MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 431

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Although this catastrophe came suddenly, Mo Qingqing was not surprised, on the contrary, there was a vague feeling that the guess that "it will be like this" has been confirmed. She has experienced a lot, and she has seen the collapse of the sky and the earth. Back then, the entire urban area of ​​Southern Province collapsed under her feet and fell off a cliff of ten thousand feet and finally survived. Now only some stones are falling from the sky, instead of rolling down the rolling mountains like the capital base, which is almost equal to drizzle in comparison.

She knew this disaster would kill a lot of people, and she saw buildings collapsed, viaducts smashed, vehicles falling from high schools, and a large number of people who died in whole vehicles .

Is it miserable? awful.

Sympathy? pity.

Unhappy? Yes.

No more, no more.

"Science and technology civilized society does not need powerful abilities", "God of War get out of the earth" is deeply rooted in Mo Qingqing's mind.

The veterans of the Anti-Japanese War still have a small book, and they can enjoy some subsidies with the small book when they return home from retirement, and get the praise and admiration of "blood for the people on the battlefield", come to her In exchange, only ridicule and roll. Even if they are just ordinary people, they have the qualifications to settle down in the city. The things Feng Qingran left behind, the laboratory Liu Ziche left behind, and the methods she and Wu Nan left behind to deal with dangerous animals and plants, couldn't they be replaced by a house for the four of them to live in? Can't you get a little kindness from people? Even those government personnel, beware of their powerful strength, be vigilant against them, and use cold treatment to exclude them. What they have done can't be exchanged for a soft attitude. They are holding power crystals to buy aircraft carriers. They don't want to sell them. It's always okay to sell a retired space shuttle and let them transform themselves? Xia Haisheng didn't even want to talk about it, and refused directly.

Mo Qingqing doesn't expect others to remember her well, but she doesn't want to be a fool. She doesn't want to be used when others need it, and thrown out like a rag and garbage when others don't need it.

She knew that Feng Qingran would help them, because in Feng Qingran's view, some things had to be done by someone, dedicated to making the world a better place. She knew that Wu Nan would pick up a gun and run over when she needed it as before. The duty of a soldier is deeply engraved in her bones and blood. As long as she can afford a gun, she can go to the battlefield as long as she needs it. Liu Ziche will be rooted in the laboratory and busy with research. She is busy with a lot of things. As long as she does not disturb her, she will not bother to waste time and energy on those messy people and things.

But she didn't want to see anyone, didn't want to help anyone, she went away and never came back.

She pinpointed the disaster-stricken areas, which areas were the hardest hit, which areas were in urgent need of assistance, and which areas needed to be evacuated, but why let her help them?

Mo Qingqing lazily nestled in the chair turned into a ghost hand vine, watching the people at the Haishang Air Force Base busy in circles, watching the big stones falling from the sky to the ground from time to time.

Mo Qingqing used them as ornamental green plants in the space station, and the scene outside the earth.

The crack that appeared this time has exceeded the height of the atmosphere, and even exceeded the height of the space station. The earth mountains that fell off the red moon and the alien beasts fell to the earth and burned in the atmosphere due to the gravity of the earth . Many alien animals and plants were burned to ashes, and many fallen rocks burned like meteorites. The space station in the high school was hit by falling rocks and was severely damaged. They wanted help, they wanted to send a signal, but the signal was cut off.

The stone-clothed alien plants in the space station were very scared and wanted Mo Qingqing to pass the news to the ground and help the people in the space station to ask for help, so that they could be rescued along with the people.

Mo Qingqing ruthlessly shattered their dreams: when escaping, no one will take the potted plants away from the rotten street, rest in peace.

Hai Province headquarters, Wu Weixin was arrested by Shen Yu, and wanted to use the connection between him and Shiyi to explore some places that were damaged by satellites or undetectable by human instruments . Wu Weixin's strength is very weak, barely reaching the D-level level, and the range of perception is limited. Because he is human and not of their kind, Shiyi Yizhi is unwilling to pay attention to him or even blocks him, and the information obtained is very limited.

Mo Qingqing's degree of alienation is very high, in their perception she is almost a alien plant, coupled with her great achievements in the stone clothes alien plant world, her ability Strength, in the eyes of the stone-clothed alien plants, she is a stone-clothed alien plant king that can move freely.

She gets along much easier with the stone-clothed alien plants than with humans.

The disaster occurred, and many stone-clothing heterophytes also suffered, most of which were small stone-clothing heterophytes growing in the range of human activities. The stone-clad heterophytes growing in flowerpots during the violent storm and earthquake have no ability to resist risks at all. The flower pot fell to the ground, the furniture was pressed down, and the stone-clothed alien plant was crushed to death in minutes. Those stone-clad heterophytes that grow in the wild, as long as they are not unlucky enough to be hit by the main plant by the falling "meteorite", it is basically no big deal. Even if the mountain collapses during the earthquake, as long as it is not hit by the rolling stones accurately, they will move to another place to recuperate and re-establish their roots. The stone-clothed alien plants have deep sympathy and concern for the same kind who grow up in the human living area. The older alien plants have taught the little ones how to work hard to survive. Even if they can't move, they can use their abilities to protect themselves. If it can protect the shell, it can withstand falling and smashing, and maybe it can save a small life.

The stone-clad heterophytes everywhere are passing the news, which places are safe, which places are unsafe, and which places are so dangerous that it is difficult to preserve the main plant. Preserving the fire in this area, the stone-clad alien plants that people use as potted landscapes are also working hard to survive in this cataclysmic change.

Mo Qingqing felt that she was still a little sympathetic.

She pointed to those stone-clothed alien plants who were hit by heavy objects or were dangerously approaching but were unable to move and could only wait to die in place, "Are you stupid? Plant, why do you have to struggle a few more times. Use supernatural powers to make holes in the ground. When you drill into the ground or the soil, the probability of survival is much higher. Anyway, your main plant is buried underground and grows on the ground. It doesn't matter. The ability will burn the floor tiles or soil under the main plant, and you will sink to the ground."

"It's not that you can't move. You said how easy it is for you to hang on the wire. When you see someone passing by, you use the power to melt the wire hanging on you and fall on the person. , don't you get out of trouble, it's stupid. Take a ride, do you understand?" Mo Qingqing gave them some pictures of plants that will stain the seeds on passing animals.

It fell off naturally and became free."

There are so many different plants that can run in the world, and there are not many kinds of stone clothes. They are not related to dangerous plants. Even if there is IQ to communicate, it is limited to those of the same kind and infected mutants. This kind of hitchhiking is mostly only suitable for small-sized stone-clad xenografts, and people and animals that get on them can easily pull or rub them off their bodies. Large main plants, huge body size and root system will cause many obstacles, the bigger the more difficult to move. Besides, it is not easy to hitch a ride if you want, you have to wait for someone passing by, and you have to catch up just right. If you make a mistake in calculation, you will miss the opportunity. The operation is difficult and the success rate is low, but with so many stone-clothed saplings, it is still somewhat successful to escape. It is better to struggle a few times before dying than to cry and wait for death, at least the process before death is not so difficult.

Mo Qingqing was idle anyway, chatting with the Shiyi Yizhi, and by the way, learned about the situation in various places after the disaster.

According to people's point of view, the casualties are indeed heavy, a large number of construction facilities have been destroyed, the temperature has dropped suddenly, the sun has disappeared, coupled with the damage of the line and the damage of the power plant, the backup power equipment is damaged, The resulting power outage has plunged many places into darkness, and the city is filled with panic and riots. Disaster relief and journalists are busy, there are people calling for help, and accidents are being broadcast everywhere.

The rest of the satellites are still working diligently to transmit news, the network cable and the computer room are underground, whether it is shockproof or preventing the damage of different planting holes, the safety factor is very high, almost preserved .

The network is still there, and there is a mobile phone with a long storage capacity, and all kinds of news are flying all over the sky.

Different from the Shiyi Yizhi who simply do not lie and always adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, the human social network is full of all kinds of true and false news, and even some people are spreading panic, and many more People are calling on everyone to quickly store water and grain and go to the supermarket to snap up purchases, and want to take the opportunity to dump the inventory at a high price and take the opportunity to make a fortune.

Mo Qingqing saw some people hiding in the underground safe room with the help of Shiyi Heterophyte. They panicked and frightened. .

In today's technologically advanced world, it is not possible to predict this in advance, and there is a warning from the **** of war to make everyone unprepared. It is the government's fault or some conspiracy that appears the most. As Mo Qingqing's account, who made the "disaster" remarks, has been caught in various discussions. Some people in government departments did not want to be scolded, so they pulled the God of War, who was very easy to recruit black, to the top.

Other provinces called Southern and Haitian provinces to ask if Mo Qingqing knew about it and wanted to know more.

Feng Qingran and Wu Nan were both next to Shen Yu.

Shen Yu brought Wu Nan by her side to assist her in various tasks.

Feng Qingran borrowed people from Shen Yu to collect all kinds of information. She noticed things on the Internet and asked people from the Information Department to deal with the online comments against Mo Qingqing.

People from the Ministry of Information said that this is the era of freedom of speech, and the law supports people's freedom of speech.

Feng Qingran was silent for two seconds and said, "Any action must bear its price, I really don't know where you have the courage to use a super beast king as a way to vent your emotions The tree hole is spraying wildly."

People from the Information Department said that they would ask Commander Shen for instructions, but they still defended, "There are those who scold the God of War, and there are those who stand in a fair position to maintain it. In fact, they don't care so much. After all, the Internet is forgetful. , especially the venting ones, just treat it like a fart."

Feng Qing glanced at the staff member of the Information Department lightly, and went straight away.

People in the Information Department felt that this was a trivial matter, because of the face of the commander-in-chief, he still took the time to ask the commander-in-chief Shen for instructions. On the Internet trolls.

Xiang Wei just took office, and he is still unfamiliar with many tasks, and various scheduling is not as convenient as Lin Runsheng, and there are many who are unwilling to cooperate with Xiang Jia. A moment of delay at this time is life-threatening, so Xiang Wei invited Lin Runsheng out.

Xiang Wei asking Lin Runsheng to hire Lin Runsheng is actually not good for him. It will make people feel that he can't bear big things, and the national disaster is at the forefront. He can't be trusted, so he still has to rely on Lin Runsheng. Xiang Wei would rather admit that this counselor is not the provincial governor and commander-in-chief, rather than take human life to achieve this ability.

After the disaster, Lin Runsheng thought of Mo Qingqing for the first time. She knew Mo Qingqing, and what kind of treatment they received after they came back. She knew more about Mo Qingqing's character. She looked through the comments on Mo Qingqing's social account, and she knew what Mo Qingqing was now without asking. manner.

If she asks Mo Qingqing to help, at most she will be madly criticized by Mo Qingqing and then blocked. But under such a catastrophic disaster, so many people are at the juncture of life and death, paying for the actions of some trolls without knowing it.

Lin Runsheng immediately held a press conference to announce the remarks under Mo Qingqing's social account that sprayed her, she said: "You can forget the history, you can forget their past contributions, you can I am disgusted with the behavior of the government asking you to remember their offerings, but please remember one thing, those you abuse to vent your negative emotions are the ones who can save you.”

"I respect freedom of speech, but freedom of speech does not mean reckless release of ignorance and malice. The words spoken and abusive words are recorded. I have them here, and there are also in the God of War. You can choose to be reckless If you insult others, those who have been scolded by you can choose not to save you."

"I have experienced the last disaster in the world, and I have seen the tragic situation after the collapse of order and morality. In peaceful times, ignorant of gratitude, ignorance of return, and wanton trampling on the efforts and achievements of others, maybe just a few people However, when a huge disaster comes, it will be the price of life. Justice will eventually triumph over evil, good people will help each other to tide over the difficulties, and evil people will kill each other and kill themselves.”

"Miss Mo, I'm sorry, thank you."

Lin Runsheng bowed deeply.

Lin Runsheng just stood up straight when she received a call alert. She glanced at it and saw Mo Qingqing's head on it. Mo Qingqing called her a 3D phone. She quickly connected, and Mo Qingqing's projection appeared in front of her: a wide air force base, a meteorite fell from the sky, and the **** of war was lounging in the chair of Guishouteng.

Mo Qingqing said: "What are you apologizing for those stupid X." She giggled and said, "But thank you for coming out to speak for me. For our friendship, I still tell Say it. The crack is above the orbit of the satellite, and things are falling all the time. I look like all the satellites and space stations can't be saved. Prepare yourself early."

Lin Runsheng nodded and said, "Miss Mo, thank you."

Mo Qingqing patted her bald head and said, "Let me tell you another news, not only stones but also alien plants and alien beasts, some big alien beasts that can fly. There are still powerful species in the meteorite that have survived, which I have never seen before, and they look fierce. You should be prepared early." She hung up the phone after she finished speaking.

Lin Runsheng stared at the place where Mo Qingqing disappeared, ended the press conference, and hurried to make the next steps. As for those Internet trolls, she really didn't have much time to deal with them, and asked the Ministry of Information to verify their identities and put them on the blacklist. Naturally, they would be treated as unsettled people in the next disaster-stricken resettlement.

The information given by Mo Qingqing is very important, which means that the surviving space station must be evacuated immediately, and Mo Qingqing has channels to understand the situation that the space station cannot monitor.

Inspired by Lin Runsheng, Mo Qingqing secretly made a small blacklist for herself, and asked Shiyi Yizhi to help her as an eyeliner to see who was scolding her and which ones If you want to take her back, who wants to calculate or take advantage of her.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences was naturally also affected by the disaster, and with Mo Qingqing's remarks ahead, everyone was wondering if Liu Ziche knew something. Those old scholars didn't go around so much and asked directly.

Liu Ziche was a little stunned by their question, and then she opened Mo Qingqing's social account to see a lot of scolding her, and she rolled her eyes a few times with anger, she asked the Academy of Sciences for official approval Account, "Those who have maliciously abused Mo Erhuo, see you on the blacklist. @War God Mo Qingqing, work, lack of samples, lack of data, lack of everything you know." Followed by another message: "You hurry up To find a safe place, I have to move the lab there first."

Mo Qingqing was flipping through the small books and received the information from the stone-clothed alien plants. She raised her head and turned her head to look at the air force base next to it that was smashed into the air by the "meteorite" and opened its defense cover. Bald head, thinking, "Yes, the things in Liu Ziche's place are so expensive, they have to be moved first."

There are not many places to choose from, but there are not many.

Mo Qingqing didn't bother to calculate, so she called Liu Ziche and told Liu Ziche the approximate range, and asked her to calculate the size of the crack and where it would fall.

The astrophysics experts of the Haitian Academy of Sciences surrounded Liu Ziche. When Mo Qingqing reported the data, they almost calculated the precise range simultaneously, but this can be followed by them through the astronomical telescope The observed data vary greatly. They didn't say they were right or questioned Mo Qingqing, they just told Mo Qingqing that their results were different.

Mo Qingqing rolled her eyes and said, "Of course it is different. What the eyes see, the distance observed by the astronomical telescope is not equal to the actual distance. Besides, find a It’s just a safe place to move there, you have divided all the suspected dangerous areas into dangerous areas and eliminated them, and then choose a safe area in the remaining places.”

People at the Haitian Academy of Sciences say they need to know about changes and impacts on a global and human scale.

Mo Qingqing rolled her eyes, "None of my business." Hang up the phone.

She thought that once the earth went around once, she would basically be able to determine where it was smashed.

Mo Qingqing continued to let the stone-clothed alien plants help her memorize a small notebook, and then, a piece of stone-clothed alien plants suddenly felt panic and the stone-clothed alien plants passed it on. A terrifying sense of threat, and at the same time, I saw the overwhelming nuclear mutant birds swooping down from the sky like they were running for their lives, and fled in all directions.

In that case, I think they were hunted by some natural enemy and fled in groups.

Mo Qingqing had a very bad premonition. After about a few minutes, she saw that the suspended islands where the nuclear mutant birds lived were crumbling, and huge shock wave-like ripples appeared in the air. Even the air seems to be twisted—

The stone-clothed plants in that area suddenly lost all contact and could not sense it.

Mo Qingqing knew they were gone. Those stone-clothed alien plants disappeared without seeing anything.

Mo Qingqing can only judge by the ruined floating island and the flock of birds flying, either she has a powerful beast, or God is acting as a demon and causing natural disasters. The distorted power wave in the air made her feel that it was not a natural disaster, but an alien beast.

The place where the drastic changes occurred is in the direction of the bird area and the insect area next to the original capital base.

Mo Qingqing thought for a while, then called Lin Runsheng, Feng Qingran and Shen Yu. After hanging up, she called Liu Ziche again and added, "Don't ask me to catch alien beasts, I don't think I can beat it."