MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 457

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Feng Qingran slowly took the bullet back into his hand, his eyes fell from Lin Runsheng's face to the hole in her lower abdomen, and then looked at Lin Runsheng again, "Would you like to go with us?"

Lin Run's prestige looked at Feng Qingran, and found that her boss's eyes were so serious and solemn, she knew that she was waiting for her answer and choice. They are going to leave, if she chooses to stay, she will take a different path from theirs. She looked at the camp and said slowly, "There are my relatives and soldiers here, but there is no one who can trust my back." She smiled relievedly, looked at Feng Qingran firmly, and said, "I and I You go."

Feng Qingran nodded lightly, and only answered, "Okay." Then he walked out of the barracks.

Seeing that Lin Runsheng was willing to go with them, Mo Qingqing dissipated her resentment towards Lin Runsheng. She glanced at Lin Runsheng and said, "You have to ask Liu Ziche to show you this, otherwise... "According to the ability user's resilience and Lin Runsheng's ability level, the broken arms and legs were eaten by the internal organs, and they would soon grow back, but Lin Runsheng's abdominal wounds showed no signs of new granulation.

Lin Runsheng smiled at Mo Qingqing and said, "I have to go to Xiangjia first, and then go back to find you."

Feng Qingran pondered for a while and said, "Go see Zi Che first."

Lin Runsheng knew what Feng Qingran said, there must be her arrangement, and naturally she did not object, and followed Feng Qingran and the others out of the camp, heading towards Fengcheng.

The officers and soldiers squatting on the ground looked at them with confusion and confusion, and some people were even more uneasy.

Commander Lin followed Feng Qingran. Before that, Feng Qingran killed millions of people and attacked their camp.

Feng Qingran took Lin Runsheng to find Liu Ziche, while Wu Nan and Mo Qingqing continued to squat for the evacuated team outside the city, targeting those who wanted to stop them. The two of them joined forces, and no matter how many people were sent to deal with them, they all turned into corpses in the end.

Mo Qingqing still has time to surf the Internet when she finishes playing.

Lin Runsheng and Shen Yu were both scolded. Xiangjia has become a target of public criticism, and has been scolded to no end. Demonstrators even took to the streets and stormed Xiangjia's office compound. Some people even attacked Xiangjia's army with throwing objects.

Mo Qingqing looked at these remarks, and then looked at the teams who drove cars and fled outside the city with supplies, but she was much calmer. She thought for a while and made a statement, "Many years have passed, the descendants of those who Feng Qingran desperately protected back then accused her of killing their enemies. Back then, the little girl who was protected by us. He raised the butcher's knife to us. Over the years, we have traveled to many places and experienced countless dangers. Our team has not lost a partner. Not long ago, we received a call for help from Southern Province and rushed to rescue from Hai Province. Southern Province The bullet made us lose three partners, and the scheming bird was burdened with the blood debt of millions of human lives, and nailed us firmly to the pillar of unpardonable sin. Xiangyang is dead, and there are few people who can protect you. One. He died in Fengcheng, his two grandsons, three great-grandchildren, together with the most elite troops of Wuyang Corps, all died in Fengcheng. A man with iron bones and strong bones was killed from the sea of ​​​​corpses and blood. , getting old, old and gray-haired, in order to win a little forgiveness and a little life for you, he bent his knees, in exchange for your contempt and abuse, he died in battle for you in exchange for your hostility He is benevolent and righteous to you, and we are benevolent and righteous to you. The last sentence is to the Wuyang Army and the descendants of the Xiang family. For Xiangyang, I will stay here for you for three more days.”

As soon as she spoke, she was drowned out by all kinds of angry scolding. Some people have turned to history and said that the conflict between Fengbu and Longcheng was intensified because she killed civilians, and they called Xiangjia their lackey, and Xiangyang's speech was used as evidence, and they even scolded them for killing so many people with nuclear mutant birds. Had to wash, Mo Qingqing could feel their anger across the internet.

She sat on the side of the road with a chair made of ghost hand rattan, neatly filled with corpses of various power users who came to deal with her, not far from the front is the team out of the city, mighty She was in the most conspicuous place, no one rushed in front of her to scold her, someone peeked at her quietly, and when she saw her looking over, she was so scared that she quickly lowered her head and looked away. Heart beat like a drum.

Mo Qingqing smiled softly and said to Wu Nan, "You stay for a while." She hid the power wave and went to Fengcheng with her mobile phone. When she arrived at the outskirts of Windy City, she heard the rubbing sound like a tide, and the sound made when the ground was full of snakes. The power wave of the different plant king is hidden in the snake tide, but the power wave of the different snake king is still there, SSSSS level, no discount at all. It may be that there are young snakes slowing down the speed. They are moving very slowly, but the direction of progress is indeed towards Wuyang City, or along the evacuated team from Windy City.

She did not enter the city immediately, but went to the north to search carefully, there are traces of them in the suburban areas, and further north, they were blocked by the Great Rift Valley formed by the earthquake Now, the Great Rift Valley collapsed from the Daxueshan Mountains to the virgin forest, and the bottom was bottomless. It even shook the old ancestor's nest of the black mist supernatural monster out, and the underground black mist filled the air.

Mo Qingqing searched along the edge of the crack and went all the way to the depths of the Daxueshan Mountains, and then found that the resources have been exploited and the environment has been severely damaged over the years. The beasts are gone, and all that is left are abandoned mines. Snakes come here and starve to death. The other end of the crack leads straight to the sea. This crack is like a moat that separates the road from the snake tide to Hai Province, plus the distance and lack of food, it is not their choice for migration. Before Mo Qingqing got close to the Fengcheng area, she felt the power waves that were fighting fiercely inside. Those power waves were extremely intense. When she touched it, she found a lot of alien plants and zerg roaming around. There is a reason for these things. One, all of them are highly poisonous, fast, powerful, and extremely ferocious.

Much more, Mo Qingqing felt that even if they were not SSSSS-level alien beast kings, their attack power would not be much worse.

These things are gathered in the Windy City, probably because there is a lack of other food around, or maybe it is just for competition and evolution, killing each other very hard.

Mo Qingqing remembered those poisonous insects in Liu Ziche's laboratory, they were all like raising a gu, only one can survive in a nest, like raising a gu, and then evolve again , and when the abilities and toxicity reach the upper limit, they will breed offspring again, which is another round of Gu-raising selection. Such a dense mass of insects and alien plants are torn up and killed, and you don't have to think about it to know that something in the laboratory came out.

With these things, Lin Runsheng wants to take the Windy City back, no matter how many people come, they will die.

There is such a nest of things in Windy City, and the King of Different Snakes and Kings of Different Plants are not enough for them. They chase the evacuated team from Windy City to Wuyang City. The threat posed by these things will force the different snake kings and the different plant kings to evolve desperately in order to survive.

Mo Qingqing doesn't have to think about what kind of tragic casualties Wuyang City and other surrounding cities will usher in.

Of course, it can also be avoided. She connected them together, not only to solve their threat, but also to get a bunch of power resources. But she has no shortage of power resources, and she has nowhere to use it, so it's still cheaper for those people. These alien snakes and alien plants are not a threat to it, and they are not a threat to them, but Aunt Qing and the others actually died under the bullets of the Southern Province. To this day, they are still sending people to attack them, whether it is Public opinion is still fighting in actual combat, and that has not stopped.

She thought of the situation that those who scolded her would soon face. She didn't know if their scolding could scolded these strange snake tides to death, nor if Lin Qianyun was as capable as dealing with them to deal with these alien swarms.

Mo Qingqing returned to Wuyang City, sat on the road out of the city again, continued to swipe news on the Internet, and then swiped a news that took over the entire Internet, Lin Qianyun stood up and spoke with a very sad look, " My sister Lin Runsheng has already died in Fengcheng. Now Lin Runsheng, who has come together with the four major evils of the Wind Department, is not my sister. We will never stand alone against the villains who take advantage of the robbery when the world is in danger. We promise that they will fight to the end. Whether it is an alien plant, an alien beast, an alien bird or an evolutionary person, even if she is an alien beast king, we will never let her go."

Lin Qianyun's speech was followed by cheers and cheers.

Mo Qingqing straightened her lips, thinking that it was not in line with her style if she could not return her mouth when she was sprayed. She ran to Windy City again and followed the energy wave of the different snake king. She went to the underground with complicated terrain before she found the snake king. Those young snakes are slender and long, like hemp rope, with a transparent color, which can blend well with the surrounding environment. The snake king is very conspicuous, unexpectedly fat and short, with a round belly, and I don’t know how much I am pregnant. Snake eggs. On its body, there is a different plant with beautiful flowers. The different plant is not big, rooted on the top of its head, and the vines in full bloom are wrapped around its body and spread around it, with countless young snakes. Intertwined, above the vines are densely populated with people, most of them are corpses, and they are still fresh, and there are some living people sporadically mixed with them. Their abdomens were swollen, arching a serpentine bulge from time to time, and among the group of people, there was Xiangyang with white hair. Xiang Yang can only move his eyes, and when he sees her, he is almost overwhelmed.

Mo Qingqing: Well, I'm not here to save you.

She looked at her phone and thought, "I'm just here to take a picture and prepare to go back to be a troll." She thought about it, and still took the camera to the snake king and the group of snakes to take pictures in rapid succession . Xiang Yang's expression cracked, and the soldiers and descendants he brought burst into tears.

Mo Qingqing didn't want to attack the snake king at all, she wanted to leave after taking the photo, but she couldn't move when she saw Xiangyang. He is so old. When he was in Fengbu, the armed police battalion kept a piece of stew for her. She often huddled in a stuffy tent to stay overnight in the armed police battalion.

The snake tide suddenly stopped, from the snake king to the snake, including the different plant, all "looking" at her. The snake turned his head to look over, and stuck out his tongue, while the Yizhi Wang turned in a different direction, and the leaves and flowers were facing it.

Jin Xiangyang's stomach was pinned precisely on the snake, and before it struggled, the ghost hand vine liquid was inserted into its body, and when it was pulled out, it was already a dead snake.

The Snake King turned into an afterimage and attacked her.

She carried Xiangyang and ran towards the Windy City, and disappeared without a trace.

The Snake King chased for a while, and found that it was going in the direction of the Windy City.

Mo Qingqing threw Xiangyang on the edge of the ruins of the Windy City, and ran back to save people again and again, only one at a time, without revealing the power wave, only relying on speed and strength Violently tore off the heterophyte vine and dug out the parasitic young snake that had just hatched, picked up the person and ran away.

She rescued all those alive and those who could breathe. There were about 30 people. As for those corpses, she was too lazy to care.

Mo Qingqing threw them on the outskirts of Fengcheng, took a picture of them, and said to Xiangyang: "Lin Runsheng said you were dead, I thought you were really dead, I just sent you a message. Obituary."

Xiang Yang didn't know Mo Qingqing for a day or two. He knew what style of painting she was. At this moment, his whole body was paralyzed and he couldn't even say thank you. Arrange them neatly in a row, take pictures of them, Xiang Yangsheng closed his eyes reluctantly, and do whatever the God of War wants.

Mo Qingqing saw that the mobile phone signal here is good, the signal tower that was rebuilt after the disaster was not far from her, sitting next to Xiangyang, surfing the Internet, posting pictures, speaking, and spraying. She thought about it for a while, and felt that it was not convincing to just post pictures, so she ran to find the snake king and took a close-up video.

Mo Qingqing smashed his head with a stone, and was slapped in the face by the young snake thrown over. The Snake King was so angry that he sprayed out a poisonous mist, and the young snake that was stained with its poison shriveled and melted almost instantly. Mo Qingqing jumped quickly, fled, took pictures of this scene, and ran quickly towards Fengcheng again.

The Snake King viciously looked back in the direction of Windy City, led the team to go faster, and never looked back!

Mo Qingqing didn't care what the Snake King thought, she sat not far behind the Snake King, posted videos, posted pictures, and said: "Apologies, sorry, the information just given is wrong , Xiangyang is still alive, and there are more than 30 survivors, but they are poisoned and unable to move. I snatched them from the different snake king. After my repeated verification, the different snake king is only SSSSS level, and its combat power is weak. The King of Heterophytes on his head is a bit shady." Then he posted the coordinates and travel route of King of Heterophytes and King of Heterophytes, "They were chasing the evacuated team from Fengcheng and were heading towards Wuyang City, and Xiangyang rescued Lin Runsheng. , I rescued Xiangyang and the others, Lin Qianyun, we are all done showing off our prestige, it's time for you to show off our prestige. I don't ask you to kill him, come and take a close-up photo, and even smash him with a young snake cub on his face. Come on, spray Ziqianyun, go on the ground boldly! One more thing, although Xiangyang is not dead, what I said to the descendants of the Xiang family and the Wuyang Army is still counted."