Qingqing and Wu Nan looked at her expressionlessly: Before saying this, let's look at the four of them.


Read Logging 10,000 Years into the Future